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HORSE RACES The Lost City JUAN FRANCO PARK The Passion Play Dear the original IF bind Aborigines cil feelst bound to to uphold its Referring to bes to say that it is very of Nov. 21 bave my letter to sme Independent Order of Foresters of Lebanon. EXCELSIOR THEATRE Office of the General Secretary, 372 West 135th Street, TO MORROW NEXT WEEK TO. MORROW New York City March 25th 1922 Sunday, April 16th Bro, CADOGAN, Sunday April 16 Beginning Monday, April 17th Box 895 Cristobal The following correspondence At 30 Sharp UNDER NOTHERN LIGHTS FIRST EPISODES OF is published by request to clear up it is stated certain misleading impressions created by a letter ALSO bearing on the above subject, which appeared in a recent issue of this paper:Sir and Bro. The favours you And will be continued during did us us der date of February 16 1922 and March 13th respectively are daly By Special Request the week. Attractive Races received Referring to letter under date of Feb 16 1 am inetrued to sform you that 3535X5805:55 Sexx, 3KSSO the Council regreta ty much to 518 bat it bu been the ruline of that body The redoubtable Chagres and that nothing be admited in the rituale Trusting this will and you enjoying Americans Seize Existence of Slavery of the Order that the Council be not the best that health afforde for yoursel: other Jamaican Thoroughbreds will dats, for the common reason and sister Cadogan, beg to be yours, Rum Laden Vessels Under British Flag?
Oy that it tosy and can be easily used to In UL.
the prejudice and disadvantage of the Signed HA DAVIS meet the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Order. During the interim from Feb.
The Tug Granville is Brit Charges Madeby Viscount16th to March 13th 1922, the attention ish Ownod and London Cracks le Cupeil was direcied to an articl: Mr. AUGIER, of ess Glad tone at Meetin the car Herald od one of th Seety. Progresive Court Dawa welt Protest to Washington ing of An Anti Slavery mame in the Workman of the City of Onyoo, Coal Zoe.
Panatos over your signature, and contirSociety.
Dear Sir. Your letter under date med in and by your letter of March 13 of March 1922, he been resived, TAKEN OUT LIMIT.
ADMISSION. 00 on File in in this office same should have been severed before IN HONG KONG am instrueted to inform you that but on account of the continued illata the Council view your action with dis of Mr. Davis, the matter could not the British Tug Granville by a London, March 13 Seizure of dain, and begs to inform you that the bave got the consideration needed.
body thinks that it is the duty of every way rom Uaited States revenue cutter, Strong Denunciation By In reply thereto am instructed to outside the three mile limit pro Mr. St. Leo Strachey, member of the Orcer if they are agrieve inform you that your standine wich bably will lead to a pertanctory od over You want to save time Editor of The Specover any setion of any person against the Order it is the duty of Sucb ar seved Cadogan isprotest by the British Govern That Bro. Conway has no taken ment.
member to forth with report samh: to tho laid on tator.
You want to save labor Emphasis was word perfunctory in proper Officer of the Order who will bave soy unauthorized step in the pub:ication the You want to save expense same corrected. If you were dissatisfied set out in the correction made by Bro, official quarters to day.
with Bro. Con ny action your duty to workman nowpapers in the month thut raw running cases, with sale of boys and girls at Hong Cadogan in and and cable despatch fron London It is evidently though possibie dated Marth 18, states that tha INSTALL GAS STOVE was to notify the General Secreaty wb. of March, in the City of Panams. The more or less international bear Kong has been denounced as.
put to Coun cil.
This should be one because the Council was able to prva from ita fil38 ing will become frequent in the an bobocionat a meeting scandal in a are the representative of of November 1921 farure the people who that on the 21st day British You will find that CAD the people with their sc ions Authority was delegated to Bro. work As was indicated in Saturday of the Anti Slavery using gas will do all of and not every member trying to vindi Cooway of Penama City to begin cate the Honour of the oder in his or in the interest of this Order. The cour Cousis no disposition bera to worry Strachav. editor of the ser its her own way.
engage in liquor were as Conway potice in the Star Herald reason samo bulb, revoked. In the which may or Indian and of affairs ia Hong Kong reprerepresented the state Gelibas peculiar opinica of the Council, Bro. Conway pvn. meeting in the inter American ports. Operators of sented the viləst form of slavery after you Where the gas pipes acknowledged receipt of notice to coby these ships know the risks they in existence when young people under date est of this Order constitute no cause for take and it is recognized that were deliberately sold and sub are already in the 1921, in which copy of the letter to Bro Bro. Cadogan setion, th y cannot expect the Govern jected to the cruel lust and greed Referring to Conway was enclosed You will under kitchen we will supply to your rotation frou let men to register serious protests of their purchasers.
stand that it is very noticeable that Bo ter bearing my signature under date of on their behalf. resolution was passed de.
a small two buroer Conway had put another notice in the oc ober 12th 1921 beg to say That British oticials will regularize claring that continuance of the gas stove FREE papers sometime ag) through which Mr. the statement is crrect and Steer was recommeaded to you condition still exist. am also instructed the legal position by filing per systen amounted to the connive and there was exceptione taken to that is form vou the the entomon made fanctory protests and in so do ance of slavery under the Britwhich was the first to have appeared on that B:0. Codog is the cute uri nator inx will try to indicate that such ish tlig PANAMA COLON GAS CO.
It was estimated at the meetaction is not to be regarded as untrue, and we are surpris at such a significant.
the Isthmus ing that those held in bondage The statement he Sole Originator publication, under the system numbered Will Not Seize Tug.
You are hereby assured that the PANAMA OFFICE. AT 50, 000 is prep sterous and at the Officers of the Council view with pleasure the action COLON OFFICE: Council were looking for Notoriety thes Cape May, NJ, March 13. score of societies were reCathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St. would have published the entire record of Bro, Conway, and request that he Federal authorities decided they presented at the conference, of the Order which would prove the continue will not seize the British tug which was held to determine Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 are taking the matter up with Granville, convoyed into Deleware what steps should be taken to origin of the Order. We will invite Bro. Cadugan and a copy of that letter Breakwater by the coast guard stop the sale of children, recollection to the fact that your to one of our ou is enclosed for your information. Hoping cutter Kickapoo Friday night, Viscountess Gladstone, who to the City of New that when this matter is settled you will when York. The fact tbat your letter spoken be satisfied with the action you tuok, miles off the New Jersey Coast presided declared that the sysbe abolished. Soe CRICKET Horse Racing At It has been decided that the said that she did not think that of your expenses to Eogland and Ameri, controversy with him, but refer same to tug and cargo will be watched any British man or woman could which was not to have entered into a to us.
Juan Franco recep:08 that we extended to you With the best wishes for your co the coast guard cutters have bliavad it along Britannic Defeats York Regarding the rituali eto This to see that she British flag loes children four years of age and Council admits with trubiul pride that un signed support to your efforts not land any of the 2, 200 cases upwards could openly be cold (Continued From Page 1)
you had submitted a type written docu have the honor to be doar Sir, of Canadian whiskey which handed over as chattels to ment to giving his supporters a splendid Your Obd ly, a committee of two Viz WoodNueveltes, Cuba consigned to their purchasers Signed The Yorkshire suffered ruffo and Davis. This committee had H. DAVIS pay at the Pari muel. It was defeat at the hands of the Britan. informed you after the examination that Coast Guard stations from drudges or victims of prostituMaine to Florida tion.
not expected that ibis determin.
Post Office Box, 1042, be on the lookout for rum runShe said, however, that the ed little game horse could have nic Colast Sunday at the Stand. this document that there was one item ard Anson, Z, Panama, ners and report at once to their matter was not so simple as it Cricket. But after they were could only muster 82 runs. Smith order Viz the benefits to be derived it could be beadquarters, who will notity the looked because the adoption March, 6th, 1922.
sent away, Sampson led the and Greaves who opened for from Friendly Societice, which you forcoast guard cutters. The Grand system wus not a wrong thing Mr. JOHN DAVIS, field to the three turlongs and Yorkshire batted well, but after warded to us a few days ago. March 13 ville left Portland, Me. with her in itselt.
broke down Cricket with bold they left no one made any parti 1922. General Secretary, cargo of liquor from Canada Charles Roberts formerly Uodash 100k the lead and main cular stand. Small made 18 and bonded and under seal.
The Council concerne in the inference of Lebanon, der Secretary for India, and tained his position until after Greaves 12.
that All the operators are in New 372 West, 126th Street, passing the four furlongs was with Connell and Smith and fulness of that and hops that you will President of the Anti Slavery After recess Britannic opened York ia as much as you fear the truth Now York City, Society, said it was an estah.
challenged by Dickey, who on passing the Judge box was Connell made 66, Smith 18, Black both gave a great exhibition. find it Dear Sir, suppose the arrival of Commis lished fact that Chinese girls it possible to to see to it that way.
and boys were sold and bought few surprise winner halt of length. The pool Jaid 29. 70 man 32 and Maxwell 22.
The statement you made that you you shall have per used the following sioner for Panama in Hong Kong at from ten dolare in posvetion of the Rituals and the object of which is to inform your per year Britannic closed their innings ceremonies IS NOT TRUE and is very honourable body that a few of us have of age, and it was a significant fact that higher Racing To morrow at 45 with a score of 161 damaging and it is my duty bound to started a Social in conection with the Rev. West, High Com prices were obtainable when Tomorrow will see the Easter for wickets.
that you withdraw such poble work started by yourself and Bro, missioner and Negro Counsel for girls ware sold for the purpose meeting of horses at Juan Game to be played Over statement.
Yet they could Elten Woodruffe.
the United Negro Improvement of prostitution.
Franco, when it is anticipated You can easily remember if you so that quite an enjoyable day will The Cricket match played at La desire that at the initiation when you the initial meeting beld inst Thursday, Panamı arrived in this city Enclosed is a copy of the ininutes of Association and African Commu. not get the Colonial ofice to nity League, for the Republic of admit that the system was one of be spent. On looking over the ordered by the League to be your rituals and ceremonies referred to Boca with the Jamaica was were made a member of thio Order March 2nd which is self explanatory, Saturday last, for the on slavery. It was enough for him on that it coastitu red trafic programme, the mixture of an: played over owing to disputes were in yove trunke which were at that and essential that the reply be forward. place. During the past week the put dowa by law.
purpose in The following information in requested of inspecting the work in this buman being, waich ought to ba tries have factorily arranged. The 118. ihat took place in the game public time on the pier, North River Games for To morrow.
can not understand why with 30 City.
ed as early as possible:Commissioner was at Colon and many horses here at present, Britannic vs Jamaica at Isthmain very plainly in this matter and that you per bie letters we will been seen on Page bring about many reforms in the objects for which the Associa: You wil find that we have spoken stand wild like to know. Codedo no made quite a survey of the works be much improved and a nigher Cadogan We will consideration will be given to the park, the horses from one stable. This kad not expected lees as much is the of the Star and Herald under the date work in is a most unsportsmanlike manfundamental principle of prosperity and Panama and in Colon, tion is working. It is an undisner of entering the contestants: the day will be a good one for hat we do not of March 3rd, and on Page of the with the object that succes. Now we must inform you Workman of March 4th, copies of more puted fact, that very often an and the Jockey Club should it of satisfactory anderstanding in organization attars relish any statement shey desire the continuous sup: the few shortcomings here and antipathy, for we war against this.
the turfites, and that gradually hat tends to establish the spirit of whiclovere being forward udara separto connection with the Association those who have to rapresent its port of the public, see that at the there will be remedied. Bitter ate this particular paragraph refers to your letter of October 12th representative of this paper nothing which was heard in that Parastaph be reached, next meeting, the entries Your recommendations in the letter 1921, addrewed to Bro. Conway, part of had the pleasure of hearing Rev. address, that would not have apbetter arranged.
are Spice has come back again, and under date of March 13th, 1922, have which reads, On the 13th of July we Mr. West on Monday evening pealed to a reasonable miad.
quite performance is the The entries to the purses from him. Chagres will start in been considered abd found to be inad started Independent Order own? Bro. Elton Woodruffe is oue sed with the honest and con ly changed to Chapter No. 17 by our last, and was favourably impres should be sealed as is done in one race, and Risas, Glorita, Chapter has been obiicialall countries where racing is Long shot will meet in what Supreme Chief Ranger, Bro Fred scientious manner in which be the Commissoner, and carried on And all entrance promises to be a very warm Surrey Wins From Vincentian humble servant ia the Secretary.
Gobern, Sub Chief Ranger, and your pointed out to the members the mously adopted by the mam bars unanifees should accompany the race. Mr. Dave Cardozo, has nomination. It is time that a promised to give the best start Comedy of Errors they have In all organizitions, the den ind The Surrey Viacentian game We desire that copy of your proper system of nama capot. ng every welcomesse hy ubestretant that was useduled to be played to rais wetter be mailed to Mr. Cadogan, dels the Association making in represunting the is for load ors, and the rigat diod be adopted, as it is only in this so that there will be no dissatis at Isthmian Park was awarded With best wishes for your continued It is the opinion that with not to destruction and igaorance of men whɔ will lead the pople manner that racing will be im. faction. This is Easter boys so Surrey by the League, as Vincen prosperity.
such principles of teaching as but to that which will bənfit proved.
let us journey out to Juan Fran tian refused to play when the Youre Fraternally laid down in the address by Rev. themselves and humanity It is, however, expected, that co and have a jolly good time.
at umpire called play.
Secretary Mr. West that the members will large.
We are wire when you invited to came to that shire e.
is and became as to 15 request les could more We a Tars b2cause of 800


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