
PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side ews TWO KINDS OF VALUE wire Cure that Cold in your Head Si ere Tok. te viener, Gttens he DO wer the Cricket on the Atone of the finest sm of oricket yet Friendly Societies hold its regular meating on Weton the Ailantie si de evening dat lantic Side. am, which time muy im ortant SPECTATOR, Amalgamation of Colon. events were discuss and pass Tbe Unique Motor Harse of ei on by the Clab. sm of the Aralgan tion, as perform which warua hika to Sannit on With grens umhire and entle West Indians Must Watch Fidiy ha er publication is now finished all yor biser bill na Friday FIRST That which is figured in continuation of Preto rent these of the sun Time.
and quite ready for the use of Dollars and Cents The Warderers champion cam the those concerned, as also for a nights, als) ad cont coAtli Sito, ad the Wet End, of the publie in general and can rata in preparing for the torud be combination met at the Cristobal PO SECOND That which saves Tim be had on application at th Ezht of the Const which tha Estar untua Ta Stoun Hp Ball Ptk din Sandy March 1: 1922.
ffice of the Per sey. corner hors of the 12th Thy Wides to the Editor of The Workmm and Labor of sth Street and Hadson Lummbers of the Clab and friands for criole, and the bus crout the St James dge roon. Simani na preparing to reader 0o SanDSP bto silown in win widiha me vas ople rewedd bir be presne. New in the ant la vall ppt, to mik: a brief tas at møde ate prices, or on av Ap 23 a with JT Thinvitational HARD Praelie en the Alan le Side rahat most YOU GET BOTH Rcketts, Pes at the afore DANE which is sche te plevel, no disub ne or We will th West Indian do in a birch in ntioned lody, or San. Crax. on May 29. is to bring talki of soy kid was beirabe, and the hose few y us time?
When You Use Gas ford, Ter, at the American a vat with much interest.
crowd early Iwo thousand. me Con tre becsung ani Trading Co All meubirs and friends ara worst on the Imus, Whivsen th perfectly raisi di RRY tid, even the The workmen, Messrs. Da Ask to do evry thing it End suprorters were pleased with the perious time we are facing, and it is our Freitas and Hay, are to muen help us carry out our Spring pornlibe y in which their power. daty to en ider our e ves, and to decide Gas Stoves are furnished free Wherever complimented on the able man. Program.
ful comb ostio was fented At 12 30 30mething for our own ſu ure ner that they have remoddled Ish the skippur of the Wenler bauefi. the Gas pipes are already in the house this Hearse to a Motor, and we GATUN Burton of of ihe West End, weet on The work of the Coal is completed, take pleasure in recommending the sad to spin it coio, Webh won so dit is th txfore impssible to keep. them to the public at larg the ces and ent in bie powerful eppo bu regular number of employees Thero Star of Paradiso Lodge JOS. COOKING, rents to the wirkte Soner the may be some ng to do, but very little PANAMA COLON GAS CO.
norl; and Reid from the south were the slowing page for the minorPer. Secretary.
entrusted with the attiek. Porter ondity ond not the majority of empl you Colon LOS PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: Ottensth West End st pair emerged Are wa therefore looking abead of us as Box, 35.
The Lodge wis coavened for from the pavillon amid cheers from the days go by. Ars we ou Iving the Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
th ourpose of Initiating four (4)
their su parter. Sporer cp ned tbe tide! Are you ponderàng over the siturCanal Zone Notes curabble ora sr. Sie Wn. Clarke candidates into the attack which was a mid Read alo tion?
Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 bowed a maiden, four mn vid og Toere are many West ladinne who ganizing Leate bowld before run Ws trade, The buvo pratically sold out their cuntries LA BOCA Clarke and Wekirom th: ar fielding wkten, the bowlers termin for the latenus, believing they are going of Direu Lidze 12, 10.
ed and to bitsmen obdurate. When to live bere forever, Bat this is a sd Bjurn yod over from Panama Sorg Service the Rat was in prg for tweity mistake Som biva forgotten their to assist in the Initiation cara minutes the first wicket fell fpnet boteland thinking bere paradise On Sunday, at there mby, after the regular routine best and bowled Porter with buty and to day they sie uning to retura will be a Song Service at the La work had gone through. Sir onning in from the off ido Auburn home and can not fiad their way through.
Bica Clubhouse, when, astucoed over the inittior ezre.
Preston Batch Con ninder Klief the vacancy, who hit Spener to the Est, West non id est want to WITHdress will be delivered by Mr.
hik holindery for six, in the ball warn to sa West Ladise who arrara C. Harris; the subject will be moay to the 02:22 Lt NOSTROLINE took him revenge by locking in Isthmus, and wh are not God, His Works and Words to which he period in an able bis entre sump out the Rood The ing towards ii fu ure compared. with There will be a special collection and credit ble winery attee Soome Nasal Specific, Invaluable for Nasal Hygiene bourd sboxed 2 6, Kine filled the parent coadiuto. Dedilip yur at the end of the address. We resses was given in bathing silves Kepen in a view, ek your INSTANT RELIEF CERTAIN CU. FR take this opportunity of tender Lights offis rest of the up endd y placing Reid express nily own welfare Websithout that the ing a cordial invitation to all who between and has Spiner lebrous would be ati bighis Nasal Catarrh, Influenza may desire to attend and mers who had magnifient leg was puts on working onditions, owing from was the given to the aling the bus with her theory erisia rigns when we had seen, but it is HAY, FEVER, SORE THROAT AND DRYNESS STUFPINESS The residents at La Boca have bee and at Aiso In Ride Dext over hebat Keb jut the uppe site.
theirkini 10 2 Hart AND INFLAMMATION OF THE NOSE expressed their appreciation to the the score Wel the time and help yours: ii, th. Initiati) Fry of the text filed the Gd help 508 nba bep the even Elter Burke for the instructive Safe!
Sure! Open Air lectures that is being on a prank they coton bit tha ve neytaly to ne Gittone who Toe cities of Cland Para delivered nightly 21200 pay me sound ferrive creet crowded with us empod May For sale at all up to date Drug Stores The people sanes prepared for then, here are hest and could by che Sp neer w desirous of knowing their wivind can bave to ing on to the way bursoft truly The board showed 17 5 ing the truth and to assimilate Blog berend there to secure ligos the teachings of the Holy Bible ci by singing the doxology.
zorging same way brouzht to Le the lawyr fibe the team filed at lights, Never had we thought thaa Elder Burse represents the the vacancy. He and Hartfrented the Ihmus would have me to such be close of the larinin the thems of th orches for this Christian Mission, pieteicie tu som sterline bring, o pib Are we stisyt livin this stallati va of offises lected for the en be u fal selection, MHBO and At hus 57 the Bachelors well did they played, that they lo the way?
Let us que saing teria took ploc: EatSir AC 48 for their habibuidust. Mister Quarters, a Birthday ory was On Tuesday evening last the given by em.
Brore from 13 or 4; to for Things individually. Some months our day Falk at lasta were xDR to buck dark for the cry was mor pay, in order to fight be and edb. Ent Si Acher By trwa Wolters for his sirrin recita. Wesleya Sunday School bad a ployee of the Postal partinent, ohner prins no liemens if the batomen but east of vinot things v beo Tuenar if Ishona LNT na 15 tstmih sod be for very successful Rally Special In evening was the sun haitant reithe attack but Welsh w18 changed that usted est Wor, Sr W. Crk SIM tariaturata! The pr grame credit must be given to the teach mich plume by the guests que o tbe si ustion, he put or pay th te is dels ov for meth 18 of Ruta SAN 13. chay whertily enjoyed wat ers and Superintendent and to was to wlaselt nor the al Rid End and in the last of the tid Pipotte liv agen wat will C sa Lidya and the the very youngest of the children wory Tae ebe Wild Very Popular LON 10se of Let safat bhi bly e agratu. who took part, for the moner indicy is won for torso got it ww.
do is tow M3 NI Ni 11, two ett vara la retini Leon who is con dered it by aro tornavia on the hallodia thor respostiv 01.
Telated for the preparation of such an ap the unqualified success of the Skuete present e Holder they contributed to bring about, nun pero sora friends one of the fastest run ouder the piceat e raditio. It afv308 Consador; Sir propriate programme, th Albie Bide Wat the wicke West Indio wud se tocaber evening function. Valrod Vie Chao dar si baudul buqlar and 30 minu es and all he cou m mke wa popio adwud ai wud scaod by ons whe 11. A b, nb. We sr Gorge ny spect for srus which is sekunt testimony things may be betur uti with bra, o finaliste; HRP Gore Due very much to the heavy prosperi y of the host were pro.
fielding of the er four paper 12 U2a. Wir Lady Millos. Installation at Mizpah and con inuous showers of rain, psel. Freshmn: was served horror, Hudden old the removing my sins the other and bestond Day Lidy the farmers are at a stand still to the guests and at the end of and was caught Reis fret billheling to take bir film out o Nathal; Plus; Sir Lodge. here It is very evident whit we the fatias it was exressed by who wis w blist the thind, to dishes are trying to keep them dwu tro Stu;L need a stis cooperation First all present that quite an enjos vne tried his but ter he was die er. Our people tlk much Ass, Dumat in our homes: Second in society able evening was spent, win by Toms for wel played 22 they are too much in a bury and if we Mae, Lide, will and Sitarday March 18h, at the Third in reig; aad Fourth, ia the tem was out for 55 Tuis compiled woud get together antidop swobr site Meph Tabernacle, at the St. our business life, Mr. Egleston Returns to daty to visi ibig Sura prasau and Josepi te ball Eighth La Boca Literary Society Cubase nas para to in two hours aud teo to nutes. priuiles Ibuk woud do be teria Puch 02 MTM Exleston, Saretary of Altto, it we hawn to be bore life, where er The our pet in base ware di Mvond aalay greet and Broatway, the followPerly the majority of pret 18 need a av Fe su respect and self carl Whitetail it does str 13 Seing officers were installe to nts datide after a will earned yetlere were many who believed curkro ad hava lite med wa aibu Msta serve the ensuing term Broz King nad Giti ena wito ter weer te them evo cur bye would a G233 N. siri Falle Aree, DC Person, Rv. 2; II der. Rad iresses were the main enim ad in an interview with Bislet impromptu His ion could dis: This lurus, Rebel eletron, Goa, Cole WAR; ET Brenan RWS; re tures of the city proxe to them thuy express nwing en nos hub 60. was with in and wouen wo AlverkBora, uvas, Sake pare elected; FA. Davy reelected; List Tuesday night and several joyed the tim: spot Boca.
Brod pinion but any bese gives wa mus: first res Riomardswit, Abuy fista Anderson, RWG.
Sis frem trou sich net wou Linkit sem cups, IV. We hava girls of come ul la star in Lady Araras elected; Sis Wright, WC re: impo tant subjets were discus o reluco thoki bo secretary der the most bize chcies at both ends of of puerul combination like the of Bar of EN, O Connor, RW Live, day night, the 23:n inst will be was conducted la th: absencs of sed under this ad. xt Tues. Neely for the mine tne place that have mde th: Isthmus, They coud not expect the Tae cereas were both conluced W. re alecte. Lyaton Ladies night and as usual one Me. Ezlasun.
were in any older term in be boys to re estaem is that way Ia aia sa orderly and fiving in suns M, and Ryce, K, can look forward to havioga Can Cup Copetit could be easily great measure the lack of ieuficient ac sording to the Constitu. ion of the Tae officers were daly install di posed of on a pet et batemso wicket, home iraining goes a far way to ru ning dec.
program ed by Bro. J, Snill installing Mr. Barton Returns from Reid, the Society My hea on for mani aing this is because the rives of our buys and grla, and inter Tae crem nis being ovər, addresse: master of the Mizpah LodgeNC aplain, wishes to inform the Cuba eller coup per who want to them men women, ut welcome and we teadored by members who were not make last The many friends of Me. bid iwo bow en loer on thit net wy to roomed flities in our daily oxier mou ers uf Luig, whics were Lodge. At the close of the instal. taith with iom dia e Buccer by opturing lives en we will be much ben fi ed. recipewes ved by 3r Myers of Rd Tins lation Luende. vour to kep an aim in Bar, Sir it no Gorgos Saron, the newly installed Ruler Beral publie, th the montron Jabb. he one ir sue two wicke a piece but there congratulated at the officers, and evening u Sar sendid the installing nister for tae able the Society, under the direction ion with the activities of Aaciles with the ho alias first poir, faced be bowl borgetost we are not the kseper of Wint ONview Bul try to cili ve it but do not au Sir Alergi of Islami via US carried out; and he express ocow Com Dancing at o clock us his stated tha Atle cluss of business tha muoneria which the ceremony of th: Cnaplan, will be held to conditions baster in of Bu ton and Gitters The firs over vu Ivo.
and inners and in the was itout from Burton to Wint to id Tbankink you for pica hal and re resher the caelys ca ed his appreciation for the (Neil the crack bainte at nie In eibles chere provide presence of the :mbers of the Pana na sleyan vaurch and 10 sharp Me Harris of the sta tha sibility of candan The Mo Barca is a tiest clisi pianist de. fod Gilles, and in his third de Respee fully, ment Variou o pre of gad will will bentons sister lodges which took will kaown speaker of no mean sai will plac: his survie :3 the ETS. SYMPATHISER, cut bmpat e verein, in irsion and olla usus was wret og pirt ia tais unique occasion.
or per ability, has ndly accepied the disposal of Ay Dues the membs of ih stie sa ani th: to 1e two rumbie mus ligion retid, At the end of the ceremony Chaplain invitation to give an uns wa) may nasi na to this TUDIT W48 sked fo but was polety party cuatroue tu baru ay vaditus the anniversary prog 2008 was address at this sd, which ihn was furtyafic Star Add Ten New all hours of mring when all depars taken over by BOJ Songs of his addetlog Thu City.
sunj ing potroke, he is the bed Links.
id wita alieling of content mens and Several fiae pieces were HS Works and Words Canlination Cass Formad cari y troub two, the latenhed pleasure.
ed and aday adiresses delivered non orchestra content themrelves by walking one.
Mr. Luiste catecist was ia Anong other items be cɔntributed attendance and discoursed sweet Ogi Kag and other local alents the past week with toa Lasten The 13th evening of March 1922 will by Mos.
evity tedy was glad when he was taken here has ben very busy during rememb red as a red le ter diy Young Worshippers Lergus music throughout the evening. Me. Raid also wishes to call the aevices and the poldinz 01 Coain bº sip by Burton, the four shoid long 12 5, cia filled the vacabeyind ibe in the apnal of be Mystio Stir Ludo Celebrate Fifth Anniversary At the end of the very entertain attention of the pablic the the patioa clasa.
ing programme which was fittiog fact that these song services are to regulae to recarve instrucsc re was iaken to 52 before Ferrel bent 11, 0. B. Colon, causa Last Sunday.
The endil. tes Reid for well played but that do the members and visitors of ly arranged the manbers repair not helt specitically for the mem. tias, and are very much consisDot foutier 24 Spenert foluwid he tost Lady had to evnt of which ed to the setiag room where bars of the Literary ciety and wear according to the teachings Percebes and possed out the over Wint pun. the una ing called to urd by pers Lo sayu Colon Cistobal Bupist things ca ca were prepared for puble as well and The members of The young Worship they enjsyed lavisay, the good their friends, but for the general they are receiving.
sent back cautht. Liewelyd tied be aume ne sbaula boud. Promptly at each aud who war bettiny orgo fio bt y was besten the residing offiser op after and besked by ng for a wel played bric preliminates the first events Careb, Clebrates their ff. solver then. Tac evening fanctis was every on is iavited to attend of the s«ry on Sunday 19 a inst. Ta prve brought to a close with the singnex Sunday meeting and all Ind. or Baseball Club 23. The retiring tat man har tiested evening vi, lai cia ciun of en oudidates era om was staried at 15 sharp ing of the Duxology, other subsequent ones the spectators to me firet class butting wat ondun ood. The char wa then it servies was well attended. Special 01 Tursday night last, a gume outling and gliding beautifully. Juhus turned over to the Doree Captain who mantion must be do of the full wiaz was played bure. Toe tea os The Paraiso Comnunity were represented, by Masses J, filed the vacancy and the score was with bis assistants car. ied through the parzi e for the reusion of th: varius Rant Raceist Bɔɔk in SpanClub.
Alexzoder and E, Bros ard restokeo 80 before a speratin wis made osremony to perfective and thus added items: cuively Mr. Alex under team The champins batted up to 5:30 wbn ten bright now links to our fraternal Tao choir for the singing of the 1e. Ish and English for sale at The won the game in a most triumph.
the board showed 126 20 thus endep obain, them They bave done what they could WORKMAN Printery: Tho Paraiso Community Club ant manner. etdi first by The got din doia 10kter with.
for Qura bw and the postess Ligne bedli thithe chation pred of for et con bioation зрd Mr.
blue el termine per the breate te Lik u ende vur ta srand together wid the visitore by the Lodges Logate and Secretaey of the Sate Grand Tuesdays in seting, and als, the Baston avust be pasou to be Sunday song service, in cima ago for Por of the titolitry nderer of cas par terug render G) and vosal sele Mr Snitus to on and bow ed.


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