
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1922, Millions Now Living Will Never Die Oue Aation to reduce the Revelation The future to us.
hivio and to Business at a StandTHE WORKMAN still in Colon ILLUSTRATED BIBLE LECTURE The Bible Pictures The Scripture Texts The Prophecies Reproduced On a recent visit to Colon. we rublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica wre very much surprised with WALRUND, the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters the large number of emty ue and corner of Street, Paoana, of public interest invited rooms and shops in that city. de All copy for publication must te Quite a large number of Chiose Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, ara traders had gone out of busi CATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOS must be accompanied by the name of Dess. On investigation we were The meaning and outcome of present world con litions Oce Year. 40 18. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica told that this latter decision 28 Six Months reached at a meeting of the 20 Hon buissa mark of good faith.
Chinese storekeepers alter according to Bible prophecy Three we do not undertako to roburn taking into consideration that crejected orrespondence they could not secure any reduc.
tion of rent Irom the landlords; The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS nor was the Government show THE ing any inclination to al WORD OF GOD SATURDAY, APRIL 15. 1922 monthly contributions on dry goods, or the very prohibitive Spirit License of 150 00 USC.
WEST INDIANS AND THE ROAD found that in many small rooms, West Indians have opened up PROPHESY REVEALS WORK, of the closed Chinese establish grocery stores to take the place THE FUTURE ments. This latter observation has given us very serious reflic.
It is not known how many West Indians have gone to tions, and we are led to inquire; The most mentous message of centuries wise in work on the new roads in the interior nor what are the are the West Indians making such investments at this sonditions under which they have contracted for service; THE PROPHETIC EXPLANATION OF WORLD EVENTS unfavourable time in the but there is considerable doubt as to the security of all cial life of Colon.
who have gone in view of the hostile propaganda waged. It is conceded, that each man NATIONAL THEATRE by certain individuals who seem more bent on magnifying knows his business best, but the fears of miscegenation rather than help to solve the there are times when it is absoPanama pertinent question of efficient labor.
lutely necessary that we think for some people. We will not The stupendous improvements which this government attempt to dctate the course of is carrying on in connection with the road building pro any man business venture, but MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1922, At P.
gram are too important to permit of petty discussions of we may suggest some very po any character, The chief question before the Ceo tral Gov tent facts as they present than. This lecture is ful y illust ated, e Bible pictures and Scripture selves eru ment is what can be done to get the proper quality and First, the Chinese are a very texts are shown upon the screen supply of labor as needed by the contractors. The problem thrifty people and very economi of miscegenatiou is a social concern and must solve itself cal in their mode of living. Thay Special reserved seats may be had free upon application at ticket office kke all kindred problems.
know how to reduce the cost of At a similar lecture at the Great Hypodrome, 000 failed to gain entrance, living exist within the West Indians bave always been misunderstood in this measu At while from the Royal Albert Hall, London, 17, 000 were turned away.
measure of their earnings. It is country. On the Canal Zone where they played a not insig. well known, that they succeed Kingston, Jamaica, Toronto, Canada, thousands failed to gain an entrance. It nificant part in the construction the canal, it took many at this class of business better is the most momentous message of centuries.
years for the extreme sections of foreign labor to approach than any other people. Is it coneach other, simply because of the unfounded prejudices that if there was the remotest with reason to ex, rect, Auspices: INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION which were allowed to inject feelings of suspicion and mispossibility of of they keeping up trust as well as undermine the economic fabric of canal and Seats Free All Welcome their expenses, that paying No Collection administration.
they would have gone out of this Qn account of seating capacity No Children will be admitted In the main, West Indians have been un airly repreline of busin ss?
sented, and their repucation as mixers injured on ac the West Indian people succeedWe certainly would like to see count of their language and customs which differ from ing in commercial pursuits: but those of their native friends. of the thousands of West there are som very glaring Indian families that came here to work on the Caual many facts, that it would be will to Bon Voyage.
CHURCH SERVICE Another Fishy Story remember, have long ago decided to make this country their home of them, is whether we can depend primarily among (American Episopal Church)
adoption after having first become familiar with the man on our always changeable con Among the passengers who St. Paul Church, Panama.
the ieres for th ir support in a man sailed yesterday, on ners and babits of the people of this land.
To the Editor of The Workman a. m, Holy Communion, Drar Sir, have been reading is Panama is now as cosmopolitan as New York or Chica: per to insure success? It is Coronado will ba Miss Dorothat these thy Moses of East 17th Street of 10 am, Matias, go. People of all nationalities have been living bere for people have changed consider this city, who goes on and extend the papers lately about some buge sbarko p Sunday School.
and other sorts of thes, so thought several years and have learnt by experience that this coun. ably in this measure. When this ded visit to her homeland, the 30 pm Evenson and sermon. would Ik to give my experiences try can be as good a home as any other foreign place to change is is made sure and NIGHIENGALE Vicar of a few ears ago to your boy glad mi them. The Italians, Greeks, Spaniards, East Indians, can set asi set aside their Moses can well be consi petty insular St. Alban s, Paraiso.
Tenders. Who will am sure be Chinese and all other peoples have established their domi sentiments, envy and unchari dered and old timer in So here goed Como listen Come linton landsmen all busi. parts, rosiding here since Oct, 10 am, Holy Baptism cile right here and children born to them are regarded as ness will be be an assured thing. 1911 and was for many years in 11 s, m, Holy Euskariet and sermon. bound, what happened to me by going Panamanians, West Indians are in the same boat and We are told em St. George Church Gatun.
have always shared the same fate sea, and the wonders which local corpora familiar fire among the all matters of public tion Shipwrecked was just off Perouse and concern.
number of the members. balange ployees of ho Ancon Laundry.
because 11 Matins and address The my criends of Miss shore, o resolved ce are Magj la wishing her a bon 30 Even ong and address, be working ability of West Indians is their strongest of an undecided AF, NIGH TENGALE Priest in charge Bat far had not sudded out, cruies to take, the country to explore recommendation in this country. These people are never not, making their purchases voya je.
clove alongside the afraid of the roughest or hardest kind of work either in is most childish and un business few hundred dollars saved, conthe ocean, sawowe Bible Truth Churches. thing move, which at first town or country; and when and where there is opportunity like. It certainly is not business. sidering the hostility and the as all the world th ugh, in motion. But steer.
of obtaining work they are always ready and willing to because you may have a differ humiliation to which they are San Miguel og close up, alongside, found was a go. This is due to their being an industrious and ener ence with the corporation in subj cted at the present time, Crocodile, and from its nose, to the lip which you have your it would be better for them to 5:30 am Morning Prayer of its tail it measured ssy just MILES getic people; and diligent application to work is as native money to withde. your sup return to the West Indies and 10 a Children Service.
Crocodile could plainly an instinct with them as flying is to a bird or swimming to port, and allow the thing to purchase a plot of land and com 11:a, Preaching Service none of the common raca, foi we, was This is ruin to yourself mence to insure e a life of inde 3p. Special Euter Floral service. obliged to climb up a tree before could The contractors on the new roads have appealed for and those who you wish well. pendence manliness 7:30 Gospel Service, followed by see its face. Woilst up slof. in the West Indian labor and government officials have approved If the venture of West Indians Bananas are being sold in Lord Supper.
tree so high, it blew gale from the Calidonia South. lost my bold and away did fly the appeal and are asking for this class of labor. West can be made a success, we say: Jamaica, at a price unkown in the 5:30 am Morning Prayer Light into this Crocodile mouth, Indians who were shut out at the beginning are being call wire servedly go ahead, but it is history of the business. at 11 Preaching Service ed to work on the roads; the chief barrier nationality. landlords, and the paying of sterling for one hundred bunchquickly closed his jaws on me, thinking 2:30 Sunday School grab a victim but I ran down his has been removed, but as soon as that was done there Government contributions, then es of nine bands and over.
7:15 pm Gospel Service.
the came the alarm that it would be a dangerous thing to let the rest Indians are too poor and foolishness, if those West their discredit BARCLAY Pastor in charge, tricked him. traveled on we advise out It will be for the West Indians loose in the interior districts among a people to experiment in this Indians with a few or two, till got into his Maw where dollars Seventh Day Adventist Church found somo rum in Kege. a few. and the natives.
particular cries throu which should invest; lose the amount 1, 000 fat bullocks in store of life What would the West Indians go into the interior for the Isthmus passing and be stranded here under the 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA.
banished all my cares, fur To look for families or to seek a living? They have exThose West Indians having a present unfavourable conditions.
grub furin want stinted. So in this Crocodile 8. bbath (Saturday) 45 am Sab ved years nd very well perienced sufficient hardships recently to teach them comba School; 11 15 am, General Worshi Thi contented, monsense if even they hadn any belore. They know the aims a stroke at the moral reputation of these people. 30 pm. Sonnish Class; 30 y vory old slope died, bask) three value of a dollar now better than they did in the days of Yet, when it is remembered that the men who are Young People Meeting; 30 a.
thing cow, bo nas o tingud wid canal construction and it can be wagered that they will engaged on the roads have gone to meet rough life in the put their earnings to a better use in these days thau they camps it cannot be believed that they would give attention Sunday night 730 pm. Service. All or tery gear about, for was full twelve a wies thek am sure ever did before.
months or more a cutting my way ou to anything else but what they have gone there for, and And when once more got on earth Every West Indian going into the interior to work on that is to work West Indians have a native way of deal. Panama District Order resolved no more to rosa in a ship the new roads should keep in mind one object, and that ing with insults and it is supposed that this question will Druids.
that passed got a barih and now am is to take care of the pennies that they might earn there. receive the same silent indifference as all others which have safe at home. And if my They should remember that life is not all pic nic and that aimed at their disparagement in social and economic ways.
should doubt, just take a trip up the ory you they are going into the bush to work as a joke. It is a Some of those who are trying to belittle the integrity Districe Management Committee find the shell of this wonderful Crocos The haly yearlf meeting of the Nil, and where he fell you will serious matter, and the charge of undesirable miscegena of West Indians have been accidentally born in this coun will be held on Saturday April dile, tion ought to put them on their s and s and make them try of West Iodian parentage and of West Indian culture. 15th at the Druids Lodge Hall Yours devotedly, more determined to play the role of real men in these days In youth they very litile zore than West Indian life 20h Street Central. Among the of economic uncertainty.
and breathed much of Wes an atmosphere but on the conferring of the PNG, business fer the evening will be It is understood that in the sections where West reaching maturity they have bu the bridge over which Degree. All A in good Anniversary Panama Baptist Indians are employed on the new roads they are ordered to they passed and are throwing burlesques at their West standing are cordially invited, confine themselves to the camps in which they are located. Indian brethren. Natives of pure origin are more Delegates are requested to be Church.
They are not permitted to visit the sites where natives live sympathetic and appreciative of West Indian talent and present at pm. Soarp.
por baye they the option of billeting in the villages. Per ability than are those who sprang from the same stock as The Panama Baptist Church haps, there is no room for complaint in this arrangement those wbom they are trying to hurt.
NOTICE will celebrate its 14th anniver since these people are working under a kind of contract sary on Sunday, April 16 1922 But the crux of the situation is this. If West Indians There will be three at and are in a way, governed by circumstances, over which are competent for the work of road construction in the will be deathmian engague of BW. Il a lp. ne. tanda e services and neither they nor the have control.
It is not definitely known what effect this restriction this kind of work in these localities impose they ought to room, Eist 16ch Street on Satur! the pulpit at each of these servi.
interior, and if they can stand the rough conditions which meeting in the Wesleyan Schuet eloquent preachers will occupy Panama is having on West Indian labor, but it is known that be made as comfortable as it is possible to make chem; and day the 15th inst, ces.
several of the most prominent Panamanian gentlemen when this is done they themselves ought to plod away with As the revised rules will be m, a very interesting programe Cn Monday April 17th at 7p, have been viewing it with a considerable amount of dis an earnestness which will make the aspersions sound like mad bet thisre meeting all the will be rendered. come comme favor. It is a reflection on the West Indian community and the wind in a cave loud, but empty.
members are requested to at. Come all and help to make the tend, occasion enjoyable.
you these surprised in to me, to tell you the TRUTH Bm by a local found.
In cset grievance, ale cw upon the whea. placed This Cho was a fish.
die and true he in to throat you see, and that way month year a Hs are welcome, of


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