p. 8


66 111 THE WORKIAN, SATURDAY, Surrey Defeats Ja FS maica at Standard Oval.
Thomas of Surrey Plays True to Form sexo THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR IS LUCKY NUMBER Elcock of Surrey and Cain of Jamaica Bowl Splendidly. 111 Walk Over Shoes Try Your Luck Try a Good Cigarette We have just received a large shipment and have been able to make substantial Reduction in Prices Lindo.
American Bazaar Stores back to the pavillon leg before ine At Standard Oval last Sunday, in the presence of the largest IS GOOD CIGARETTE crowd as yet for the season seen at a cricket match, the Jamaica went down to defeat before the Surrey CC. Interest was more than doubled in this game when it was learnt that Cain was again to play for Jamaica. The wicket was in good condition and the weather was all that could desired so it was no surprise when the Surrey boys decided to bat after Skipper Elcock had won the toss Thomas and Holder That Famous One Eleven Biend of were deputed to open for Surrey Virginia. Turkish. Burley Tobacco whilst Jamaica entrusted ber attack in the hands of Palmer and is incomparable Thomas Plays Brilliantly Thomas received the first over a BUY PACKAGE TO DAY and off Palmer fourth ball he off drove brilliantly to the boun AT ALL COMMISSARIES CLUBHOUSES dary. Of Lindo fourth ball in his first over Holder was sent FOR by wicket. His place was filled PANAMA COLON 11 CENTS John, but he too was short lived Challenor who filled the vacancy was sent back after having con 30 80 eos tributed 12, being nicely taken on the boundary by Cook. The um.
pire was doibtful whether or no e batsman was out, believing SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC that a boundary had been made.
Nevertheless the Sarrey skipper Central Avenue No. 46 called the batsman off and he then filled the vacancy, opening Drs. DANIEL CHANIS AROSEMENA the innings with a beautiful cut off FROM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY (ENGLAND)
Lindo Sargeant whohad elieved Palmer was bowling beautifully PRIVATE CONSULTING HOURS.
and had the satisfaction of having Elcock taken in the outfield Dr. Chanis from to pm.
BAT Barnett, all this while Thomas Dr. Aroserena fton to 11 a. in.
was at the wicket, and was part nered in turn by Blackman Archer and Pinder. After seven There are free consulting hours every day in the French Pharmacy from 10 to 12 am and from to p.
wickets had fallen for Surrey, and respectively when it was thought that Thomas would carry his bat through be was cleaned bowled in hitting at one of Lindo who had again relieved Darby. Thomas Big Races Bathing Resort played a good and useful innings for his side. He had make 35 faultless runs and was the eighth (Continued from pige Continned From Page 1)
to fall, after waving opened the in ninde fer tended the race track, ianings for his side. The entire starts were very satisfactory as the stretch of the sea front from Surrey team made 111 as follows: one could expect under the vary the Exposition grounds through Thomas 35, Blackman 16, Pinder 12 not out, Challenor 12.
and ing difficulties here. The Pari Paitilla seem to be under the mutuel did very good business, monopolistic controll of Archer 12 as in some instances, the favour denizens of the under world who After the usual recess, Jamaica ite horses had over two hundred can be seen there daily and in Weat to the bat, and put up such tickets sold to their backers. In great numbers. This is unfortu a good defence for the first tive prized Risas was defeated by classes of respectable people things their had been made the race in which the highly nate because many of the poorer wickets that it seemed Surrey would have a wickets tickets were sold on this mare, are hindered from doing so on but to no effect, cannot be disputed, that Long on account of the unpleasant falling slowly, and with only hai Shot is not a very good horse associations which they would hours more play the score boar SPOKE He led for wickets.
the start and main. inevitably face unless they felt registered 86 run tained his field for the mile win in clined to ignore the possibili Speculation ties of social contamination, ning about a nose.
whether Jamaica would win Two of the races did not come Everything of a civic character Surrey effect a draw, oft, as night came on during the which carries the idea of general Barnett. Cain, and McIntosh ali sixth race, There was quite an improvement must include as an played beautifully, but undoubted unusual amount of delay at the essential element the best and ly the best defence was put up by TO NIGHT NEXT WEEK starting post and when the most advanced features of social Roberts, Skipper Elcock now hºrses got away it was almost security. bathing resort is an took the ball for the third time dark. The first race was won by important but delicate institution and Darby who had just come to Saturday, April 8th Lucany, pool paid 30. Second and requires sound judgment but was taken by Challenor in the wicket drove his first ball for pun keen execution a tactful managerace. Pegass Entire Change of Program MOTHER NEED YOU run warm and came in an easy win. ment. It must be socially pure, the slips off the next ball making ner, Third Cricket was experimentally inviting and com the total 88. That very over sent the winner, pool paid 4, 60 mercially profitable; and all this the fall of the other wicket, as not Fourth wise one of the incoming bats seemed race. Long shot won one can be accomplished by a of the finest race seen on the and discreet Landling of the pro able to play Elcock Jamaica had SOON track; pool paid 12. 40 Fifth position, fought and lost, and Surrey had. race Lord came in a nose ahead won the victory at a time when Sunday, April 9th of As de Oros. Sixth race Doris it seemed that she would be the Martin, led the way from the Important to Panama loser. Roberts carried his bat Don Get Personal Terror Trail start, and in spite of the gallant out for 14, he played a great game efforts made by Risas, the Canal Silver Employees and tried hard for his side. He FEATURING MARIE PROVOST 15. EPISODES. 15 former came in the winner of a save only one bance, and that magnificent race, when he was twelve, he was badAll silver employees having ly missed by Bradford at mid wicket, Bible Truth church Bap offices should be able to show on The supporters of the Surrey An tigua Progressive Society IMPORTANT NOTICE.
tismal (Service. arrival there: СС. went wild over the outcome Notice To West Indian The last metal check issued bowling and Thomas for his batof the game and Elcock for his Depositors.
All members and non financial, Correspondents and con On Friday morning April the 14th to them, in measure (Good friday) there will be a Baptismal The last clearance issued, it of praise. For Jamaica McIntosh nection with the eling of claims portant business meeting of the MAN please take notice All the arrangements in co are requested to attend an im tributors to the WORK: Service of the San Miguel and Calidunia not working, made 18, Barnett 17, Cain 17, against Bible Truth Churches, which will take Where possible, their record Roberts 15 not out and Sargeant Company have been settled, and National Progressive Lodge Hall, are Box 74 Panama the Panama Banking above Society; zon April 10th that our Post Offices address place at Bellavista. Morning service which was issued them in 1918. 12. Elcock captured wickets for we now are able to instruct to st both churches begins at a. and In case of contract men 30 runs and Cain for 13. Bar: proceed filing your claims. The Chorillo, City and Box 1102 Anfrom thence to appointed place tbe from Barbados, these contracts nett and Cook of Jamaica brought banks operating here have offer con Canal Zone. Persons Good friday service begins at 11 and continue a until p. both church. tion for return transportation catch of the day was made by depositors in making claims in ish and English for sale at the Canal Zone Post Offices are a. should be produced on applica off each a pretty catch, but the ed their service to assist the Rent Neceipt Books In Span mailing letters and etc. at es uniting at San Miguel Where these contracts have been Austin De Sousa off Barnett at At p. m, on the soue dat be there lost, applicant should be able to time when he seemed dangerous.
a the manner.
proper Workman Printery.
asked to address same to will be the ordination service of Deacone furnish name of steamer, date of form to be presented to the Box i102 Ancon 80 as and Deaconese, of the the San Miguel departure from Barbados, date Games for To morrow. Court has been drawn up, which will meet the requirmenets of the that our people will act wisely Eo expedite delivery.
ekurch, as the sustallation of offi rets of arrival on Istomus, anu Yorkshire vs Britannic at Stanlaw.
service will be one of great impres where possible, location of first Ali sums below 50. 00, after all the kind assistance and dard Oval C, will be made on common consideratļon they have received.
and the general public are invited assignment those to be checked sions, and to witness this most solemn service. against lists on file from conVincentian vs. Surrey at Isth paper and all amounts over that we have done our best in th! On Easter Day in place of the Sunday struction period.
mian Park sum must be presented on matter in securing means where ROOMS TO LET School there will be a pleasant floral La Boca vs. Jamaica at La Boca. Stamp paper of the value of 60 by the depositors will meet with afternoon spent when a good Easter, and floral programme are being arranged as there will be some of Panama best Advertise in The Workcents CALLE No The ciaim can be written by WYNTER, for the occasion, those who fail to attend talent in use that evening.
any competent person on secur Secretary, this service will surely mise a grand treat spend the day well with us, man it Pays ing a copy of the form. We hope West Indian Commitiee APPLY ON PREMISES ALBOA EST EER REWED The be sure were from Was now rife as to or EXCELSIOR THEATRE Sargeant.
made the race TO MORROW 10 This Come and


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