
are Book Binding!
Chesterfield Book Binding Department SAVES some LIFE Interesting West Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND (Continued from Page 3)
the Western Telegraph Company WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL will in a few months from DOW be in a position to receive and real cigarette despatch messages from and to INDICATIONS the United States, and we are Coughs reliably informed that already La Grippe When we made Chesterfield Cigarettes Reconstructant some three or four local young.
Cold Anaemia Following Fevers we tried to give smokers the highest possters have been engaged to enter Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia sible quality at the lowest possible price.
into the service of the new ComIt didn take smokers lorig to discover pany as learners.
An excelent vehice for administering lodides, Bromide that Chesterfields had just what they and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bowi wanted New Taxation.
Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climate: That quality taste of choicest Turkish all seasons of the Year.
and American tobaccos blended in exIt is observed that the Attor.
You have Tried the Rest actly the right proportions.
ney General has before the You ll sayHouse at the present moment Why not Use the Best measures for raising additional revenue by (a) a re arrangement FOR SALE BY the Customs tariff (b) a sur.
tax of 20 per cent on the present ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COLON.
ad valorem rates with certain ex ceptions and (c) a doubling of the Liquor Licenses, By these WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY they be granted them Des Moines la.
the Government hope to rope in Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans another 20. 000 pounds sterling, Meanwhile with all this fresh means of taxation being asked for His Excellency the Governor and the Attorney General inconsistent enough to ask the Legislature to retain the additional 25 per cent to their salar ies, and trying to squeeze it out of an ill paid deservic8 com munity, When it is recalled that out of a population of 156, 000 the Why throw away your old, but no Income Tax returns showed less than 2, 000 or barely per doubt interesting, books when you cent ing within its operation this surely may be an object lesson to those by whom it is the can have them neatly bound at misfortune of this people to be LIGGKTT MYERS TOBACCO CO. burdened.
THE WORKMAN DEMERARA Link with LIFEBUOYA Golden Opportunity British Guiana for Health Sake.
FOR SALE CENTRAL AVENUE An up lo dare house containing and No. G Street th te apartments: located on one Relief Measures for the hectare of land. Securely fenced Sugar Industry.
with barbed wire and well plant with sugar cane, bananas, pnaitaio, papaya, pineapple, etc. Introducing the Budget for also suitable Mesh wire er: 1922 in the Combined Court, on this product from Canada, where returned to the Office Receiver Hatto Pintado, Las Sabanas, 15 Clementine, Colonial Secretary, that any would be brought to and one ring. He was however closure for poultry, Situated at December 20th, the Hon. Cecil as it had not been anticipated Office and gave up his watch minutes walk from Tramway said that a deticit of the Colony from British sources permitted to retain bis specPrice Reasonable. 950, 700 would have to be faced it was believed that the above tacles on the revenue and expenditure changes would bring in addition legally advised was not liablw 48 allow for on then current al revenue of 412, 661.
The seizure by the Official Receiver, year. The whole of the Colony deficit still remaining. 553, 009. and which he did not show Reserve Fund, as well as the the Government suggested, disposition to part with readily balance of the surplus and should be balanced by the in also the other ring on his Deficit Account, had been ob position of any tax of the statement that it belonged to his sorbed in the actual loan 500, 000 required, only 125, 000 wife and he used to wear it YOUTH and happiness are linked romediture, and there still would be paid by the inhabitants up with health. Link up with deficit of 1, 245, 571 of the Colony. the remainder was a keeper for her. Mr. Hutt was also allowed to leave with in being derived the loan moneys available for links on the ground that from incomes his Lifebuoy for health and for the financing, loan work actually already taxed in the United they were a necessary Remember children sake. Lifebuoy Soap prodone; this deficit was met by Kingdom. The non residents to his apparel. He was adjubet means of overdraft on the Crown proprietors would not, however, asked for his bicycle bien motes health happy, smiling health; it protects the children from the Agents for the Colonies, on the pay twice over in respect of the would have been seized but dangers of contagious diseases.
We are hoping that some oc: Bank of Canadhe per cent, Joan authorities would assigned to the Colonial Bank, and on the Royal same property, so that the real for the fact that he had not got effect would be that the Imperial it with him.
Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where casion will bring you to our Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap store shortly. And (when you now been floated by the Colony, Colonial Goveroment that pro will safeguard the children. keep them do come be assured that it will the Colonial Secretary said he portion of Income tax paid to HONDURAS healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them using it before school, after play, before meals.
be a pleasure for us to serve boped it would realise, it not the Imperial Treasury which USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE you, and that our pleasure in the full five million dollars asked was in respecto a properabish cum the colony. HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH UNVEILING OF FONT serving you will make your visit of 500, 000 for investment, after Finally, Mr. Clementi urged, IT BATHE WITII 11 SHAMPOO WITH IT.
o our store even more enjo y paying for all the loan works for the better stablisation of the authoriseu.
Investors might Colony finances, that the Cus.
able for yourself.
In Memoriam of Deceased well consider the per cent toms duties should no longer be. FULLER to be gilt edged, for it it imposed for a year only, as Soldiers, at MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
the Executive borrowing pow present, bat should be without JEWELLER ers were fully utilised, the total limit of time, the necessary The Belize Independent of March 122 CENTRAL AVENUE appropiation from revenue in alterations being made as sth states that on the evening of respect of loan expenditure required, as in other colonies. the 1st instant, at o clok.
not 197 tul Sacred Function was performed per cent of the actual The of last year revenue at On the 1, 500 collected in in the city of Bel ze, in memory Wesley Chapel. Albert Street, The Goyernment proposed to repeal British Guiana for the purpose of the departed dead, who the Invoice Tax which would of providing a wedding gift for fought, and fell, in the brunt of relieve me tax et 12 per cent. ad valorem, sents returns received in respect church, during the late worla imports and exports of Princes Mary, 206. 73 repre battle, in connection with that and the Protit Tax Ordinance of collections made at the war. of 1921. and to collect various schools in the Colony The monument was a splendid Jayments aready due mabogany font, richly ornamentsugar estates in respect of the ed with artistic designs, and latter instalments. It was also According to the Demerar octagonal in shape, and on each proposed to suspend the Colon Argosy Mr. Hutt who had side of it is to be seen, the isation Tax, as well as assisting been kranted a Receiving Or name of one of the deceased, DONE WITH NEATNESS AND the sugar industry by placing der on his application has filed engraved on a bronze plate It is bags, mules, shooks, and staves his statement affairs at the a special gift, from the Wesley DESPATCH These measures would involve shows a deficiency of 23. 190, 97. in loving rememberance of their Toss to revenue of, altogether, The liabilities amount to 81, 190, heroic, and departed friends. 628, 543.
53 The assets consist of pro who left their shores, for the To balance this, the Govern perty to the value of 44. 446. 90 battle front and never returned.
ment recommended (1) an in debts due amounting to 13, 993. 66 crease on the surtax to 10 per Mr. Hutt had an uncomfortcent. on imported goods under able experience when filing bi: WILKINSON Schedule of the Cus statemen his ornatoms ots Ordinance (No. 32 ments is a double Albert with a CONTRACTOR BUILDER of 1921 28 20 per cent on gold watch, while he also wears those under the Second Schedule a (They stand at present at and gold links, and 488, a pair of First Class Workmanship a pair of gold All went Plans and Specifications Free 10 per cent, respectively. rimmed spectacles.
Bord Good Assortment An increase of the rum excise well and Mr. Hutt turned to duty 60 per gallon: leave the office when he was 15th Street Wes House 99 3) and increase in postal rates; informed that he must divest Box 411, Panama, TO SELECT FROM AT THE (4) additional telephone charges; himselt of his jewellery. Mr (5) higher rates for motor licen Hutt who was surprised at the ses. 6) and increase in the request said that he would like duties on toboceo, both British to consult his lawyer before groves and foreign, it having doing so. There being no ob ish and English for sale at the Reut Receipt Books in Spanbeen found that the revenue jection of such a Mr, súffered owing to imports of Hutt consulted his counsel, WORKMAN Printery.
AVELRY BARGANS LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it is a reputable permicide and. sure disisfectant least free sum LIFEBUOY SOAP bonds LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND. 10 JOB PRINTING No. of auments from of every description Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Garus the Fir couple of crm to WORKMAN PRINTERY


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