
PAGE SIX THE WORRMAN SATURDAY APRIL 1922 DSSSSSSSSSSSC 603 Ossc THE IDEAL PHARMACY No. 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro (OPPOSITE THE RON GATE) Fish that Could Swallow Ten Jonahs Huge Monster Tarpon Survived Five Harpoons and 151 Buliets.
Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
Full grown Man Could Stand Upright in its Stomach and Sit in Jaws was days NO SUBSTITUTES USED Only the purest and most genuine Drugs compounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over 40 years experience WILLIAM de SOUSA, Prpprietor.
partisans. esse wise and ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY into its The following is reprinted from the Evangelistical Christian of TreatoCanadu, for February 1A22 Professor Wiseman thirty years ago saying that Jon W39 myrth; that no whale could swallow Jonah, that a city of three journey called Nineveh was unknown that Niceven covered only 300 acres. Now our Sunday school teachers who teach this lesson can join God laugh at these great Professors. This is God way of doing it, In the year 1912 Captain Charles Thompson, of Miami, Florida, while fishening for tar poa, from bis steam yacht, saw the belor of a huge fish cut the water them. He with three men launched their lifeboat and suc ceeded harpooniag it. For thirty nine hours that great sos go monster dragged the lifeboa around, witht no stops or sleed or refreshment. The steam yacht followed them as best it could, although at times the speed was terrific They threw into it tive harpoons, and one hundred and Atty one bullets were fired When tically subdued the 20 ton yacht cam alongside and hooked its anchor chain JAWS.
But it was only having a rest thirty nine hours of tow ing With one blow of its immense tail it crushed the rudder and propeller of the steamboat, Finally a steam tug came to their assistance and towed the monster 110 miles into Miami.
Items of Interest With a steam crane it was bauled upon the dock with still sufficient life to give one last The revival of cotton growing bang with its tail, which demoin British Guiana, which has lished the dock house and broke frequently been advocated in the a man leg.
West India Committee Circular, for a few facts about the appears to be progressing in a tish. It weighed 30, 000 pounds very encouraging manner. Ro. afteen Ainerican tong) It was ports on the quality of the first 43 feet long. and feet inches crop, which has been reaped, are bigh. Its mouth was 31 inches distinctly favourable, and it is bigb and 38 inches wide. It skin stated that the Georgetown was three inches thick and the Chamber of Commerce have re. bullets had barely pierced it quested the Government to ar It had in its stomach whole, range for the installation of a one fish weighing 1, 500 lbs. ginnery.
besides a large cuttlefish or after first The Incomparable The Expert Fundamentals of British Liberty.
Counsel in the Court of Criminal Appeal, arguing on behalf of a man sentenced at the Old Bailey The Most Democratic Con to three years penal servitude for larceny and live years prestitutional Rights Known ventive detention as an babitual Among Nations. criminal, stated that his client was a tipster, an expert mixer of 67 varieties of cocktails; he The Liberty of the Subjects know how to do fizzes, juleps, Safeguarded, and punches, and he attends ball, dances, soirees in town or country, and he is just the man (By they want for some of the balls (Continued from Our Last 1884 that are coming off on the 28th.
Counsel on the other side pointed The constitution of those demo cratic form of Government com cribed himself as a well known out that the appellant had des monly known as republicanism, car not be char sed, altered or se racing journalist. But, couramená td at any ole sitting of sel remarked he could not have been a its parliamentary body, or withwell known racing out the constitutional demands journalist, for be bad been in with of the nation determining the prison since 1907 the ex: necessity for of 12 or 15 months.
change. But whereupon the Lord Chief very often. am afraid about, and violence perpetrated that on the most sacred principles be journalists either have been, or a good many well known a the whims and caprices of corrupt was greeted with laughter. In ought to be, in prison. This political the result, the sentences was order to form a just esti reduced to a sentence of 18 mate of the value of the British months imprisonment with hard constitution, let us briefly as labour possible investigate. its most salient and fu ndamental princt ples, and find out what it really is; and then we eball be better turisprudence and is generally able to judge whether the mea deemed the origin of what is sures enacted are more favour. denominated the common law, able for a stable and democratic When William the Norman form of govern ment. judicious took possession of the English French writer, obseryes. the Crown, though the King and his was nobles grossly oppressed the founded on principles of liberty, people, yet no great alteration its constitution is the work of took place in the English conand brave people; who con in his a on stitution of the laws; and Bacon all the power was in his rourse on the laws and vel fet them, and was to governt of England, shows be subservient to their happiness as Chap. 16, that the government it was committed into the bands of the Normans proceeded en tes who were tirely of the states, pon Saxon, principles.
to be a mutual support and check liberties of the people experiDuring the in each state and that the happi enced zess of the people would be best be enacted a charter to remedy a considerable advance; promoted by each contining with many grievances which bad in their proper bounds.
been complained of in the days We have the Monarch, and his of his father, Privy Council; the House of Lords, and the House of Com the throne through intrigue and King Stephen having ascendea mons: and on these three and violence, necessitated still far distinct separate states the good government of the nation in order to establish his authorither to extend popular liberty depends The of civilization ty.
were Henry II, who succeeded be found among the Anglo Sax than to Stephen was more accomplished ors, who from a very tarly sors.
any of his period, began to to entertain sors, and famed for wisdom, just notions of the rights of liberty made a courage and power.
different persons still farther social in life, advance, and the ancient proce and to institute some regulations as the law of their dure of trial by jury, to which respective communities.
When some measure restored, have before adverted, the Great Alfred, bad after sunk into diguse for the Dates, and the country be baving sur a 2002 to enjoy tranquility and considerable time. John, endeavoured to give form and to the crown without opposition succeeded to the English laws. his contentions with the barons That he might render the execu. and afterwards with the clergy, justice Er is. These counties suh many call the many calamities to the nation, at first productive of Iesued into the ratification of into tithings, Eiety Fousel older was responsible for the behaviour erty, and the grand since grang wadium de of civil lib.
of his family and laves, and Charta. or. called hai Magna even the guests it they lived fourt asigned that Runnymede about three days in his house. This Ten neighbouring bcuse holders the celebrated charter were formed into corporations, greatly neutralized in that age who under the name of a tithing, leas, It set those bounds to the to all who were poor and friend decennary, or tribourg, were exercise of the Royal prerogaeach other duct; and over whom one e per con: tive and made him the barmless one person, permanent president of the man, headbourg greatest democratic nation.
or bowman was punish was appointed to Here desire to rest my inveg.
ed as an outlaw who did not tigation on the incomparable register himself in some tithing: fundamentals of the British conrights.
habitation without warrant or dividuals are protected.
certificate from the borsholder te which he formerly belongs All men are equal before the law. The Englishman bouse It is from this ar cient custom, is bis castle, not even the King that in the West Indies we derive dares to enter without due pro: our system of the of Justice of the Peace and a made the intervention of appointment cess No arreet can Custos for each Parisb. For the the the the competent administration of justice, the without those measures of parliapor authorities, bors holder summoned together ment which protects the his whole decennary to assist blest. Violer ce and him in in deciding any lesser dit. the property of the toences which occurred amongst in person and outrage to is held an offence. No the members of this small com corruption nor autocracy must munity. In affairs of greater be permitted by the administra moment, in appeals from the tors. Colour, race, religion, nor arising between members of the with the administration of justice decennary, or in controversies nationality shall not interfere different decenraries, the cause or the other national affairs. No was brought before the hundred, taxation without representation.
wolle naries or freemen, and which was assem to administer the affairs of hundred families of all Bele are the fundamentals to shers who are requested the bled or ce in every four weeks nation. The national for the deciding of Their method of decision de take up arms, it is not for the serves to be noted, as being the King nor the mainte maintenance of any origin Twelve frese policy of Government as in the holders weir chosen, who having en system of republicanisas swoin, together with the hur but for the elements and prindred or presiding ciples magistrates contained in the constitu of that division. prcceeded to tion. For forms of government that cause which was submitted let fools conterd; whatever ad.
to their jurisdiction. The better ministered best is best. It is on to guide the magistrates, Alfred these principles we contend our fraced a body of laws, which superiority over all other forms served as the basis of English of human constitution of society.
AFTER SHAVING some predeces Under him was in in USE Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC It feels tine. Frents sereness, chapping, burning chatting If you shave often, you can do without it.
Inexpensive, easy to use. Just a dash in your bowl of water.
Keeps your face smooth and comfortable. pleasant, satisfactory mouthwash Use it for dobie itch.
At your druggists. You need it.
a on om consistency he divided alle strict and regular, and rgland into although ata octopus.
as took her was called a preside.
THIS 600 TONS STEAMER is 255 ft. gins. long and 27 ft. ins.
beam. She has two decks. tween decks (ft. high.
Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
We must Buy her for our Service of be sugar, The Hospital ship Berbice, ori full grown up man could ginally built by the Royal Mail stand upright in its stomach and Steam Packet Company for the we have a picture of one man West Indian inter Colonial lying in its mouth and another steamer service, is to be paid off of two men sitting in its open and sold by the Admiralty, which jaws in a swing hammock. It.
over during the war.
hich could have easily swallowed ten She is a sister ship of the Bulan. Jonahe.
tia, which was also on the West The United States Government India station before the war, sent expert scientists to embalm and is now cruising between En the skin. They used fifteen bar gland and the Canary Islands, rels of formaldehyde. Steel ribs under the name of St. Margaret of were inserted and the fish bas Scotland.
been mounted on the deck of a steamboat and exhibited by Uncle Sam, In the House of Representatives, in the United States, on mammal or wbale, and the scienIt is a pure fish and not a February 16th, Representative tists who took out the skeleton Ten Eyck, Democrat, proposed a claim that it was but a baby of its resolution urging the President to take steps to purchase all the species.
territory east and west of the line comprising the centre of the With the sugar situation he deals River from its mouth to its 1920 there was, he writes channel of the St. Lawrence sympathetically; In 1919 and use his best a world boom in source, and to and endeavours to have the payments Jamaica shared in the abnormal due to the United States by of that boom. Bat, alas Great Britain set off against the for Jamaica, that brief boom has beea purchase price.
follow ad by an abaormal slump, and in spite of the fact of the sugar planters The Daily Telegraph. comment put their abnormal profits back ing on this, says that Mr. Ten into the business in the form of Eyck is incorri much needed new gible hum Sarded as an and for that rea unless they can gat within the son probably his resolution was year a price for Jamaica sugar not printed generally not too far below the present Presi: not dent Harding is is no more likely high cost of production, there is to take action as proposed than a serious look out both for them (Mr. McAdoo) suggested that The British and Canadian preMr. Wilson, when his son in law and the thousands they employ.
Bermuda and certain Islands in ferences have done the West Indies might be bought for them, but the by the United States.
seems to become dissipated during transit of the sugar from to grower Major Ormsby Gore, consanar, being in found time during his short visit as respect like sum al Jamaican Rivers, which, to Jamaica to write an article though rising as mountains describing his impressions, torrents, reach the sea only which is published in the the sluggish rivalets.
Times of February 6th, under the caption, In Banana Land.
He found that banana Advertise in THE WORKto Jamaica what coal is to England.
MAN. It Pays profits humthat most of machinery, WE NEED 60, 000 MORE MONEY You may subscribe some of this by purchasing some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound each and become part owner.
DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW ethics must be maintained. When we causes something preference cf jories Write to the 04 tby West Indian Steamship Company. Ltd.
ia as 37 ORANGE ST, KINGSTON, JAMAICA is Advertise in The WORKMAN. It Pays


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