
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1922 PAGE THREE the TWEEDS SERGES LININGS a American Bazaar found ship. 293, 808 lbs.
then we SSXSXSS SSSSSKOKOS West Indian News. Continued from pige 2)
IN OUR COLON STORE ONLY The Woman Exchange Soufriere will be reported in Our next issue. ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN POR WOMEN To make room for new stock coming in shortly, we Another Tragedy.
NO. TIVOLI ROAD, PANAMA CITY have arranged About 30 yesterday, largo cowds of people ware at tracted to the Northern and VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS IN Western wharves by the report that the body of a man was DRESSMAKING found fating in the sea, Tag body identitled as that of a respectable man by the name of Alick Damaze of Tobago, a sea.
PLEATING man aged about 50, who arrived here nine months ago to get a ship He lodge and barded at AND Marine Houel, up to Tuesday night but was missed on Wed nesday morn! og wben report was made to the Police Station (Accordion, Knife, but nothing was heard of him un Box Pleats til his body was found yesterday, with a rope around his neck with a large stone attached, and several a tones in his pockets by Our Establishment in.
which it is assumed be com.
mitted suicide.
mint sures a perfection of bandie Deceased had related to the work which accentuates the EXCEPTIONL VALUES Proprietor of the Marine Hotel latest syles só pleasing to that he was sailing for the past 40 10 years, during which time he patrons remitted his earnings to his brother in Trinidad who had invested all in his own name.
On his return to Trinidad he ANN THOMAS, Proprietrese.
that bis brother died bankrupt so that all his property bad been sold, so he had come COLON here in search of work, or to get 60XXOOSEKSSSSSSS The body was taken to Mortuary at the Victoria Hospital where we understand a post Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. mortem examination will be held.
Items of Interest SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC Fake Highway Robbery.
The cacao exports of the BriGO TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE Central Avenue No. 46 tish West Indies last year mounted to 95, 898, 19 lbs. Dur.
Last Friday Castries was star.
Drs. DANIEL CHANIS AROSEMENA ing the year there were imported tled by a rumour that one When you wish a cheap, but decent Suit (complete. FROM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY (ENGLAND)
from the British West Indies in. Ludovic Marius of Micoud bad to the United Kingdom 17, 293 808 been knocked down and robbed hats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
lbs. into the United States 53, of 70 on the high road between PRIVATE CONSULTING HOURS.
884. 639 lbs. and into Canada 17, Dennery and Micoud. Since Dr. Chants from to p. mn.
we have been pestered with inquiries as to what the Police Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller Dr. Arosemena ftoin to 11 a in, The number of bunches of bana done in the matter. On enThere are free consulting hours every day in the French nas imported into the United quiry we are able to publish the Kingdom in 1921 was 501, 565 of following: Pharmacy from 10 to 12 a, and from to p.
On Thursday the 2nd inst, at Address. MULLER BUILDING respectively the value of 6, 713, 016 pounds sterling; and in 1920 8, 057 625 of about p. a woman entered the value of 6, 468, 719. This com the station at Dennery and CALIDONIA pares with 7, 539 984 bunches in reported that she had been ask.
1913, of the value of 172 658 ed by Ludovic Marius, whom pounds sterling she found sitting by the road.
side to report that he had been robbed of 70 by two men.
The decline in the consump constwed from Denners who Two tion of drinks in the United were immediately CALLE No Kingdom is not confined to alcobolic beverages. The consump found out that on arriving at Morno Repose The Public is hereby notified that the tion of sweetened temperance ed there on his way home riding Marius bad drinks was only 44, 293 019 galTons in 1921, as against 47, 166334 The Micoud his borse, apparently all SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO gillons in 1920, and 57, 072. 996 Thet Molas English Classes gallons in 1919. Th Mineral Wu. sent to ask Marius to come and Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner ter Trade Journal attributes this make a report of the occurrence butes tots but he refused. The Corporal protiteerink, Bosweet then went to his home and ex.
For Young Ladies 6 16th Street West.
ned mineral waters an increase of 1, 050. 000 gallons over he was sitting (Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. tracted from him AND FOR BOYS 7 him a story that that of 1919. The scarcity of smokin by The new premises are well equipped for turning out ginger, is also troubling the smoking near Anse Galet when 000 Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays.
he was attacked by two men one the best class of work trade, and our contemporary sees of whom was armed with an axe No ray of hope in the ginger with which he struck him in the BARTON, stomach knocking him down seaseless und on recovery PHOTOGRAPHS By Proclamation, dated Feb found his bag open and money ruary 10th, the importation into gone. He could not give any Gourdin 25 Foot Leap Extradition Frustrated.
AS Germany is permitted of Suger sort of description of his assailTo Fame, for colouring purposes free from ants although it was not later dextrine for for colouring rum. than 4, 30 He could not NEW YEAR GIFTS This, the result of the recent de show no marks of violence on himself through An extradition which velopment in the his Remember your friends with your photograph this manufacture of Framy, of crime del body or bis clothing, and he space for 23 feet inches. Per aroused some interest both declined to see a It has also been clearly estab of Harvard, broke a twenty year 1300 of a Nagr) minister of beet molasses, an account of (Ned) Gourdin, the nero athlete Canada and the was that year and they will remember you as long as in which Mr, Matthew Bullock, which was given in last issue of the photograph lasts.
one preceeded old the Circular, is a striking proof him by about 100 yards but ple recorde at the recent inter: ional meet between Yale and inciting to mob riot in of the Washington DC, charged with the one tion of rum as being spirit pre would by one on the roads who Harvard on side and the United stretch to. pared from sugar cane products tion be made totally with the Cambridge and Oxford on the States after having escaped Our Photographs are Permanent other, and thereby esta established in the countries weere the sugar two suspected aasailants.
shed tedada was sought to be deporbitaself as the supreme athlete by the U, Polica authorities.
ted on extradition proceedings cane.
From the foregoing and many of his race. Other negroes hava After reaching Canada Mc Bul Have that long delayed photo which you promised periority of cane sugar over beet other small details which the won the laurel in track and field lock engaged Council to tight out sugar, colour prepared from the Police have carefully followed up coinpetition, we are told.
your friend so often latter evidently not giving the and verified, and also from the none ever smashed world lain the extradition proceedings a flavour to the spirit that colour fact that Marius cannot account record, and few athletes of any case become the pathogere clients MADE 10 DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO from cane sugar does, for more than 23 of the sup color have broken so decisively, thorities at Ottawa. The matter posed 70, the Police authorities all The coolest in the city where you are certain of the The question arose recently have decided that the story is give accounts, Gourdin had up for decision at a Cabinet best attention.
Ottawa on Jan.
sito whether in the event of the faked and we agree with themsiven promise of spliting inches at least, but wife of a resident in them wholesale from the pre Charles Stewart, Minister of the 26. After Indies coming over to England vious record, according to the Interior and Immigration, who for a period exceeding ST. VINCENT six latest methods of measurement, ably analysed the legal points Day and Night Photographs months, it would render the the assembled athletes of two involved, the Cabinet Council whole of her husband income SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO liable to United Kingdom Income Education in St. countries were thrilled. Year ruled in Mr, Bullocks favour, in and year out with all the zeal basing its decision on Tax. It can be authoritatively the fact reply to this stated that the Vincent put into the effort Coplan in the New York that he had proved an exemplary says 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West. question is in the negative.
wife of a resident in Jamaica, Daily News, jumpers have been citizen of Ontario, even though The Government desire to do trying for the record hung tion laws in getting into Canada livlog in the United Kingdom, all it possibly can to advance 1901, in England, when the One of the points raised was that up be may have evaded the immigra liable to by Peter Connor on August only on the amount of her own Education in the colonyes was elongated Irishman volplaned the charge against Mr. Bullock Income. in IMPORTANT NOTICE. mailing letters and etc. at income tangthumswireceived by the proceedings of the recent formes distance cale 24 feet 11: was not one coming under the Canal Zone Post Offices are her from her husband out of in cil when meetings of the Legislative Coun inc asked to address to vestments, out Fatimates of to that kangaroo feat was made laws of extradition.
Correspondents and con Box 1102 Anconsc. me as United Kingdom. perti berat would Revenue and Expenditure for by Al Gutterson, the Vermont tributors to the WORKcurrent the be no additional liability to Unitto expedite delivery.
were consider farmer, MAN please take notice ed Kingdom Income Tax in cres: Expenditure in several depart 24 feet 11 25 inches in the stock Akhough curtailment of through space for a distance of ROOMS TO LET that our Post Offices address foreign are Box 74 Panama Rent Receipt Book in Span and Colonial income provided ments was discussed and in holm Olympiad in 1912.
CALLE No adopted City and Box 1102 An Ish and English for sale at Tho bat he did not prisit this country of the grantes per telementary Advertise in The Workfor longer period than six con Canal Zone. Persons WORKMAN Printery: months in the year. Continued On Page 7)
man. it pays. APPLY ON PREMISES Notice of Removal PRIVATE ACADEMY passPolice the all right.
the next day the roadside Sue position.
prepared From he held lopped listening on Mis to they could The inches.
the year.


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