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Attention Deopsitors of Panama Banking Company TIME FOR FILING CLAIMS are some The It is No publica new in Talsi Piso a tremendously sound or a banking status WEST INDIANS RACE MEETING SOME FACTS ABOUT THE IN CUBA TO MORROW Stranded St. Lucians Write At Juan Franco will be DRAWING TO CLOSE OPERATIONS OF THE Asking for Help.
Big Success.
During the past week a depu Tomorrow at 1pm. at Juan Great Volume of Business Done in Depositors or their Representa untion Errendiga Socio Fresco, the weekly Face hooting tives must be present at Meetings Administrator with the view of time. The Jockey Club, has ro de a waited upon His Honour the will take place coacheduled United States and Other Parts.
enlisting the Government co duced the number of purses og operation in se ding some help account of the almost impossi Just now when the depositors whose tremendous to stranded St. Lucians in Cuba, bility of running of the eight It has been brought to the claims in proper shape before but we understand that as the events usually on statt lose of the the pro International Banking no time in pushing the vital Botice of this Office that deposi the Court.
deputation could not give the gramme.
Corporation are wondering about interests of the institution and tors of the defunct Panama Mr Ruan, the Receiver, is names of any particular perso In consequence of the com. the security of that institotion who, by dint of long established Baoking Company what slow in filing their claip: working hard in the interest of the Administrator could do noth meat we made last week and sinca the failure of the oldest friendships have made the insti.
the depositors and is desirous of ing until further information the dissatisfaction of the public may be well for the Workman Banking house ou the Isthmus it tation the guaranteed centre of at the same time letters have relative to one owner entering reached us asking for informa seeing that all attend to their shall be obtained to security.
claims in a business like manner all the contestants from his give its readers a concise sur Lion on the subject.
In this connection we have to stabile, in contest been arranged vey of the capital sock and ex: local house of the Inter Toe v Nightengale begs mention that few days ags we that Mr. Espinosa string of pansion of the International national Banking Corporation is We would remiad our readers uz to inform correspondents ou received a letter du ved 8th Feb horses will in one of the thirty one branches who are interested in this matter side of Pan ma that they should ruary 1922 with following ad trained and entered by anderen altors and other patrons of the Di China France, Great Britain.
the future be Banking Corporation.
scattered all over the world and that according to published re follow the instructions given in dress: As a matter of fact, local depo whe may Yound ia Califor poris, they have only to the end this article, and not to expect 246 Calle Aguilla. persons. It is reported of this moath to get these individual replies as he has oresent no other arrangements bank ought to know something India, Japaa. Java, the Philip claims into the office of the received too many letters to be Havana City. can be made as the number of of its history and operation if pine Islands, Sadge of the Third Circuit Court abla to answer them severally.
San Domingo, Rep. de Cuba.
owners racing are not sufficient they are to maintain an inte! Spain and the Straits Settle of Panama, to make the purses otherwise, ligent appreciation for an insti. ments.
Depositors residing in Pana THE BRANDONS OF NEW and a signed by the following in but it is the expressed willing tucion with which they deal, dividuals purposing to be strand ness of Mr. Espinosa to give the The bulk of the business does ma can have these caims made Yo WILL SEND CON ed Lucian: in Cuba There is as much science, of not originate in the United out at the WORKMAN Printery CRETE PROPOSITION TO a square deal in allowing perhaps, more in the banking States as some might think, but doubt some of the names are his horses to go for all they business than in any other com flows from all over the world.
or at the British Vice Consulate, RECEIVER RUAN. familiar to people here. are worth and the best one com mercial line, the highest feature The Those residing in Colon can do so through the British Consul The following information Eu rene Charles ing home the winner of any of science in this particular de The enormous trade carried on J rob which appeared in the evening ate there.
event in which his horses may partment of financial industry furnishes business which kept between the cast and the west Philip Vidal Daily News of the 19th inst Interested parties residing in should make interesting reading be started.
Walton Etienne being rooted in the psychology the great institution, as to its Tasre will be seven purses of consolidation of capital or financial status, in a state of conBocas del Toro have written to for depositors:John Rammy tomorrow, and there will be soliditication of organization, the Rev. Nigthengale askMcDonald Ferguson tinual buoyance and progressive between the The meeting plenty of amusement for the ing for information on the sub.
Frederick Lwis turfites. It is expected that the An astonishing evidence of cor ness.
ject. We have been asked by Committee for the Depositors of Mary Ferguson this gentleman to state for tho Panama Banking Company arrangements will work porate orgitzation can be fouod From close investigation into In th Natiu. City Bank with the affairs of the International Hull Leon Davis information of all depositor now and Phillip the and give satisfaction to all.
representa Farfar Jale its uxiliaries, the national City Banking Corporation it has been Bocas that they are tive of Martin Con boy, the recei Theresa Philip The events are as follows: advised to forward their books ver for Isaac Brandon and Bros, First Race by the United B! King Corporation.
to The WORKMAX Printery, ad appointed by Please sir, we are beg States and surplus is 10, 000 000 and MINOR LILLIPUTIANS Toe International there is also a reserve of another Banking the dressed to the proprietor badantinued varat New York, was ging you to publish our desire editor, Mr. Waldrond, Box Continued yes evening. All and hope that some day we may Furlongs and Distance Corporation as a financial insti 86 000, 000, in undivided profil 74 Panama City. These books the members of the committee, we able to repay you.
tution has been operating until Ruan; the Receiver; and No. Black Boy should be sent by related Dr. Harmodio Arias, Attorney addressed to us and speaks for for a seven years ago its The following is the let er existence sta corporation was one of absolute indepen to enjy and Checkers back of this claims will the it in triplicate and mailed to the for Receiver, were present.
of dence and almust universal es surengu lies the resources Sampson depasitors for eignature lice Brandon and for the providing by Isaac tab ishment with not less than the National City Bank of New Cricket then returned to this office Mr. Editor We the poor New York, of thirty one (31) branches all over York, the larg st banking inside Where they will be attended to on the funds necessary to be added Lacians after being serving our Ratia the world; seventeen (17) of tution in the United States, behalf of ikuse wbo nay tind it to the assets in Panama to pro King and Country during this Catch Weights of which are in the Orient, Ia ten years, the resources of impossible to come here. vide for the discharge of all the last world war left the island 70 per cent of pool and 20. 00 As a banking institution the the International Banking OorNotice should also be taken of obligations of the Bank, were in search of work. As we could discussed.
grown from to winner. 00 to second.
not get employment International Banking Corpora poration the fact that a sufficient number tion has long passed the experi 35, 000, 000 to 115, 000, 000, at of depositors or their represen Mr. Hill expressed the belief ish country, the majority went to to Cuba which is a smaller island mental stage and is now a full though under the provisions of tatives must be present at all that he could on his return Second Race Aledged organization with rich the United States banking laws meetings be lled Now York secure a proposition than any of the whole British and ripe knowledge as to what it does not accept depositors in Dominion. We thought that we ECUADORIAN SPRINT after all claims shall have been acceptable to the Received and would have baen treated like should and should not be done the United States. In six years arter filed. Persons finding imposthe depositors. Furlongs and Distance by the branches and what risks through its own earnings it has sible human beings but to our great meetings No. Wampus Kat added 8, 000, 000, to its capital 120 lbs. ought to be guarded against and surplus.
shouid vest power of attorney in past two weeks.
He has been in worst than dogs. First of all May Be 105 lbs The East with its ancient civi.
someone living in Panama who daily conferences with the Recei they refuse to give work to In Good Time 105 lbs lizations ie as easily a smooth Depositors and other patrons would be able to represent teen ver and has thoroughls familia West Indians. It is a marvelous the business field for as of the International Banking 80 per cent of pool and 45. 00 is the most familiar countries in Corporation sbould therefore at shese meetings. The proprie rixed himself with the sttuation. Stight to see tor of The WORKMAN is willing He sails for New York today, and sight to see how the poor mea to winner.
to accept this position in the after conferences with the New the streets seeking and begging have and Farope and in Central or South u derstand that they are dealing America. This is due, mainly, with a bank that can stand the interest of all who might be York sceiver and the Brandons for employment, but are retused.
Third Race the efficiency. tact and shock or upheaval of financial dis.
unable to attend.
will communicate a concrete pro Wny just because sill of the banking company order in any part of the world.
Our people should act wisely position to the Receiver and the West Indian and a stranger.
JUAN FRANCO STAKES and promptly so as to have their Oommittee.
Two weeks ago, the poor St. Furlongs and Distance Lucians, in fact West Indians No. Delfin Canal Zone Health Depart IMPORTANT NOTICE. Espinosa)
walk for which this could not the streets, meat.
Depositors of the Panama Dr. West Tour Of ly, the ideals As de Oros (Obarrio de la Banking Company who have Associaciun striving the because they were being stabbed Lord (Verna goi Diem)
opinion be ventured and shot by the Cubans in the Inspection.
Embargoes Ponama Beef not yet filed their claims are that a very satisfactory and broad day light in the big City Catch Weights.
hereby reminded that only a comendable has of Havana, of which most are at 80 per cent of pool and 60. 00. During the present week, few more days are left for Dr. West, High Commis been brought about, through present in the hospital. No steps to so per quite an unfavourable situation doing so.
the cact and diplomacy of the have been taken bacause we has been brought about by the sioner of the Universal Negro Commissioner to these parts. Dr. have no one (Continued On Page 8)
to represent us.
Improvement Association and West Claims are made out at announcement, that the Canal has African Communities League, bili demonstrated the Even the policeman that are Zone Health Department, in The Workman Printery completed his first visit to this foreshof man with great the men of the laws are against Rent Receipt Books in Span formed the municipal acthorities for 25 including Ha seems to know us. Last week on Tuesday two part of the Republic, whics and caprices of the young St. Lucians were found is hand English for sale at the theatre they would cease inspection Stamp paper.
end of last week, and it is ce people he has to deal with. He dead on the road; and one got a of city, Workman Printery.
robeef from here would be Basket Ball Dance.
ported that he made quite a does not appeal to the gallery. flogging by a Cuban just because allowed on the Canal Zone.
favourably impression on the but expound the truth as he he went to buy in a shop and he uz more is to see the privileges decision is the result of understand members of the two chapters sees it Everything is in readiness for the foreigners have got in our native the system of ecomomy in con the Cristobal Silver Base Bali operatiog in this city.
Spanish Lan Language. So be It is a very good policy that ed the man During the tour of inspection, the people should be told their salt fish but this he said is a pity we poor West Indians Health what do tonight well known country and we in their country pection with the present admin club you call are not fit even to carry coal. It istration. It is said that it the first class live piece orchestra we have babeen madeement has shortcomings and to correct in English so the Cuban think can stay at home and make lite continue the inspection of the sion, including the jazz dispenDapartment to has been engaged for the occabeen reached, whereby the Such habits, and rabid teachinga Tok that he was insulted dealt easy. Fariasiance some omeDAY fee of 25 cents USC, which the 132 seekers may be the beef, the butchers would have sing trombone hostile feelings which bitherto ou will destroy the future oppor, him a blow on his nose.
in Per or bope that are repatriated to pay tunities. It a aral hape tais questiou my head cattle assured of being correctly preomt ud the rivalry and con rigut of humanity to demand for Is there British Coasui? home by the which was so commonly itselt all such privileges as will the answer sleeping in the open air in a field the slaughtered.
scribed for and cured.
demonstrated, against die het materiale de comered, and tend to upite the masses and put one, but how Oiten times we some caughi. com and man dure against paying the charges and sharp, so be on time and make there Peincipi some died The butchers were Dancing pm.
ohne hereafter, peace, harmony them on the same scale of other go him and his answer is that he will be deformed for and a proper understanding wil members of their class NO can do anything for us. Ah! appeal to you for this assistans raised some arguments over the the best of it while it lasts.
We be the outstanding policy of the Conest and progressive mind my dear friend we poor. West as we hope you will try your and as a result the present order meeting have taken up the matter. This brought a deadlock wo chapters.
Todians in Cuba have but a short endeavour to make this known to has been issued. The Municipal matter, and is trying to bring (Continued on Page 8)
If it is to be understood righttime to live. And what grieve our brother (St. Lucians. Voico) Council of Panama at a special about a satisfactory solution, the Plans and and Bros.
have in any Apy Britto attend the in is may decision uring the foresight.
This could not ask.
is turli of each were for is Jite.

    World War

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