
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1922 Interesting e News from The West Indian Isands MAGNUMS ASES lation Was invincible Are Coming SEX50 ENTIRELY DIFFERENT on dents, There was no SSXSXSS 08:00 its SAVE THE ters four of which Chaguanas Coupons money versary well.
080080 koo SSC SEXO of the BARBADOS bedos tennis is not by any means for the purpose of financing the of an ordinary standard. She growers Those concerned would sent off ber best, if not her very prefer to negotiate directly with and circumstances per the producer, and, therefore the Barbodos Turf Club best.
mitted us to oppose her contin formation of a Co operative Fruit Races.
gent with players who have all Growers Association is strongly made reputations locally. These arged. Such a body would not reputations were upheld and the only become responsible for the Fine Sport; Good Weather. series were concluded in triumph proper packing and grading of and victory for the homsters. rait under its own marks, but it Barbadians on grass, at home wuld be extremely useful in a The weather was kind and or abroad in cricket or ter inancial sense The subscription in ornsiderate during Monday and nis, are giants. On clay or o such an Association need only Wednesday last to the organisers some other substitute they are be a nominal one, and all profits.
of our annual Turf Club race well! not quite so good. The less expenses would be returned meeting and, with its help, two Trinidadians, no doubt, have so the grower in proportion to afternoons of glorious fun were done better on afforded a fairly representative They played and lost, however, by him to the Association.
their own soil the quantity of fruit furnished gathering of the Colony popu in sporting spirit and we wish As compared with ast them better luck next time. The Trinidad and Tobago Ele year s, we think that this year George Challenor e mentary Teschers! Tinion bas meeting was overshadowed both in the singles. He played in by the number of horses com fine form throughout. while his become catiliated with the Natiopeting and the persons attending confreres supported him ably in the latter organ zation, insisted. There were fewer vehicles on the doubles. Society played however, on the elimination of the part well towards our the word Elementary demand for stand accommoda visitors and we are certain that sanctioning a filiation, as iberoas tion Nevertheless here was a they will, on their departure, not desired to restrict the scope goodis crowd, brimful of enthu, carry with them very favourable of the Union activities to any one class of teachers.
ofending public taste sportmarship, and guiltless of visit.
cracy in any direction whatso.
of the twenty two ever. There were many police Operations of Union Oil the caiend to the February men and few prisoners, and Company sitting of the Criminal Assize aruken brawls and broken beads Court of Port of Spain, Trinidad were, fortunately, absent inci We understand that the Brit seven are for counterfeiting end to amuse ish Union Oil Company Ltd. pleasing success has been ment. Skilful and cunning which is in operation here, bus brains devised varied means also holds concessions in Trini: achieved by a Trinidad shorthand of entrapping the unwary and dad as yet undeveloped, will writer, in connection with the e semi annual International Com Catering to the thirst for diversoon be partly transferring petitions of the Sioan. Duployan sion. And thus we saw the attentions in that direction and operator of the card trick at his with the object in view, will be Shorthand Society headquer best and sending Ramsgate, England. The victim at his worst Ibis of the derricks now silver medal offered in Class!
accent youth catching coins used at Springfield, St. Josepb. for the best accuracy over to Trinidad with frenzied ardour; and natured over to (non speed)
Although Bien waiting for the final revoluCompany is is still optimistic owing paper, has been won by Mr.
to the favourable results tion and collapse of a hexagonal ba San Supersad, Edward Street Trinidad Mr.
bit of brass to decide whether have attended the prospecting Supersad is a self taught writer they should take somebody at various points in this colony, or yield up their ad. it has not been, it is stated, It was all great fun over fortunate with the drillers JAMAICA. for the winner, and the man who have been in charge of the who 05t wisely, but not too operations and is at present some wbat at a standstil in their Harbour Dues.
In the between the raees pror campaign here. Now drillers are ed exciting and not always too expected shortly, when work certain. There were the will be resumed in full once. The following is the text of a usual We wish the Company better Bill entitled Law to surprises, and wise men who exempt toiled daily, prior to the event, luck.
vessels from the payment to the Garrison Savannah with Harbour fees and Light Dues stop watch and note book to SCHOONER ABANDONED which was introduced in prepare themseives for all even.
Legislative Council yesterday by tualities and make sure of the Collector General: fortune, joined the pedestrian Captain and Crew Reach Bar This Law may be cited as trafic each evening, sultry and bados in a Life Boat. The Harbour Fees and Ligbt Dues Exemption Law, 1922 These serious individuals are the disconsolate and forlorn.
The Schooner Lowell Parks Not withstanding anything tragedians the caste of the Spert of Kings. They calcu St. John, Newfoundland on the provisions of any Law, all vessels heavily laden with Codfish left to the contrary contained in the late before the contests. Horse 17th of January for Harbour be and are hereby including coasting ships, shall feeb and other uncertainties Buffett under the command of from the payment of Harbour exempted falsify their reckonings. Pootpad Captain Roberts with a crew Fees and Light House Dues in was the only upbeaten borse of of five sbe ran into a successsion and distinct from all other her sails were all blown. clean Schedule to this Law are hereby the meeting. He stood out alone of gales of such intensity that any port of this Island, The Laws mentioned in the creoles. Weight could not stop away. Her seams also started appealed to the extent mention him for he is many pounds better and this fact along with much ed in the third column of such than the next best, ana it other damage resulted in should be some time before his beginning to leak.
schedule star falls. Woodgirl was the This Law shall not come into The Captain and next most popular winner and having tried after unless and until the unsuccessfully to operation ber failure over the mile on the cope with the situation, and the Governor shall notify by, procla: ang for many confident punters. cided to abandon the ship 200 pleasure not to great day, proved a sad happen gale baving increased, they de mation that it is His Majesty it shall Even now are execrations being miles North East of Barbados; same, and thereafter the. which they accordingly did at come into operation upon such a tid had alleged to be responsible a. last Tuesday morning leav day as the Governor shall notify for ber defeat. Yet. whatever it ing ber and taking to life boats. tion.
by the same or other proclamaThey reached Speightstown lar game. Bedelia lost many lars for her lovers and came up to town on the Twice of the three times she drogher Victoria DOMINICA threw down the gauntlet to Wood morning.
yesterday girl was sbe beaten fairly and squarely, and the magnificent Tanner in which the latter won Incom Tax Expect.
THE FRUIT TRADE the mile and a half seems to justify the opinion that the bear. The House of Assembly met Deserves Better Treatment.
er of the turquoise and violet and passed address express livery is the better un. Aristo ing she willingness of the House erat was a failure, and go were to secure the services of an in Says the Dominica Guardian of her supporters. Camcuflags ran come Tax Expert at the rate of recent date. Referring to the gamely, but Tom Young and Say 1, 000 per annum.
fruit trade which has been going lem, particularly, were disappoint Bill to authorise the Bishop on these many years between ments. The latter was off colour of Barbados and the Rector of St speculators from the fruit pro and the former, formless. Dan Michael to sell the St. Mathew ducing islands of Dominica, St.
roi won one engagement! on Vicarage was also passed.
day and a Lucia Grenada and Barbados, the Agricultural News suggests very fine impression, but that the trade is deserving of pitted alongside Woodgirl and TRINIDAD better treatment. That is so, Bedela exbibited a most painful but how can this be brought inferiorty. As whole, the abont, considering that the meeting was an enjoyable and, Fruit Industry speculators are all people, of the successful one and the Turf Club deserves congratulation on the Capt. Read, at present times and over again suggested cash to back them. We have smooth running of the progrimme.
attached to the Department of times Agriculture at Trinidad, has regular inter colonial service recently issued a Circular letter Steamer between these islands Tennis Tournament tentativo proposals have been in which he says that Certain people whereby traders would owned by our own received, relative to the creation travelling. Not only would these have better advantages for Trinidad vs. Barbados, and development of fruit industry in this Colony from a buoksters carry, mangoes, Financial Corporation in Eng. oranges and such like, but a The Tennis Tournament is land. These proposals include the good trade could be done in ended and Barbados has come construction and operation of a ground provisions, small stock through unscratched. We feel a fleet of Motor Ships especially and other cheap goods. The natural pride in the achievement, built for transport of fruits and matter is one which is well for it serves to demonstrate to in addition certain amount of worth considering, our friends in Trinidad that Bar capital is expected to be available (Continued on Page Bilent in and crew ls, it is all a part of this partido1. Tbout o clock Thursday evening numerous SUNLIGHT IN THE MORNING, SUNLIGHT ALL THE DAY.
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