
the King and Queen and ber Royal Highness Princess Mary on ber approaching marriage coupled with the sincerest wisbes for ber future bappiness. I like em! el gram from Secretary of State lo Governor INDICATIONS Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaemia Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia An excelent vehice for adminis ering lodides, Bromide and Salicylate. Summer Complaint and Bow Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climate.
all seasons of the Year.
You have Tried the Rest Why not Use the Best You can match Chesterfield quality in any other Turkish Blend cigarette selling at the price.
And remember With reference to your telegram of 23rd. February, His Majesty the King command me to express his sincere thanks and those of the Queen and Her Royal Highness Princess Mary for the kind wishes of the people of Grenada. Their Majesties are much touched by this token 01 loyalty of the Colony.
FOR SALE BY ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COLON. They Satisfy WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Des Moinesla, Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Chesterfield We hope the question of Dis trict Elections is not lost sight of in the arrangements that are being made for the General Elec tion of members of the Legisla tive Council. Certain populous parts of parishes that are DOU within easy reach of town: declared Elec:don Districts and Justices of the Peace should be appointed Returning Officers should be CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended Book Binding!
The St. George District Board should acide once and for all whether there will be proper conveniences for the Public Mar ket within a reasonable time.
The crude conditions wbich preva led in the time of our grandlathers, and which prevail to day should cease.
From civilized pulut of view it should cease.
From a health point of view it should cease. For the sake bringing in revenue to the Board it should cease.
Why throw away your old, but no doubt interesting, books when you can have them neatly bound at THE WORKMAN LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
of Book Binding Department SAVES WAS LIFE was on fob gie, Lord too; SOAP is more than soap, it germicide and. sure disis fectant.
HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH LIFEBUOY SOAP Link up with LIFEBUOYA Golden Opportunity It is about time to ask whether the game was worth the candle for Health Sake.
in a consideration of Grenada FOR SALE part in the Education Conference in Trinidad inany months ago CENTRAL AVENUE An up to date house containing As a matter of tact, for most of three apartments: located on one the Islands concerned, it was a and No. G Street hectare of land. Securely fenced jubilee of the tongue and nothing with barbed wire and well plant more. What is wanted is an ined with sugar cane, bananas, terculonial authority or Council also suitable Mesh wire en pnaltaio, papaya, pineapple, etc.
closure for poultry. Situated at News came to band yesterday progress has been made being Now let me ask you wan you mesa Hatto Pintado, Las Sabanas, 15 from St. David that Mitchell cac 10. coconuts, and limes Fob say dat Englan po. minutes walks from Tramway. found dead on Monday, at the Campbell, 60 years old.
You mus be yere we want a loss Price Reasonable, Dat why you tell we so?
bottom of a precipice. It appears We want ab lan a big on to that the deceased man Per jurer Convicted. An Inglan gat bis way home on Sunday night, We gat nobod, else foh sok. and lost his way. An inquest EMELNIKARGATU was held and a Verdict of death Finod 10 or Two Months. We all depen pon ab!
An if she len we what you ink?
from a shock of misadventure Yu ink she gwine across?
was brought by the Jury, Mr. Harrigan inflicted a wo ebbe borrow money yet fine of 10 or two months im.
Dat people may den loss?
YOUTH and happiness are linked The Rev.
Frank Lawrence, prisonment with hard labour on You gat fob try you bos fob wo.
up with health. Link up with Lifebuoy for health and for the well known in Grenada, was or Abraham Neomath dained at the James Street Wes Indian, for perjury at the San Do two sh you a tinh conce.
Remember children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proYou know dit dat is true?
LIFEBUOY leyan Church, Barbados, during Fernando Police Court.
motes health happy, smiling health; the sitting of the District Synod Neomath was a witness for Dat all ab gat fob tell you now. Botting mo to day; in that island. The Rey. Law. the defence in a case brought by it protects the children from the is a reputable dangers of contagious diseases.
We are hoping that some oc rence was on probation for some Sergt, Morrison against Clarence r aps, ah zat fot tell you mo De day you gwipe away!
Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use. it disinfects time.
as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where casion will bring you to our tion he was a Lay Representa premises in St. John Village Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap New Lord Chief Justice of will safeguard the children keep them store shortly. And when you live, and gave much help to open for sale on Sunday.
In his evidence the Sergeant healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them do come be assured that it will Methodism in the islands.
stated that he found an Indian England.
using it before school, after play, before meals.
be a pleasure for us to serve boy named Soogrim on the USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE you, and that our pleasure in TRINIDAD premises purchasing articles Richard Blount a London corand on his appearance the de respondent sizes up the new serving you will make your visit IT BA HE WITH SHAMPOO WITH IT.
o our stora even more enjoy.
fendant handed the boy back 30 Lord Cuief Justice of itain cents he bad tendered in pay thus:able for yourself.
Agriculture in Trini ment for them. Sir Gordon Hewart, the new FULLER Both Soogrim and the defend Lord Chief Justice of England, MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
dad ant admitted that Soogrim was is a great lawyer, and a man of JEWELLER in the shop when the Sergeant real judicial temper. of scrupu122 CENTRAL AVENUE appeared on the scene, and that lous honour and of great persoan!
The Department of Agricul. de tendant did hand the boy 30 dignity. These are the four ture of Trinidad and Tobago bas cent in the Sergeant presence main requisites for any person now issued its administrative but their explanation was that chosen to fill the highest pera report for the two years 1919. defendant bad given the bo. pent judicial the British 1920. During the latter year the money to buy goat meat, realms.
One may say tnis Neomath when called swore Beltish staten en that succ sfor important changes were made in the functions of the department that the boy was not on the site Adminisitions, of what trom Septembe ber let, it be premises on the Sergeants arri eve. colour they may be in their purely advisory body, bal. ction of our judges the Government assuming all for providing in Magistrate considered keep unspotted the honour of in this corrupt perjury and after judicial system which remains the beyond the mycologist, entomolo usual way inflicted the above or the control place of Rist and agricultural advisers mentioned sentence.
political or K18ana any other external influeace.
any Briton of common intelliDONE WITH NEATNESS AND from funds derived from gence were asked by a curious has been now bas Counterfeit Coin.
foreiga ir ta. Je the one native Jabolished, on special tax, woricultural proinsti ation 11. which his taith DESPATCH duce. Another important change The prevalence of counterfeit was most profouad, or which bas been in connection with the the coin in the town and district is was entirely free from Nag St. Augustine and River Estates, engaging the attention of the taint of corruption, bo would which had been worked by the Police, Dame unhesitatingly an Eaglish Department as independent con Court of Justice.
cerns on their own basis, outside of the Colonial expenditure. The DEMERARA Department, while a part of the Augustine Peserved for an experimental Welcome to Major Wood. WILKINSON station, the balance being transCONTRACTCR BUILDER ferred to the Crown Lands Department for pasture and By CUFFY In the Demerara First Class Workmanship Good Assortment other purposes, Argosy.
Plans and Specifications Free The report gives an interest ing account of the progress in Ab welcome you, good Major Wood 15th Street Wes House 99 AT THE TO SELECT FROM the agriculture of Tobago, as Ah bow me bead to you, indicated by the value of the Ah true yon com yahoo foh know Box 411, Panama, exports. In 1917 the value of the An so wha you can do?
exports was 64, 571, and the Ah read you speech ab Laypal grain Rent Receipt Book in Span value bave increased until in 1920 You sh can ta foh true. s and English for sale at The the exports were worth 146, 565 An fudda mo de way you ta k, the principal items in which You prapps careful too!
WORKMAN Printery: LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT. ENGLAND office ia 1920, litical JOB PRINTING. cime a The of every description the mic suspicion If Boavia Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Gards WORKMAN PRINTERY


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