
THE WORKAAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side SCOXAS Canal Zone Notes News Millions Now Living Will Never Die.
LA BOCA LITERARY SOCIETY IN OUR COLON STORE ONLY To make room for new stock coming in shortly, we have arranged VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS IN Strand Theatre TWEEDS SERGES LININGS SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1922 American Bazaar future, GEORGE YOUNG est of To Hold Amateur Singing Contest In line with recent information piven Noted International Bible Expositor out wibragird to Singing Contest to be held at Boce Cluuhouss under to lecture in Colon Sunday the auspicas of the Literary Society, there will be a fair chance for the Lath.
mian publie to listen to talented Istamisa In the Amateur singers and an equal chance for the singers to gather and test their qualitiesThe contest which will be be on the 16:h of May next, will be stimulous to the public in general sol more so to the geatler sex from whom it is expected that the greater bumber COLON of entries will be re xeived. The Society reporter he given out the following additional information with regard to the contest The contest will be an All Isthmian Singing Contest, and will be held at Laat o clock Boca Clubhouse, under the auspices of the La Boca Literary Society on May 16h 1922.
EXCEPTIONAL VALUES Evangelist George Young of Toron o, Canada, will Conditions Governing Contest deliver his famous illustrated Lecture upon Bible Silos. All el ssios renditions (No Prophecy entitled Millions now living will never die MX rag tims. dealing with the meaning and outcome of world Competitors must be amateurs of events according to the Prophecies of the Bible.
knowo respectability or from recognized societies or organizatios Applications for en ris must be in the hands of Cling, Secretary Bocs Cubhouse, not later than May COLON 6tb, 1922. No charge for en trios Decisions as to the suenasful conSooysexs0:50000 SESSSSSSSSSSSSS testants will be in the hands of the (3) judges and will be rendered than tight after the content P2 will be givn, three in number Colon Depositors root of things cace and for al. Bad Boy Breaks Away 1st, 2nd, and 3d to the widgets and hoping that ere this letter is published informa From Brigade.
will be ia th: form of gold medals.
Thes Request Information. tions re the Receiver or his agent ciety reserves the right to tejet polietin, bring down here will be announc It is reported that on Wednes.
ed otherwise my voice will be Additional information with regard to Cristobal PO, heard louder in the immediate day 5th of the present month, a the Contest can by secured from Mr, boy known as Faberon Green Jo. Collins, Cubhouse Szerztaty.
Canal Zone was taken before the Alcalde of As it is expect there is a lot of Without further intrusion on Colon, charged with the larceny brushing up oi voie being done and April 9, 1922 your space of biscuits, was due the gold medals will Dear Sir. Permit me through am, Sir guilty of the offence. The Alcal awarded to wiars. the kernest com the columns of your paper to Yours Respectfully, de handed the boy to the safe tition is expected. Of the three ju 138 make a lew remarks in the inter INO. ASH keeping of Mr. Watson, Com who will decide cn the issues it is ex my fellow West Indian mander of the Boys Brigade, for pected that on will be lady hir depositors in the now bankrupt the purpose of having the ofren am Dam, as well as the many of the oth This lecture is fully illustrated, The Bible PicPanama der under The ou, tures, The Scriptures and prophetic features of the sub let me say that since the The Colon Teachers Assoc requested that he should be you are requested to m) and So.
closing down of that institution Bible are reproduced upon the screen. Mr. Young iation.
given a whipping and sent away, there bas been a deal said, sug but as this did not meet the ap The Paraiso Community is a traveling representative of the Internatio al sested, advices given and com proval of the Alcalde, his first Bible Students Association of Brooklyn, and Club.
ments made to depositors but The Colon Teachers Association decision was carried out.
London, England The boy was taken beld its been of benefit to those on the month of March at 109 Broadway headquarters and to the locked in an The Volley Ball contest which The Lecture is FREE. No collection Pacific side. Since there is a and 8th Street. Present at roll empty room for an hour. At 2p took place in our Hall Wednesday bank at this end is it not right call were Kerr Pres; that we should be given one half Drummond Vice Prss. Gibson among the other boys, but later Community Club and Red Tank JAN m, he was removed and placed night the 5th between the Paraiso is taken. All are welcome. McPherson Asst, on be requested to some was witnessed by many with Well?
From a similar lecture in the Hypodrome AudiA where, and as being great interest. No doubt this is Svobebis ex president; Gaken he made a dash for There are notices of what the the the torium 7005 failed to gain entrance while in the first matched game played by Royal Albert Hall, London, 17, 000 were turled West Indian Committeesitor doing Rosemond, among other things brought back. He made several Tank was completely baffled be Mesdame Bailey and street, but was overtaken and the Com nunity Club yet Red for West Indian depositors a way.
Panama, but what of Colon are it was decided to hold the inter attempts to run away, and during out classed and out played.
we disregarded, forgotten or what? school examination, which takes ing the night he tried to remove she fought gamely until the final On aecount of limited seating capacity No Children will be admitted.
There are o ers from the Judge place on the 28th itst. There the partition between the rooms score was chalked up. The win.
the Receiver and others but as were also four gentlemen present but was caught. Oa the follow ners of the contest were to yet such instructions and activi. who will act iu the capacity as ing morning while the other decided by taking the best two ties seemed confined only to Pa examiners for this term. Teach boys were cleaning up, he made out of three games with fifteen nama. Is it not time that the ers in any part of this republic another dash for the street and points to the game. Following is Those wishing to have a good Butcher, Employee of the Receiver or his agent should be are requested to present pupils this time succeeded in finding the score: time, should not miss this dance Municipal Engineer Dapt. at here. for filing for said examination is himself into Washington Gawhich 1st Game, Red Tank tonight. The first one step Hot this town was a visitor to Panaclaras is already given forms opened to all scholars of primary rage, where he was assisted by 2ad 12 Trombone starts promptly at ma on Thursday noon, having, stipulated but no direct official private schools: the employees to make good his 8 All welcome for a good taken bis wife to Ancon Hospital substan yet on the job here to time.
his many friends wish her a The boys of the Brigade who from the tiate the news Total Score 24 recovery.
papers. Are we not entitled to Colon Boy Scouts to Hold pursued him were assaulted by the men in charge of the garage, some consideration after all these 1st Game Community Club 15 Fancy Fair.
sed concidence in but up to the present the police 2nd years o 15 Under the auspices of the ere the has been unable to capture any sympathetic this bank no savings best billiard players at this town words tendered Mr. Holder 3rd 15 of them stand at stake?
The Alcalda has issu. grand Fancy Fair, under the orders for their arrest.
there will be played in the near a former employee of the Postal Colon 45 future a Billiard tournament, com Dept. of this The usual proceedure of busi au pices of the Third towa the old petitor are informed that they umer discharge is a puzzle to Tro Baden Powell Boy Scouts ness here is of such a nature that must see the Secretary to enter both whit: and coloured around in aid of the one has to be wary otherwise you in troop, is being ar Christ Church by the Sea The interest which is being ma: the competition not later than this to wo who are at a za to is my contention that full official 1711 and 18th iust, at the troop 5, 30 Low Mi 150 (Parish Communion) nifested by each orgauization and Monday evening April 17th inst. kaow why he was discharged, as 30 pm. Low Masa Parish Cum. oun individuals old and young in work as said tournament will begin was surely a courteous and ruling is necessary if ever you at Headquarters, Broadway between and 4th Streets, and every ion ing hp the Easter Season Cantata the following Wednesday eve kind employee each and every aims as ter same tempt to til The Light of the Cross which ping; those winning the most one arou a lui vicinity.
anon is in your completed efført is being exerted to make it 10 15 Sylemn Procesion, Sang it is to take place in the Clubhouse games will receive Gold, Silver is Mass and Sorm:n, may be pointed out that it a success.
not Fancy Stalls, Are Gallery, Post Another point why we Ofice, Telephone booths, Fortune 00 pm. Caoral Vespars.
Hall on Sunday afternoon, April and Bronze Medals so don Wanderers Co. of Colon in order 30 pm. Eve song and sermon Pro. 23rd, is noted with great satis delay. Even the Catechist will journed over to this town on need the Receiver or his number of present faction. Those who are promot be entertaining let go, here is because of the cession Te Deum and Benediction.
Sunday last when they adminis need who ity other attractions are being arDOW The Bishop will administer tho Ap ing the event intend to make tered a lacinx to the Cornwall unable to find even postase fees ranged, all of which will be in talic Rite of the playerConfirmation on the embered by the people of Parajso never was there such a or transportation to and from the Second Sunday after Easter, April 30th, The Red Tank school will render Special programme has been large cro seen on the cricket community who have already at Vespera Sirvice at 30 o clock, Panama.
arranged at the Silver Clubhouse from Colon; the Cornwall e even Layner xen their consent and begun to an anthem, He is Risen.
EDWARD COOPER. Rector. Admission adults 25cts. and for Sunday night Song Service but they want all their ao for one admire the efforts in order to give their res the West Indian Committee an children not tasing part 15cts, which will commence at 45 to know Wanderers will mat ive stails the desired effect USC others in Panama but am per in the midst of all the fun a popu West Indian after which special p!
Depositors at will be shown. From tures them again and it is their detersonally and otherwise interested lar. orchestra will discourse dance Colon can File Claims at in knowing when and how soon music for the dancers. real Bri ish Consulate.
GATUN wil be treat is in store for those who Under arrangements made by a made by tho we of the Atlantic side an othcial to give us first genial secretary and Messrs attend, so dont miss the opportu MC. Brown, School Teacher of hand and direct instructions Arrangements have been Big Dance To night at this district, For the benefit of Cristobal indoor Baseball team It is being wondered how the the Admission to the lawn will be made whereby West Indian Gatun Sliver Clubhouse. those who did not attends will be able to defeat the Gatun It is alright to say forms are to 15c. SC: and tickets are now Depositors residing at it known Mr. team Secre be sent in, etc. etc. but where on sale by several young ladies of can have their claims filed at the Brown conduct the Song Service tary Neely had better come those forms? The man or the community and the members British Consulate on payment of To night, April 15th the Gatun last Sunday night at which there across and try conclusions with woman with money or supposed of the troop 2, 00 Silver Clubhouse, will be the was quite a large gathering Messrs Egleston strong walgreater intelligence may think my This is done to obviate the scene of a Big Dance, for the amongst those present was Sec lers.
remarks unnecessary but sir you Rent Receipt Book in Span necessity of coming to Panama, dance lovers at that end, when retary Neely, of the Silver know well of and to. City. Cristobal here are handled with tardiness Ish and English for sale at The persons exploiting the deposi Boca vill dispense with the delivered an appropriate vald Advertise in The Works who and as such it is best to get to the WORKMAN Printery: tors.
attest and best hits of the season. dress, man. it pays.
le the sympathy and facility as Seca. Kerr Treasu er:c. go he was be time limit 15 escape.
3rd local that our agent telling Cafe and a having an re nity filing of our claims are


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