
them to you.
the remains of An Old Resident THE WORKMAN Has Passed Away Died on Saturday last, Mrs.
Published on Saturdays by EN. Rates for Advertisement on applica Rosita Flax, at the age of 64 ALROND, the office Central Avotion Correspondence on all matters years. The deceased lady was 26 and corner of Street Panama of public interest invited a native of the Virgin islands.
de All copy for publication must be She came to this country many Box 74. Ponome RF written on one side of paper only, ard years ago, quite a young woman, CATES OP SUBSCRIPTIO must be accompanied by the name of and contracted marriage with Obe Year 40 B. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publica Mr. William Daniel Flax, also a native of the same island Six Months Mon but as a mark of good faith 30 Mrs. Flax was a very popular Be.
We do not undertake to retur Ope 360 crejected orrespondence person in church circles and ltd a very steady and commendable life. She was very much respec. we Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNTOS ted and was a sincere friend to all with whom she came in con SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1922 tact. tender mother and a loving wife. Her life was a strik.
ing example of proper living and THE QUESTION OF THE MOMENT dhe babe left footmarka behind for others to follow. Mrs Fax was a faithful member of the Household of Ruth, The great question of the moment and one which is at Oddfellows, and the large numpresent exercising the mind of the entire Isthmian Com ber of the sisters and brothers munity is the sudden closing down on Saturday morning wbo turned out to do honour to last of the Panama Banking Company the oldest banking her last remains bear evidence of Esteem in which she institution in the Republic up to the day it failed to open was held by the ther members of its doors to the public.
the Order There is unquestionable a great deal that can be said During her illness. she was alin connection with this great calamity especially in these tended by Drs. Lowe, Anderson, trying days, but as the bank affairs are in the hands of a Fairweather and Solano, but in Receiver in whom the entire community has implicit confi spite of all that medical aid could accomplish, she NOTICE dence we refrain from making any comment until Mr. dreadtul consequences of a sick she succumbed to the Ruan has made public the financial status of the bank. nes which tested her christain faith very much in the last mo West Indian depositors of the ments of her existence.
Panama The funeral ceremonies were which is now in a state of bank Banking Company The Irish Situation conducted by Bishop James ruptcy, as resolved by the Judge Craik Morris, of Panama and the Canal Zone: Rev, Archdeacon are hereby notified that Mr.
of the Circuit of Panama, Come in and see the Carson. Rev. There was at first some perturbation here at the news Vicar o St. Luke Church and Addison Ruan, Fiscal Agent that the rival parties in Southern Ireland bad reached an Rev. Nightengale, Rector of this Republic has been ap. The GAS STOVES agreement whereby the general election there would be vices. Peale. Tanken funeral se charge of these proceedings has was postponed for three months. The Provisional Government Meredith and the prayers and Panama city, and 45 day by residents that we are furnishing FREE, Wherever must remain in a difficult position until they have the ver benediction days to by His dict of the country behind them and a sound majority in Bishop Morris The service was in which to file their claims. The those residing city the Gas pipes are already in the house the Dail Eireann. They are immersed in details of ad purely choral and was very im West Indian Committee ad vises ministration with an administrative machine which is lack pressive, and the first of its kind not to file such claims before ing in legal sanction and they have the additionally diffi the grave side the last requiem consulting the be at F.
cult task of drafting a new constitution. Meanwhile, for the dead was said by ArchSecretary, Arrange We shall be glad to demonstrate although the anti Treaty party of de Valera are pledged deacon Carson, and Rev. lengale, Chairman, or not to hamper the Provisional Government at its constitu Nightengale read the prayers ments are being made to obviate th tion making they are at liberty to perfect their anti After the religious Treaty propaganda. Griffith is pledged not to use the Irish were got through, the Household minimun the expences in so do louing.
of Ruth performed their last WYNTER, army against them and Griffith keeps his pledges. He and cereme ceremony over Collins have again been in consultation with British minis the dear departed sister. Quite Secretary PANAMA COLON GAS CO.
ters on the situation and British ministers have implicit a large and prominent number West Indian Committee.
confidence in his good faith; and he expresses perfect taith of West Indians assisted at the PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: that the British Government will stand by their Treaty of funeral, and many were the sad regrets Inauguration of a WoCathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
December last.
The deceased lady leaves a man Club.
sorrowing husband, two daughTel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 ters, two sons, and a son in law to mourn her irretrievably loss.
British and French Premier Confer On Monday 27th inst, at Lathis opportunity of tendering our Boca, a meeting was called by To the bereaved family we take condolence in this hour of their Mrs. G, La Pierre, for the pur. CHURCH SERVICE Seventh Day Adventist Church The conversation between Lloyd George and Poincaré hope that the Almighty God will Woman Club. Precisely at 45 bereavement, and we sincerely pose of the inauguration of a (American Episcopal Church) tiS ANCON AVE, PANAMA.
at Boulogne was about the shortest conference on record, give them the strength of the a goodly number of ladies St. Paul Church, Panama. Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sabbut it does not appear to have been the least efficacions. christain faith to stand this loss. assembled and Mrs. La Pierre, m, Holy Communion, bath School; 11. 15 sm, General Worship outlined the object for whicb the In three hours talk results were achieved which could have with courage and fortitude.
10 sm, Litany 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm meeting was summoned, only been attained after long and wearisome delay had Several remarks were made 10:30 am. Holy Eucharist, and mor Young People Meeting; 30 Vespere.
Poincaré insisted upon the old method of interchanging Rev. Mulcare III.
by the ladies present, and it was decided that the organization 30 m, Holy Baptem.
notes. As it is, the future of Genoa seems assured. VariSunday night 30 pm. Service. At p. Sunday School.
are welcome, ous topics, at the request of France, appear to have been We are pleased to state that Words Club. The following should be named, The Kind 30 pm Evensong and sermon.
barred from discussion at Genoa, but the main duty of the Rey. Mulcare, Rector officers were duly elected NIGHIENGALE Vicar, Bible Truth Churches the conference will be really to provide some broad lines of the tapeterden Choprsbed Lia Boca, Mrs. Evans Matron San Miguel of policy along which all countries will agree to work. This who has been confined indoors St. Alban s, Paraiso.
for the past month, is out and La Pierre President 5:30 am Morning Prayer should have a healthy effect upon the European situation; around again. His famlliar figure Miss E, Prince 1st. Pres 10 a, m, Holy Baptist 10 am Children Service and when so many countries and diverse interests are which was greatly missed in 11 am, Holy Eucharist and sermo Dorris Evans Secretary 11: a. Preaching Service represented it is well to hasten slowly. The question of Panama during the period of his p. Sunday School, and Confirma 2:30 pm, Sunday School Codrington Treasurer tion Class limitation of armaments by European powers may possi illnes was yesterday seen and 7:15 Gospel Service bly be referred to a commission whose duty it would be to though he complains of not welcomed back to the city, al Church 30 Evensong and address Calidonia Jackson Stewards report to a subsequent conference. In the meantime, it is feeling quite himself yet.
St. George Church Gatun.
5:30 am. Morning Prayer The next meeting of the Club undoubtedly a healthy fact that there will be no default11 am, Preaching Service will take place Monday 11 a, Matins and address.
ers at the Conference which establishes a precedent, as 2:30 Sunday School p. Sunday Scbool Meeting of Instruction, April 3rd, An invitation is here7:15 Gospel Service.
Lloyd George for one firmly believes, that should be of the by extended to the ladies to 30 Evensong and address, BARCLAY Pastor in charge.
swell the roll of membership. NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge utmost utility The proposed Anglo French pact was also discussed will hold a Excelsior Lodge, No. 2444 11 Morning Prayer and Holy Ad Journed Special Meeting between the two Premiers and the way seemed to bave meeting of Communion, Instruction in the Rent Heceipt Books in Span p. Sunday School been cleared for such an agreement to come into opera. Lodge room, Calidonia Road. on sh and English for sale at the Court Mizpah, No. 9198 tion. In this country it is hoped that such a pact will Friday the 7th Inst, commen.
Workman Princery have a pacifying effect upon Europe.
Members of the above named None here would cing at 30 St. Peter Church La Boca.
Court are reminded that an adsupport the Government were they to make the pact Holy Commuion at 30 a.
Litany and Bacharist service at 11, journed special meeting will be anything other than a purely defensive instrument. tish credit abroad. There is little dubt that the lowerheld at their lodge room MornHoly Baptism at 3p.
France lears that Germany may plan an attack upon her ing of the bank rate, and the growing keenness of our Sunday School at 30 pm.
ing Star lodge hall on Wednesat some date in the future; her policy and her military industrial competition in the markets of the world, will 30 Choral Evensong and ser day April 4th 1922 at 30 sharp.
plan are largely directed to countering such an eventuality. soon be sur ceeded by the necessary stimulus to financial mom As masters of very great im By assuring her of British support were she again to enterprise in the creation of new trading ventures and There will be Divine service Mond portance will be discussed every suffer invasion, the British Government make possible to the development of exciting organizations. Certain and Confirmation Clase at the close take a livelse interest in to Friday at 30 a. Special Service one is invited to attend and the her a mitigation of the expense she is incurring by main reactions are already apparent an increased output in Wednesday at 30 matters affecting this Court.
tain her huge army, at the same time discouraging ang many of the larger concerns and in a lowered cost of pro Thursday evening at 30 special German junkers who may be dreaming of revenge, and duction, service will be held for lads only. McBARNETT.
claiming generally that perturbation among European MULCARE Rector.
Secretary states which is in a measure excusable when a powerful St. Barnabas Church, Empire Juvenile neighbour is in possession of a huge ffghting machine. Dockers Union Boycott Beer.
Cantata By Bible 11 am. Morning Prayer and address, Truth School None in Europe can afford great armaments; the British p. Sunday School, policy is to assist a general limitation.
The English Dockers Uniou are trying a novel and 30 Evening Prayer and address, piquant experiment in trade univ. activities. As a pro St. Bartholomew Church, grand Juvenile Cantata will be giv en under the auspices of the school 00 test against the price of beer and the alleged or postLas Cascadas Thursday, April 13, 1922. This Canta Strengthening of British Credit Abroad war quality they have instituted a boycoit against beer. 11 am. Morning Prayer and address, ta promises to be one of great delight, have myself witnessed in the last day or two the un2. 30 Sunday School as there will be many parts performed, usual sight of bands of busy London dockers drinking p. Evening Prayer and address representing the various kinds of obstao les that the Missionaries come Our London correspondent writes that the sharp rise coffee at the docks and professing to enjoy the change of MULCARE. Priest in charge. contact with in their fielde of labour.
in British Government securities, following the steady diet. The brewers so far have made no move towards rise of the British pound sterling in relation to the Ameri repentance. And from what know of the convivial ha Rent Receipt Books In Span treat general public are invited to this play, Admission, Adulte 25c.
Children 156. Be sure any is.
can dollar and the reduction in the English bank rate, bits of the English docker do not think this particular ish and English for sale at the cried to obtain December to be has contributed to the still further strengthening of Bri boycott will last long enough to be successful.
Workman Printery.
rents will be reserved.


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