
TAE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side lews 111 Successful Song Best care in recruitios nivaly rela 111 HELD IN day 8th 30 o clockay portal purpose of and Try a Good Cigarette one of the mother, part in this FOR a Tiso as they would kiss Dearly every cent sate keeping in the abovenings in mes of Mother.
Cure that Cold in your Head Laeron Mr.
Parket V D10 Was to lile o the stream of Cure troce. recitation, The The line is extensive The Defunct Canal The Good Work Canal Zone Notes big fight for the medal. In the next sue the of Zone Bank. Doing in Colon vur eotestants will appear. Watch LA BOCA grow.
By General Watson To the Editor of the Workmon From Istest report to our genial Pasto Respected Sír, while thanking Commander of the Boys and expecting you in advance; we ask you most Brigade to resume with us kindly to oblige us in publishing IS LUCKY NUMBER Service again. This church is trying to serve the the following on behalf of the NOTICE TO PARENTS AND interests of this town and cominterested in your eagerly sought sually and make its influence for right for, and widely read papers:GUARDIANS.
At La Boca Clubhouse Under cousas felt as lut and wide as it tay ALL DEPOSITORS OR the Auspices of the Literary The cultivation of righteousnessbala be the first sodchiel concern of every AGENTS OF DEPOSITORS in Be it resolved that am hereby Society.
own for righteousnes exsitetheple.
terested in the Affairs of the authorized by the Alcalde of this city to So this Couren is a great e tu cois Sem Defunct Canal Zone Bank take in and to preserve the good diciere hereby earnestly requested pline and moral conduct of all bad bove MR. CA HARRIS DELIVERED city, to attend MEETING TO BE in this city. Therefore any parents hsv IS GOOD CIGARETTE INSPIRING ADDRESS in the hall of the Governing any bad boys who cannot be con PARAISO ment Building in Colon, on Satur trolled by said parents or guardians can The bike to Summit whith we concf April 1922, at call at No. 240 Hudson Lsne room No. God in Hie Works and Words. dacted by the Community Club led by preciselv, for the 10 and make proper arrangements for This is the subject on which Mr. A. tbe President on Frid. y afternoon; and making any impor por the safe keeping of your boys.
Try Your Luck Harris, spoke at the La Boca Literary the Volley Ball contest on Friday night tant amendment lif deemed Namos of Boys Received from Society Sunday afternoon song service were very interesting events of the week, necessary) of affixing their September which was beld at the Clubhouse last is pleasing to see how the memsignatures to a Petition which Sunday very appreciative Kathering bir of the Club and friends have eater was presented to his honor Judge Sept Mckenze by order of bis made up of visitors from Panama City, ed into a spirit of fall co operatiou in Vallarino of the 3rd, Circuit father, members of the Wesleyan Church and preparing for the Easter Seison Canta residents of Ls Boca, listened with much. The light of the Cross which will take Court of Panama, and to which Sept 11. Hais po parents taken Torbe be bas intimated his acceptance out of jail and supported by the Brigade. That Famous One Eleven Blend of interest to and was much inspired by place in the clubhouse ball co Sunday the truth.
The following is a copy of the a Sept. 14 Lesley by order of his Virginia. Turkish. Burley Tobacco truth expounded by the speaker April 23 secondo Thi Petition presented on March 24th, father, This will be the most unique event of regarding God work and words. After introducing his subject the speaker did its kind ever seen in Paraiso and per 1922 is incomparable Sept 15 Northover by crder of To His Honor The Judge of the his mother, supported by the Brig de.
not hesitate but apparently took his haps on the Isthmus in that a big surinto a world of holiness and prise has been planned for the children.
3rd Circuit Court, Panama. Res. Sep. 18. Cousin by order of bie reverence to the Creator and Preserver All parents and guardians e invited pected Sir.
As of the Universe when he invited their to send their children to practo in or ler Depositors of the late Canal BUY PACKAGE TO DAY Sept, 18. Biscket by order of the attention to the Grandeur of Nature that they may have a Zone Bank, and as a member of Alcalde, supported by the Brigade.
Oct. Edwarde by order of hi the Colon Charity Organization, AT ALL COMMISSARIES CLOBHOUSES the beautiful flowers and trees that reminder of the Season decorate the face of the earth; the birds hereby ask permission to submit father, to your honor kind consideration father.
Oct. 28. Cousin by order of bio that pour forth sweet tune from their Cristobal Literary Society, laire; the hills that peep up and the a petition on behalf of various 11 CENTS Dec. 15. Copper by order of his mountains that rises Quite an enjoyable time was speat last depositors who together with their families are now in a state mother the skies; the rivers that tripple from the Tuesday evening at the meeting of the Cristobal Literary Associations livsly of dire destitution on this Isthmountains and enter the great oceane; Jan, 19 J, Foster by order of the the sun, moon and stars that riu and interest was displayed by the members mus of Panama Many of them Alcalde act follow their prescribed courses by day to the dispatch of their program which had do Feb King hy order of the Con Alcalde And by night, and the thunder sod the way well rendered, and which presenta of their calde.
March 13. Miller by order of his lightening and the earthquake that come marked progr:63 in the life of the tioned Bank, for uses in times of.
in their turn; all these and multitude Bestion of other wonderful works, he esid, is a March 13. Reid and Reid by need, or distress, or non employ 80g eatitled Side Again the nec ETH conclusive proof that the God whom we sing to Me by ME, Reitbags ment. Being almost in a state of order of their mother.
worship is wonderful and almighty. And the evening prae edings, fotos bv semi starvation at present they Jan. 15 Mop by order of his her to further our interest in the great le NOSTROLINE on Ine Blond studie can do to better than ban to appeal mother.
works of d, the speaker said we have tion M B. Pie wica was to your Honor for Sympathy in Match 15 AJboson by order of Nasal Specific, Invaluable for Nasal Hygiene tte Alcalde.
Den girea His Book (His words) the principal fonturathi their cause.
which Ho speaks to us in respect to the program, Lecture As a little difficulty seem to be INSTANT RELIEF CERTAIN CURE FOR These boys were once regretted by the to the ways in which we should live to highly instructiva and refrorking ant arising contra to the sale of the publie because of their bad condust but Nasal Catarrte, Influenza His honour and glory, contained valuable infrin. tion relative Javillo land (an asset of the Bank) now you can find one half of them in and as the parties who are Alt. Harris address was one item of through the veins and permits our exis which the streets selling papere and they can in debted to the Banis seem not be trusted.
HAY, FEVER, BORE THROAT AXD DRINE38; STUPPINESS program of nineteen which was rendered with Mrs. Olga king at the bead with heard it and judging from the excellent it was appreciated by all wbo AND INFLAMMATION OP THE NOSE honest enough to return the cash amounts loaned to them in good vocal solo entitled Vision of Eden mer Miss Davis of the Panama Wesleyan it is evident that his knowledge in that in which be handled the suject faith; you are now hereby asked Primitive Lodge at Simple! Safe! Sure!
in consideration of the conditions Church foMowed with Mr Parker will con mentioned above; and by the For sale at all ap te. date Drug Stores Bocas Minister Daughter. tempered with tinue bis lecture in the near future; Powers invested in you sublimity and beauty, and then consong entitled Crooning by as tinuous chorus of appropriate Me.
in the case of the said Bank that Song Downs brought the evenings meeting to Dr.
which, like the birds Teran (the Receiver) be Jails Officer Lewin and put at liberty, but it is rumour. Edgar Dehaney Dies as Mr, Harris taught, peeled called by you at the earliest date close to the praise and in order to facilitate an Knight Held by Order of ed that representations will be glory of God. Mr.
made to the British Minister arrangement of a pro rata distri: Judge of Second Circuit. about the condnet of the Judge.
wound up the program with his bariton. The Wedding of Canned From Page 1) At the Chairman request Mr.
bution of whatever cash amounts Reynolds of the Literary Society coming within, waited until they saw Princess Mary.
may now be in the hands of said Receiver, Liquidators and Others It is reported Order Was Illegal the inck flag hoisted before plimented those who took part in the to the credit of the above men and Contrary to Law.
The Irish Situation they dispersed.
program and thanked the visitors who la his weekly London letter tioned sufferers.
Obscure At noon His Hononr Mr. contributed their presence to make the dated March, George Gordon Also may it please your Honor Leach, Coroner for St. Cathrine, weeting a suc sem.
From Bocas del Toro, inforstates that the wedding of Prinon behalf of those depositors, matinn bas reached this office, The program is appended bereto.
a jary held an inquest at the Prison, and after hearing the evicess Mary has been something the City that Austin Lewin, and George resident near, or in By RICHARD BLOUNT PROGRAMME more than the most important that the of Colon, dence of the Prison Burgeon March The political situs the Superintendent, retarned Responsive Reading pro rata Knight, two of the founders of and Hymn.
social event in London for many amount to which they will be en the Primitive Lodge of the Loyaltion in Ireland is still rather the usual verdict that death was It served to show how be transmitted to one o e of Ancient Order of Sheperds, obscure. Mr. Griffith and Nr. due te hanging in exccution of Prayer, intensely popular all the Royal the Judges, or either of the Banks, Family are throughout the En your Honor may deem ashton Unity, were on the peti. Coilins, at the head of the Prosbe sentence of the law. Chairman opening remarks pire. The Princess looks is fit to a trucs with the extremists Solo Vision of Eden by Mrs. King a charming English girl with the depositors are at present, short said order, to the Judge of 2nd Circuit, ordered to be under Mr. de Valera by which Lodge Notice. Recitation The Miniser Daughter typical British biue eyes of the means of transportation in stody for the falsification of the elections in Southern Ireland Miss Davis fair hair and the typical British facilities.
books the property of the Lodge. are to be postponed for three Solo Calvary by Mro. Jump.
passion for fresh air and energe In addition the above The above named Lodge, has months until the sigaatories to ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No. Solo Ave Maria by Min Williams lent game of tennis, she sits a tic sport. She plays an excel request, and lastly, but not least, what is known as Building the Treaty have drafted an Irish 150 LO.
Constitution on which the electSolo by Mrs, Williams horse and takes her fences in we ask that the Javillo Land be Association. At the beginningars will be able to pass die lodge are held on the 1st 3rd Address God in His Works and Worde and courage worthy of her bro de The meeting nights of this Solo by Miss Edna Allen, the hunting field with a grace sold by public action, in lots, or of the early operation of blocks, if possible, and in the in Bocas del Toro, all the and definite judgement. It is founders understood that Mr. Griffith and Mondays and the 3rd Thursday interim, if also possible, a vate members who were Mr. Harris thers and she has just that ren for a a present distribution can be were given shares tore the terms the coltiose bave talked this step ce le proche de che portano e ting solo Ora Pro Nobio by Min Bransolete our lightful little human touch and overcoming by youmount of contributed in hope of over takes on Monday April of humour which for to the building and for the per practical difficulties of local papers Mise Molton 3rd at 30 sharp in the Sol their a very real place in the labour Mrs. Florence Smith. hearts of everybody. That she While thanking your Honor insociation worked in med. The present position and of abating Loyal Progress ball Panama. Recitation in peace and and the opposition of a a considerable advance; we ask to remain.
All officers and members are solo We Praise Thee by Mr. bas married an Englishman and.
for some years, but as section of the Irish Republican requested to be on time.
Bayne, an Englishman with an excep.
Most respectfully yours; e was no cash dividend dis Army. It is too early yet to WM. MAYNARD, Cosirman closing remarks, tionally brilliant CADOGAN, et al.
trivated, ne of the members any confident opinion upon this Par. Secretary satisfaction of DOXOLOGY Box 895 Cristobal, got dissatisfied and gradually arraagement. Mr. de Valera has every one in the nation and out sold their sbares to other spoken in a Miss Wilbelins Allen officiated at everyone in the nation a more conciliatory has been members of the Association. tone than usual, and has promis NOTICE.
the piano, assisted by Mise Simmons taking a very personal interest in In answer to the above, we are state ot affairs continued ed to postpone his electoral organist at La Bos Wesleyan Church, the match. don remember see instructed by the judge to pro for some years, in the meantime campaign against the treaty; and Mr. Smith of Panama City.
cure the signatures of as many of the Association had been acquire and something will certainly be meeting of the Director of the.
interesachbegan to assemble with to the chill dawa and perfect the depositors as can be had cher properties from the in gained if he continues What blessing it is to have old humour reigned the whole time.
under the circumstances. He also CCLL9 first building, raised Bition on constitutional lines. Matea Life Assurance Company friends, Priends who are ready to help Bells clashed their wedding intimated his willingness to tie a rentals. The properties of The British Parliament will give which was to take place to morpeal acquiese to the Petition.
The good Governor of Colon the hands of the few members which seems likely to trust met postponed to Sanday the best news in our disappointments and rejoice ove cavalcade bodem heredin cand to any arrangement been us. with Princess father in the (Sr. Arosemena) has consented to who had the patience to await hope of achieving unity April at the office of the Secre with us in our triumphs, Friende who sitting by her place the large ball on the upper results. During last year, due to on the basis of the Irish Consti tary, the Ideal Phermacy, Cali bave proved faithful through long class coach and looking extreme years ly Aoor of the Government Palace at financi. troubles among the tution, But both Parliament and denia Centro separation Lowo posetions, indeed such tried and charming, trotted by to that our disposal on the afternoon of members, a was people will insist on the obserWestwoaderful old Abbey at true friend is Mi, Harris who is minister which the date mentioned above bronnen about, and harbours so another vance of the treaty, in spirit and (April 8th. as organized, the wem in its practical implications, and rendering splendid service to the people many national memories. Every JUAN ILLUECA of this commutity, wedding attracts every woman In addition the Judge of the bers divided themsals is to will not accept any device in 3rd. Municipal Court has promis armed camps and the Pulis tended to bring about a sever: Attorney at Law Sunday Aft rnoon last the No. 14 latent romance in the ed to be in his office, at our dis the present order of arrest on ance of Ireland from the Britisk stony Commonwealth of Nations. No. 44 Central Avenue Chapter NIA, held an interesting hearts of most men. It was posal (if necessary) to witness Lewin and Knight.
It is the concensus of opinion open air meeting in this town, the meet jy day in London and indeed the signatures, the bells were ringing in every NELEPHONE. BOX No. 76 ing was well attended, in Bocas that thel affairs could Sir, Mr Editor, again thanking town and hamlet throughout the have been otherwise settled, and ROOMS TO LET that the order of the Judge was Practices in all Courts of There were scenes of have the honor to remain, illegal and therefore, an outrage CALLE No The Literary Society singing contest tremendous enthusiasm when Panams will be the greatest event in the history the bride and bridegroom set off Yous most respectfully, on their liberty, During this APPLY ON PREMISES of the Silver City, this will be staged in for Paddington station and their CADOGAN, week the two parties have been End Spoken Fluently May. Ls Buca preparing to put up honeymoon in Shropshire.
Judge forth possible. in years.
titied, and to held and to Order in have won for ber Bonal to pass. 18 coethe complete satisf recordThis jolly ing his oppor hele good 04 the Collin SO Order country you in advance.


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