
PAGF TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1922 Interesting News From The West Indian Isands 0:30.
WE THANK YOU For the Reception you have given MAGNUMS leiter the learnt was We expected THIS PERFECT BLEND To have taken with you, still the results have been more than anticipated.
May MAGNUMS continue to be your smoke.
abuse reaching THEY ARE DIFFERENT was con OOONO ES 15 Cents for 20 Cigarettes decency SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY.
OSKSKSS Soosoo sossomos Factory the BARBADOS age about four hundred and Inys were burnt, including a Ceighty barrals a day.
ban draft for three pounds, ad other monies.
JAMAICA Shortage in Water By this time, the crowd had in creased immensely, and willing Supply.
bands hurried off to the pond Fatal Accident. carried buckets upon buckets of water, and saturated the store of Recent exchanges from Barbe GR. Keeling, which is in dos are greatly exercised over On the Railway Early Yes proximity to the burnt area, and the shortage of that island which would have shared th terday Water Supply and have pablishsame fate, had it not been for the ed reports advising the public to assistance of the onlookers be extraordinarily economic in The Gleaner of the first instant From what your correspondent the use reports that a sad accident occur is able to glean, the fire was dis of the water.
In its publication of the 25th red in the Railway yesterday covered by Anderson Dale at alto the Weekly Ilusira con morning. Whilst the passenger about eleven o clock and be mado tains the following train from Montego Bay was on the alarm.
in yesterday issue its way to Kingston it appears which was being Early this morning, Detective of the Reporter calling attention to that a borse Potinger arrived, and later, Infact that in spite of the ridden by a man named Edward farming shortage of water which Fowler became unmanageable pector Beresford Messrs Island is tow experiencing and bolted into the line at Cats Delgado Chin See and CorpoCataral Hind came up and began tak the members of the Bridgetown duperia The result was that horse ing statements. It was permission of the Water and riders were stron in motton that the stock, which amounted Department ares was then to its litt every day, by which and the unfortunate man means one hundred gallons of badly crushed. He died within a surance, but the building carried water are consumed every time few minutes of the accideat. The no insurance. The fire is supIt is employed, discloses what is driver of the train, Gerald Town posed to be the act of so incen nothing less than a public scan send, did everything to avert the dlary.
dal. And when the writer goes accident but he could not avert it on to state that when the lift so sudden did the animal come on sticks, as it does occasionally, to the line.
Fatal Tram Car the water continues running to The matter was reported to the Waste until the trouble is rectif. Police, and so as not to hold up Accident.
ed it seems to me that this gross the train the driver was not ar of privilege should be put rested on the spot. On a stop to at once.
its destination in Kingston, yes.
there was a report current yes: however arrested by Constable od Down In South Camp When it is borne in mind that terday afternoon. Townsend was Miss Adah Reu ben, Knockterday that no water could be ob Evans of the di serietinlike the country of the come la boda y Flores. The Road and Dies soon after.
districtsand at the same time charge him tais lift was in full use, the glar eyed to the Sutton Street Police against him was for manslaughter. He ALLEGED DETAILS.
Ing injustice of this abuse is brought home to the long suffer Station and was bailed to appear ing public. It is true that a good at the Court at Montego Bay It Unfortunate Lady Attempted many of our legislators are mem is expected that a Coroner into Cross Highway, and was bers of the Bridgetown Club but quest will be held into the occur Struck by Car refuse to think that they are rence in due course, so lost to all sense of and concern for the public wel Attempted Suicld: By Cutting DRIVER IS ARRESTED.
fare as to allow this unpardon.
His Throa.
able waste of one of the necessiA late issue of the Gleaner ties of life to continue, only to minister to their seltish comfort Joseph Isulad, a Cuban, in states that a most unfortunate attended while the island at large is now a patient in the Poblic Hos accident which was occurred in a rezor with fatal results, threatened with a water famine. pital suffering from It is my earnest hope that the wound on his throat which, it is Kingston when Miss Adah Reuwill turo their attention to this yesterday morning in his room chant of this city, was knocked Governor in Executive Committe alleged, was inflicted by himself ben, a sister of Mr. Reuben well crying abuse at once and put a at Messrs. and Macha do Cigar down by a stop to the same.
tram car on the South Lodge on the Victoria Avenue stantaneously, at Park Camp Road and died almost in According to statements Civil Servants Petition taken by the police, it appears From what could be gathered, shat Isulad, a man about 50 years it was shortly after five o clock The House of Assembly are tory as a blendor of tobacc. and ed. Worth Street. and on reachof age, was employed at the Fac when the car coming down pass to Sion reached with respect to the whole premises. room to live in on Noborne House, a little above. Norinan Road, Miss Reuben, who orman Civil Servants petition to con ing. It is alleged that he went heter said, was somewhat hard of tinue the temporary relief grant into his room and got hold of his hearing was walking on the right ed them a way of increased salaries. This Another employee of the factory reached near to her, she it is a couple of years ago by razor, and slashed his throat hand side of the Road going paper advocated the retention of who had the occasion of passing reach she increase to all holders of Isulad room, saw him bleeding alleged, attempted to cross the salaries not exceeding 250 per and went inside and, it was road, and she came in collision annum, but the House went a alleged that Isulad asked him to with the car. She was knocked step further and granted officials ials complete the job which be her mouth and nostril, and died and bled profusely from in receipt of incomes between Isulad) had started. The injured 250 350, an Increase of 10 per instantaneouslv.
cent. This think man was first seen by Dr. almost as in this list all rectors fall and was taken to the Public Hospital Inspector Sullivan arrived on reasonable Robertson, after which he accident was soon circulated, and The news of the unfortunate when all things are considered where he was admitted as a the scene shortly afterwards.
the clergy are about the worst patient.
paid officials, They are supposed Acting Corporal Johnson, of to be on a social equality with Sutton Street Police Station, any of their congregations and Banana Trade Improving. who was on the tram car at the many of them with large familles time of the fatality, arrested to support, can barely eke out an existence. Again, the income Guy Hill, March 27. The Joseph Peart, the driver of the tax begins to come into opera banana trade is at fever beat car, on charge of manslaught tion at this figure and it was only to day as the competition is ex er. He was taken to the Batton some kind gracious act to grant such are operating here, the United later on in the evening, he was ceedingly keen, Five companies Street Police Station where Fruit Coy; the Atlantic Fruit granted bail in the sum of 100 Wanted to Dock Salaries Coy. the Jamaica Fruit ana The body of che unfortunate of Police, and Jamaica Fruit and Shipping residence, forning de on Shipping Coy the Baltimore lady taken to ber brother Coy. and the Caribbean Fruit the Filmersd Road bere Dr.
Gifford, O, fo cannot say the same of the lo per 100 straight bunches. Kingston, performed the pid Coy. The price figured at 22.
action of those members who wanted to dock the salaries of large quantity of fruit is being mortem examination. The police obtained.
have taken statements and a the Police, and to treat the incoroner inquest will be held in creases granted them as a kind of bonus. the Attorney Destructive Fire General very cogently argued It might be stated that Miss Reuben wed just left her brothfulfil its obligations to its ser Jackson Town, March 24. The Road, and was going to see. er rusiuence on the Emerald wants at all costs and he caution peace and quiet of this little ed honourable members to think yilliage was disturbed last night her death!
relatiyo of bers when sbe met twice before committing them by the ringing of the bells of the selves to what be honestly be Auglican Church, and the First The deceased lady wbo was lieved would be very serious Hili Congregational Church, in middle aged was highly re timating that Are had breach of faith.
reach broken spected in the community and Now that the House bave out. In an incredibly short time was frotr. well known Jerish reduced the extra pay to Civil Acrowd gathered, when it was family. Her untimely Servants by 28, 200 it is hoped found that the shop, opposite the came as a shock to her they will not see their way to market, and stocked by Davie relatives. The funeral luga pass the extra Customs, tariff Lyo, a Chinaman, was on fire place yesterday afternoon and tax which was ostensibly intro which by this time had develop was well attended.
duced for the purpose of raising ed to such an extent that nothing this extra amount.
could be done to retard its pro Missing Man Body Is gress, and soon afterwards. Good Supply of Oll.
what a few hours before was a Found in River.
fine wooden structure, became a The Standard is our authority heap ot ashes and ruin, The fire Port Antonio, March 30. The for the information that the spread to an adjoining shop and body of Mr. Burch, a resipumping of oil at Turners Halldwelling owned by Miss Dorcas dent of this parish who had been by the British Union Oil Com. Gordon, which was also burnt to missing from Monday night pany, which began on Satur the ground, the owner baving a last has been found in the river day last, is yielding on an aver narrow escape. All her belong. near Burlington. It is not DI ALBOA EST EER REWED Meeting of the Depositors.
due course.
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the Seml. Defunct Canal Zone Bank. The meeting of the Depositors of the semi Defunct Canal Zone Bank is due to be held on the Upper floor of the Government Palace in Colon by special per mission of His Honour Governor Arosemena on this Saturday afternoon April 8th at 30 or half past o clock precisely. All Depositors should bring the Humbor of their Pass Bc o ks.
Advertise in the Workman It pays.
Rent Receipt Books in Span.
Ish and English for sale at the Workman Printery


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