
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 25. 1922, PAGE FOUR Guachapali Chapter No. 14.
EWELRY BARGAIS THE WORKMAN 111 111 Oua the To night Saturday, March fublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement or applies 25th inst. a Mock Curt wil be ALBOND SI the office Central Ave Mon. Correspondence on all matters huld in the Hall of the Chapter 21st ard October Streets, we and corner of Siret Pass of public interest to vited Gu chapall, at o clck.
IS LUCKY NUMBER All copy for publication must le The proe dure will be purely PO Box 74. Panana RP written on one side of paper only, ara Eng ish Charve will be Burs. TES OF SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of la, to be. tried by a jiry va 99. 40 Cy the writer, not necessarily for publies Chas. Alvar will be present Cce Year We are hoping that sense oe1. 30 Bir Monih Mon but as a mark of good faith ing Counsl while Mr casion will bring your sve to not undertako 10 rr Thomas Will lend.
Ale store shoriy Ad 25. crejected orrespondence.
invited do come be assured that it will The Da Bra Literary Scie IS GOOD CIGARETTE the mee alie lub, and be Da plausura Iru serv Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS Church Union Club are species you, and that our pleasure in invited.
PATUHAY, MARCH 25 1922 servis you wil mak your visit As the preedings will be o our store event at sery interesting The One Try Your Luck ab elr yourself.
and members of the Chapt.
THE ROAD BUILDING PROPO pe to see a la ge turn out of FULL friends and well wishers.
Try a Good Cigarette. JEWELLER SITION 122 CENTRAL VENUE The Prince of Wales atte Excelsior Theatre That Famous One Eleven Blend of URCH SEAV.
Out of the maze of doubt and despondency there has Virginia. Turkish. Burley Tobacco St. Paul Church, Paan.
Of special interest to sbone a ray of encourgement in the announcement that the entire West Indlan community is is incomparable 63. 0, Holy Communion, nation Cabinet has pa sed a measure provid ng for the the annour cm nt made by thu 10 sm, Mitins employment of West Indian labor on the new roads of management of the Excelsior 10:30 am. Holy Eucharist, mi mn, Panama which are now under construction in the interior. Theatre, the popular play house BUY PACKAGE TO DAY 30 pm, Holy Bipt sm.
This step is unexpected but welcome. West Indians on Avenue of their having 3p. Buod y Sehool.
bad reconciled themselves to the fateful ostracism and secured the films showing the various stops made by His Royal AT ALL COMMISSARIES CLUBHOUSES 30 pm Eversong and wraca discrimination which was being practised against them in Highness the Prioca of Wa es FOR NIGH TENGALE Vieur, the road construction affair. They had ceased their fruit. during his recant voyage around St. Alban s, Paraiso.
less search for employment on the work, and they had the world Toe filmy besides 11 CENTS 11 a. Matins and address, weaped their minds and expectations from the merest views of bis stay in Canada and the States as well as the West pm. Sunday School, chance of obtrining employment in that connection. Indies shows the most salient 730 Ev. nsong and addres.
The future of Panama depends absolutely on the con points of bis stop at lon Pana St. George Church Gatuz.
struction of roads in the interior and suburban districts ma and the Canal, with views of which hitherto have been allowed to remin in a state of the different associations and 11 Muigi and address, n, Sunday Sa ool semi primitive isolation. The industrial nuggets of the bigh officials who paid their respects to the illustrious Prince SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC 30 Eren og and a dress land lay scattered and neglected for all these years in as well as views of the great. NIGU PENGALE Print is chsen parts where dreamy foliage and untraversed areas se pa at throngs that packed the sureets Central Avenue No. 46 ed villages and tow. and robbed them of commercial of this cits the day of his ari Sevanth Day Adventist Churcle Intercourse.
Trese isolated spots of fertile land have long been this film as it will be last time (Saturdy) 15 Sb.
shown here.
awaiting the touch of science and skil, and now that a PRIVATE CONSULTING HOURS.
bib Soho 1:11 15. rsl Woh suir is being made to bring the whole country into indus12. 30 pm HyCo ninunin, Dr. Chanis from to p. in.
13, 30 trial vigor, everything should be done to facilitate the Panama Stenograpic Asso.
pto. Stish C1430 ciation Dr. Arosenona fton 9to II a.
Young People Mosti; 530 mrogress and a complishment of the task. The map ot Veepere, Panama will look quite different than it does a present There are free consulting hours every day in the French Skaigh: 731 Svies. At when the new road connect plac stiat previously exist This association has been Pharmacy from 10 to 12 am and from to p. are welene, ed without the slightest relation with one another. formed nearly a year ago and has respectively It was regret able to learn a few days ago that the bzen functioning over since, with very good results The time Bible Truth Churches contractors were experiencing labor difficulties that hamp deem opportune that its existSan Migusi ered the advancement of the work. Reports on the situa ence be bought to the una vledve 6:30 Min Prayer tion have disclosed the fact that the contractors were of our local business me aid Pn Sirve between the devil and the deep blue sea. critical the public larg. is the 2:3. Sindi Sh position arose. The cattle ownes, the government and primary object of this associa The STEWART 7:15 pm. Gupi vice the labor union had to be reckonid with, and it was on stenographers.
tion to promote the eilicicy of Calidonia awkard combination. But all the while it was the coun It is desirus that the FOV 5:30 am Mont Pravar try that was sufiering because of the hold up in the work stenographers in the cry of 11. Pria To all who saw the toivatory steps of the buiding Panan (r gardless of 2:30 pm Sandy Sbol who have 7:15 pm G) pal service, project exp rier ce similar to the one the contractors have syst of shortban)
yet identi ied things United Ev nitrat had was in table. serious blu, der was made at the with the GREAT MAJORITY 310 Ciutah darna beginning which was bound to cast its effects on the whole womprising the abive DO ned CLASSES IN there will be speciale undertaking; and it was a strange fact that sponsib e association SO NOW in individuas cid not see, at the time, that some of tbe order to take advan ace the Resolution oi Synpathy.
arrangements in connection with the road work woula maximub nefits to be deriv. from our present Cu bave a most detrimental effect on the affair. pecially prepared and At a regular meeting of the When the roads were being planned it was for the purpise of Donie Lidze N) 22 TUO thought that a favorable opportunity for solution of the members for Speed and held at theird Rn. 21.
51 16th STREET WEST Straat Ga en Panama City, un mployment due to the back wash from the Canal Zone ers Certifiets; improving their March 20th 1922 th following Is bor market was in sight. Everybody pictured relief of no wledge of Eglish m 1 ton. Pencluation and Sulling resolutio was passed the situation in the new roads, but verybody was wr ng and iner as the bits all PANAMA CITY WHERE 18 it has pl wel hy Grass Forces got to wors and circumvented the West Iidians, shorthand Vocabulares by Omnignan Grau Grun Marof ard as a conqu pea they were not desired to work on systemic practice the Universi tormwfatherth the roads.
As a precedent to a series of bland to the great bod our belove Put a char; e in attitude has come, and it is appre. N1, 6, Street on the first wind in England and in the debates to be held at our hall with other as tocating of Jim Timothy Bon 210 OPPORTUNITY srkai. lt of the Order, so ciated. The roads must be built with or without say wigit of every to math, Lotted Saws of nerici.
WIEREAS Indians; but if West Indians are needed and are willing he preselic members REAS th: Yaman bis death cried to chim to respond to the call why should they not go? Are inty Friday night the h of April, On mitto is: IF WE REST Mater of Human sticies am I, Fame, bve, fortune on my footsepe mory, especialy when we reaalid not a part of the population of Panama, and do they not deal with the subject: WE RU 30.
wait, po found too mom and contribute in other ways to the revenue should acquire the greater GEO. ROTHERY, pay taxes Cities and fild walk; penetrate bis fiosial standing for eight yesra cabulary he Employer or of the government and to the business life of the com the Sie ographer? To this Secretary, Deserts and seas, rem to, and passing RESOLVED; That we, the Offerte by and members of louis de No. 22, is munity? bate all Sleuographers ar: Hovel and mart and palace, soon or late ession here assembed, ex ead our besed There are three important considerations which can cordially invited knock unbiddo, once at every gate Reut Receipt Books in Spin testing, ripe; it sleeping, wake before maiss, in their boat of deepest grios kt sympit ay t) tha dereived fimily not be negatived without injury to the road consu uction It may also be of interest to in programe. And it is impor ant that these considera state ere that this asociation ish and English fr sale at he turn aw y. It is the hour of fate, and wo earestly iav Ane they who follow me reuch every His great rey will end then tions be borne in mind so as to obviate any unnecessary or is at present seeking affiliation Workman Prinery.
such fortitud as will carry them through premature criticism, from any side, anent the employing of West li dian labor in the work of road building. not be given preference ud. all circunstance, but Sava Jeab Morta desire, and conquer every for the dark an glomy days, But those who doubt or AND BITI In the first pace, it must le remembered that ade where the employment of West la lia13 is a necessity they hesitate, AND BS IC RESOLVED: Tht we quate labır is necessary if the work is to be done efficient ought not to be debarr. to the detrimeat and prejudice condammed to failure, penury and knowledgem ns of the nobofors ly and promply. Lator that understards the work and of ihe work because of alien blooi.
and many in as wichtte be bor its relative in portarce, vital necessity and econom merit, The hixheat good of the republic is the point that Selkie per moltes and pe telemely implore and performs on baholt of this na swer out, and retura no more cod ecq vrail. a ma of reces and that will sender service which the nature of the must predominate in the mind of the public. It is not NGALL.
for the dorsed broth wtik der ands is the only kind that will be able to meet merely a question of work for the people, it is more cor veoared broth who we mura ianul the riquiriments. Road building is pot at all lite clear rec ly PEOPLE FOR THE WORK. It is known that that ib: Lodew in sesija, stand, al ding sud silene: be obs TV ou for the an of a.
of type who do not take AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Secondly, tie lact that steady work is a prerequisite to any class of workmen anywhere. They are efficient, That was fcudition and is aste makes it encumbent on the contractors to seek the class industrious and capable. But the difficulty which has bor for eight years otsad nc. our Livese FOR SALE a ba ba drap din mou niagir bin iy it is finished. The right season in which the work must labor bas not been attracted from the capital where it has three apartment. cated on one to the brav famly, a copy te of labor that will stick to the job and work constantly till been facing the contractors is that, that the type of native An up to date house containing days, that so spy of these resul ativa, bo be done is now on, but if tardine proves an impediment always centred itself in an atmosphere of residential con hectare of land. Securely fenc eat to the press for puble in and to s progress the wet season will rush down upon the venience.
with barbed wire and well plant cupy be spread thisce or the contractors before they will have gone very far on their contractors appeal for efficient labor has been deflected pautalo, papaya, pineapple, et Thit as we ceci bacoemy is our If for the above and other inexpressed reasons the ed with sugar cane, bananas, muutes of this meeting programme.
AND BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER Tudiy, the road building arrangement is an econo by legi imate process to West Indian quarters, and if on closure for poultry, Situated at ba ts and comment bis opie. to the also suitable Mesh wire er mic qui stion and as such dors not admit shallow senti account of the great depression West Indians find it ad Hitto Pintado, Lis Sibanas. 15 Great Grand Master and as bid body is mentality or narrow prejudice. If Panama is to construct vantageous and advisable to look in hat quarter for work, minutes walk from Tramway. consigo :d to the car b, we hope that mig the roads as a progressive mark of the nation commer now that the door has been thrown open by official hands, Price Reasonable, totas muy be granted him relative to eial and industrial life the work mnst be done by the best everybody concerned in the welfare of the government bis deeds on this earth plane, that of made in man it pays.
MAN. It Pays Commercial Evening School delayani Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. riculm, berler, will If ke that God is state bereby wish rok od the loss of ing ju klas which needs only a swish of the machette aud among the natives of this com o bera kerese comportement Golden Opportunity available labor that can be obtained. Nobody would be should necept the arrangement as the best that could be Advertise in The Work Advertise In THE WORK


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