
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1922 PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News Services at Christ Church by the sea Rev. Trott Replies to Rankine this year TUESDAY munity of the at Compline EILEEN of in STRAND MONDAY Amador Eldorado UNIVERSAL SEDGWICK Stupendous Sieral TERROR TRAIL am the Mystery Woman ceeded ERROR TRATT Rocm 7:30 opin. Hely Week During SEDGWICK Dut be surg have to Mass TERROR Was Te merrew, April 9th, the Sun day Dext before Eastes, or as it To the Editor of the Workman, is more commonly called Palm APRIL 1Oth Dear Sir, always with pleaSunday, will be fittingly observed at Christ Church sure read your valuable paper the Workman. To my surprise by the sea The Bishop of the and to the surprise of the com Missionary District of the Pana: place named on ma Canal Zone has very gracious APRIL lith ly promised to be presert.
the fifth page of the Workman of March 11th, our interest touch This great Feast of the Church aroused by a correspondent by commemorating Christ triumph.
name of Jonathan Rankin.
al entry into Jerusalem, will begin in this Parish this evening the People Warden. really do not quite site know which peopo Preparation and At 30 to morrow they are, am sure that they are not the main people of Su.
Low Mass will be Mary Church in Bocas del Celebrated. at which time the Toro. For when most willingBrotherhood of Saint Andrew gave up the reins as acting will make their monthly Corpor Rector the Church was peaceful ate Communion. At 10. 15 am and the spiritual tone much precisely the customery Blessing increased, and some of her debt the Paims will take place, paid etc. the services were con immediately after the Palms will gregational, regular, and prompt be distributed to to the Congrega to time. Other Christian Churchgation. The Mass will be pre.
es of the town weru pieased with by a Solemn Palm Pro St. Mary upward move in cession, proceeding to the High peace and spirituality, for which Altar, where the Mass will com thank God In one place the merce with the Rev. Edward correspondent states the AnCooper: celebrating The Right glican Chuch in another the Rev James Craik Morris, DD. Auglo Catholic. wonder will Pontificate.
if he knows of the great gult The Mass that will be used on of difference there is between the this occasion is the very pretty two terms? fear not; for he Plainsong Mass. as arranged by See the is like a wave of the sea driven the Rev B. Croft of the Society Double Mystery with the wind and tossed.
of SS. Peter and Paul of London, Girl in Univer Perbaps he means with the which was used for the first time sal Smashing de go per cent, himself and one or in Church on Passion Sunday this Secret Service two of his kind And the same Bishop Morris will also be the Adventure way Pilate and Herod were Preacher at this service The Serial.
inade friends togetuer: for be.
other services of the day are as fore they were at emnity befollows: 3p. the Rectors Class tween themselves.
in Confirmation will meet in the EILEEN My dear Homeland, Bermuda, Church, and the Church School where was and am honoured will meet in the e School and highly repected by all the Evensong and Sermon daily people, bow walce and coureu: ser vices will be at 7:30 am and 4:30 en toe Christians at Corn Islands, as the Double MysteryGirl in pm On Maunday Thursday, the Neatragna Grosso UNIVERSAL smashing lying Doties ui Costa Rica day when the Blessed Sacrament und in British Hinauras, would of the Holy Communion was in Secret Service Serial graciously receivy me back stituted, there will Am Adventure Am Thrills at any moment did and Sermon, at a.
On beat it as as be personal Good Friday at 11:30. the ly puts it. It is an expression Proanaphora; at 12 am, the three Am The Most Beautiful And of bis own coioage by force of hours before the Cross; at 30 many circumstances of his past pm, the story of the Cross. On Daring Of All The Worlds career. Especially when he just Holy Saturday, at 7:30 a. m, and recently had to to beat it be 5:30 Holy Baptism will be cause of the Iron Heel of the administered; and at 7:30 pm GREAT SERIAL HEROINES Exile Law of the Republic of Preparation and Compline.
Panama upon him. And feel that the repetition of it is am EILEEN SEDWICK drawing nearer to him day by CRICKET day Pour fellow. His quoted Directed by Edw Kull Reverend Friends of Costa Rica is perhaps of his own type of humanity.
lo One of the largest crowds that ever without viteseed a game of cricket in Colon ater. Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their was seen on Sunday last wending their Wandering stars, to way towards Aero Park where Westio reversed mudelsad and Sussex was scheduled to the blackness for battle, ever. These we murmurere are murmurers, looked forward complainers, The game was to walking after after their own lusts and much interest on their mouth speaketh great Westmerland bsd just besten Victoria swelling words, having men the leacing Club in the competition, and bad fs les a victim to Sporte the Sun clared his innings closed with the score stance, Mrs. Paul Taylor, Miss tending several feats of the Com death of Alorz Borce on March of ady. Jonathan Rankin, Sussex persons in admiratation because who was second in the running bock reading 211 0, Price und Chal Vida Harper, Mrs. Williams, munity Clab and expressed her 23 rd. The ceased was a BarNow Mr.
Autos izdett tio umpires chutely follow 72 respectively to their cricket, Chal and Mr. Smith, these we are sure operation of the members and James. He became demented in and Haman like statement of At 12. 20 the coin was spun and ten Lenor were the not out bate with and Mrs. Irens, Mr. Mc. Bayne Pratification at the hearty co badian from the Parish of St hear the words of the Lord in reply to your most notorious nd by the Sussex boys took their lenor undoubtedly displayed worvel will make good.
Teepective positons on the field. Baker lous xhibition of sound round sent to Corozal, servant of the Lord.
The practice for the Easter he died. The deceased has left e tyrant tnat thou canst do mis boastest thou bowled the first over from the noriber cricket which brought forth anplause thyself thou end and his third delivery was a suc after applause, well played Challenor 72 OBITUARY. season cantata LIGHT OF THE wife, who is Mrs. Delcina Boyce chief; whereas the goodness of cees 1 Five wickets fell before 30 not out, CROSS which is to take place and four children to mourovibe God endureth yet daily? Thy the rude was registered, but the remaining in our Hall on Sunday afternoon loss of a one whein Wastherlovine tongue imagineth wickedness, batemenlightened up and at the fall The death occurred on Monday April 23rd. is progressing with husband and a kind father. The and with lies thou cuttest like: of be tenth wicket the score was 72 Canal Zone Notes April 8, 1922, 011 ert Carlton great satisfaction and in view of residents at this place tender Allman, year old son of Mr. the fact this is the first event of their condolence to Mrs, Boyce sharp razor Thou hast loved After the usual recets Captain Samuels and Mrs. Newton Allman, of its kind in Paraiso everybody is and children in this sad, bereaveunrighteousness more than and bis mon brimful of ecofidence that LA BOCA Boliyar Street, Colon. Carlº expected to do his best in pre ment and the irreparable logo goodness, and to talk of lies as he was familiarly called con paring for the occasion.
72 runs was quite enough to defeat the they have suffered.
righteousness small Englieb county, took up their tracted a severe Thou has loved to speak ay on the 25th words that fielding positien. The ball was estrust splendid musical and liter ulto. and despite the best medi.
that may hart. thou ed to Berkie and Coley the old reliables, ary Program was so under the cal attention and care of parents GATUN Mr. Egleston Back at his Post, the Lord destroy thee for ever.
false tongue. Therefore shall while St. Hil and Simpson were ev trust auspices of the Universal Negro and friends, he succumbed to Percy Holder Discharged ed with the bat, and had etrict orders Improvement Association, and the effects at 10 15 a on the He shall take thee. and pluck that neither of the should psrt before African Communities League No date ali eady mentioned. The friends and acquaintances Mr. Egleston, Secretary thee out of thy dwelling, and 78 runs was registered; they started up 14 Chapter, Ladies Division on His remains were interred at of Mr. Percy Holder, an old time of the Silver Clubhouse took up root pretty lively and from all appearance Sunday afternoon. Mr. Alyerez the Mount Hope Cemetery the employee of the Postal Dapart. This duties on March 26th last, livin Chee out of the land of the they were. the program one or like disobedience all over, arranged by Mrs. Callender. tives and a large concourse of he has been dischargede Pedi added quite a number of attrac hope you may repent and be was same afterooon followed by rela ment will regret to know that Mr. Neely who kept things in during his abscence and saved, How hard tried to win you day 31st.
bin pon stepped to bit one of Howell The devotional exercise was friends, He is well deliveries and was stumped. Score conducted by Mr. Whittaker, God, even obtained a known at Pedro Miguel, which 30 14. Two more wickets and the Tiguel. which repress to the activities here has for The principal address Mr. Millington, chaplain place he held his first employ left us. Several plans are being License as Lay reader for you the joined Challenor end tock the score to Lady President, taking as her Division performed the funeral score was 50 22, at this stage Baker was delivered by Ms. A, Aird, of the and Colon der Mº Postal department made to give the patrons a lively but you have proved to be so D. Taylor now time, and it is expected that unworthy had to keep it from 177. Barker treated the spectator to a subject The Parable of the con ceremony Postmaster at Ancon, and for matters will work smoothly as in you, and return it.
lively exhibition of bots, He obowed stitution which greatly impress am yours faithfully, We tender our condolence to some time Mr. Holder was at the past.
that he could bit as Thunderous his bereaved parents.
well ed her bearers.
Las Cascadas. He will be very REV. TROTT.
plas; hitting his found at will applause and expression of apmuch missed for his ever ready with intermittent 66 6, After preciation, and thanks to the Kind and polito conduct. He was Suspension and Ex Gusbito, Bocas del Tora St. Michael Mission compiling his 80th run be PARAISO was choir then brought the proceed much liked by the white chil cleaned bowled by Berkie. Captain ings to a close.
dren, and very much appreciated pulsion Republic of Panama.
Samuele called his men together at this The meeting of the Paraiso by their parents. The coloured stage and made them tighten up so as The All Isthmian singing con. Community Club was held on population here will miss a good to prevent the Supex boyo from reaching test will be the biggest event Wednesday evening, March 29th. friend who was always willing to TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN courts contrary to the Laws, the double century. Ble changed bowler undertaken by the members of matters most veterestres interest them the necesary information Phelicia Lewis and Louisa do whatever he could in giving Rules, Regulations and obligaThis is to certify that Sisters tions of said Order.
after bowler but George Sealey (Challen: the Literary Society, this will go matters of very great interest or) who was still at the wicket made all down in the annals of history came under consideratton and about postal matters.
The former for a period of Dawkins bas been debarred years and the latter for 99 years.
bowlers look alike. He treated the the medals are worth while for were thrashed out with many from all rights and privileges in spectatore to a fine display of all around every good nature to try at We fiery discussions.
cricket, his book strokes and forward will conjecture that either Cristo Mrs. Tolita Lord who was a connection with the Royal King Alonzo Boyce Dead David Temple. No. 2, Rent Receipt Books in Span. plays the marvellous. After he had bal, Panama City, or La Boca will guest of Secretary and Mrs.
made hie 72nd run Capt. Artberly de leave with high honors, for in. Waller had the pleasure of atand the Order in general for ish and English for sale at the We regret to chronicle the committing offences on several Workman Printery TRAIL IN Terror Trail shame.
whom of darkness with account of way DIOVICUS.
all interest which place me, the a Why DR more than cold Fribimself Chaplain. Fame ment in bem AD


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