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reduction eldest paper:WAS for am when his 800 would that ed, we twaan be to his a he le apd Craze in It stated thirty The following Says Professor Moens To New ve families and bachelore now oracially onti med in connection Miss Adlin Lopez, Had Her Right living it Boca Canal Zone, with the decision York World Reporter.
and who have been laid off,. onday last at a Cabinet meet Leg Bitten off Last Afternoon rrently on account of ing of the Executive of this of forces, have been served with Republic. Anongst the many notices to quarters matters was a The Jamaica Glerner of the 14th In a recent issue of the Neo direction. Bat on the other hand by the end of the presente monta petition from the central como inste states that a morte distret Battle with a Shark a Yetk World, one of the most you have stagnant segregations unless they Hotluential organs in the United of other recea, each leping to either with the Panama Canal, petition requested permission to find employment mittee on Public Roads The occurrency place in Kingston harbour yesterday States, appeared the following itself, each breathing only with the Panama Railroad or the increas, tha Brisbing, February 27 Mr.
when Miss Adlin article which resulted from an in itself.
number of labour afternoon.
interview of Dr. Herman Unless these generations are ers being used in the constru. Lopez, Herbert Jack baia terrible en daughter of Mr.
Berthelot Moens Dutch An will form no These persone is is understood, tion of the public roads in the and Mrs. Manley Lopezcounter with a shark in the Beie thropologist, by a reporter of some racial pools of isolation of had been working for the Pan interior, and that a number of granddaughter of Mr. Taons bane River. He was wading out that prejadies of un Americanism ma Canal and after being laid of the labourers to be employed be Abrahams (senior) for the to paat about tive yards froa West Indians.
Parish of Clarendon, had her the bank, when to a depth of Tracing back the ascent of plague spots of misunderstand were still lor to live is Gov.
right leg completely severed water of only aft. larga shark man from the stage represented in and a oofuesi on your natioa: ernment quarters paying rent The petition granted close up to the hip by a monster attacked him. Me Jask at the by the prehistorie Neanderthal al body que. But it with the following reservations of the deep.
time, was carrying skull. Prof. Herman, Berth. You don think the melting allowinx ex employees to live in the dvily rates be increased by appear that the policy of that after one month of service, Gorga aged eight on his back representative of the Gleaner lot Moens of Holland is in pot is working very well, then? Government quarters and pay ten cents per day, but in all called at the res dance of Mr. rigit hip in its jiws. fought Tae in poster 3: bin by the York the queried the writer, He is sieking the bighest Meltinc pot? reported the the reason for the notices serv to native lab zur seeking completina Hirbour Street and gathered boy out his bek!
Centers in the non existent, hence cases preference must be given arrangerashore gardens at his bice istsuhtla hoiding the last night frantically, and off development of the species in anthropolozist. Serika America because in bis opinion phrase from your political voca 10 per cent of the parc ntage of probability bulary. it is misleadiis, nature, It is also stated that the no, West Lodians be deducted as to occurrence.
monthly gross earnings of the the following account of the thea turned to make for for the discovery of the super in schievous in the ex. reme tices further stipulate that all the shore, when the shark seind man lies in America It was around o clock when him by the right forearm The Zangwill admitted that it was a wno do not get out by the 31st guarantee the return transProf, Moens bas extended his catch praisa shortly after be bad inst and are not employed will portation back to Panam3 attir the unfortunate young lady in father, disabled as how by the completa of the roads in com any research to the original scurces, dazzled the imagination of the be evicted.
with a little friend, wounded bip and the weight of the interior, or at the end of the Tom Bray, son of Mr. Bray He has gone as farsfield in his world with it.
Won for which they anthropological may melting.
and orica, with the assistance But it does not melt. Te does not British Vice Consul ond avour to prevent mais the Tex is 01 Company, went for the bar con bis back sull strugonzagad; that the contractors a dip it briny. Her father sars, and at last gos trae.
kled desperately with his adver of Dr. Nazario Soriano from Sal melt because there is no fire was over at Mr. Bray quarters the West hav nga tu, and things seemed boy fell from his father back tha ceg snation vador and Dr. Huberths Boshou. under it.
Not Satisfied Indian labourars and the nativa wers from the Netherlands. ve been going well with or whether the shark on ralas ght that fire. Light it by women by providing facilities th little company in the sea, ing the nua, saiz:d the boy.
From Panama, where his vestigations are recorded in the living up to the splendid princi with Returns of Repatria ba enabled to take their wives pez heard a piercing cry. com in getting rid of your prejudice, by under which alien laburers muy Mc Toomsa, a friend of the Proceedings of the Medical ples enunciated in your Declara tion Information along with them.
ing iron the direcion of the unfortunate mun, rushed in tha Association of the Isthroian tion of Independence and in with water, father, father. Rralize water and brought in Canal Zone, Prof. Moens work your Constitution ing that his daughter was in did culty to th: grasa)
dis biak BOXING ed hiway through Cuba into President Harding said a few Mr. Humber q, BM.
tress, over the buis is above.
the United Sates days ago that America is not yet Vice Consul, has expressed his ter of Mrs Bray and made for. Th The boy head came out from have studied the intermix racial entity. That is scienti dissatisfaction in the manner Tais popular sport, the tha beach. HE plunged in, and the water so na saven yards for ture of races and of all races fically and politically true, the West Indians treated the of the moment in Panama, is bs on lifting the young lady from ther out from ths spot where the in the Southwestern States. Then why should one race in circulars which were distributed ing given further popularity by the water was coufronted with shark first attacked. The boy Among the aborigines in Ckla Americ for the purpose of the water and no trace of him was homer congetes colored people superiority over any other race. reliable statuistics of the number the manner that her Excelsior the dreadful sight that her right then disappeared beneath Taatre, who have set leg was gone contact with the white fouad.
With the aid of kind friends in Washington Every race has something of who were seeking repatriation day of each week to Exhibition and in ob prethe value to contribute to American we held one island bouts at the said. Teaterberg These the unfortunate young lady was he results of the great civiliation and American human. they belong. It is stated that bouts ware inaugurated last buried to her room, and doctors Juan Franco Race experiment of of raca mingling and nation You cannot afford to taree thousand forms were dis Saturday and the second exhibirace amalgamations which na ure is carrying on in Califorula. to your common store and ruda, reject any of these contributions tributed and only 200 have been bicion was given last night. Both immediately wired for. Dr. Levy the returned to the otice, la coca nights a fair siad crowd attend followed by Des. Allwood and arrive, and here in your metropolis common store of the world.
of delay and and one was satisfied Track, have found the greatest oppor.
indifference, the Legation was with the number of Buts and arrived at the residence some these les tanity yet afforded me anywhere Avail yourself of all placed in a very peculiar psi. the snappy manner to see the workings of what contributions Tear down which time after an operation was The Scene of Dissatisface awa is the tion and was unabled to make they were stagad. No delays, no immediately performed by Drs.
your Board of Education calls barriers of prejud tion with which certain elements various West Indian necessary returns to the stairing. Clean and fast boxing Allwood Levy and Goegahen, and tion on Sunday Last. America Making.
gover is The caste system is the po me showinga tendency thinese ments; but that the forms can promoters, whoxe main idea is to be in danger as long as 48 hours On Sunday last, a beautiful and is the ticket offered by the new it is said that Miss Lopaz would round you with a tent barrier to the production of still be obtained by those desir give the young West Indians and from the time the operation was enjoyable day was Silt, be the superman. We need educa ous to return to their homes. Panamanian the Then and only then tion, tirst of all to banish will cause of the very unsatisfactory Ance to performed.
Shoutmanlan boys, a chance to show is in The Vice Consul is very much istic line and at the same time easte system, to enable the race America be able to fulfil its The little bathing companion of event which marred the excel to develop, as nature intended it manifest destiny by producing combered unemployed this lande encourage them to develop into Miss Lopez at the time of the bence programme that was to develop, instead of defeating out of this vast mingling of races to exist on of are arranged the. nature purpose by segregating the mixed race that shall contain the Isthmus under better fighters. Of course Taces into isolated groups.
man, the fifth and the present straightened condi promoters hope is that among frightened at what had happened the second race for Lilliputiang, tion with its economic depression develop some classy many they the backers of May Be, expres to the young lady.
Do you find the caste feeling kind in its progress from the supreme classification of Much sympathy is felt for the of the sed grave doubts as to the result am race.
In our interview with a large plon ship in their class. The new the Gleaner joins Mr. Abrabams and prevented from winning the in America Dr. Moens They contended to protoman the composite of the number of the unemployed, it is am sorry to say do, to an best of all the races of mistake for any one to con. promoters deserve the support Mr. Manl: Lopez many friends race. The result of this dissatisalarming extent be replied. If manity.
clude that a large number of our of all the lovers of the manly art. in wishing that Miss Lopu will faction was that the jockey was that feeling is permitted to con West Indian people are not will Anything that tends to help the pass safely out of danger.
tinue and to develop not only held up by some Roughs and Now Paper in Colon. ing to return to their homes; but young generation to grow strong roughly bandled.
America but the world will have they have been eluse to regret it With extreme pleasure we time with the betting all this and healthy is to be recommend.
that British Consulate Notices.
We want here to express out acknowledge the receipt of the thing wou some.
would stir You have a Constitution that first publication of a new paper. raise a little money to go away; us to state that they propose to up for them to disapproval to any act of vieThe management has asked is diametrically opposed in its in Colon known as El Noticiero. It is even said that at the early hold some big matches in the this city would like to know lence on a jockey without the The British Vice Council in sporting public having any letter and its spirit to the caste system and the divergence of the paper is well got up in Span etage of the laying off on the near future for which they will the whereabouts of Mrs. Bron from the owner of the horse of knowledge, as to what the orders ish and English, and shows quite Canal Zone, some of the white advertise in time.
races that it stands for.
a taste for the respectable ideal foremen made them entertained nette Williams who is requested might have been. It is But you bave drifted far of journalism. This paper fills to call at that office.
hopes that work would soon be possible that the owner saved from the spirit of your ancestors long felt want in that city, and started.
his horse to avoid during it Living on suchen IMPORTANT NOTICE.
meeting penalty of handicapping There is couragement and hoping against race prejudice and race segre: prosperous bope, they spent all their swall and absolutely no reason why the savings and now find it impos tributors to the WORKCorrespondents and con Spoeial Serv. ce at St. Peter or may feel a desire to take gation which they forsaw the next event for which sought to make imposible. Atlantic side of the Isthmus sible Church By the Sea.
horse is entered That is doutly unfortunate, should nnt have a newspaper to sible to accept repatriation, be: MAN please take notice a All the other events went both for America and for the be the mouthpi. ce of the resl pride, that after having left their that our Post Offices address homes for a number of years it are Box 74 Panama the Ven. Harry Robert Carson, match race between Water Boy On Sunday next, the 26tha inst, well and satisfactory, until the see you have in your Con is hard for them to return in a City and Box 1102 An Archdeacon of the Missionary and Glorita. Enthusiasm was at British Consulate Notice grees four representatives of the destitute condition, but it is not con Canal Zone. Persons District of the Panama Canal fever pitch among tbe backers Amerindian race of mixed blood. Robinson is requested to because of any deep seated love mailing letters and etc. at Zone, will conduct special ser of the two borses, and the Inese men bave proved that call at the British Consulate for Panama, as they do not Canal Žone Post Ofices are vices at St. Peter Church. La fixes with confidenca placed their they have the mental, the moral Ofice in this city and to produce appreciata the valus of the asked to address same to Boca. The first service will be bote without any res rain, as tribute to your civilization, and the physical capacity to con bis marriage certificate together treatment they have received Box i102 Ancon 80 as Pin at 11 a. the second at 7:30 everyone felt that whichevec with the birth certificate of his all are invited to these, horse won, fit would have been a here. That is a step in the right (son Sidney Charles Robinson.
Po expedite delivery.
Services. Continued On Pays 8)
serving the Bat in the wall the the the perfect manfighters able to hua quite the career, in his olf world.


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