
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News AT tu the since Bocas.
signed by SO able at at the in reality Pantaa) and required.
well we contest, Mvely; Shepherdy, have myself. Canai juil nature of the aren GEORGE YOUNI Toronto, Canada 00 ing with the natur on Obarles lles.
Program will be The Joice vury T, Miller 500 1285 00 Announcement to Depositors Bocas Court Did THE RESURRECTION OF Canal Zone Notes delivered by a speaker of DO Entertainment mean is of the Late Canal Zone Justice. THE UNSAVED DEAD anticipated The program will Bank.
LA BOCA Songs Boos. vocal and consist of other features namely; PARAISO CLUBHOUSE instru Bocas del Toro ment 1) selections from Silver FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1922 Rep. of Panama To the Editor of The Workman STRAND THEATRE LA BOCA LITERARY SO City Band and recitations. The April 4th, 1922, COLON Respected Sir Through the To the Editor of the Workman, CIETY public is earnestly and cordially The Isthm an Lague of Brit requested to come to the La ish West Indians will give crurtesy of His Honour the Boca Clubhouse on Sunday after Variety Entertainmeut and Judge of the 3rd Circuit Court of ar Sir. Permit me a litle Speaking for the affirmative Minoon, and enjy what is rightly Dance.
Panama, permission was granted space in your valuable columns to Sund. y. April 23, at 11 a.
Aurkland McKdzie and Reytermed. pleasant Sunday after to make, and publish a list of make a few remarks regarding a Doors open at 30 pm the noon, Depositors Pay Ohecks of Small statement which appeared to Evangelist George Young. to won the following debate a No collection Society worting on Tuesday night last Come and spend an enjoyable will lecture upon Amounts which have been laying your issue of April 1st under the Resolved. That caption Primitive Lodge at Governments tumpaid) in the office of the said evening should SILVER CITY BAND Court. The Resurrection of the regulate the prices of the Decemaries of few years ago.
The Checks have already been Your Bocas agent or corresunsaved dead Where life. Mears Jump and Geo. Pierre danger and improving very rapid At La Boca Clubhouse represented the dogstive. Arguments are the unsaved pending adduced on both side ware very intererby the Judge and Mr. pondent is apparently trying to ly. It is expected that the lady will be soon out of hospital.
James Cosgrove, and made payudo me some service but it is resurrection. Where will ting and threw much light on the pros Do you like to dance? That more they live when resurrected and cons of the question.
good; which all we want to know. Well, it Cornwall to Mast Middlesex.
Bank in Chemmercial Nasional Ironical that it has done you do, and wishing to have a Arrangements are being made an open evidence of the writer Singing Contest.
on behalf of all Depositors alive added insult to injury when he read intention real good time, come to the La He has Cla discussing the Singing contest to Boca Clubhouse tonight, April Cornwall CC will meet a pickel Tomorrow in a friendly matela who are unable to get over a wid that it is the consensus of be beld under the auspices of the Society 22nd and have it with the Silver team to be named Mid flesex cc.
for a meeting to be held on the 16th of Muy next the Secretary City Band in attendance Dance when they will eneage in a cric in the Pall of the in Bocas that the arrest reports that applostivos are coming in. starts at p sharp all welcome. keting contest For some time Government self and Lawin, is il Building, in Colon, on Saturday of The Society has now alternoon of next week. April an outrage on withhold the names the three judges these clubs have held the opinion 29(b) at three o clock precisely liberty. In this particular resfor the contest and thir asmes wil be PARAISO that the one is better than. the when arrangements be péct the jadge of the Second published in a short time. It is expectother, for this reason they will made to have their small pay utrcuit Court pɔsitively blame ed that one of the judges will ea lady The Paraiso Community the willow. Play starts 12 noon.
try conclusions with the bat and Checks transferred to Colon. if so less. He simply acted according who is prominently connected with the to the laws. Briefly the story Literary Society at Cristobal and Club Mr. Editor kindly oblige by runs thus: clique of demogo kuowo among other literary and social cir.
Another Sufferer.
publishing the foregoing, and Rues and so called brothers, who cles on the Isthmus. There will be the while thanking you in advance sull claim to be basking in the prufur the winners in this Plans for the Easter we ask to remain most respec. unshine Kunshine of season Rankin has been discharged.
IN thes ild medals Cantata, The light of the Cross He has been here from the con will be in the form of been for some time now, trying medals La luz de la Cruz and 12 and will which is to CADOGAN, et al. to despoil our (Lewin struction days and did good and ly. No op, lientions for entries into this be rendered in the Clubhouse faithful service for the contest will be revival liter than may hall on Sunday afternoon April Commission at Empire Our sy The following is the list of character and resently tried one maines and amounts payable: of the latest schemes by having 6ib and it is reqused that all who 23rd are fully completed. The pathy goes with mr Rankia. He Rabt. St. Clair Lucas 65 18 gone to the Court and made expect to take part to sendhin their ap program will begin at 30 sharp pas merking here at the Korond Prancis Kurs 698 very grave charge ag. instu plications at once.
we therefore ur urge the well wish Charles Grena 803 consequently we were (unfortu ers and friends to be on time as depot at the time he was discharg detained 79 nately)
in Song Service, in keepD. Ellis Gibba as ed esik nar as possible in order to get a 79 the accu. Goldewih en Tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 This lec ura is one of abo baz inter Spety with diruthly 00 sation, but as soon as the learn the god seat as we can see by the 33 ad was able to. t down to est, 8000 hestha due dily Whis Aferno a Sarvise at Ciut be poris a large crowd will Cristobal Literary Society.
Ann May tiet Sunty ticket Ernest Hunt a ed judge was 03 the facts of the case and found their duny. In the famous le tre houe Kv. Tyth of Pain city To 01 that their was no case against every important nad the is expected to dl ver the principlend ing and inspiring from start interet Jams Jolly Qaite a lively time was spent at Amelia Johnson 404 us, we were at one set a liberty rosu regio will be answer The bo dress at this service, Mr. FAR dfiois. pleasant little sur the Cristobal Silver Clubhouse on 14 That was quite equity pure and Scriptur texts will be repeduced upon to ungol sin, is preparine the program prise which are waiting the chil Tuesday night by the members 14 82 simple as thanks Mr.
Elitor for no sreen as well as the Bible pieures de les pomida shtepia James Alex nder Kenly pleng dren who have been Yus is rav Iliaz representative 08 your indulgence meanwhile, faithfully and friends of the Literary So.
Loe Chong 1206 of the late as inal Bible Studes af en op it cps. cd. Toe publie practicing Bed Taak School and son being the annual Social of the the anthem by the ciery of at Clabouss the occa 1012 10 12 AsI am, sociation of New York and London, 23 Jis cordially invited children of Aurustus Moore 500 Yours etc. Bible Exp sitor of em mandink wer the part to be played by the society William Muschet 12 00 GEORGE KNIGHT and ability Thlee ue emme ces at Spanish children are only a few soort, but spicy program Evan Morris 11 o clock Bowls are FREE. No collec. Moiber Day, we Heuggest that ho Those who will witness The second Sunday ia may will be of the items of interest. opened the evening entertaiaMaude Martin MA Colon Bapist church.
the ment every item of which was tion is taken. Me Ewan Ll: Problem Club. buntowa get busy program are the ones who will well executed, meriting every bit Ruport Durent 3075 and arrange to bold sa elab ta e pro. long remember April 23. Sun of the applause that was unstinOBITUARY Easter Sunday night the 16th grim for this day, with the Giro Friend day of real pleasure.
James Francis Giirry 50 30 tedly given by the audience. The Ames Susan Henry (A podero)
inst, a Baptismal service was held ty Society to tech the one wsprogram Was as follows. Ivan Hitten)
31 33 at the abuve named Church, when man of today true witnisboyd, Address if welcome by the Presi 9, 80 nineteen candidates testified, the 15 inst. reports the dea ho The Jamaica Gleaner of April GATUN deat, Mr. Alfonso Fereira. 00 they were buried with Christ by Mrs Lly Elizab th Ringar (199 of Garm lit. Nalbach.
There is too much tendency amongst Piano solo by Miss Linda Smart Dancs a Success.
490 Baptism. The large babes was Park Beloved wite of G. me piple, whenever business dife: Recitation Mr G, Parker, Anna Open. fra Podmore.
2, Sacked long before the beginning Song Miss Elisee.
54 of the service and benches Porte Pitzgerald and Ranger at Dr. Elward 8102 cuis of sota kind are brought about Address on Aims and Objects and torium, Idle wilde. Port Maria, ulo to the giverament and other Lilian Com; bell bairs in On Saturday night last. at the of the Society Mr, Kinni.
58 rowds were standing round the sortow no ho estadtolea winga pureze for help and tourloorint on the im Silver Cluo ball, a very pleasant mouth.
на lrgo measure of pooperi yaad enjoyable daace was given Song Mr. Byron Levy Rob. rt Ryan 15 54 indows and doors about 1000 sorrowing husband, four brothe troubles, 15 36 OF Ens id ers, and nu nerous fri nds and can be see ymp ibed by conforming to Gues, retreshmeats and da ne The Rev relatives to 11 34 Ella Rd Joseph Thricht, our mourn their irrepar the pine es of ee dorio low. old by the genial Secretary. Mr.
proverb says but if every nsa wuld Eglestoo. The La Buca Silver ing formed the second part of the beloved Pastor, was the preacher able loss.
Ba a mida Rivas obel Caty Bund rendered the music for program, andia dels a delightful evening be He choosed as his text Job We only yield Thee what is swepe in rot of his own coor. Valentine Brus. Thine. Tay will be don. world would be cle ned.
the occasion, and the many daa came to a close at 12 o click 76 and Matt. 28 19. He preached a (Gorin Hyman)
cers expressed themselves Mrs Ranger was the only and de every body going avay well satis10 00 a very edifying and soul Inspiring beloved sister of Mr B. Cleary lighted in the manner they were fied that in time was well spent.
entertained. Haywood Principal The society again meets on Cristobal!
Song Se vics.
James Sbarpe.
of persons Tuesday night next at o clock, Sepb Small 54 Ssemblage, Atterth Pelesented Colored School 988 the candidates to the were present from Paoa na and and a cordial invitation is extea presenta The usual monthly song service the districts nearby and when the ded to the public to at end tion ue entered the water and CRICKET under the auspices of the La Boca sweet strains of the music died and subsequent meetings every Apa Wm, Saunders administered the Sacred OrdiLiterary Society will be held on away at 12 mıdaight, all west Tuesday nigat.
The Cloveliy Vincentian match Sunday April 23rd, inst, beginning away satisfied that are Zilla 500 It Тьою засв.
evening Herbert Watie. og solema at sincere manner, that which was bechea Yledene como elf at 30 at the La Boca Club was well spent. The suests con: INVITATION Hilary Wasbington. 340 many of the old church members tomorrow having fallen though, house.
gratulated Mr. Egleston for the 360 felt as though they too would the Jamaica Chas arranged Rex: Tylerbest of the success of the function.
Ambrosine like to William Ybap 14 10 be to play Clovelly C, at Isthmia. Naztrene Church Pabama city qaio.
11 Park.
Pastor Thritt first memoral service will be beld 12 80 Louis Alterande Baptism in will be the speaker. Topic of his In view of the recent perfor discourse The coming of our Baptismal Function.
11. 89 Colon will be long, remembered.
on the 30th day of April, 1022, Marco Alloway 1, 05 The whole tone of the service munces of Clovelly the game Lord. This being an important for the repose of the soul of Mrs, vid Duran Mr.
ought to be a good ore. Game and interesting subject, and to be 04 was most impressive and as and Mrs. Vaughan, had Onarlotte Jack wan, A, Bverely quite and enjoyable function at deoarted this life on April 28, Chris Dario 00 result sou e have come forward begins at 12 noon.
their home on Sunday last, when 1921. The service will conduct exp essing their desire to be imal.
mersed and we have reason mm tbeir infant were od Mr. Jɔneph Blude believe there will be many more.
seda a large number of the decided by the walle below backen Interesting Lecture Mr. Thritt is undoubtedly the PRINCE CHARMING from Colon and this towe were Mc Johnson, and will take right man in the rigut pl ce, and invited and assis ed very at the Pinama Capital We believe tha. his efforts put to the success of the evenings Erleadly Society Fall, 12 Ocurber very interesting lecture was fortu in the Masters service here.
Street, fell in love with Cinderilla because given at the Salvation Army Hall will be crowned with abundant and toasts were given to honour, commencing at p, on precisely where Cupt Perry is at present success.
her fairy godmother took her away of ihe parets at the dose of this All friends and weli wishers in charge by cne of the Staff very interesting part of the pro cordially invited.
Captains, on hs many years Cristobal Coton Baptist. from the ci ders gramme, a social repast was GEO, JACKMAN.
experiences in India as a mischuch.
served by the host and hostess.
sionary, The gathering was a fine ball was packed. The Song Service Death of an Aged Res!
lecture W88 very instructive, Colon Baptists are looking for dent.
Notbirg. was left upsaid about ward to Sunday April 22rd, YOUR WIFE The song service published in India. His ten years labour there when the Annual Missionary ser has given him a broad knowledge vices will be beldi morning, the last issue of this paper did afternoon and is with sad regret we chron certainly draw a very large crowd in the death of Mrs. Susan evening.
men: special Preacher will be the Rey will again fall in love with you, if The program was an one and all the parties who took at the residence of her daughter cicelle Koight, who departed this life The Staf Captain (lecturer. Rev. K. Brabam, BD. of Panama, M: Parker, you take the cincc. away fr. Chairman) Messi, Wilkins On Monday evening the 21 b, part did creditably. The T. Emith, at 15 will be the Annual Public her by getting her was all that could be desired, and Mrs Rose Hive, at Sabanas, 19. instant at These Thompson ihree last Missionary meeting. There will the opportunity is here taken to fenchers of the be several speakers and a hearty congratulate those who did 80 35 Mrs Kight succumbed Oristobal Cirured School. invitation is given to all to attend.
much to make the evening func en after Mr. Parker tion a success. It is anticipated! Mr Hive ber son in ul ilin 88.
bis ap for grard lectare. To whom it may that at a very early date another many peers a resident at Bocas ro, but T. Smith, eloquently opportunity expressed his sincere congratu given to enjoy some pleasant residence on the Isthmus.
Mrs Knight at the time of her behalf of the friends PANAMA COLON GAS CO.
years old and she death was 63 leaves son and interesting and Dructive lcture. He showed Mrs. Butcher Out of Danger mourn their irreparable loss.
a daughter to This is to ceruty that Brother PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: the value of missionaries and the Charles Underwood, ex SecreMr. Calber Sweetland her necessity of sending the spel tary, has been suspended from Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St.
News have been received that son is at present residing at to India and other parts of the St. Joseph Friendly Society for Mrs Louise Batcher, wife of Mr. Bocas del Toro. To the bereavworld.
Meeting orme to a close the period of eighteen ars, for Tel. 798 SERVICE Tel. 364 Butcher, of the Municipal Departed rela ives we tender our conat 10 with the singing of violating the rules of said society ment, has had a successful opera dolence in this sad time of their in various respects.
she doxology.
tion performed. She is out of loss.
Joseph Nalbach Coorre Peters more being e present 785 large number 500 at the close of hich he presenten Parker this CP. Sbes Sharp.
10 45 YOUDK 00.
baptised who to y much place Panama, one The platform The were the following gentlem Bar gentlemen are ACAS STOVE bloog, gave the preciation.
lations for on for the


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