p. 8


THIS IS THE TIME simple and WALK OVER SHOES Reduction in Prices ade those days status to was the resus ssssss American Bazaar Stores canal and waves most See presents re osob reet: vironment and est But the sea sixth we us looks forward in one stated to 360 race Blast Kills Seven Environmeut vs. Rome chat parfo be lack of knowledger of PiS of it Girls, Wounds Training The most essential necessities (not luxuries) of life ar putri Thirty tinus (int exprsive) to d, clean (By CK (not expensive) wearing apparel.
After all it is a fact that the a reasonable amut of xreise Sad Accident Which Took principal or basic requirements which can be gined by Fither Place Near Birmingfor the upkeep of man are but working for the above necessi TO BUY YOUR ham City.
he who is competenties or by some other accepted in these days to realiz: this and forms, and a place to vet a eboose the right course to comfortable and bieded rest.
POWDER EXPLODED achieve and maintain these re. We hava ben more or less quirements has made a decided accustomed to a standard of Was Bing Remova From success of the life that has been modest living and putting away all our surplus earnings in pop Cartridzes, Racently Purchased viven bim by his Creator.
We West Indians on the Isth. er form for Yainy days. But From overnment.
mus of Panama have suffered a city lie in these part has seritemp rary defeat at this stage of ously challenged this course of THE ROOF BLOWN OFF. sities of life. It is because we cause to complain as others do the kame for the actual necesaction.
While we have a good By dieet vest India cabl were not competent to play a af insufficient remune ation for from Birmingham, England better game but we have put our services rendered to the dated March it is reported ap a brave fight in the face of Conal, we cannot throw all the We have just received a large shipment and bave that several girls were killed and great odds and at a time when blame in this direction. It is thirty severely injured to day esplication of environment wing among our people. We players tiave los cut the change of conditions of been able to make substantial in an exo osion of powder when A they were removing from cart keep up a spectacular ridges at ipon a short distance and hoine training is the point try to adminis social life on the Istimus, espenorth west of Birminham. The tered. There cannot be any cially in the cities and we pass of injured were blackened beyond recognition by that there were good days for takes every the nickla of what we the pwder.
the West lodians here, ar many earn and sometimes more too, The disaster occurred at the good use of maintain ourselves on this Kowles factory which recently But home training then and so in the face of the in stat purchased 160 tons of cartridges evidence among our people. Our present apparent colapse of ux from the Government. The facresidents alo along the to the route of tory employed mor more than fifty were resuscitation of better living girls who were engaged in the rounded by t»wer gardens and conditions, those of us who are task of removing certain portions truck gardens, apple trees, pium fortunate enough to be able to prior. of heads above of the metal into ingots. Other fruit bearing trees melting of of poverty are still un PANAMA COLON The explosive contents were vines where we cou reach our mindful of other cons, querces.
being placed in separate recep bands to and satisfy the Fathers and mothers!
tacles. The explosion blew of urgent desires of our appetite that the orthodoxy as contained Sosso the roof of the building. without the need of stringent in Children obey your parents.
application of of domestic science is not reversed. Tosist on your and striet economy. In these boys that city life, as it CRICKET Juan Franco Races and other ways too numerous to itself in its demand upon him let not the training that we and Pinder cime ont to uphold the honours of Surrey, bat be.
iva apprel and the like nowegured in fail us hereafter mention the home traming of our people was not challenged 30 may guarantee favourable in any similar contest for the fore 10 runs could be reached (Continued From Page 1)
to an marked gree, for the consideration in the sight of the actual necossities of life. Litus Surrey Britannic Gama Pinder was caught in the slips conditios and looking, untrained and imim halt, start over again and mainEnds in Draw and sent back to the pavilion satisfactory contest and that variea but little from those of girls, will eventually tain our genuine principles kun Blackman, John, Challenor, Elcock nothing would have bappened our native homes.
wreck his career.
Invite the ed under no de trainine and we and DeSousa were sent back in give any one a sore feeling as scene has been chang attention of your girls to your will surel had our own against Game Dubbed the Rest one quick time by Knights so that at to the result. Unfortunately the ed. Instead of the aforemnina cover the nec ssary grounds of other, let us nown you btul days and let them city enviro it. Above every ever seen on tiia Istinus the fall of the wicket, Surrey unforeseen, always turn up intioned conditions to at had just passed 40 runs. Archer our best cleulations and as fate ourselves mostly in cities where domestic life before plunging unleast guarantee the basic pre BOTH SIDES GIVE GRAND now joined Thomas who had would bave it the horses were the environments is quite dis prepa ed into the dangers o ser servers vi hid. The method in DISPLAY been playing carefully all the sent away badly, and hundreds similar, and beie is where we city life.
doing this may be a little tech while defying the efforts of tie of protests rend the air as Glori suffered this temporary defeat. And West Indians in general: nical to comprehend bowlers to dislodge him in spite ta got toft several At Standard oval, last Sunday, of all the changes that were made.
horse lengths The game bere developed into let us look at the gravity of the stretch but we can put into it ahead of Water Schultz, a higher phase and we are out present situation ia the face and bit by bit if we apply reason.
the immense owd that wended Finally, whea well set, the rider of Water By, to all were stated surprised cricket game between the Surrey eventually that Glorita made a flying start Kaigas and gat past bis just as she got and Britannic, saw an exhibition fence.
from under Не the tape, the starter called out had played a grand of great cricket skill. The mornPS to bim it was a start and he not ing broke fiae aed glorious, and come for his 25. Going first to the wicket, the entire day proved an ideal to fall Holder took his place.
knowing it was a match followed; but saw it was impos one for the great game. From all but he was short lived as he sible to overtake Glorita agali in over the Istamus islas had come tamely placed fall pitch into of the noble and gallant this fight between the two neid on hand. The score board efforts of Water Boy. After the premier clubs of Panama Mach race the crowd surrounded only showed 60 5 aod with the TO NIGHT care had been deyoted to the preparation of the wicket, and we wonder Britannic and her sup to play bo starter and would have torn him to a frizze, if it were not for the say fearlessiy that the Isthmus porter quick. ntervention of the police.
Sunday, March 26 aas never seen a better wicket porters thasht that the champs than the one to be seen at the ing nov. joined Archer at the to defeat Hard It is regrettable that the startSaturday, March 25 Standard Oval last Sunday.
er did not make wickets, and for more than bugler who was standing at his SPECIAL PROGRAMME Surrey Loses the Toss hour for hour and minutes side and called backs Glorita, and these two bats defied all efforts At 12. 25 Messrs Elcock get the horses off to something 3rd and 4th Episodes of OP JAMES CORBETT dislodge then, like an even brake, as this would and Graham, the two skippers: the twof them have greatly satisties everybody INcoin, and at once became the con played fearlessly, and yet took a were yet uabeaten. They both even the backers of Glorita.
Elmo Lincoln centre of all eyes The coin was undue risks. They realised that We have been informed, that The Prince of spun and from the dense crowd the honour of Surrey was in their it has been dec le to run the not one word was said until race over, so as tkive satisfac.
was known that Britannic hal bands and they rose to the ocean tion to the owners of the horses Avenue won the toss, Every man on the sion, and nobly delended it.
which is as it should be.
Surrey team showed his sorrow Surrey expects every man to But giving sa zisfaction to the and disappointment at having do his best owners alone is not all. What NEXT WEEK lost the toss for the wisket was about those persons who also splendid condition The century old words were Five had individual bets on Water minutes later the Surrey boys quoted to Harding as he Boy. Is it the intention of those Continuation of went out to fight, knowing about to leave the pavilion, by well persons who claimed the stakes enough that they had a hard fight Demonstrate that Surrey is not Elcock, with the addition, to waive last Sanlay decision before them and consider that a one man club B) wler after the present The Adventures of Tarzan Brilliant Opening decision of going over the race apolys those individual Connell and Knights were the change made, but when this to stakes. It is hoped that these SKOS first pair of batsmed, and in the umpires atleid time Archer 33 not first over Connell registered 10 yet at the wickets going strong.
out gentlemen who claimed the money will be as reasonable as off Blackman. Twenty, and yet at then thirty soon went up, and Surrey the owners to understand that Excelsior Theatre all bete are on until the race is Dedication of Bible Truth NOTICE still these two men were at the she fought valiantly, bravely, and wickets. Blackman was now re. in a sports manlike manner, and Church placed by Bradford, and his first at close of time had scored 119 Results of the Races Wedndesday night saw this saw Connell go back to the runs for the loss of the popular playhouse crowded to TO ADVERTISERS AT COLON a well earned 24. wickets The crowd went will The first race was won by Pe. On Sunday last, the dedication to the utmost to see the first Papilios the Surrey bowlers gass, with Cantina a good second of the Bible Truth Church was episodes olers over her, the field was besieged of Adventures On and after March 1st of and Archer Universal Advertisers at Colon whose ghtened up, and when the 134 borne victors high over the Pool paid 50. Second Race carried outſby Rev. Barclay, Tarzan and Harding were fell Britannic bad scored Lilliputians: Won by Pep, May. Pastor in chargh. Many of the Serial wi:h the mighty Elmo in Ad. at present appear in the only 46 runs. This brought each one anxious to touch even 21ch shoulders of the immense throng, Zach Be second Pool paid 80. speakers who were expected did the principal role, and the crowd WORKMAN will make all re. Blackman and Maxwell together, Third Percebidophis first, Lord not put in their appearance, and was not disappointed; eoThe pic mit tances to the Office and the latter of whom played the bat of oue or the other of the second: Pool paid 11 40. Fourth in spite of the keen disappoint, ture is all it is advertised to Race Saw only Risas and Tio ment, quite a large congregation and the Elmo brought ght all intending advertisers will steady and great game for 22 batsmen.
runs ere he was caught behind Caiman, this was an easy race came out to witness this very forth rounds of applause with please communicate direct wickets. Blackman the top scorer the for Risas. Pool paid 50. impo 90. important ceremony. Three his daring and timely feats of with the WORKMAN Printery of the day, made so, but his Jamaica Defeats StandFifth Race Was a splendid con services were held for the day, strength. The next two episodes Box 74 Panama City or innings were marred by chances, test with Cricket and Checkers, and at each service the congre of this interesting serial will be Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zone. one ere he scored 10 and another ard it was almost dead heat, but for gation expressed themselves shown tonight. For Sunday a before tunately for Cricket he was able satisfied with the spiritual special programme has been arBy order, At Isth nian Park, while the chances been to show the point of his nose and awakening which came over the ranged. The popular Jim Coraccepted it is crowd was anxiously watching doubtful whether the game would the struggle bet veen Surrey and the judge awarded him the race. members for the day.
bett known to THE MANAGEMENT be drawn. Holford who made 35 Brita inic, the Standard was the Pool paid, 300. Sixth Racefans for his success in The choir assisted ably, to Midnight Ma Water not out was also in be making sufficient blanders to give Boy and Glorita, tbe latMan will ing dropped and ter won. IPool paid, 60. make the musical part of the the Universal Special Production Cricket Games for To morrow ed his appreciation byla reckless berigame away to Jamaica after Seventh Race. Mav. Be was an service a succc88. Many solos The Prince of Avenue and after Clovelly vs. Surrey at Isthmian bit of hitting With the last Ass Winners with second and anthems were first Standard pis up a rendercu Soring the wore this ill of Park pair of batsmaa at the Pool paid, 2, 30. Eighth Race which made one feel that there the screen produces in their inket, score Yorkshire vs. Vincentian at closed with a total of 161 Lindsay 31 and Hinds 10 got out.
Britannic declared of 118. Kaights made 44 pictures, As de Oros won with Ace of without Standard Oval.
runs After recess Jamaica went to bat Trumps second. Merry Morton is a great future in store for Rev, fear or exageration, that this fell lame in the race and had to Barclay latest picture will please Boca.
La Boca vs. Standard at La for the loss of wickets. Knights and lost wickets before she had made 12 runs Opinions were be drawn out. Pool paid. 70 Almighty God in this place, we everybody, Special music will very varied if Surrey, atter blanders made boih by the capsincerely hope that our people be supplied with this picture.
such a stay in the field, and with tain and men of Standard, JamaiRent Receipt Books in Span will give their support unswer celsior is The best pictures Remember the motto of the Ex Rent Receipt Books in Span such a total up against them, ci eventually made a score of 15L.
ob could stave defeat.
ish and English for sale at the ringly to this branch of the taina bie at the lowest price ish and English for sale at the The principal contributors were Workman Printery Surrey opens Disastrously Church established bere. of admittance possible, Workman Printery, Miller 34, Foster 15, Sambleton After the asual Trecess Thomas 24, Lindo 14 and Roberts 12 spite EXCELSIOR THEATRE TO MORROW to see an רח we inore than hour dowa use of the to went on to the pitch to spin the wide, 45, and at the call of les INin was The Adventures Of Tarzan bowler was tried, change after also Harding 25 not out were runs had suresi run over.
balea same the new the invincible well movie The in early he all his DOW


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