
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands SS wa INDULGENCE Sales on MAGNUMS have been such that up to the present time we have been unable to supply the demand estoskess Cisco and an Messrs.
with We therefore ask you to be a little patient as arrangements have been made to greatly increase our output.
yea mod subsequently destroy Polic We ask the indulgence of our friends a little while longer.
Vote of with a in water WE THANK YOU mony.
that sexoxo been was raising the Thoro 20 JAMAICA forwarding a copy of the tele sin arose over the Fire Brigade gran received from His Majasty vote in connection with the exthe King in reply to con pediency of effecting a reduction on in the salaries, and it Inquiry Into Deaths Fatwiatora message tent half of the Government. Lag eventually cided to reduce the islature and people of Barbados amount of 723 153 pounds sterl From Institutions.
on the occasion of the marriage ing asked for as personal emoluof Her Royal Highness Princess ments to 420 53. nds sterlin Mary to Viscount Lascelles as a vote of account to the 30th Coroner Court Held Yes In moving the House into Com September, pending the settle terday by His Honour mittee of Supply to consider the ment of the question by the Estimates for the financial year Exclusive Com Littee. Toe House Mr. Burke.
1922 23 the Attorney General then resumed and an adjourn.
reviewed the general financial meet was made for a week, CASE OF AN INFANT position at some length and also Standard called attention to certain items the Iris Brown, Mother of Baby Estimates. The excess of liabili of certain importance on St. Lucia Found in an Outbuilding is Bound Over.
ties over Assets at the close of tho present was computed by the Attorneys Terrible Tragedy Phe usual monthly Coroner eral at approximately Court was beld at the Parade pound sterling. The Estimates Court House Yesterday morning, for the His Honour Mr. Burke, ed an estimated Joar abow Double Murder and Suiexpenditure of estimated cide.
resided Coroner for Kingston. 360. 49.
and the following gen. revenue of 318 305 or an antici tlemen comprised the jury pated deficit of 42, 189. To The peaceful and quiet little Bitter (Foreman) meet this deficit it was proposed town of Soufriere was greatly Brock. Sargood, (1) to alter the rates of duty on disturbed yesterday morning by Poison, Cummings, a certain articles in the Customs the news of the horrible murder McQuin, Anderson, Tariff and impose a surtax of 20 ot two boys and the suicidect Burrowes, and Abrahams. per cent. on all articles the murderer, The cases from the General specified exceptions. 2) to in. It appears that Adrien Fabre, Penitentiary were Edith Camp crease the rates for licenses to a plaouer residing at Mourne bell James Jarratt, Robert sell liquor from to 10 pounds Belair, Soufriere, murdered by Brown, and Daniel Campbell. sterling, and (3) to increase the the admioistering of arsenie, bis Dr. Grabham, Prison Sur rates of postage on letters to the two nephews El win Devaux aged geon, and Mr. Rippin, Superin United States of America from 15 and Eric Clovis aged 10 tendent gave evidence, and the id. to 20. per Ounce. From the years jury returned a verdict in each first of these sources the esti. ing bimself by the same means, case in accordance with the me mated increase was put down at Oa the arrival of the dical testimony 20. 000 pounds sterling, and from and the Doctor at Blair. they The cases from the Lunatic the the second 2, 500 pounds sterling, found the three Asylum were. Luther small, and from the third 750 pounds sleep of death, Fabre, in bis bed. Francis Hart, Susan Elizabeth pounds sterling which would re in the sitting room, a total of 23, 250 in the bedroom and the two boys Pinnock. William Rudd, Charles duce the deficit to 18, 932 pounds bottle containing a white Mendez, Harold McCartney, rooms The Executive also powder and labelled Arsenic William and Stephen Miller.
that of the ot together tumbler with Doctors Myers and 16, 500 pounds sterling required soine of the powder Goodliffe, gave evidence, and the for tbe Railway 4, 000 pounds were found on the table dan meminte her medical testi tal expenditure and met from the house was a note dated 700 jnry returned verdicts in accor should in logu funds. The adoption of Marca 1922 written and signed The Case Of An Infant, this course would leave a matter by Fabre in which he takes tare The next inquest was Tais note of about 15 000 pounds sterling well of the world touching the death of a female in round figures to bs accounted was found in the wife dressing infant who died at the Public for on the Estimates of the room.
Hospital in February last authorised by the Special amount of 65, 000 pounds sterlin We understand that there is child of a girl named Iris Brown, Act of 1920, 30, 000 paunds store waile sympathy is expressed great excitement in Soufriere His Honor: The infant was the ling and the body of the infant was Government now contemplated presumably paid raised with parents of the found in a sanitary convenience such a dear in Allman Town. The child additional 25. 000 price for widow who, alive found was ponnds sterling to taken to the hospital and there be matter 500 pounds of brede threats and violence remained for some time and from that loan, which would be will be held on Saturday when unappropriated in a relative house. An inquest sought refuge, before afterwards died, it is for you to say after you have beard the ized for the purchatos of the this terrible tragedy.
about junt suficient to to be util We hope to have more light evidence, who is responsible for Railway and the amount spent on the child whild was not found dead. At to repair of the book walls sol states that further details from with the of 500 eyidence, you ter you have heard the Doctor pound sterling asked for us Soufriere inform us that the will able was discovored by one eol Maigretoute this girl had put ber child do under the bend Miscellaneous who at o clock on Tuesda the she mado ao this sanitary convenience, and Attorney General morning went to Morge Balair and reference to the petition sent by to funil we engagement us the result of it death ensued, then she is responsible for it, dese officials praying for the ro Edwin Devaux aged 15 years, and it is for you to say whether tention of 25 per cent additional son of Widow Joandita Dayaux Wheme renumeration at present paid and what she does amounts to mur: them and strongly urged that the end nephew to Mrs.
Fabre; on der or manslaughter, hter, All that request of the petitioners should closed. He therefore knocked arriving there he found the door you are concerned about is be granted as the cost of living and a servant by the name of whether she not for the death of this child was still considerable above the Melds came and opened for him urged some length retaining this replied that he was in the parGovernment Bacteriologist, gave evidence. He said that he per tended that the colony was not in to the parlour, and called out to Item on the etimates. He con lour sleeping, Clebert then went formed the post mortem examiwith this nation on the body of an un position to go on othie Edwin but upon receiving no named infant at the Public expenditure in the face Hospital Death was due to large deficit on the working of answer bo shook the body, when the present financial year and an Together ex claimed He Atelastasis Polmonium with tela stasis e Poman Honour: Dr. anticipated deficit for the coming and the boy wamed aftercic Clowis, Edwin Moody said that the child would year. The only means of dealing anoth noodza vai divat toe become an ing with the situation was bo son of Frederoviso, proto se of cousin Edward aged adult.
they went on borrowing money Just Mrs. Fabre on the father side.
Three other witnesses gave year after year it would eventual at this moment, Mrs.
evidence including Cpl. Chisolm ly lead to bankruptcy and ruin ral Fabre who on account of a quar the Allman Town. Police He was however in favor of faithe previous evening Station, who, arrested the girl retaining the war bonus of 10, 15. Fabre bad slept at the brother Iris Brown The jury returned the follow and 20 per cent granted to junior bouse a short distance from their ing verdict in accordance with sterling and under, Mr.
Year who was sete above and official in receipt of 250 pounds who arrived and went to Fabre the said unnamed female in fantine to the bim, what he had done to the expenditure of the wae boys when he replied nothing.
of Iris Brown, of the age of two colony and the need for economy. By this time. Frederick came days died at the Public Hospital Ho felt the time had come when also, and said: So Mr. Fabre from Atelastasis Polmonlum.
the 25 per cent increase should answered yes and will soon you have killed my sonP He Iris Brown, the mother of the cease, although he was willing to die myself too. moment child, who was arrested by the retain the war bonus to the afterward he was found to be. on junior officials with an ing her child, was brought up. additional increase of 10 per cent An empty glass which contained His Honour said he was not Mr. Thorne and Dr. Massian Arsenic, together with a note going to send the accused to also expres prison. He was going to bina temporary increase should be of the dead chilaren and wishing also expressed the view that the sympathising with the parents over the accused for six months discontinued. while Messrs his wife good bye were found on in her own recognizance. Austin and table near him, Skeete were The accused thanked His Hon: in favour of retaining it it for On the table was also a crucigor as she was removed from the another year, The House baving till sperm candle. 20arge prun dock.
of Supply ing small spoon the votes asked for under the Further informations reveals BARBADOS heads Colonial that he said in the note that he Secretary Governo killed tbe two boys because Mrs.
Auditor General, Treasurer, Davaux, Edwin House of Assembly. Powder Magazine and Public him money and would not pay Market. and At a meeting of the House Master Department was re to keep away from him.
vote of 7, 693 for the Harbour encouraged Mrs. Fabre his wife)
of Assembly the Attorney Gen. duced by, 700, pounds sterling Any further revelations at the eral presented a message from the item Launch removal Fund guest to be held to day at His Excellency the Governor being struck out. Some discus. Continued On Paye 8)
sterling. on with ALBOA EST EER REWED DI dead. ged 10 years to 11 wich of asked attention Phelicia The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appetite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
DOSE: One small Wino glass before each meal or times a day, Suspension and Expulsion TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This is to certify that Sisters Lawis and Louisa Dawkins bas been debarred from all rights and privileges in connection with the Royal King and the Order David Temple, No. 2, Ú.
in general for committing offences on several counts contrary to the Laws, Rules, Regulations and obligations of said Order.
The former for a period of yaars and the latter for 99 years.
JUAN ILLUECA Attorney. at. Law No. 44 Central Avenue JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
35 Advertise in the Workman TELEPHONE No. 64. Box No. 76 It pays.
Practices in all Courts of Panama English Spoken Fluently


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