
The Woman Exchange Varied Assortment of STATIONERY Of Every Description CAN ALWAYS BE HAD WORKMAN PRINTERY that When passing drop in and inspect our yaried Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding Christening and Dance Cards.
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Is in (Continuet From Page 2)
BARBADOS ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN FOR WOMEN NO. TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA CITY Governor Thanks Legislative Council FOR REPLY TO HIS DRESSMAKING MESSAGE PLEATING At a meeting of the Legisls tive Council the following mas sage from His Excellency the AND Governor is not without interes. AT THE Mr. President and Members the Legislative Council. Accordion, Knife, desire to thank you for the reply of your Honourable Cou Box Pleats)
cil to my Sp ech at the opening of the session of 1922 28 It is a satisfac ion to to me to learn you will be prepared to give Our Establishment is.
every consideration to the sares a perfection of bandie measures necessary to tide over work which accentuates the Stock of our dificulties as to the financ.
ing of the colony, which latest styles so pleasing to sincerely hope are te nporary patrons You are aware that the Eagia eer and Manager of our Water works Department is using every endeavour to search for ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.
means of increasing our water supply. trust that all classes in the population may second the efforts of the Government in restricting the Use of the present supply, as the position is one that causes considerable anxiety. notice showing the diminution in our supply owing The best Tonic in the World to the long drought has been published, and the public has been frequently warned of the krave danger that the demand This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend may be greater than the supply can meet, ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, The recent visit of Major the Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Hon. Wood, Parliamentary Under Secretary of Sate, and a run down constitution.
bis Party cannot but be of real It promotes digestion, improves the appeAn Assortment that will meet your Taste.
benefit to our colony; for we will the Hom Parliament tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
two prominent members who DOSE. One small Wine glass before each meal or will know at first hand some of times a day.
the many problems that beser Lady Rhondda Can As regards the general financial situation, feel confident Sit in the House that Barbados, which bas Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC weathered so many ditticult days of Lords homes of thousands of families which have often saved in the past, will get through th present present period of depres Plan 20, Fund For Peanca has not ye: NO Doctors bills by having it.
VD, and beg to thank you for Restoring Trade of Cen Gwernment is reportat to be its decision while th Bilzin You should carry home a bottle to day because you or your wife Committee on Privileges your kind promise of co opera tral Europe.
alvecse to making any garan or children may beed it to morrow.
Grant her Right to be CHARLES BRIEN, tees the Belgian financiers who Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC Member of Upper House.
Governor agree t) subscrib way par.
AP is despatch dated March cont to the consortiam capital.
Is certain relief for barns. dobie itch. bruisas, cuts and sore.
Government House, gis the information that the Te Belgian Government it said DASS in all parts of the body. It is the one best prescription for FIRST WOMAN THERE 7th February, 1922.
Britis and Garmin Guvern to have taken the view that the colis, cramps, and diarrhea ment are also understood here individual tinanciers wh) in the Ask your druggist. Buy now.
Is Daughter of Great Britains to have unreservedly to stand future may red the banafi:s Late War me Foud Controler Summary of Governors back of their respective nation als who share in raising fron the resumption of trade Message to Legislature. the 20 000 000 pounds destined in Central Europe and Russia, for the ecowomic restoration of must aggame the risks involved.
through the internation Fench financial opinion is In the course of his opening organised in London.
at banking consortium recently 80 reported to be opposed to Lendon despatch dated address to the Legislature the ota Lady Rhondda to sit in the inancial condition of the Colony ances with some reservations, the undertaking.
March states that the petition Governor deplored the present Italian Government is said to Government banking for French given assur financiers, who participated in House of Lords, was granted by arought. considerable deficit Jast season the committee of privileges of the House of Lords to day. It was anticipated at the close of she takes the seat awarded her the financial year, and it s by the ruling, she will be the calculat that at the end first woman to sit in the Upper March the Government would Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. Lower Chamber: Lady tune of 80, 000 Of this 58 000 da is a daughter of Great Brit was attributable to sugar having is 255 ft. 9ins, long and 27 ft. ins. ain war time Food Controller, barn bought and sold retail to who died in 1918 from an illness consumers at below market GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE beam. She has two decks. tween brought on by overwork.
He price. proposition to stabilise left no male heirs, his only child the Colony finances would be When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. decks ft. high.
being a daughter, the wife of Sir put in front of the House, possiHumprey Markworth, bly taking the form of a loan hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
Lord Donoughmore presided which had been passed. His Turning to the Income Tax Act Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: over the Committee composed Excellency said that time had of Lords Desart, Haldane, not permitted the passing of a erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed Chelmsford. Hylton, Wrenbury, Bill to settle the schedule or Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. Philmore and Asquith.
ratio of tax to be charged. The We must Buy her for our Service After Lady Rhondda right establishment of the West Indian to the present Sitle was eptablish College, which was Agricultural Address. MULLER BUILDING ed, her consul argued that the now in actual existence as disqualification of Sex Act, had organization, though not yet in CALIDONIA WE NEED 60, 000 MORE clearly applied to a case like the operation as an educational cen mark in MONEY present and that the disability tre, was a real land existing in the past, now being West Indian history, its success, removed, Lady Rhondda was for which all heartily entitled to sit in the House of would depend on You may subscribe some of this by purchasing Lords.
and co operation of all the West Indian Colonies. On this sup some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound After further argument, the port he felt sure the Governing each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound Attorney General on behalf body could reply.
CALLE No each and become part owner.
the Crowa said he raised no objection to the petition, which DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW was therefore granted, Personnel of Mew House Lady Rhondda thus becomes of Assembly.
the first woman to sit in the Write to the House of Lords.
The following is the composiEnglish Classes 37 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA tion of the new House of AsInterview after the discussion Pembly. City Lady Rhondda expressed her de Messrs. G Austin and of Bridgetown: light that the case had gone in Haynes.
For Young Ladies 6 her favour.
AND FOR BOYS 7 St. Michael Messrs, G, Williams and Peter Patterson, Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
Christ Church: Hon. Sir Fred Reut Receipt Books in Span erick Clarke, G, and Mr.
ish and English for sale at he Evelyn. BARTON, Workman Prinzery. Conlinued On Paye 7)
tion, Europe through The have Same THIS 600 TONS STEAMER Rnoud an wished.
on the support PRIVATE ACADEMY West Indian Steamship Company. Ltd.
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