
Noice of Removal Woman Exchange Вае, homeward voyage with that as more VIGOR TONIC.
now. It JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
TAE WORRMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1922 PAGE THREE West India Steamer West Indian News.
Routes. Continned From Page 2) The BARBADOS Frerch Line to call at ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN POR WOMEN The Public is hereby notified that the Plymonth. New Bill 19 NO. TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA CITY SCPANTON PHOTO STUDIO With the Catalina, which There is at present before the been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner left the Victoria Docks on Feb.
16th Street West, ruary 28th, the Royal Mail House of Assembly a Bill to Steam Packet Company inaugu amend the Locomotives on Higb.
DRESSMAKING (Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. rated a three weekly service of words. cuong the suggested cargo steamers between London Baena mentholic arena few by Mr.
Bermuda, of The new premises are well equipped for turning out the following is Providence; Bahamas) and sx one: Io the event of a crimina the best class of work maica. The vessel a will be fol prosecution against the driver of PLEATING and Tamar, on March 17th and vehicle whereby the death of lowed by the sus Teviot Conway with a locomotive which has collided another locomotive or April 7th and 23:h.
PHOTOGRAPHS AND respectively, an This new service sheuld prove a bodily harm has been caused by splendid boon to that Bahamas reckless or careless driving on AS which have hitherto been practi. the part of one or both of the (Accordion, Knife, cally cut off from steamer comGIFTS NEW YEAR munication with the Mother respective drivers the Court way Box Pleats Country. It is understood. dow: be administered in addition. on conviction order flogging to induce Remember your friends with your photograph this renta direct from Jamaica, and any sympathy with the road ments offer, the steamers will any other punishment which it deems fit to impose.
No one bas Our Establishment in year and they will remember you as long as will not call at Nassau on the hog but it does seen as if the photograph lasts.
gures a perfection of handi Simultaneously work which accentuates the there are always people obsessthis an.
nouncement comes ed with the desire to have some the new body cat o nined. Mr. Baeza is Latest site so pleasing to the passenger steamers of for beating. Could nt be vary it patrons Our Photographs are Permanent Compagnie Générale Transatlantíque will call at Plymouth to thumb screwed or banged? It is little by saying guillotined or Have that long delayed photo which you promised pick up and disembark passen just ana unnecessary your friend so often gers on their outward and bome the original ward yoyages to and from the ANN THOMAS, Proprietrese.
MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO La Navarre, which will leave the Guns Add Appearance to Devonshire port on May 1st Legislatsve Hall.
The coolest in the city where you are certain of the next. The itinerary outward best attention.
will be Pointe Pitre and Basse Terre (Guadeloupe) Fort The formidable appearance of de The best Tonic in the World Erance Martinique) Trinidad and legislative hall has been ad La Guaira. Puerto Columbia, and near its entrance of a couple of dacaded to of late by the presence Day and Night Photographs Puerto Columbia, Puerto Cabello, did service in the war. They Cristobal Colon; and homeward guns, British or Boche, which SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO La Guaira, Trinidad, This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend Fort de Fratce and seeere are situated just opposite Theme decorative panel which fronts and Pointe Pitre. The other. Sir Conrad bronze, and look in ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, 107 Central Avenue Corner 15th Street West. steaners on this route will bo poca nocent enough just now.
the rou and Macoris.
Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up has would beThe fares to Trinidad will be been suggested by a a run down constitution. be wit that never matter how effecfirst class 51 SS pounds, and tive they were during the war It promotes digestion, improves the appesecond class 35 pounds sterling, period, they could scarcely bave Coincidently with the above tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
developments, the Royal Dutch been ever as noisy as one or two West India Mail, whose steamers mers of the members of the House.
DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or The People Grocery and Dry Goods Store times a day.
sail from Dover to Barbados Corner 4th Street Hudson Lane Phone 98 and Trinidad fortoightly, and The St. Michael Vestry.
call on the homeward voyage at The most modern and up to date house in Colon Plymouin. have reduced their At a meeting of the Vestry for The Loading house for fares to the following figures. the parish of St. Michael held at Royal Scarlet, Cereals and Hawailan Canned Goods First class, 50 pounds 15s. p. on Thursday the tirst RAISINS, CURRANTS, OTHER CAKE MAKING REQUISITES second class 35 pounds hird matter dealt with was the consicloss, 17 pounds 10s sterling SPECIALTY deration of a letter from the (West India Committee Circular. SILK HOSIERY, PERFUMERY TOILET ARTICLES, SCHOOL Electric Supply Company offer: to enter into a contract for a ing Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. ACCESSORIES, ETC. ETC.
term of years if the Vestry 80 All at popular Prices Orders taken by Phone Rent Receipt Book in Span desired for lighting the whole SMALL, Proprietor CAVE, Manager, Ish and English for sale at The city area at prices lower than WORKMAN Printery: those being paid at present and GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE by which the rate payers would save about 600 pounds sterling, per annum.
When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. It, however is the feeling of the Board that it would not be a hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth, safe thing to enter into a contract with the Electric Company for lighting the City and thus Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller 8!
to the ex clusion of the Gas Company alAfter some discussion their Clerk to call for tenders Address. MULLER BUILDING whole area for a period both Companies for lighting the five CALIDONIA years, as weli as for tenders for the present area now lighting by each Company for a period of Of Every Description one year.
Improved Railway Service.
CAN ALWYAS BE HAD CALLE No Mr. EH Biffin, the General Manager of the Barbados Gov.
PRIVATE ACADEMY AT THB ernment Railway, has been very active in the performance of his duties since bis arrival here.
English Classes PRINTERY train service is much improved, and it is now stated that soon the Manager hopes to For Young Ladies 6 place a number of motor coaches at the services of the public by AND FOR BOYS 7 When passing drop in and inspect our yaried which speedy and comfortable Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
transportation can be obtained.
An old abandoned railway car Stock of riage is being renovated and BARTON, converted into a Rest House to be kept at one of the out stations for the benefit of excursion day or two, with sleeping accommodation. The Posts to be Separate. NOTICE motor coach service is expected to be inaugurated at the close of the current month.
His Excellency the Governor has agreed to the recommendaAnother Cable Service. tion of the City Council that the TO ADVERTISERS AT COLON post of City Inspector and Superintendent of street clean On and after March 1st The effort of the Western ing, should not be combined.
Advertisers at Colon whose Telegraph Company to lay a previous Council had decid. Ad. at present appear in the cable between Barbados and ed that the two offices should be Miami, Florida, some months ago combined, but the present civic WORKMAN will make all rehad been frustrated and work administration has come to the mit tances to the Office and uulayed owing to certain objec conclusion that there should be all intending advertisers will tions of national character two separate offices, in as much please communicate direct taken at that time by the State as it was impossible for the man with the WORKMAN Printery Department on that side. Those to overtake the work of the com Box 74 Panama City or objections according to the bined offices.
Brooklyn Eagle February 2, have An) Assortment that will meet your Taste.
now been removed and permis.
As soon as the civic estimates Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zone.
sion given to connect the lines are approved, the Council will By order, It is to be presumed then that take steps to appoint a City R(Continued On Pays 7)
Inspector, MANAGEMENT uue give them monopoly Varied Assortment of STATIONERY togethestra instructed of The WORKMAN parties for a GE Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.


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