
St. Paul Church, Panama. s. Holy Communion, and Biese ing of the Pales Publtstand on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies 10 sm, Matine ALROND, the office Ceutral Ave son Correspondence on all stars 10:30 am. Holy Eucharist, and ser Nod corner of Street Params of public interest invited mon, and Solemn Procession, 2, 30 mn, Holy Baptim. Box 74, Paname All copy for publication must be p. Sunday School.
written on one side of paper only, and 30 pm Evensong and sem LATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOS muss descompanied by the name of Que Year. 40 U8. Cy. the writer, not seessarily for publica NIGH PENGALE. Vicar, Six Months 30 Hon but as a mark of good faith.
Monday 8. Matins, 7:45 the We do not undertake to return Story of the Cro. with address ty One 25.
erejected orrespondeco Archdeacon Carson Tuesday m. Matine 7:15.
Da berty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS the story of the Crow and address bv the Rev. Meredith, SATURDAY, APRIL 1922 Wednesday on the Litany 45 the story of the Crow with addres by Bishop Morris Msuoday Thursday Hov Three SEE THIS UNIVERSAL JEWEL THE PANAMA BANKING COMPANY Communion is pay the story of the NO WOMAN KNOWS Are you sacrificing your life for others?
Dors it Pay? Is it possible to love and sacrifice too much for others. mon No Woman Knows No Woman Knows Evening 15 97p.
NO WONDFR SHE SMILES. Cross wih address by. Hyde.
Three bours service on God It can e sily be imagined how the wave of anxiety Friday which has come over the depositors of the bankrupt PanaSt. Alban s, Paraiso.
ma Banking Company has seized the whole community 10 s, t, Ho y Baptism with uneasiness and caused a financial set back which is 11. Holy Euchsrist and sermon likely to prove very disastrous to the business lite of the p Sunday School, and Confirm isthmus.
tion Cissy From the very earliest days of the French Canal 30 Evensong and address Administration Brandon Bank which afterwards be Three vrs service oa Good Friday came known as The Panama Banking Company did a St. George Church Gatun.
rolling business and enjoyed the confidence of its thousands 11 a. Holy Eucharist and serma of patrons among all classes of people in this country, the pm, Sunday Scbool word Brandon being accepted in the language of the 30 Evensong and address Three hours service on Good Friday, banking business as synonymous with security It was this general confidence that attracted the F, NIGATENGALE Priest in charge laborers of the canal to open savings accounts in this old St. Peter Church La Boca.
business house. People from all over the Canal Zone and from every part of this republic placed deposits in the 11 am. Moralez Prayer and address, You never can tell Panama Banking Company and its branch in Colon. 3p. Sunday School, 30 pm Choral Evensong and se YOUR ASNWER IS FOUND IN Every thing had worked well for many years, until a SEE month ago when the thunder clapped in a clear: sky and Regular hour servise on Good Friday, threw all Panama into a state of consternation MULCARE. Rector.
Old and well established business places, private and incorporated, as well as daily toilers put their sums, great St. Barnabas Church, Empire and small, in this bank for safety and returns in the form 11 am. Morning Prayer and Holy of interest. In the case of business houses the deposits Communion, pm Sunday School, represented bulky sums of profit accruing out of the 30 pm. Evening Prayer and address, stupendous success which they enjoyed in the times of Regular hours service on Good Friday the swinging construction. Canal workers, especially West St. Bartholomew Church, Indians, put aside into the bank small sums at a time for Las Cascadas wet days, such as these, for they never were able to make 11 am Morning Prayer and address great deposits at any one time.
Matinee 30 30 pm Sunday School The deposits of the West Indian Community that pm Evening Prayer and address amount to any considerable sum reveal a commendable Regular hour: servic Good Friday feature in their domestic life. They show that the people MULCARE. Priest in charge PRICES 20c. 40c.
have been thriftier than they were even given credit for here. They indicate a patient self denial that is worthy of Bible Truth Churches.
admiration and emulation, They demonstrate a farSan Miguel Seventh Day Adventist Church sightedness which saw beyond the frivolous times of general prosperity. Certainly, it took most of them many 5:30 am. Morning Prayer 10 am Children Service years to accummulate the money which they have put 11:a. Preaching Service 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA.
together and their whole action tells a story of careful 2:30 p, m, Sunday School saving 7:30 pm, Gospel Service Sabbath (Saturday) 45 SabIt can well be understood what a terrible blow it was Calidonia bath School; 11 15 sm, General Worship 30 Spanish Class; 30 to those poor depositors to hear that the bank in which 5:30 am Morning Prayer Young People Meeting; 30 o.
they had placed so much confidence all these years bad 11 a. Preaching Service Vespera.
gone into bankruptcy, and that without the slightest note 2:30 pm Sunday School One of our FREE GAS STOVES 7:15 pm. Gospel Service.
Sunday night 30 Service. All of warning. The reminiscence of the romantic Continental Bank with its defunct confrere the Canal Zone Bank BARCLAY Pastor in charge. are welcome.
has made her day work goaded the people into a fear which is not altogether unnatural even if premature.
in cases like these are always ready to offer their services a pleasur e.
It is the general belief of the heavy depositors whose on behalf of those who might not be able to act for them losses would be greatest in the event of unfortunate turn selves. This is a time when level headedness is necessary ing that the bank will, through its receiver, upon liquida and when the people must exercise sound commonsense.
tion, pay cent for cent and dollar for dollar to the depositors. The West Indian Committee Igave notice in last Even if this does not happen, the loss on individual de week issue of the Workman advising the depositors ÀIM IS posits might not be so great as to cause distress among of the West Indian community to call on its members ihose who would be effected thereby, before taking any step in the pursuit of filing their claims: Joy in Every Kitchen The receiver is a man in whom the confidence of the This was done in order to ofiset any precipitate movement whole republic reposes, and it is on his executive genius by the people who, at this time, stand in need of the best and honest reputation that the fortunes of the thousands advice and caution.
of depositors whose money represents hundreds of thous In another column in this issue the West Indian ComPANAMA COLON GAS CO.
ands of dollars depend. Mr. Ruan means to get through mittee has given its advice to the West Indion depositors with the bank business as soon and as expeditiously which should be followed by all who wish to act wisely.
PANAMA OFFICE AT circumstances will ordinarily allow, and the depositors It must be understood that this committee has gained in COLON OFFICE: must exercise some amount of patience until the affairs side information which places it in a position to offer the Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
of the bank are settled in court.
advice as given, and since this committee has no other Tel. 798 SERVICE Mr, Ruan has already shown that he is concentrating purpose to serve, but the welfare of the West Indian comall his efforts in meeting the interests of the depositors. munity it is suggested that their advice be accepted by the Information received at his office tells of his plan to pro people.
vide claim slips on which the depositors might file their Some of the people are asking what they should do claims in court, everything being done in strict accordance with their money when they shall have received itAnd Meeting of the De Lodge Notice.
with the laws of the land. The depositors, therefore, need crooks are busy advising that depositors at the other banks not be unduly uneasy over their money as the case of this in the cify withdraw their savings. Of course, it suits the positors.
bank is not by any means on a par with those of its defunct purposes of these people to give such advice because the ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No.
withdrawal of deposits from the banks in the city would 8150 In fact, nothing of mistrust can be attached to the mean a white harvest for the light fingered visiwrs, of the Semi Defunct The meeting nights of this management of the Panama Banking Company. As far The Panama Banking Company has fallen through as as has been learnt, the affairs of the bank here are in ex. the result of an unfortunate speculation for which the local Canal Zone Bank.
lodge are held on the 1st 3rd Mondays and the 3rd Thursday ceptionally good condition, and were not for an ultra management carries no responsibility. As to the other of each month. The next meeting jurisdictional misfortune through which the interests in banks here, it is hardly necessary to state that both the takes place on Monday April the local bank became affected the doors of the faithful International Banking Corporation and the American The meeting of the Depositors 17th at 30 sharp in the and old friend of the people of this republic would still be Foreign Bank are institutions of weighty assurance and of the sami Defunct Canal Zone Loyal Progress hall Parama.
Bank is due to be held on the found open. The confidence which the general public has almost inexhaustable financial backing.
All officers and members are shown in the staff of the bank has extracted some of the These two banks with their branches in Colon are Palace in Colon by special Upper floor of the Government requested to be on time.
per bitterness of, and removed much the calamitous aspect members enormous banking corporations in the United mission His Honour Governor WM. MAYNAR from the situation.
States with ramifications all over the world, and the busi Aroseme on this Saturday Per. Secretary The members of the bank staff have, most of them ness which they carry on is safeguarded by guarantees afternoone acil 8th at 30 or all their earnings tied up right there with the money of which the financial world recognizes as impregnably strong Depositors should bring hall All the British Consulate Notice the rest of the depositors. If there were anything ugly in and assuring. The disaster of the Panama Banking Com numbər of their Pass Bcoks.
local operation this would hardly have been the case; and pany should not cause people to view these other banks with The British Consul at Color it follows, therefore, as a logical conclusion that the mana suspicion for their organization is somewhat different from would be glad of information as ger and his co workers are due the sympathy that fellow that of the defunct institution, and they lay strong claims Reut Receipt Books in Span to the present whereabouts of feeling should engender in such a case.
to the confidential patronage of this community which has ish and English for sale at the one Mrs, Hunt (née Ford. native of British Guians who Depositors Sare warned against the meddlers who been served by them, without failure in the past. WORKMAN Printery.
was resident at Colon in 1919, OUR Tel. 364)


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