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Other Banks in Sound Condition THE COURTSHIP OF IN SAIL BATHING RESORT IN PRINGESS MARY PANAMA WOULD ATTRACT these the war at ibe engage Police Noville who were doing people, of its lodie more in took fashion there with this FEARFUL SIXTY DAYS DEPOSITORS Withdraws Cash. Risk to For Indecent Assault and Car.
Keep same in House. rying Weapon Concealed.
During past and present. The and harmony of It is said Lord Lascelles Proposed west de parece sumbered Discerniera Theatre hudely Numerous Tourists and Other Indian depositors, alarmed disturbed on Sunday night last to Her in Sanderingham Woods. at the closing and finally bank by the scream of a woman durruptcy of the Panama Banking ing the show while the Theatre. Visitors to the Isthmus.
Company, inade run on the was in semi darkness. The International Banking Corpora lights were at once turned on Much has been written and The consent of the King was tion, removing their deposits. when it was discovered that the said about the marriage of obtained to the engagement, and This was a natural result in a screams came from Mrs. Ed the sea side thoroughfares of quate even though they are alImportant but neglected are public are far from being adePrincess Mary and Lord Lascells the Queen, al ways, shared to matter of this kind. Our people wardince Matthews who was bold; Panama which bince been steadic ways in requisitions By far the but very little is know of their the full in the joy of her dos continuous bank failures, and one Jim Best who she stated persons of all classes, on all occa their homes in bathing suits and to on tenaciously of of ly increasingly attracting of bathers must leave courtship hence the following ter. But the marriage of a taken from an exchange, will Royal Princess is bedged round whenever a collapse of this nam indecently assaulted her several sions and in all ways for bathing, mantled with rain coats even on doubtless ake interesting read by constitutional safe guards ture occurs, it to be expected times while the theatre was in pic nicing and other diversions. the hottest day.
Sng:woich do not apply to other folk, that they will be alarmed darkness by grabbing her on Toere was a time when the These people could not think of Witu these depositors we the chest. This They tirst became acquainted and certain formalities had to be eated quite sma small island of paled off going to the beach properly dres.
party, when Lord Lascelles was ment could be announcedAu and give reason for a while, a sensation and Best would have as the most imod were place to undress and during a dinner gone through before the would like pleasure sed because they would find no a word of en been roughly dealt with had not resort on the We change home on leave from the trenches Act of George III, declares that couragement and advise.
people. at week re their clothes except, perhaps brief ior any Their happiness cates from that ac announcement of the engage hold no of the duty at the theatre intervened caperating moment, but it was not untilment of a member of the family. banas, but we feel it is our duty and arrested him. He was taken for the individuals would go under a tree whose limited ac.
more so to the Cuartel: and when search. duck in the inviting waters, a few the special purpose of having long after that their friendship of a reigning sovereign can only as journalists and commodation would deay all but privilege of partial under the authority because of our interest in the ed a loog butcher koife was aboca has lost muc developed into something closer. be made much of of the Great Seal granted at a West colony here. of found on his person popularity since the privacy Panama During the late months of indeling of the Privy Council whom we unexpected failure of 40 days for indecent assault at the commodious Aspin wall and sea front bungalows is very form a part, that in Best was given a jail sentence Railroad has ceased operations Che need of bathing houses last year Viscount Lascelles Council spite met Princes Mary at a number and sad calamity which has ing Mrs. Matthews, and 20 days which was the only isthmian be derived out of the erection of could of country house parties, Bolton This meeting was sepcially overtaken the entire community; for carrying a weapon concealed sanitarium.
Abbey and Chatsworth being held on the evening of Novem that everything must be done on his person.
atorded by the motor launches dation and comfort of the thouThe convenience such buildings for the accommoamong them. On a number of ber 22nd Toose present to safeguard the litte savings of the Railroad and the efficient sands of people who frequent occasions, too, they, rode in the in addition to the King, were put aside by our people.
Their friends the service given at the hotel proved the beach for enjoyable pastime. We like all began to think, and hope, that Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord people must confess business other Big Race at Juan a power nl attraction to Ameri. Resturants and cafes. as pelines cans, Pananian aod all classes ice cream there was this tban Birkenhead (Lord Chancellor. the Panama Banking Company, parlours could find of visitors the canal; but with payable business, while the owaFranco Sunday mere acquaintance the Duke of Atholl (State Cham we had implicit confidence in the chajes which The Proposal berlain. and Mr Shortt (Home We did not at Secretary. Sir bosch Almeric Fitzroy out of the hands of ers of buildings would have na pleasant speculations attended as clerk. Immediately would have come about. We th Railroad Company Inter: cause for regret so far as suc Such Tomorrow do not at Juan Franco were strengthened when Lord following this meeting of the believe that this is the result of race track, the Panama Jockey crowds discontinued their visits was lost and the fashionable cess would be concerned.
Aquatic events. beach maratof Club will again place before the there.
Lascelles was invited to Bal. Privy Council the news was issu any reckless investment, or any thoas, water poip and regattas moral while the Princess was ed, and the public heard of it the deliberate inanipulation to de public another interesting pro would then come into Later he was again the following morning, November 23. fraud the depositors; but such is imported thoroughbreds ogramme of purses among the Until the tidal wave. cumbled and place Panama on footing guest of the Royal Family at hotel its On the And That saine evening Viscount the affairs of life.
and Sandringham. and it was there Atlantic Thursday night last, a meeting Coundations and sent it rocking City een and speaking commerc ally, tbat a small and happy circle La:Calles had dined with the much of the hardships and dis was held to receive the entries, on the beach, this resort was Now, when Base Ball go out of Royal Family, including Princess appointments of time heard that Princess Mary had Mary, at Buckingham Palace result of the aftermath of the tions we got, everything has mers who sought revivification door amusement sleeps are the and according to the inform always the busy scene of swim seas season everything by way of out accepted her suitor next day they were overwhelmed War, which would not under The proposal it is said was with congratulations from all if the economic condition of in the briny swells of the sea. the wand of worked out satisfactorily.
the enforced quiescence made in the woods at Sandring over the country. Since then world was not disturbed.
There will be five races for the and night, throughout the if the sea side life became a posDek ham a favourite walk of Princess they have often been in public We however sibility the finpeto number of those which have not beach at the tram car terminal would easily slide from the public Mary The couple had rambled away together wbile the together, and always with mani the Present elleve that up to thoroughbred borses, and quite a national Royal festations of the great enthu. and the other two banks are in a Banking faced the starter will do so for and where a plunge in the limpid other members of the time New ment of all life.
fun House party were shooting. siasm.
for start tail to up sound condition, and this was menta have been le arrange Waters, a dance in the hotel and down to the beach in Beirenjang were indulged in to the heart Among the numerous things very much demonstrated by the ing as the As gates bas prove attractive readiness with which the Inter worked satisfactorily. There is content; but inuch of that has that would to tourists and At The Exceisior.
visitors Partners in Our Joy national Banking Corporation too much delay and difaculty in long bee kone, met the demands of the large sectiunea tebe the horses to the Isthmus would be It is Colon beach which never sea bathing and of depositors who pre nec Last night saw the last episode King Letter of Thanks other beach use the flag and the boasted of even a solitary sun. facilities such as are enjoyed at sented their bugle until of one of the most interesting For the Good Wishes of This alone books for payment. ments can be made to have an to attract the votaries of the popular thorougefares in the proper arrange. shade nevertheless did not fail the various summer resorts in brought serials ever shown in Panama, His Subjects.
more contiden in the institu. improved and perfect system of two and if you did not go to the tune who found pleasure and United States: each parties are we tion, and Buckingham Palaee, express the Excelsior, starting the horses. Having you certainly have opinion vysical benefits in the stirring coming into vogue as permanent Advenures that before our people jeopar. Dave Cardoze as official starter missed something February, 28th 1922.
vaters of the Atlantic; but institutions all over the world dizing their savings, by anticipated that all thing of Tarzan can be classed among keeping estrictions, some of the most and it would seem that they are the formost production of the The Queen and cannot allow it at home, or putting it into the will work to the public satis. bsurd kiad, did much to cool proving to be diversions of unscreen in animal serials with the a day to pass which has been to hands of unscrupulous persons faction.
of the bathers usual relish coming in 19 added interest of Tarzan the 880 happy and so memorable and exploiters, it would be safer Among the races to be rui 400, reduce the advantages counterparts to the swards and of the strong man would freely be golf links.
screen, as the without making it known how to return such deposits to the tomorrow, the Governor of thi numerous and the and deeply we have been touched by International Banking Corpora Canal Zone, has kindly consent tow on semi amphibious man, Immediately, Panama would ed to permit the horses of th hair raising acts in which Tar. We warm and affectionate good tion.
With resorts like those men do well to make some needed zan and lions figure. The Man Wishes dan wishes of my subjects in all In our own opinion, this is the Cattle Industry to take part in ioned above practically going improvements along the beach near parts of the world.
soundest advice we can give our race for the Benefit of th agement announces for of. Panama is front by the esturen Eileen Zedwig in Torror in law beloved de obter center som people under the existing condi Cacal Zone Red Cross Chapter osing much by way of commer dips of rubbish and debris Our not begin new tions.
The Trail another big Universal life under auspices brighter than Club. Like which tind their to give the entire proceeds o which Serial. For tonight this popular those which are afforded by the The Holy Week at the the Pari mutuel to the funds. be sea side resorts are neglected Wave way into the shore with the in.
are fail coming tides.
This could be and enthusiasm There will be two or three races ng to produce the benefits to done at a very beautiful a y people throughout the Realm. Excelsior.
and old We for native horses, and in che public and the government resulting in a maximum of benethat will appeal to appreciate their goodwill of these, nine horses haye been which reciprocal interests al. fit from a minimam of outlay.
Sunday, as Dont Be all the more vividly because we As it has been done every With the gradual improvement ways stimulate, and if at this late entered for the competition.
If Bella Vista is to change its time business men would Personal with Marie Provost know well that many at this open useless drearithe well known screen actress 100ment are living in the shadow Vear, Messrs. Pinel and Arosa and determination to get over their eyes to the opportunities its aspect from in the leading part. The Excel. of the greatest hardship and mena, the present owners the delay in starting the horses, offered for trade among the ness to bustling activity in jusil operators of the Excelsior, fication of the enormous sums anxiety.
sior orchestra will be in attenFrom the depth our of hearts we The Passion Play for have secured the spesial film toe opinion is expressed that beach combers an overwhelming outlaid in installing sewerage dance.
thank you all for making your. Thursday and Good Friday. This for tomorrow appears on another business advantages, would ac. The programme phere, selves partners in our great Alm needs no special advertise page of this paper.
construction of Hamburg Lines.
crue ment as it is the most fitting for sensible seizure of which are now traversed more GEORGE by reptiles than by hu nan the two days in which it will beings an intelligent and busiHamburg. March The an Notice to Partama Bank be shown and which everyone Sunday at Juan Franco People still go in numbers to nesslike appreciation must be mual report of the Hamburg Bella Vista beach, 106 vecause felt towards the opportunities Depositors.
will go to see. As the attendance South American steamship lines, be larger for the nights will they find convenience and com that usually This office will supply printed than usual you want to go early issued to day, showed det profit accompany seaThe Race was a Success. fort, but because there is no front development.
than forms on which the claims are and secure your favourite seat to where else to amounting Another thing which requires On Sunday last, the race at feel distinctly appreciative twice 7, 000, 000 marks, the to be filed, at reasonable prices. although you must remember Juan Franco was a decided suc conditions that do not of municipal attention is the fr.
amount of the earnings of the For all sums under 50. 00, that there will be no crowding cess. For quite a long time it privacy and common decency. beach by people of undesirab.
ensure queatation of the open sea previous year. dividend of 28 50 cents, and for such sums at the Excelsior.
Per cont, was declared, compar. above, 00 U, c, including accommodate 1000 people and is was the largest and most good As it is at present, tbe few classes. Certain locations along ed with 16 per cent paid last value of Stamp Paper. This is by far the Theatre best ventila. humoured crowd that has at rooms on the Bella Vista beach done to facilitate the depositors. ted in Panama City. Continued On Page 3) which are at the disposal of the (Continued One Paye 8)
great crowds lined the ume the time Corporation the away.
number about me it is of the Jockey many play of ery negligible cost one FIG Need You picture id young ture will be screened special die boulevards he them.


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