
APRIL 1, 1922 PAGE TUREE Notice of Removal The Woman Exchange aad of grade.
nela (Cheers months.
18 duty year which is The People Grocery and Dry Goods Store public he which JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
of Canada Trade Imperial Preference Once Again On Up The Coalition Party ward Grade.
Policy. ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN POR WOMEN Tre Public is hereby notified that the Recent Improvement In Mr Austan Chamberlaia, SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO NO. TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA CITY Exchange and Unem made an important nounce as leader of the Unionist Party Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue Corner ployment Reflected in ment at the Central Hall, 16th Street West.
Feby Figures.
Westminster, on February 21st as to the policy of the Coalition Party regarding Imperial preDRESSMAKING (Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. THE COMPARISONS. ference. Comin to the ques.
tion of Tariff Reform The new premises are well equipped for turning out the best class of work Direct West Indian cable the very genises of the Tariff Imperial preference, which was PLEATING from Ottawa states that Cana. Reform movement, he said: da Trade is again on the up am suspected of much weakenRecent improvements ing of faith. an chuiged with AND PHOTOGRAPHS in Canadian Exchange and in in abandoning old principles and the volume of employment are admit that am adopting new AS reflected in increased trade for policies to suit what consider February as compared with situation and an altered (Accordion, Knife, previous montb. Official returns world.
But do not NEW YEAR GIFTS the total think anyone will accuse me o give the figures of Box Pleats)
Canadian Trade for the two cowardica Dal the matter of Tarih Reform (Cheers. Remember your friends with your photograph this fought The total Trade for Fabruary for the whole scheme. root and Our Establishment in year and they will remember you as long as 1922 was 101, 298, 728 dols. For bra the photograph lasts.
January 1922 it was 98, 573, 987 branch, food taxes and all, until my leader and the majority of sures a perfection of bandidots.
Increase 2, 724, 791 dols, the party had abandoned me; work which accentuates the Total for last month however, and only then consented to shows a decline of 36, 986, 969 abandon them because of the latest styles so pleasing to Our Photographs are Permanent dols. in comparison to February urgency of the Irish question patrons 1921. But this again is an in and my ua willingness to be Have that long delayed photo which you promised provement on the previous cause of disunion in the party of month.
The total Canadian which was a member. Bat your friend so often Trade for January 1922, dropped say to you, we are living now in 55, 612. 144 dols, when compared an altered world.
ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.
MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO with January Preference is part of the 1921. The total trade for the policy of this Coalition Govern The coolest in the city where you are certain of the eleven months ending last Feb ment By them it has been best attention.
ruary was 1, 361, 505. 121 dols a placed upon the Statuto book, decrease of 927, 013, 350 dels in and it remains part of our policy comparison with the correspond, as long as we act together that ing eleven months of the fiscal wherever there is there The best Tonic in the World Day and Night Photographs The total Cana sball be a preference. But say previous dian trade for the eleven months to to you also it would seem to be ending February 1921 was 28. perfect sadness to think that VIGOR TONIC SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO 518 471 dols.
in a world so altered from that America Trade in which were acting before the This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West. Washington, March 14. Ex war, in a world where what you ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, ports of 22 of the principle ag wa Want is not to defend yourself Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up ricultural products grown in the against competition, but to find a run down constitution.
cent, in quantity during 1921. paper orders with you and in a United States, increased 27 per anyone who is in a position to to purchase your It promotes digestion, improves the appedecreased 39 per cent, in tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
as compared with 1920, accord country wbic is smarting, and ing to an analysis of trade statis very naturally smarting, uader DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or tics made yesterday evil effect of those Govern times a day.
the Department of Agriculture ment controls and interferences Corner 4th Street Hudson Lane Phone 98 The total value of farm and forest with were stry in war, but proved. The most modern and up to date house in Colon The Leading house for 000 last year as compared with a great source of difficulty to us. 3, 658, 000, 000 10 The alue in their existence and inthe Royal Scarlet, Cereals and Hawaiian Canned Goods agricultural and forest measures necessary to get rid RAISINS, CURRANTS, OTHER CAKE MAKING REQUISITES imports last year was 1, 475, 000 of them since the war concluded in such a world and in such SPECIALTY 000 in 1921 as compared with 3, SILK HOSIERY, PERFUMERY TOILET ARTICLES, SCHOOL 537, 000 in 1920.
country to go out with the ACCESSORIES, ETC. ETC.
old programme of Tarll Reform at this time seems to me perfect All at popular Prices Orders taken by Phone Rent Receipt Books in Span madness. Cheers. Barcains! Bargains. Bargains. SMALL, Proprietor CAVE, Manager, ish and English for sale at the Tariffs are not a principle, bait Workman Printery. they are a matter of expediency Our coruplaint against the old Manchester school is that they GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE invited the country to treat them When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. as a matter of expediency. Be hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth. think the country would have been wise to follow our advice. think it quite pos sible that the time will come Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller again when the same advice may be wisely offered wisely country. But at this moment, when there is no Address. MULLER BUILDINC trade to be got, it is not the time to choose to institute a CALIDONIA general tariff which would not be in such circumstances effecOf Every Description tive for revenue and which is not in such circumstances needed for protection. West India Committee Circular. CALLE No GERMAN SUGAR АТ THEPRIVATE ACADEMY The Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer of Feb ruary 18th publishes the follow English Classes ing: The news from Berlin indiFor Young Ladies 6 cates that Germany will have When passing drop in and inspect our yaried made enough sugar during the AND FOR BOYS 7 current year to supply its own Stock of Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
home demand and with some surplus for sale. This means a great improvement, as against BARTON, conditions in 1921 and an enor mous improvement as compared with the situation in 1920 when the whole home production and considerable quantities from Off From Shale.
Czechu Slovakia failed to cover NOTICE the home demand.
sugar production fell in 1919 20 to 716, 000 metric tons, the lowest In various parts of the world production of any year since the there are deposits of shale TO ADVERTISERS AT COLON war began in 1915. It is reported from which is possible that the abolition of state regulato distili oil on a commer. On and after March 1st tion has been one of the causes cial basis. An improvement on Advertisers at Colon whose te the improvement in the sugar the usual process has just been Ad. at present appear in the industry. The retail sales are no introduced by a en: longer rationed on maximum gineer. The sbale is powdered WORKMAN will make all reprice. This has led to some in and beated until it is just about mit tances to the Office and conveniences, speculators having to give off yapour, it is toca all intending advertisers will brought up the available snp nixed in a retort with hot sand please communicate direct plies at one time, but the situa which thus rises it to the teete with the WORKMAN Printery tion is gradually shifting itselt perature required for eomplete and larger sugar exports are carbonisation but does not raise Box 74 Panama City or expected in due course, it beyond the point at which al Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zone.
An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
the volatile sonstituents will be Advertise in The Work distilled off. Tests made of this By order, process shows that no clinkering man it pays. lof the material takes place.
THE MANAGEMENT a Free Trade into perfect form of fore the 81 Varied Assortment of STATIONERY accepted by the code and CAN ALWAYS BE HAD WORKMAN PRINTERY German Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.


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