
95 par 05 assisted by one 50 86 In Tais Foreign Borrowers and the London Market.
Hublished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies ALROND, St the office Central Avo non. Correspondence on all matters os and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
TO. MORROW de All copy for publication must te London, March, 1922. With tions, and private companies, all PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and stockmarkets buoming, the new over the world, who found them must be accompanied by the name of capital market has na urally selves in need of financial accom RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX Sunday April 23 for publics been busy, for the rekindling ot modation. The great war of Oce Year. 40 8. Cy the writer, not neces Six Months 20 ton but as a mark of good faith. acure, interest, and optimis course dried up the source of among investors, provides a this steady flow of capital from At 30 Sharp Thre Be. we do not undertake to return suraule opportunity for whico London all parts of the clob 250. erejected orrespondence many would be borrowers have for the whole of British re.
been waiting o e feature of the sources were perforce concen Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS new Capital market sin the trand for the duration of beginning of the present calen the war upon financing the JUAN FRANCO PARK SATURDAY, APRIL 22. 1922 dar year has become the increas war activities of the Allied cause.
ing number and striking success some figures compiled by the of Loans Aluated in London by Loudon Economist, analysing the THE MENACE OF THE JEHU GANG dage London was the happy destination of the new capital foreign borrowers, la pre war bunting ground of numerous raised in this City illastrated States, municipalities, corpora this point:Destination of New Capital.
The public safety of Panama bas never been more An attractive program in which WHOLE YEAR.
greatly meraced than at the present time. Each week 1911 1913 1920 1921 sees the arrival of new automobiles and motor eycles com United several horses that have been absent ing to a city that is already practically choked with the Kingdom 26, 146, 800 46, 835, 109 85, 961, 206 398, 021, 400 276, 176, 800 from the track for some time will horseless locomotives, but this is busin 00s.
French The senseless and unnecessary tooting of the horns Powersions, 64, 904, 800 72, 642, 400 76, 187 200 31, 050, 803 95, 677, 800 and blowing of the cut outs are puisances which jar upon Forrip again be seen in action.
the nerves of the public. But bad as these are there are Couserice. 100, 618, 700 92 872, 300 84 463 800 7, 858, 400 22 223. 900 other annoyano and danges which have begun to thro.
Total 191, 750, 400 210, 850, 000 196, 537 000 367, 549, 600 358, 079, 200 e the safety of the community in the city of Panama AD MISION 00 On the Canal Zove there are practically no dar gers Lor Not until last your did foreign logos has come considerable ex perils of vehicular traffic, and where there are instana borrowings, which in pre war sent, to visit New York in tend of intractions of the traffic laws they seems to be confined days formed 30 large a part of of London. We now appear the pick upThe beginning of to the out of town limits where a few of the more radical reason for this is obvious. For chapter in this atyrs, in which to offer and are ready to com. Bible Truth Churches and to ckles class get pinched for going boyond the speed the whole war period all British foreigo borrowers are returning ply with Decernary arrangehindit; tut these instances occur in places where pedes undertakiwa had a beem. Starved to London, and in which London e indeed especially tava urable Activities.
trian traffic is nil and where vehicular traffic is seventy ho a rears of whese years taxis able to accommodate capitalto up them. to such borrowinga which are five per cento less than in tbe city of Panama.
to the full the resources avail Here are some of the important welcomed by financial Exports as Quite a large and appreciative For the most part, the laws regulating the conduct of able. In the years immediately foreign borrowings in London providing indirect assistanca to gathering turned out on Good chauffeurs are respected to a nicety on the Canal Zone. following the war, therefore during the past two months of British Trade and industry.
Friday to witness the initial Jebu seldom invades this territory and even when he does foreign borrowers in search of the present sear: Baptismal servic of the above Le cor ducis bimself with a propriety that places him be(HURCH SERVICE mentioned churches at Vista Nominal Amount Borrower, There were eighteen For this reason the residents on the losue Price.
yond recognition.
und Descrip (American Epi epal Church)
candidates botiad Canol Zuht have no great fear in crossing the streets or in 657 500 71 Stock St. Paul Church, Paname.
sion) The rmon was very imwalking along those places where there are no side walks. Chilean Government pressive, as the preacher touk 2, 000, 000 Stock am, Holy Communion, Io Panau a it is quite different. There are scores of Siamese Government bis congregation to the scrip 10 sm, Mating, ture chauffeurs of both sexes who seem not to bave the slightest Department of the Beine (France. 3, 000 000 Stock 10:30 a m, Hüly Eucharist, and Emulation of Philip und the Alver respeol for the law. It is remarkable to observe how Rav. gentleman wie sermon the motorists of all races and amplexions will whizz thn ugh Buenos Ayres Westera Rai 2, 00, 00) D beatures 2, 30 Holy Baptism, or his lay men performed the Panama at a mad and burning speed, and ruduenly slow p Suud y School.
baptismal PL. Rly. Prano) 5000, 000 Bende spite of ceremony. 30 in. Choral Evansong and ser. the immense crowd stretching down a suber up when they reach the Zone limits and along the beach, to witness the crossberein to number of other forego thought in the matter. Among NIGH TENGALE. Vicar, scene, there was excellent be It is likely that most people would be inclined to loans are said to be imminent, the measures concerted by the St. Alban s, Paraiso.
haviour experienced by all.
blame the jillity drivers alone für Jehuing in Panama, but including various French depart British Gwernment last October goes a great deal to show that 11 am. Marint and address, this would be a wide divergence from the truth. Of course, wents and undertakings and the for the alleviation of unemploy City of Buenos Ayres ment, was a decision to our people are much improved Ruaran pm Sunday School, jitney drivers are not tXenipt from accusation but they been a good in as regards to baptismal services 30 m. Evining Prayer and address, in former days. Every one en y are iar trum being the only ones.
The owners and drivers deal of complaint in some couo. respect of new borrowings vinge by NIGH CENGALE Priest in charge od themselves on the beach and el private cars vie with jitneyists in breaking the speed tries of the alleged obstacles Dominions, Guvernments, public bodies and laus of Panama even if iue latter are the only ones who placed in the way of the jais desire to follow in the 18 of loads in the London market. corporations, where the Govern St. Peter Church La Boca. same path get be wallop all the time, For Such complaints it is difficult ment are satisfied that the pro 11 am, Matins and sermon.
There was also a special at 11 p. Sunday School, am when the Church at SAN ners and iurnings of streets is as glaring, as the speeding foreign bascunde security to iting undertaking or in the purchase The grues in difference toáhe traffic laws at the cor to find sound justitication. ceeds are to be applied towards of any 730 Choral Evensong and mor. MIGUEL was packed, special ters spoke to turn on the which is so epidem Cars are sent whirling around corn ing T, MULCARE. Rector.
seven times Christ sp ke from ers and turns without the slightest warning: Occasionally to the British investor, ought ol articles to ba manufactured is not at the present soment to the United Kingdom, required the cross, which was solemn and slight acciuents tappen when two cars kus on joundig find difficulty in firaling Lonn for the purposes of such under St. Barnabas Church, Empire pathetic, all went away satisfied curves. And when these inste nces occur it can hardly be in London on turms ibat fairly taking. For the purpose of such the said that one party is guilty for it is generally the fact that represent the nature of the guarattees Government 11. Moroinx Prayer and address, House operatore hours in the of God. At 30 die p Sunday Sobool and Auniver nation service followed, th: security neither driver scunds warning or gives the danger signal.
is of flered. It to provide a maximum ery rvice di cided ind Seatcourse few nights ago a car uriven by a Chinese chauffeur faction may arise from differ. Very likely some foreign public tbat possible disfatis cf 25 millions pounds sterling ing capacity of the church was 30 Eurong and address, unable 10 cm to accommodate those came around ine Ancon Avenue Street corner at a lot EDES of between bodies, wishing to take advant St. Bartholomew Church, who were present. There was seated on the platform deacons pace without the danger ignal. little boy was crossing would be borre wens abroad ard age of this measure have put Las Cascadas the street with his face in the opposite direction to that in British financiers as to tbe yalue seen eye to eye with the Com fron kindred churches, 8150 11 au Murning Prayer and Holy candidates for ordinatioa, after a which the car was coming, and he was miraculously saved Stocontre lentemente bop boite de toitles which is badministerine communem brief and are scheme on of by the shrill shout of an eye witnees who had given up ammonplaces of business, and British Goveroment. Such die Such differences 80 m. Sunday School.
the words Eadure bardzips pointed sur mon from the boy for lost ur der the wheele.
frequently arise, to take a com crepancies of view and opinion pm Evening Prayer and address Christ. The pastor assisted by. god soldier of Jusus Al other evening a Dodge car driven by a Canal Zone mon example between Banko are inevitable. But the main fnot MULCARE Pricot in charge.
lady came blozing away along West Sixteenth street and their industrial customers remains that the open market une visiting deacons laid bands jo also presible tbat there in London is open to foreign on the Candidates. Toe and keeping on the wrong side of the road, at tbat. Just Connesome confusion of borrowers who have good securiBible Truth Churches. cration hymne used for the occa as the spectators were finishing their con ment on such a may be San Miguel sion and the short remarks of glaring case of reckless driving the same car came back three of the deacons on the plats 80 am Morning Prayer orm made the service impraswith a lightning speed that made several of the people in or later bit the community, and perhaps not until then will 10 sm Children Service the street jump away for their lives. There was no he reckless oflende rs commence to realize the jeopardy 11. Preaching Service 30 pm, Sunday School.
02 sounding of darger signals, simply a flying thrcugh the into wbich their stupid enjoyment plunges peaceful resiSanday night the 16th, 7:30 Gospel Servicc.
denis of the community, there 28 new meu bar restreets.
ceived into sue tellowsh of the gain, a wek ago two cer loads of frolicing scciety The city is menaced and hazarded by c»reless diving. Calldonla churcu, this reci Dlou was quito fo pirecia upardcown certain steets of the city wit. If the ot er ders will not stop, the only way to bring them 3:30 am Morning Prayer an uqunus one as the who 10. m, Childr Servie.
out regard to the law gove, ning the speed limit in the city. o their senses is to irflict heavy sentences on them, regardwitness Sam exocessed.
The The senseless ho kirg of 11 Preaching rvice The cars seemed to have een devoid of tons or other less of tex, color or station comuuto service fullwed 2:30 pm Bundy Bebol wuica is be first for this work darg. rigt als, ard the claufit uls ro lets inebria ed the horns when there is no necessity and the u ter and dumb7:30 pm Guepel Service. followed by ou the lackmus, Quite a few the todden tots who sat behind them.
founding silence when they should be used are matters Lord Bupper.
memuurs troca Otiler churones The laws of Panama should be respected as scrupulous that should engage the immediate attention of the BARCLAY Pastor in charge. parzcipated in the communion ly as duet of iLe Canal Zone. Panama is outraged au chorities.
every time her laws are fouted by foreigners or by her own It would not be an intelligent bit of executive policy Seventh Day Adventist Church citizens. Why should notorists act towards the laws of to wait until the hospital gets filled with maimed bodies The Roverond John Currey Panama as though they were of no consequence? Wły to get busy on a question of public safety. The right 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA.
should persons who regaid the laws of the Canal Zone time to set this grevious matter in order is NOW. It is of Sabbath (Styrday) 45 Am. Sab The Reverend John Currey.
with faultless sanctity violate the same laws in Panama no use to wait until the horse get out to lose the stable 30 pm. Sounish Clas: 30 rict and Goderalatan perinteinScbool; 11 15. General Obairuoan of Jamica Dis with evident cisregard. door.
stir and Yung People Meeting: 30 dent of the Wesleyan ethodit There is always the temptation to speed everywhere, check the Jenu in teir mad enjoyment.
church in the West will but it is seldom done on the Zone because of the conse Safety First obould be the cligan or traffic. It is due Sunday night 30 m. Service. All preach ia the Panama yan quences to the offender of the same dose of medicin, were the public and they ought to be ensured agair st all danger are welcome.
Methodist church tomorrow at auminis ered in Panama as is administered on the Canal that may arise in this conrection. The argument is very 11 and 30 m, Zone and with the same unerring precision it is believed often adduced by indiv. duals in the lower stations of life IN MEMORIAM He will also deliver an address, that more respect would be shown the regulations of the hat the upper classen viulate the traffi. laws and are not at the La Boca Wesleyan Church city traffic. As long as the reckless gang feel that they punished. The example is therefore contagious and so In loving memory of Alfred inst at o clock when all frieuds on Wednesday evening the 26sa can get away with the goods they are not going to care the thing goes on.
Smith Jr. who departed this lite and members are invited to much how they annoy pedestrians, The numerous accidents which have occurred on the on April 24th 1921 at the age of attend.
Scmetimes it seems to an use the speeding chauffeurs Las Sabanas Road in which motorist have sped to their sustained on April 15th 1921 by and forcerul Preacher and this years as the result of injuries Me, Currey is an eloquent and drivers to see old people and children go jumping and regret, furnish sufficient proof that the evil of speeding talling through the balcony of opportunity for a hearing a home hopping out of their way. This is dangerous amusement, has reached an alarming feature. The habit of rushing our residence at No 30, 12ub of should not be missed however self satisfying it may be.
around curves and corners without sounding Warning is no Ostober Street, Guacbapali. Oar loss on earth is beaven Advertise in The WorkUnless there is improvement in the way of running less wicked and harmful. What shall it be, the safety of gaia. scars in the city of Panama a btavy death toll will sooner the public or the frantic whim of the mutorist?
FATHER MOTHER man It pays.
foreig many wib capital mon speakers an ordiWas pinion of LS a BITE wure Fairica.


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