
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 1; 1922 PAGE SEVEN Interesting West Indian News (Continued ſom Page 2)
ST. VINCENT WATERBURY COMPOUND WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL Loan to Assist Planters The choicest of rich Turkish tobaccos blended with the best of American tobaccos.
That whyThey Satisfy INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia An excelent vehice for administering lodides, Bromide and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bow Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climate all seasons of the Year.
You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best The Vincentian has learnt that the Government of St. Vincent is considering raising a loan for the purpose of assisting planters and others engaged in Agricul ture. The paper beartilyen dorses the move as one in the right direction. Our Agricul turist, it says, should be given every Dossibie help and en couragement at this time, as without a revival of our agricu tural activities in this island nothing but ruin stares us in the face. The Dominica Guardian commenting on the matter says. Here is a sound lesson for our own Government, DEMERARA and the blend can be copied FOR SALE BY bylill ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COLON.
WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Des Moines la Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans BB TGARETTES Chesterfield Book Binding!
TO as to which Eating Contest Says the Demerara Chronicle of recent date: The normal appetite of some people is sometimes extraor dinary, but it is a question whether another case can be put on a par with the extraordinary CIGARETTES performance in this direction, in the New Amsterdam Market.
Bajan, and one Edwards, men, James Morris, alias chauffeur, challenged of them could ea!
ma LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co. more The competition was witnessed with considerable excitement. It was won by the thinner of the two men, who like Pharoah lean kind devour.
ed more than the fat kind Diwards ate 7ibs of food, while for Lectua Sake.
Baju Bate 51 41bs and was ill FOR SALE ter Loud applause ar laughter An up to date house containing followed the close of the contest hree apartments: located on one loafer who had not eaten hectare of land. Securely fenced could not help rema king after with barbed wire and well plant this extraordinary exhibition of ed with sugar cane, bananas been know before edaciousness: Well ah never pnaltain, papaya, pineapple, etc. chauffeur can put away so much that dem also suitable Mesh Wire enclosure for poultry, Situated at food so quick Dem beat dem Hatto Pintado, Las Sabanas. 15 tailer boy.
minutes walk from Tramway Price Reasonable.
In connection with the Govern.
ment of British Guiana 5, 000, 000 loan, latest ad vices state that January 31, the total of sum of 1, 236, 425 paid up water was widecessed on fecion Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN Book Binding Department CENTRAL AVENUE and No. G Street Linen Co LIFEBUOY Golden Opportunity SAVES The STEWART LIFE Commercial Evening School LEWELRY BARGATUS 2o ba ben de bed and the Now Source of Radium.
CLASSES IN costly substance in the worla. Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soep, it is a reputable germicide and asure disin fectant 51 16th STREET WEST YOUTH and happiness are linked up with health. Link up with Lifebuoy for health and for the children sake. Lifebuoy Soap promotes health happy, smiling health; it protects the children from the dangers of contagious diseases.
Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where Lifebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap will safeguard the childrenkeep them healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them using it before school after play, before meals.
PANAMA CITY particles most few grains of it is worth a fortune. This high cost is due to the enormous amount of material which has to be treated We are hoping that some oc in order to obtain a minute casion will bring you to our tity of radium; but its costlistore shortly. And when you ness is atoned by the extraordido come be assured that it will bary power which resides in of even the tiniest be a pleasure for us to serve wonderful substance. this new you, and that our pleasure in course has recently been serving you will make your visit opened up in Cornwall, England, o our store even more enjoy the ancient site of the tin copper able for yourself.
industries. uradium mine was opened out before the war Wh FULLER and found to be suitable for the production of radium, but work bus suspended during the period JEWELLER of hostilities 122 CENTRAL AVENUE necessary plant and machinery for active operations bave, however, now been erected and the world supply of radium is likely to receive most useful accession.
Dr. Chanis from to p.
Dr. Aronomena ftom to 11 a.
Accidents from Gas Poisoning There are free consulting hours every day in the French Pharmacy from 10 to 12 a. and from to p.
respectively number were JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Gards monoxide, Great prominence is being given in the Press to the large of fatal accidents that conditions Lack of Houses worse Dr.
are taking place in all parts of Sloan Chester discussing conthe pisoning e country from domestic gas ditions in Glasgow, said two to In order to increase economic three thousand women died production the gas Is Cause of Blg Problem in there annually in child birth companies have been allowed to supply water gas instead of coal Great Britain.
and there was a terrible amount of child disease owing to the gas both to industrial and pripoisonous housing conditions vate consumers. Water gas con.
Taousands of families went tains a very large proportion of Direct West India Cable knowingly into cellars and other that dangerous poison, carbon from London dated March 10 which cannot be states at conference of verminoas dwellings in which detected by the sense of smell, women organizations yesterday one would not pat farm animals.
with the result that leading taps resolution was adopted exconcerning public health and or any carelessness on the part child welfare Dr. Marion Phll over the Government abandonpressing keen disappointment of householders involve whole lips said, that owing to the ment of its housing problems.
families in serious peril of their almost entire cessation of build In response to the strong ing since 1914 housing conditions pressure of public opinion the in Great Britain had fallen into Government is now taking action such a chaos that it was almost WILKINSON to limit the percentage of carbon impossible to handle the problem.
monoxide. But an inquiry into CONTRACTOR BUILDER the whole question of gas pro one and a quarter million hous. said Dr. Phillips were reduction is called for.
quired to day in Great Britain, First Class Workmanship aad barely a quarter of a million Reut Receipt Books in Span were being built. In England Plans and Specifications Free and Wales over a quarter of a 15th Street Wes: ish and English for sale at he agillion people were living in House 99 Workman Printery. homes of one room, In Scotland Box 411, Panama, lives, In Good Assortment TO SELECT FROM AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY


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