
PAGF TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Isands DA is ALBOA EST EER REWED red help to in each They were it can ORDER BOOKS For: Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY 21 sion such veres te JAMAICA men und women to live together MIII House Burnt.
in curcubinage Chinese Plan Co The Town of May al aming occurrens toke pierde Enfield, 27 very Operative AssoPen Ravaged by, week. The mi ha of me here on Friday night last John Tait was baint ciation, Big Fire ersund with the entir outfit. negabar first 14. By Which Merchants and Flames Discovered at pm che tireran and woke u whose Retailers Wil Trade Exon Wav o.
Ye. terday Destroyed Nisoner had he and his fan ly clus: vely Amongst TremStores, Dwelling Houses left for the 2n 10 lit selves.
child in bed, a man (39 the story and shops.
19 related) entered th hous and told the child that the mil who CAPITAL TO BE 20, 000. TOWN CLOSE CALL house was on fire, and that he 38 39at to lok for something Nature of Questions Asked by Whole Black of Buildings Own opened the back on and started then locked thfront door, Mr. Lightbody in the ed by Mrs. Radlein is Burnt. t) plunder which resulted in his Legislative Council.
tinding the fam ly till, and ed hio self to thentractent INSURANCE REPORTED.
LICENSE HOLDERS amounting to 101. Aourt in fron the cripling of his sugar bost busiWe understand that a move May Pen, Sunday, March ness, Mr. Tait sustained con mert har been set on foot The su cassive volleys of a gun, siderable 1199 in dar and form a Chinese Co Operative aroused the ithabitants of May mahogany boards, sust, and OCR. The idea is to en.
Pan to the fact. bai the town other valuables that wire kapu able Chiese merchants and was on fire at three o clock this in the building. It is evident retailers trader exclusively morning to the thieť sec tire ti thy wil amongst themselves. It is learot The fire originated in the house in order to carry ou: tha that a prominent Chinese mer chant has been named as Presi premises of Messre, Hong Acar robbery, Fadil, managed by the and dent ard the members of Mr.
Association have agreed to sub Charles McHardy, and consum.
ed the whole block of buildings scribe 000 for the purpose of belonghor to Mrs. Radlein.
GRENADA the concro.
Oaly by almost superhuman Returns Asked For.
effort was the extensive premi We hear that changes in the The Hop. Lightbody has st8 of Massrs. Na han Co. Stamp Duttes Ordinance have Riven notice in the Legislative saved. If these had caugat tire, Council tu ask the Collector Geu not a building in the town would been made. Of course, the Gor ernment are 80 pressed for eral: have been saved can Kindly state the number of The buldings destroyed are: money nowadays that they general wholesale licenses held Store of Messrs Heffes Acar not afford to advertise matters he for the information of the public and Fadil parish to date. By natives of this Island tailor shop.
even by means of Government (b) By East Indians Shop of Messrs. Henry Chic printed placards The e) fo eigners not Chinese not so hard pressed when By Chinese Dwelling house of Mrs Rad to throwing away money in an we Burberede retail provi. lein.
acting appointment of a recent on licenses held in the various Jerusalem House. stocked by date, which was quite unneces sary. The day Mr. Birbari.
of parishes.
jiggling It is understood that all the sky, and favourlism, we hope. By natives of this Island is dying in the western (1) By East Indians stocks are insured, though none (c) By foreigners nou Chinese ol the buildings carry insurance convincd will soon receive its death blow. d) By Chinese. The number of retail spirit Fatal Motor Truck Accl.
licenses beld :We understand there have (a) By, natives of this Ibland deat at the Devil Race been several sitting of the Exe. b) Ry East Indians.
cutive Counc cently, the ob (r) Ry foreigners not Chinese ject, no doubt, being to pave he (d) By Chinese, way for the passing of the Esti Gaye percentage of Linstead, Friday. The main mates at the Legislative licenses beld in each as by order road leading between Linstead We repeat that the one bounce set.
and Gov Hill at a spot known tion before Are statistics kept of proper as the Devil Rice Course, was people now is to decide on plans Government and ty owned by East Indians in this the scene of a very sad accident to make Genada more selt sup.
porting. We cannot afford to Are these statistics furnish attended by fatal results.
ed annualis? motor truck was on its way send out of the Colony the large If yes, why are they called to Kingston at about half past amounts in money of years gone seven o clock, when it is alleged bs. We must foster struggling for aid kipIY Are similar statistics called something went wrong with the industries and create new ones?
brakes causing tha driver to for and kept in regard to Chinese lose control of the truck, which in this country it not, why not? came down the hill at a fast rate came DEMERARA caps ziing near a curve ard killing the owner, wald Red of St. The Governor of British Guiana Asked them being admitted as patients as Chairman, to recommend suipassengers were injured, two of His Honour Mr. J Berkeley to the hospital.
table provision to be in ide in the In Island Legislative.
The chauffeur, George Barrett, ustimate of public expenditure was arrested by Serpeant Major for securing secondary education Cunningham on a charge of men for girls in that colony. and to Mr. Nash has given notice in slaughter, and is still in custody assist them in the same manner the Legislative Council to ask here.
as boys to win the Guiana schothe Colonial Secretary: larship For a statement of the earnings and expenditure of the Montego Bay News Jamaica Government Railway The flying boat Chugu wamas, from the 1st of April, 1921, to!
by Montego Bay, March The piloted the 31st December, 1921, and Major Uocb ram for similar information id possiblity of lightiog Montego Patrick, met with a severe ruisrespect of the months of Jap. Bay seems very near. From bap on December 22nd, below wuat could be gatherd an Ameri the Kurupukaai Falls The uary and Februsry, 1922 accident was due to the seaplane To give the namt of an can capitalist has been interest striking a submerge rock whilst officers on the staff of the ng himself in the matter, and Government Railway it seems safe to say that certain getting up flying speed after who huve been granted leave approaches will be made in descending to replenish petrol abse now curtig the last calen ture.
o secu. ing the support of the yen.
dar dar pars, ending Claims amounting to 61, 400 1921, and those now Already business men are ex dols, has been filed as the result with information regarding the pressing desire of taking of the accident on the Puerara causes of the granting of leave lights, and it may be depended Railway on November 20h.
and also of the pay receivel by so that she needed support will The Hon. scime to has Such oficers during the period be focthcoming.
of their respective absences from been re elect Mayor of George.
outraglous Bus Charges. sels, E, has been elected to town for 1922. Mr Cas Mr. Graham also down to ask the Colonial Secretars membership of the Council of Will the Government furrish The Times states that a Suffer the Georgetown Chamber of the particulars of the full ex. erer writes that the City Council Commerce, in place of Mr.
penditure in connec. ion with might and should properly con Sherlock, who has resigned.
trol Kingston busmen as re Canon Jemmott has relative to the proposed Central the surveys and investigations od. their manners towards rasiged the living of St. Philip s, first their charges, and Factory, St. Thomas?
On Illegitimacy.
Gorgetown, to take charge of pas engers. Within the city limit the parish of St. Paul, Bridge there are two districts, one Mr. Firench is down to ask a sixpenny rate and the other to wo, Barbados. Canon Jem the Colonial Secretary the fol. with a nine peany. The latter, in 1891.
other mett arrived in the colony lowing question: Having regard to the high Camp Rad from the North leastward is bounded by South An alligator feet long, and percentage of illegitimate child: Street corner down and along claimed to be 30 years old, bas ren born in this island and with Victoria Avenue to Paradise been captured in the Lamaha the view of ameliorating this street corner, beyond the propar Canal. On its captor, Professtigma on the colony, will the charge is sixpence a ball mile, sor Pile, giving the cayman Government take steps to amend yet there are busraen who call, the beast swam toward him the Bastardy Law ard all laws demand two shillings from the and was secured.
bearing on the subj. ct to make bottom of South Camp Road to it an offence against the law for the beginning of Lincoln Road. Continned From Page s)
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