
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1922 PAGE THRER 66 THIS IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUR West Indian News. Continued From Page 2)
known whether the case is one of drowning or murder. The post mortem examination will be held to day by Dr. Moseley Inspector Adam left by motor car for the scene; Detec tive Richards is busy taking statements in connection with the atair, and further developments are awaited. 111 IS LUCKY NUMBER Walk. Over Shoes 111 IS GOOD CIGARETTE Try Your Luck Try a Good Cigarette and in Reduction in Prices World That Famous One Eleven Blend of Virginia. Turkish. Burley Tobacco is incomparable just American Bazaar Stores BUY PACKAGE TO DAY AT ALL COMMISSARIES CLUBHOUSES FOR 11 CENTS and gious effort to make The Woman Exchange ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN POR WOMEN NO, TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA CITY the DRESSMAKING PLEATING there AND more Notice of Removal (A. cordion, Kaife. Box Plea s)
known as GRENADA The Life Uncertain From The West Indian)
Grenade, it is said, has passed We have just received a large shipment and have over the peak of financial wor ries. There are worries yet, and there will be worries for a long been able to make substantial time. but there is the feeling that an improvement will soon take place in the cocoa market, in the trade conditions of the in generastraordinary Something of an value must turn up before we can ever hope to put our house in order in reasonable time.
The crisis may leave after effects XX which may be found more serious than the orignal cause, as after war effects are more serious than the war itself. Wo should make up our minds for passing through critical times PANAMA COLON yet but, above all, we sho should be profiting by hard experience.
The return to normal life normal DOSSAS should be marked by saneness prodigious ly and scientifically economical certain.
To All Whom It There is no reason why Grenada should SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC May Corcern. Cocoa and deliberately lead the life uncertain.
We said some Central Avenue No. 46 days ago that great difticulties General Information To are great opportualties, and in Drs. DANIEL CHANIS AROSEMENA the same way great sufferings Churches.
are also great lessons, to the FROM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY (ENGLAND)
sufferers or to others.
Grenada sumered and there PRIVATE CONSULTING HOURS All Protestant Churches in hos been no one to help.
AI Dr. Chanis from to p. in.
this Republic are only tolerated that according to the Constitution, and the local Government could Imperial Government Dr. Arosemnena ftom to 11 a.
All the baptisms, marriages and offer was sympathy. We should other functions of a civ! nature know by now that this is a hard.
a There are free consulting hours every day in the French performed prior to the passing matter of fact world, in which Pharmacy from 10 to 12 am and from to pm. of the present law regulating men and communities are exrespectively the civil procedure of the coun pected rely on themselves.
they are regulated in accordance vide against any future disaster try, are null and void, unless What are we going to do to pro with the existing law. What are we going to do to pull The signature of none of the us out of our present difficulties?
representatives of the Protestants Churches here is consider plan to Is any well considered ed a valid instrument in make Grenada unless the church has been well intentioned scheme to re.
law. self supporting? Is there any duly registered and the repre duce the cost of Government in sentative in charge has wat is Grenada so as to get money to The Public is hereby notified that the Personeria Juri in or special power of ly? If things improve the Colony economicalattorney This document car thevar are go on SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO ries with it the right to repre they are, we could never be able to get things done, and there sent the organization in all civil will spring up crops of dissatis.
Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner and criminal matters in this faction in tbe Coiony Republic 16th Street West.
Such marriages as are not clouds liſt that we see some ray What is to happen sbould the registered under the Civil Code of sunshine once more, a going (Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. of the Republic, and not having on in the old way! return to The new premises are well equipped for turning out the approval of the Public Min. selbst and narrow ister of Justice can be declared ness of life? We were all kind the best class of work null and void by the courts, in in and bedfellow in suffering, and case of litigation; or any claim some of us who were hard of made by the contracting parties. heart, and who had little fellowSo as to protect the rights of feeling. grew to be wondrous PHOTOGRAPHS those who are under religious kind to one another, and we had discipline, it is advisable that delicate, receptive minds for AS the Ministers operating in this proposals for common salvation country should see that their and we gave ready ear to coun NEW YEAR GIFTS Churches We are legally constituted, sels at sels at times and those persons who have con ence to discuss recommendamet in confer.
tracted marriages, and have tions for Grenada good. We Remember your friends with your photograph this their children baptized; so as to did not succeed, but the great year and they will remember you as long as protect their future legal claim thing is that we all met on com.
the photograph lasts.
matters regulated at the office of the Civil Registry All will, should understand that we must get together wedlock can be recognized before the with singleness of purpose to do constructive work for the courts and then registered, this of one and all when the clouds Our Photographs are Permanent good will give them a legal claim on lift for a peep of sunshine once Have that long delayed photo which you promised any property your friend so often leave them after death. One of though we temporarily postpone their parents may again, otherwise we prolong the first parents and guardians is to see should feel safe in his property responsibility of the life uncertain.
MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO that proper provisions are made unless Grenada as a whole is for their offsprings; and that prosp The coolest in the city where you are certain of the No shop itself, laden whatever may come prosperous.
to them with goods, is worth anything best attention.
be legally protected, and with more than the splending capaas little inconvenience as the city of people. This is true of law will permit everyting that men sell, be it butter or his brains, pairs of Day and Night Photographs shoes or his professional skill, or Suspension and Ex the sweat of his brow, SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO pulsion Telegram from Governer to Secretary 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West.
of State.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Sisters 23. February Following resol.
Phelicis Lewis Lºgislative and Louisa ution passed by JUAN ILLUECA ROOMS TO LET from an rights and privileges in be good enough to kindly convey Dawkins bas been debarred connection with the Royalking to His Majesty the King begins Attorney at. Law CALLE No David Temple. No. 2, Be it resolved that this Council No. 44 Central Avenue and the Order in general for on behalt of the people of this their APPLY ON PREMISES committing offences on several while expressing Colony, to His TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 courts contrary to the Laws, loyalty and devotion Rules, Regulations and obliga offer their respectful hearty con Majesty Throne and Person, Practices in all Courts of Panama Advertise in The Work tions of said Order.
English Spoken Fluently man it pays.
The former for a period of gratulations to Their Majesties years and the latter for 99 years. Continued On Page 7)
dica, to Our Establishment in sures a perfection of handiwork which accentuates the latest styles so pleasing to patrons.
selfishness heart of ANN THOMAS, Proprietrese.
Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. GO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE mon ground.
Pho Children born When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller Address. MULLER BUILDING CALIDONIA CALLE No PRIVATE ACADEMY English Classes For Young Ladies 6 pm AND FOR BOYS 7 Mon. Tues. Thurs. Fridays. BARTON,


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