
PAGE SEX TE WORKMAN SATURDAY APRIL 1922 London Correspondence.
BRITISH TRADE AND FINANCE (BY LEONARD REID. ower Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
1921 thuse when in the of brought ments on record their ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY prompty is in trouble pressions of.
the pri who careful an There revival in Thieves Help for Thieves.
THE IDEAL PHARMACY How Expensive Counsel No. 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro Are Paid For. OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE. From Correspondent)
Members of the public who ENGLISH AND AMERICAN have had occasion to attend po Coarte or to sit on juries during the beariog of criminal cases have no doubt wondered how it is that men in the dock without apparently anything more than few pound are frequently defended b: counsel Or licitors whose fees must certsoly be fairly substantial They are not counsel briefed in court to come to the aid of a poor pri oner, but have been properly NO SUBSTITUTES USED instructed by solicitors. The secret of their appearance is the freemasonry which exists among Only the purest and most genuine Drugs com the regular crooks of London.
There is no trade untoa of cri minals, with fixed rates of mainpounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over tenance pay for the families of metnb. rs begin temporarily out of business, but the same result is 40 years experience round about in friendly whips in convenient publiehouse WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor. with the added advantage there are no incriminating docu wives of Sossesso SSS men sent dowo receive regular weekly payments while husbands are in prison so long as the rest of the gang are infunds, and the sum varies accor ding to the size of the family Whip round The other day in a certain publichouse in the East End neirly 20 well known thieves gathered for a whip round for the defence.
st of one of their number; and quite can th recently the humorous situation arose of two disguised detectives in a publichou se being asked for a few shillings for Bill who They contributed, with suitable of sympathy la minor police court prosecutions, where prisoner is a small trader.
all his pals think nothing of con tributing towards the rest of a solicitor, or, in the thieves ver.
na him mouthpiece to shout for NOTICE where is a little doubt, either, that crooks who handle big jobs can, through other members of FOOT EASE the gang, get advances from the West Indian depositors of the receivers who take the swag Walk a great deal and be happy and healthy Panama Banking Company and incidentally, make the bulk But you can if your feet trouble you.
which is now in a state of bank of the profit, for the actual thief ruptcy, as resolved by the Judge rarely gets more than a third of Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC of the 3rd. Circuit of Panama, the value of the stolen property is the best treatment are hereby notified that Mr. The freemasonry of the thieves Addison Ruan, Fiscal Agent is Full directions with every package. It gives quick relief to cuts is instanced when tha ad dobie itch, bruises and burns.
of this Republic has been арquestion of of bail is raised, as it is pointed Receiver. The Judge in in some cases. Men will come Used internally, Tr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC is certain relief charge of these proceedings has forward whose appearance and for cramps, colie and diarrhoea. It saves doctors bills.
given 30 days to residents in address give no hint of their beWhen in a drug store, don forget to buy Panama city, and 45 days to ing able to provide substantial those residing outside the city, security, and actually offer the Dr. Tichenor Antiseptic in which to file their claims. The full amount of the bail in notes West Indian Committee advises There is no doubt, of course, in not to file such claims before be minds of the police that it is model the Rev. crook money, but it is entirely Nightengale, Chairman, Or another thing to prove it.
Secretary, Arrange ments are being made to obviate to a minimun the expences in sodo Sensible Rum ing WYNTER, Cure.
Secretary, West Indian Committee. correspondent of the Eu ning News pins his faltb to rum as the ideal antidote to the prevailing Sentences 192 Years, epidemic of influenza. The result of the use of rum in his 18e was Paris, February 26. The poso startlingly successful that be is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins.
Donato, alias Antonio Lluisa, the first place, consisted of lay: lice of Paris assert that Sanchez felt it incumbent upon him to give his modus operandi. This in beam. She has two decks. tween alias Harrison Edison arrested in Barcelona Saturday in connec Jamaica ram at the first whisper din ing in an adequate stock of old tion decks ft. high.
nearly 4, 000, 000, francs, is really what in forgeries aggregating of an approach of an epidemic of Barbados used to Antonio y Buse, who was all 10 Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric in Barcelos and has been alled the new sick. Here Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig. hunted his advice as to the use of by the European police pisadi erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed for six years. On rising each morning take water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
Accordiog to the police 100 warrants for the arrest ut a small wige glass of this conLluisa are forting spirit neit. Before ven.
We must Buy her for our Service sentenced by default in Spain to L05, and he has been turing out well moisten the in of each nostril with neat 192 years imprisonment.
through The French police are taking pum, inhailing deeply the credit for having definitely thre nostrils WE NEED 60, 000 MORE through the a circu.
MONEY lar sent throughout the world with the nostril treatment dure day when likely to come month ago in contact with fa conta zion.
Whether rum applied in This You may subscribe some of this by purchasing Dies at 119.
manner reduces Alu miscobas some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound to an inoperative state through SH each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound deliriu a tremens, or whether Saulte Ste. Marie, Mich. March the microbes are rabid prohibieach and become part owner. Mrs. John Wbalen, a member tionists, and indignantly decline DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW of the Chippewa tribe, whose to operate in an uncongenial rum name was Wasaya atmosphere, do not know. The Obebayahqu, died io her 119 year fact, so far as au personally Write to the at her home on Sugar Island concerned, is that the tu gives Dear here to day within a few me a miss in bautk.
yards of the rude but in which The writer adds that the only she was born in 1803. Mrs, fly in his ointment is the exces37 ORANGE ST, KINGSTON, JAMAICA Whalen had never been more sive price asked for old Jamaica than a hundred miles from rum.
home, although she was physi.
cally active until four or tive Advertise in The WORKMAN, Dt Pays years ago. An old clay pipe was Advertise in The Works her constant companion.
man it pays.
Under the above a London ocresdent states that during February the pay out the 301 millions bitherto devoted Stock Exchaoge has enjoyed its first annually to the depreciation fund boom since the early months of 1920. Further, witte money rates at a CD make it but although during the past week the level the Government Treasury activity bus spread to the industrial Temporary borrowings en eretiota, it has for the greater part of Bille at very reasonable low rateThe time been cafined to the eile round about per cent at the present edge market, and to bigh class invest titse and this means very material mert neke in the closiok vek of sevire. For there are still close upon was cubrietetle roliy in 1, 600 millions of Treasury nds outthe quotation for British Government standing, and it it can sell these st securities as a result largely of the re per cent instead of at something over duction in Bank Rate in November, to per cent, the rate which ruling per cent. The cayerness and the year ago, the reduction in the service of rapidity with which dew issues of capi this section of the floating debt tal of bigh class were obsorbed, showed easily be calculated. So far the revenue that there was plenty of money await for the financial year showe a deartase 2551 millions de compared with the ing investment, and recond week of February the Treasury corresponding period of the year 1920suddenly withdrew from daily sale the 21, whereas the Budget estimate was for per cent Treasury Bonds, which only a reduction of 2101 millions in the full sabor short time previously has been sub year. Receipts from income tax and stituted for the 57 per cent bonde, it other sources however, are likely to seemed to be the goal for a fresh out be beavy in the remaining weeks and burst of demand for giltedged securities, it is quite probable that on Match 31st The withdrawal of the reasury Bonde next the Chancellor will be able to sbow was folled in three daye by reduotion balance between revenue and expen in Bank Rate to per cent, and stock diture.
exchange prices thereupon went abend In the recent stock market boom the with unexampled rapidity. In the third rises in Home Railway Stocks have werk of the month per cent War Loan been quite as spectacular those of went abovs its issue price of 95 after gilt edged securities, The market for having been as low se 82 in 1921, British railways was depths of depression during the greater part of Consols which fell to 44 in 1921 last, but as the dividend season aptouched 57 and Local Loans resued in proached buying orders began to come 1921 at 50, went as high as 63. These in and pred gradually moved upward.
Inice tances are typical of the Dividenda cre maintained at the pre sirength of prices in the gilt edge mat vious yer tates, about 19 per cent of ket, one of the principal reasons for the 231 me lions paid to the companies which has undoubtedly been a scarcity by in the supply of stock. great deal of by way of compensation being absorbed the buying bas been made with genuine bine in in so dcing, and prices advanced rapidinvertment morey, but the speculative last year, when quotations dropped to uive ly. It was realised that the pessimiem of element has been introduced in the latter.
the lowest levels ever recorded, was part of the boom. bocm bocm on Pieck Exchange se dom occurs the much overdone, and investors have sud Stock trace ie active, and the recen the present liveliness denly taken at optimistic view of the results from the trade de pression, but position of the Companies. This partly those there are maintain that Telecom amalgamabocm in the Stuck warkets reaches ito be consumated within the next fifteen ito tions into four Groups, which have to zenith on the eve of a revival in trade months, under the terms of the Railways and deduce from this argument that Act, 1921, and partly from the fact that rect very in industry is now imminent accounts of the position. Of this they are at present no very de lysis of the position shows that since finite ga. The culy quarter from Government control was removed.
which whispers of of increasing demand is is August 15th last, the companies did not beard is the iron and steel industry, 18 in AS care sufficient to to pay the dividends which several makers are beginning to which tbey distributed. Ady receive substantial orders. Last week trade which may come will, however, reports from Cumberland spoke furnaces having already enormously and operating 1921, thanke det increase the receipts of the railways been re lit and on the Clyde a distinct costs will be is epoken of. So far, how to the fall in the price of coal, and the coneiderably lower than in 1921, thanke improvement is ever, there wet me to be notbiog very further reduction in wages, wbich has tangible, but in several quarters there autor is an undercurrent of optimism.
automatically followed the drop in the.
cost of living. Some optimism is thereOne effect of the appreciation in the fore perhaps justified, but am inclined vsiue of guilt edge securities sod tte to think that with its usual enthusiasm ches pening of money is that the position the stock exchange has overdone it and of the public finances and the outloukebould not be surpriced to see a fur her for the budget is improved. With per fall in quotations in addition to tbe cent War Loan standing above its ise up light set back which occurred at the price the Government has no longer to lend of last week. Sheep King Will division into two equal parts The first half he left as to two thirds to the University of BrisMilliona re Gift for bane, and the second half as to two thirds for the relief of and Charity.
assistance of Australian ex Ser vice men and their widows and children; and as to one third to The Hon. Sir Samuel Mc provide 20, 0001 for the Burnside Caughey, of North Yanco, New and the balance for Presbyterian Orphant Homes, Parramatta, South Wales, a member of the Legislative Council of New purposes in New South Wales.
South Wales; known as Bathe a past president of the In Sir William Matthews, KCM. Sheep King, a native of Babli stitute of Civil Engineers, engin mena, Country Antrim. who during the war presented 20 eer of many great harbour who died on July 25, 1919, aged died on January 8, left a fortune battle planes to the State, and works, of Strathray gardens, Eton avenue, Hampstead, who 84, left properts valued for pror of 101, 115 of which 98, 956 is net at Australia and the United Kingdom, the personality, amount in the United Kingdom Miss Kate Cecie Garrick of being 2, 579. By bis will he computer ali. court Kengington, left: who died on December 7, daughter of the late Sir James 5, 000 to his house keeper, if Francis Garrick (for 10 years still in his service 10, 000 on Agent General for Queensland. North for Margaret Sheridan, of left 28, 6231 gross, with net per.
to her next ci cin, provine din boe to her mother life interest:sed she be still in his service: 2, 000 on 10. 000 to the Senate of the trust for the augmentation of the found a James Francis Garrick University of Queensland to stipend of the clergy men of each Professorship of either law or of the following Presbyterian churches in Ireland. Clough medicine; in memory of her water, Broughshane, and Clough father, and 501 to the Senate of County Antrim: 20 000 on trust of a the University for the erection to the Scots College, Sydney; memory.
memorial table to his 10, 000 for the augmentation of the stipend of poorly paid Pres.
byterian clergy in New South Wales: 210. 000 on trust for each The Banana Trade tive leading :chools in Sydney 5, 000 to the Salvation Army in The Riversside Correspondent New South Wales; 5, 000 each to to the Gleaner states that the seven hospitals in New South banana market is. now bright ending up. During last week the The residue of the property, price paid was ten pounds per which it appears will amount hundred payable bunches. (after paying the above legacies new Company, that of the and the duties on the property) Messrs. Lindsay, Swan, Hunter to about 1, 000, 000, he left for Ltd. was in the field, several blast again consulting THIS 600 TONS STEAMER born in the rum a mouth. permitting Ing the this Indian of West Indian Steamship Company. Ltd.


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