
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1922 Interesting News From The West Indian Isands sos os of a MAGNUMS ARE HERE TO THE SMOKER: We feel we should take advantage of this MOMENT to inform the Smoking Public of the many qualifications of.
MAGNUMS ston It is a cigarette strictly high grade made entirely of Imported Tobaccos and to be retailed at the price of 15 Cents for 20 Cigarettes Soxes We are now ready to place MAGNUMS before the public and have rightfully called them THE PERFECT BLEND In addition to giving more and be tter value, we ae instituting, a Profit Sharing Plan with the Public. In each package you will find a coupon, redeemable as follows, at any of the le sing tabacco shops in the Republic of Panama: For each Coupons you receive 2c. gold For each 10 Coupons you receive 5c gold For each 25 Coupons you receive 15c. gold For each 50 Coupons you receive 40c gold For each 100 Coupons you receive 00 gold Try MAGNUMS Today, and you will find They Are Different ISUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY MADEJIN PANAMA in 90 JAMAICA In the maw, in addition to the TRINIDAD young sharks, were found a leg bone, several ribs, and the back Another Big Shark bone of a cow, portions. Caught In Harbour The Colony Oil shark wably from dok bait. This it was clear had disgorged Industry.
nothing from its stomach on find Monster is Twelve Feet Bron ing itself hooked. Dr.
storph assisted in the dissection In reply to questions asked in Long and Seven Foet of the shark, and diagnosed the Trinidad Legislature by Mr.
Around the Body. its stomach Lazare, the Government recently Mr. Gerald Abrabams and Cap laid on the Council table certain tain Forrest deserve the thaoke information relative to tbe 15 TIGER SHARK. of the community for ridding Colony oil industry. state the barbour of this fearsome sea ment of the revenue collected by Hooked of Sea Shore Gardens tiger.
the Government from the indus.
El Where Miss Lopez Was It is proposed to erect a tower try during the and 1921 disclosed the 1919 1919, 1920 Fatally Bitten. with a clock and bells in King and Jamaica, in memory of the revenue to be 36, 026 18 51; that colony fallen beroes it is that of 1920, 41. 960 15 41, and The Gleaner of the 29th ulto. estimated to cost about 4, 000 for 1912 40, 575 32. The The figures States that within a couple of Arrangements are being made to for for 1921 are not complete a full feet of the spot of Sea Shore lay the foundation stone at an returns for royalties and surface Gardens (to the east end of Har early date.
rents bad not been received. The bour Street) where Miss Adeline acreage of Crown Lands and Lopez was fatally attacked by lands in which oil rights are marine monster while having a The Estimates Of vested in the Crown, leased or swim on the afternoon of the otherwise granted by the Gov.
13th instant, another buge shark The Railway ernment for, oil mining purposes 12 feet in length was destroyed in 384. 570 acres. There is also a between Monday night and yes. Department. large acreage of private property terday morning. Like the one controlled by the oil industry, caught by Mr. Mitchell Hedges The upkeep, and the cost of and on Sunday morning 19th Expenditure For Coming area is very beavy. The mileage construction, of roads in the oil inst. it was of the female species Year Set down at 332, 416 in the oil area is 277.
but was feet inches longer, and bigger in girth. This is a. Decrease on Current man eater, is the decided opini un of all experienced fishermen Year.
At a recent meeting of the and seamen who saw the mon.
Trinidad Chamber of Commerce, ster yesterday, and whether it TRAFFIC SECTION. a letter was received from the or its smaller sister was the fish Colonial Secretary. re the pro that was responsible for Miss Lopez tragic death, the har Salary Attached to the Position posal for the establishment of a West Indian Trade Commission bour is well rid of such a fearful Will go up to a Maximum er in Canada, and stating that denizen of the deep. And there Of 800 a Year.
view of the fact that the is even more satisfaction from majority of the West Indian the fact that when the shark The Railway estimates of the Colonies did not agree to enter was ripped open, 38 young ones, coming financial year have been tain all striped like a tiger was found submitted to the Legislative Government had decided that as the proposal, the Trinidad in its body Council for approval. The esti a result of the heavy expendiFull credit for the destruction mated expenditure for 1922 23 is ture involved in the scheme, no of this terrible inhabitant of the put down at 332, 4161 as against further action be taken in the harbour waters, wrist begeixea 383, 8911 the revised estimates for matter.
to Mr. Abrahams and the current Captain Forest of the wrecking interesting to observe that it is steamer Relief proposed to The Chairman said that this effect a saving of matter had been dropped as the Dead Shark Discovered. fully 23, 8001 due to the decreased Ever since the capture of the cost of coal. The Director of the present time was not suitable.
first sbark, baited hooks attaching of 1, 0041 which was paid for Trinidad against one Joseph Railway also recommends a sav warrant issued eleven years ago was recently executed at to a gallon gasoline drum Sunday work.
Hitherto the. float, have been set derniethe employees of the Department who in 1911 is alleged to have Comacho spot off Sea Shore Gardens, who worked on Sundays were obtained from Mr. Clarence travelling agent where Miss Lopez was bitten remunerated specially for such Taylor the sum of 25. 65 by termined fishermana Mr. Geraid Majori hobe pohy diet means of false pretences sub?
yesterday morning the baited the hooks decided to abolish payment sequent to the the the day before bad their reward for Sunday work.
Com cho warrant, left the Estimates also At 5, 30 am a great shark was show that the gentlemens who Colony for Colon and returned Trinidad a few days ago.
the rope to which the steel book has been acting as Traffic Super with its chain had been attached. intendent has been confirmed in Espied by Taylor who had diswas meat bait had been put out, the appointment. His salary at then in association as said before the previous is 6001 rising by incre. Comacho was arrested after a and it is presumed ments to 7002 per annum; bat in spririted sprint. When chased shark, which evidently had been the maximum aleg is to be a los he was on a shopping tour with year patrolling the waters for creased to 8001 lady presumably his wife.
time past, took the book during Monday night.
In its mad It is proposed to carry out diff strugerent works of improvement a sle to free itselt, it bad shaped long the lines but there is In Demerara. where like the big. its on Trinidad and Jamaica the local was sealed. Nemesis the the whole, to be a decrease of Y, MC, has undergone restaff shape of the rope, overtook it, organisation, the Advisory Council has cabled to the National it had coiled the strong manilla Items for the Con cary to be sent out.
Council in Eagland for a Secreto hold it fast. The hook na led sideration of Legin way as but the the sbark, paradoxical as it may The colours to the 8th Bat.
sound, islature drowned in its nativo Was talion of the British West India element Sea water!
Regiment have been presented to the Trinidad Government and Thos. Abrahams at Sea Shore Are Set Down on the Esti were consecrated on Heory ao, old employee of Mr.
Friday Gerdens, saw the shark floating mates which are now 18th ulto.
near the trap, and rushing into Before the Council.
the house, announced that the shark had been caught. The ST. KITTS awakened members of the NO GRANT IN AID.
house hold speedily ran down to the beach and the monster was telegram from St. Kitts seen a few feet from the spot the Legislative Council provision meeting attended In the Estimates now before dated 10. instant, stated that a where the unfortunate child had by all the been seized. Captain Forrest is made to increase the salary of merchants and professional men and Mr, Bray went out in the Colonial Secretary on the in the island was held Basseterre a boat and towed the shark into crement scale up to 1, 5001.
Ibis the 7th instant, in shallow water, and with the is in accordance with a report against the exemption of the assistance of the crew of the of the Select Committee which profits of the estates and sugar Relief, and some fishermen met a couple of years ago to deal factories from payment of in.
some ladies also, lend a willing with the regrading of salaries. come tax, and against the alleged hand, the dead sen terror was timates that the Government do ax just past. deputation conse It is also mentioned in the Es: inequitabla distribution of the on the beach.
Twelve feet long it measured not propose to give any grant in appointed to interview the Gov.
by the tape, and seven feet. aid to Public Oficers during the ernor and make representation round the body. It had six rows coming financial year and a sav to the Secretary of State for the of teeth, in its enormous mouth, ing under this head is set down Colonies, It we mume shark as the Ame at 23, 9101. In the Public Works rics von id say. Native fisher: Department, beside a salary of men, der sea faring men 000l for a Deputy Director of DOMINICA who viewed the monster, salding for a chief clerk in the Depart.
Works, provision is made shark and apparently a different ment at 400 per annum.
The Government of Dominica species from the one previously The Budget shows that the has under consideration the caught at the same spot. Some sum of 53, 000 had been voted re organisation of the distribufeathers were found in its mouth by the Council to be expended tion of Poor Relief in that colony also several hooks, which tended on Lititz fibre presentation and to this end Committee com to proye that it had been prow Grove Place Stud Farm. The prising Captain ling around that portion of the amount was advanced as Joao Messts. Solomon, ses front for some time past.
and the figures disclose that Potter and Royer, bas 38, 000 was expended to the 30th been appointed by His Honour Found In The Maw, of December last and 14, 0001 is the Administrator.
The shark was taken to the expected to be expended by the Relief where it was dissected. 318t inst. Continued On Page 5)
issue of to in in covered his presencial a bailig.
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