p. 8


Unfurling of Banner Hilton Hówell Will Unexpected Fall Sex setas THIS IS THE TIME WALK OVER SHOES murder of It was thai large people West Breat aban Banking Cause Reduction in Prices gentle and dignified service.
a American Bazaar Stores the upon takip of the inventory.
of the La Boca Mission Chennai Esteries of the Orders for nice intal. best ever get a cent ing been This Court Pacific No. 9751 (Continued from page Continued from Page 1)
opinion that the evidence was people were dashed to the not sufficent to warrant indict ground.
Grove Hall, La Boca.
iment and as a result submitted that Howell be given his liberty Later in the day Ms. Melbado On Friday (sesterday) the Judge Manager of the Passma BankTO BUY YOUR (Contributed by T, confirmed the opinion of the ing Company was notified of All who strive to ascend, ascend Prosecuting Attorney. and has the action taken by the Court in their striving: At about half past four in the resolved that Howell be put at liberty on bond, pending the ceeded to the Bank and sur the afternoon Judge Vallarino pre Special to the Workman confirmation of the Supreme Not since the American occu: Court of Justice. It is expected Riving the staff ample time to pation of the narrow strip of that he will collect their personal belongings today be cut lard now internationally and universally known 18 THE still remains a mystery to the of Dr. Guy Lord closed and ses led the doors.
previously reported PANAMA CANAL has a ba police department the other local ban and appreciative concourse and the of this country together were considering the aeting ot Indian in par question is.
proposition of taking over be ticular assembled for a specific murdered the deceasec. debts due the Panama as thuse who wendid We congratulate Mr. Illueca. Company which up to the preso their way to Grove Hall, La for the energetic and intelligent ent is stated to be 830, 000 not We have just received a large shipment and have Boca, Canal Zone, on Sunday the manner he has worked up the including 425 000 cue by Bran 19th ulto.
defence of his client. West don Brothers. It was thought Indians will always appreciate that by this action there might been able to make substantial The ball was tastefully decora. the services of those Panama bave been the possibility of the ted with buntings. streamers nians who give them unprejudic depositors being paid half their and the speaking Nations of the ed of the greatested and satisfactory service and des posits, but the step taken by world not exploit them. For this Mr. Morrell stop this prope cible little ally Panama entwined, gentleman we sball entertain the Sition, and resulted in the Judge King Solomon with rare efful bigbest respect for the honest of the Third Circuit Court de gence mid cirro status clouds always given the West Indian Company is attended by he has claring the Papana Baking state of bank breezes, Really was it people.
day of big ruptcy.
doings and one not easy to be We understand that the en forgotten so far as fraternal Juvenile Lodge ployees of the Bank were all history is concerned.
called up yesterday afternoon Punctually at p. Bro.
Under the auspices of the and formaiiy discharged. Atherly, presiding officer of Guiding Star Lodge, No. 2357 It is announced that Mr.
has been this Court called the assembly Aveient Order of Druids, a Ruan, order, and after stating in a juvenile branch of the Order was Receiver, and associated with PANAMA COLON tew brief remarks the object of established on Saturday March Mr. Methaco, and the gatherine, proceeded with Ilth of the present year Forty Judge of the sham Circait whe the day business immediately by calling juveniles were initiated into the commence thel as SONSOXSSSS The was ably car por appointment is in accordance out by Sis. Davy. NG, with the a musical selection which was ried desire of the depositors filed within thirty days, and well performed and for which and Bro. Butcher, as the public here have impliest those living outside the city CRICKET Race at Juan Franco ne Toceived several encores.
res. We de. e to express our appre confidence in the integrity and within forty. tive days. It must The preliminaries having been ciatior, of the services rendered businesslike conduct of the be understood that any claims not Surrey Defeats Clovelly Tomorrow gone through the apex of the by Lottman A, gentlemen named.
filed within the time prese ibed situation was reached when the and Fletcher, Secretary considered We cannot be unmindful of by law, will not be the At Isthmian Park, last Sunday Jamaican and Ecuadorian wotghline. com the repaired to the ban alhair of the Continentian berarti me these claimse we have been to the Surrey ce defeated the Thoroughbreds will be the unbusinesslike connection with filing of from of the Order was staged.
Headqua The queting room, to enjoy the ing formed the Trust Company, was special meeting Clovelly c. in a Sportsman Seen in Action.
which ceremony was becomingly ob repast was provided served, Miss Undine Smith, Quite a lively time was spent manipulated and which caused of the badian Committee, League Cup Match Sarrey won and they were all daughter of Mr. and Mrs, G, and all went away satisfied with untold sufferings among the held on Wednesday evening last, the toss and sent the homesters The latest excitement around Suma, and Master Smith, son the new branch of work linked time it is not known if they sont as much as possible the di tricul dismissed for 99 runs Jones and this city, is the race meet at depositorethe present steps are.
of Mr. Henry Smith, both to the Lodge.
ties of filing the claims. West Nash did for Clovello, Juan Franco. An residents of La Boca, they havspecially chosen for Advertise in The Work in hand has The judge having this matter Indians are advised to consult ing 19 not out and 14 respectfully excellent program mo has bein decreed that all the members of the Committee Farquharson got 11 and Mason 10 arranged for the thoroughbred by careful play. After recess Sur horses and quite a large number Luis suspicious occasion.
man it pays. claims of having been done the remaining depositors must be before taking action.
rey went to the wickets and lost of turfites are expected to wit.
portion of part of the pro wickets before the score was ness the very keen contes passed. Rawle gramme was accomplished terHolder played between the Ecuadorian horses splendidly SEKSS SOMOROS for his 48 minating with the Benediction.
runs and some of the new arrivals from Jamaica, Part of the which he made in very dashing Bulletin was then announced Here too Bro The public with very keen interstyle. Elcock made 26 in his usual Atherley welcomed the several brilliant dashing style, and Black est have been waiting all the time brethren from kindred organison man made 21. The entire team when these horses would meet, we well directed fell for 126 runs, thus winning the as they have been wearied going dress, and finally trurned over match by 27 runs Sunday after Sunday to see the this all important and onerous.
Yorkshire Whips Vincen the lot of horses going over agendum to Bro, A, Harris TO NIGHT tian of Court Mizaph, who been very much reduced needs no introduction to the consequence of the non improveSaturday, April ist Sunday, April 2nd At Standard Oval, the Vincenment in the racing, but now that he made an excellent tian was mercilessly beaten with the owners of the horses some understanding is reacaed chairman and disposed of the by the Yorkshire Vincentian evening transaction with celeri won the toss, and sent Yorkshire it is anticipated that some very good and satisfactory contests despatch. The to the wickets, and they had the will be witnessed, Special Reel Feature gramme was a a lengthy, meticul8th and 10th Episodes of satisfaction of amassing a total of ous and diversified one, including 215 runs for the loss of only We have been told that all several musical reuditions; also 16 SHATTERED DREAMS wickets Blackman made 107, arrangements have been made a goodly number of members of Dick Smith 87, and Greaves 12 so as to avoid the unpleasant the Panama Wesl yan Choir, with Miss DUPONT as Star After recess Vincentian went to ness of the past, and that it is under the able directorship of the wickets and were all dismissed at least expected that all things Mr. SK Walters, Principal of ALSO THE COMEDY for the small score of 43. The will come out right the La Boca Government School The only man to reach double It is arranged to have five or six being in evidence. They per Week Off figures on their side was Murray thoroughbred races, lurmed signal service and were who made 15.
race is on the programme, whea frequently applauded.
Standard Defaats La Boca will meet, the horses will carry Risas. Sibarita, and To Caiman Every conceivable organization 130113, 115163, and 100 bs respecembodying both secular and unMONDAY. Continuation of demominational life known At the La Boca Oval, the home tively.
the Isthmus was properly repre team went down to defeat bofore The race between Lidy Pearsented. This fact is lucidly The ADVENTURES of TARZAN the Standard La Boca won line, Princess. and Estrella, brought out from the long list of the toss and sent Standard to bat. will be the banner event of the here with subjoined.
Haynes and Phillips who opened day. These horses will for the The preparation of so scrupulouse for Standard had the pleasure of first time demonstrate a production as that which was seeing 60 runs on the tins before value to the public. It is said.
carried through on this day re a wicket fell. Phillips who made that all of them have flects at the least commendable 22 was beautifully taken by Mur satisfactory record, and that the foresight and tactfulness on the he was well at home on the topic Excelsior Theatre on such, generous lines as do rell in what undoubtedly public will have all Officers and members of Court in question.
not believe any other nation the catch of the day. Haynes pleasure in this contest. The Pacific On the whole, the proceedings would be willing to concede to for his race will be equal weights for a faultless innings for his the From eye seeing.
On subordinate Great 54. With The speeches delivered by the were thoroughly consummated.
Ruis Forde making 27 in his the contestants.
respective delegates were all too much praise cannot be given establish the fact that this thesce the abolition of the Protec. out, the Standard amassed a total ris aorton, and a recent arrival Britain is now ready to grant at vigorous style, and Wells 14 not In another event, Risas, Dorthe enlightening and most suitable.
tireless committee who tre is making rapid progress in onee of of 138 they might and main to its work of handing out the best torate, to risk the runs. On going to the from Cuba will meetRisas de ditions and urged a better fel Cess. Special mention should be Thursday the public wriven the independence of Egypt. 65, Morrell was top scorer with she will have to pull out all she lowship of fraternity; good made of Brs. C. Ris Jerome of a chance of seeing reels of one Tue reservations made for the 18 and Moore 10 While it is tres taken, protection of vital British intercitizenship and 100 per cent Court of Pacific No.
9761 and the starting from the Isthmus ei ests in the Suez Canal region, is in a deplorable condition in pated, Panama will certain has in her over this tive furlongs true that umpiring It all things work out as anticirespect for the siently sheltered. They brought Secretary Lewis Reid the for of Wales, on his trayelling excur Soudan are not of a kind to from some cause or other, there test of horse flesh tomorrow.
under whose aegis we are tran.
mer for the getting up of out as never before the incalcuta elaborate a programme in a com. undoubtedly fine picture, for really wish for agreement. The umpires than at any other time.
so sion of 50, 000 miles. This was imperil agreement if Egyptians were more blunders made by able good these institutions were paratively short space of doing in their silent and unosten and the latter for his time, which all who attended the two loffer is, in fact, a bold stroke according to the La Bocaites. We better than having novices, and at tatious manner to humanity ip and erudite brilliant Shows consented. The manage of statesmanship which offers cannot see why the Leadue do not some time ignoramuses so far as fully address based on ment, we understand, are leav Egypt with both hands a price ask price ask the men who know the game, the knowledge of the game is con the purposes for which they everyo pappiebre to the vimes the band stored in means for deg sovereig pertanits, of the papire, even though these men cerned, to act as umpires. We were intended, but sufice to say abicho police ble om het gereed to be the resistibles are tropen doeling en een eigen en Feelish: be players, Surely it would be the privileged last Sunday at want of space does not permit fied the audience. It is regret. evening in this up to date moviefining some measure of pride in world. The wonder is not that never touch his persoa. At La and so to have. As Park to see Victor John given out lb for a ball that our giving a resume of some of table that for reasons before house.
manage administer we make mistakes but that the pertinent comments.
our vast imperial interests. We make so few. It was The arrangements having been mentioned this oration cannot be entirely reproduced here.
becanse Boca Morrell was given out b sake mistakes Independence For Egypt irom uime to we made so few mistakes, and it is claimed to a ball that he concluded, Dro. Harris in a well time; and our enemies and rivals and because our rule was on the played to third man, and were it inactuated panegyric thanked DIED and even some of our friends are whole generous and just, the visiting brethren for their that not for the Sportsmanship of the attendance and co operation in the Allenby, who recently returned nai errors and to emphasise or of the great war met with a re. lost his play. But the captain the self same breath be expatia ted upon the important subject death of little Franklin Joseph. the political situation in Egypt, rance, the patience and the sym. British Empire which astonished him back to bat.
We regret to announce the to England to report directly on apparently perceive is the tole sponse from every corner of the knowing he was not out, called of TRUTH. He handled this The youngest child of Mr. and The British Government has patby which characterise British the world and irretrievably up Cricket Game for To morrow theme in masterly manner Mrs. Claud Joseph of Las Cas, made a renewed offer to the role in an infinite variety of difti set all the calculations which impressed his hearers that cadas, Egyptian people which is framed cult conditions in all parts of the German Government of the Surrey vs. Jamaica at Standard EXCELSIOR THEATRE zations in a ad.
TO MORROW same lot the track.
Tue attendance has of him As is wont ty and pro The Adventures Of Tarzan tomorrow Bood on invitees tbeir Was the fun and a played in Forde we partner.
aboured the te conthe way we we Oval.


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