
PAGE SLX THE WORK IAN SATURDAY APRIL 22 1922. Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
SUBSTITUTES Only the purest and most genuine Drugs comfrom some ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY justitiable Root Wins Fight To Trade Between JaMr. Cadogan Claims To Be Purify The Bar. maica and the THE IDEAL PHARMACY Founder.
Advocates Two Year Col.
lege Course.
No 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro To the Editor of the Workman Keen Interest shown in the Reapeeted Sir. one of thºvala SIGN SHIELDS FRAUD. Possibilities of Further (OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
able columps of th: Stir Herald under date of April 10h, the uaderDevelopments.
signed have come across a letter the Nestor of New York Bar con eats of which we may expeet in Denounces (rooks and TRADE AGREEMENT.
ENGLISH AND AMERICAN re ute there uation of which way sle Black Mailers. expected to en Tap us into a contro veray, which is entirely contrary to our Effect of the Preference inclination, UNFIT MEN ON BENCH lo on Importations Here our view. such a letter is too meas and unfrateral for catroversy ia boa of British Goods.
Wickersham Deplores Ignorance uable fraternity; cosequently it revers to the source from where ita Sitting In Judgment in High The following is taken from aspirtuensted Courts.
the Financier of London of a reThe contents have not seorcbed an cent date: bair of the intended viena, and we have Washington, Feb. 24. The The Canadian trader with his RIVO such little ongoiz ance to such national conference of bar asso. Government behind him, is on NO USED spirtions that already to us the wbole ciations at its closing session the job here, says a despatch to matter is like a glass of water throwa to day adopted, practically unani The Public Ledger of Philadelphia on a duck back mously, the recommendation of Kingston, Jamaica The secret inspiration of the letter the American Bar Association Skirmishers, in the shape of in quntio are right on the sims of that future members of the bar commercial travellers, have been Pans.
pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over be required to have at least two going through the land for to them well and grees them als. whenever, or wherevac years college education in addi time, Catalogues and circulars we meet Oar letter wbich was written tion to their regular law school have been drifting in through 40 years experience 00 th, Bi Mareh, solely in difas work the mails. There is a blossoming out seemingly new, but berished Oder The action of the conference out of local agencies of Canadian have been adversely commented on, by was on a resolution which, it business. Now a Canadian Trade WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor few of the same creaturee; willally had been explained, would place Commissioner is established in kiseoastrued, and misrepresented, which the association under the moral Kingston, having removed thera sexes SCOXXOSSWOSKSSeSSSSS proved the old dage that A, men obligation of striving to have from his former headquarters in thakath in his hears, so is be.
this educational standard set up Cuba.
in their States and universities. Steadily Canadian visitors are We are a ware of the unexpected laet that worse slaoders, prevariosis, and The vote was taken in the coming along to see what Jamaiadve. tatem nts have been by me midst of an ovation to Elihu ca is like by the small steamers of them, concocted, who liad just closed a stir that at present run a threewritten, stringing up maliciously appeal to the representa week service, circulated against 119 in various directions, but they have only tives of the more than 150 ks80 Canada, Bermuda, Bahama, Brit had an effeet equivalent to a tly sitting ciations present not to admit ish Honduras and Jamaica. The Illustrious examples of the Canadian Pacific Railway has on a cow bura.
success of the past to block the recently started a line of steam.
si If there any friend y Brothers, or puritication of the American bar ers, Sisters burt, or off. aded at Our letter of of the future. The Select Committee of the March b, we are very sorry, and are Mr. Root took the floor after Legislative Council has bad its Dot egotiatie as to refuse to make delegates from several States say as to what should be done in ample, and sincere apology, if need be, had voiced disapproval of un revising the tariff to tit it into although the statem ols made in such methods to drive poor the policy of Imperial Prelerence locker are based on facts such as only but deserving applicants from already adopted, and the trade opirit of envy, or jealously wou try to thu legal ranks and after form. agreement with Canada is signed refute, er Senator Thomas of Colorado By that agreement imports from Is seems to us all, really hard mathad made a denunciatory, ad. Canada must get in the Jamaica ter for the best of us to be willing to dress on what he termed an market a preference of at least render to Caesar, the things that are uncalled for movement. 25 per cent, excepting flour, Caesar Our Ancestors (we gretto bag, Denounces Crooks As Law which gets shilling per say) have beea so much treated as serie Spirits getting 28. and 6d, per that nearly every vestig of principle yers.
gallon and wine 20 per cent. worslty have become In his appeal Mr. Root pictur Application of the Preference tended the Canadian preferenee a dormant factors among us; consequently li.
ed conditions which be declared enabled crooks and blackmail The Select Committee declin to all the Empire, of course, in David of old, we seem always ready to HOUSEHOLD REMEDY proclaim ALL MEN. liars, even on ers to practice fraud under the ed to follow the lead of its Chair. cluding Jamaica. There is hard.
the platform of ocular demonstration.
protection of a shingle and to man, who is the Collector Genely any trade between Jamaica call themselves lawyers by rea ral of the island, and to make the and these Colonies.
Practical economical The eo venomed letter has passed by Canada The Goverment required the us like son of deplorable conditions preference granted to whirlwind, but its aftermath For burns, outs, bruises, sprains, for sore, tired feet, for lame which should be corrected with open to all the Empire here and Committee in making charges in have been to us like a glass of water now. The majority the back, strained muscles, dobie iteh, uso tarif not to lessser the revespilled on perpendicular sheet of glas.
When Mr. Root ended and mends instead that it should go nue at present derived from it.
Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC In spite of it all we shall never forget while the demonstration in his to Great Britain at once as well Accordingly, the net result from the assistance given by us by the many honour was at its height Justice as to Canada, but that its exten the recommendations is an in It has been found to give quick relief from pain and to heal open gentlemen in New York, and their Henry Cohen of New York sion to the rest of the Empire crease of 6, 000. The general wounds quickly.
acceptance, and generous co operation moved the adoption of the reso should wait upon further nego idea was to increase some of the It has also a positive established value as a quick rellef, taken after that Order was in roduced to them lution and the motion was car. tiations. This omits Trinidad, rated articles, and to decrease internally, for colic, cramps and diarrhoea.
by u there.
Barbados and some other West the ad valorem duty, which it is The principal topic centered Indian Colonies, who at once ex proposed to lower to 15 Since then, and up to a few days ago per cent, AT YOUR DRUGGIST. YOU NEED IT.
our communications were around legal education and all from the present high level of unlimited cordiality, although there are now seem the speakers expressed appro Wbat effect on the origin of ingly rank needs of discord being val of any effort that might tend when think of the problem thrown among us by the miscenstructions imports the Imperial preference.
of to enbance the standings of the confronting us.
bar, especially Attorney General Discussing the subject before limited or unlimited, will have a secret foe Sir, for the satisfaction of our many friends, permit us to ask Daugberty, who declared that the conference that of raising question. The committee reckons (two) questions. 1st. If by his owa the ambition of the Department the educational requirements for that, not allowing for any shitt vision, or inspiration an individual has of Justice is to be helpful in ia. bar admission Mr, Wickersham ing of trade from foreign ports stalling a judiciary which shall said there was an increasing of departure to British, the formulated book with all the ramificabe a credit to tions necesary to conform to an indentiAmerica and number of uneducated men rates now proposed would mean fied Order, produced and introduced by American institutions and to the crowding into the legal ranks in an incnease of 64, 500 But if we himself, Is it a preposterous action for profession which we are all every city, in the country, and reckon that the preference on all said individual to affis the words Sole proud to belong.
conditions perhap were cotton piece goods put that Originator to his own manuscrip? Severance, president of worst than in New York city trade entirely into British hande, the American Bar Association But the main trouble we en duty, there will be a net decrease elsewhere and, therefore, under the lower 2ad. Did any one alive ever heard of, or did there ever exist on this Isthmus of counter in ment required an in New York, he said of 10, 700 in duty paid.
Pansme, or any where else on this globe foreign elementthe identical Name and Order now being applying for citizenship to swear is with the his devotion to the Constitution, those men who come mostly preference gets to work is known as THE FORESTERS OF we permit the youth of our coun: from the continent of Europe. shown by the following. The LEBANON at any time before the have their unformed Few come from France or Ger preference on cotton piece goods is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins.
try the Undersigned introduced same in the City of New York. minds wrapped by lecturers and many who suffer the defects of began only in June, 1920, In professors as about those that come from Russia and 1919 in this class of goods 64 per beam. She has two decks. tween We sincerely thaok you in advanc de voted to the Constitution as Poland. Frequently these men, cent of the values that came Mr. Editor, while we remain most resLenine and Trotsky who are schooled in a difficult here were British, and only 36 decks (ft. high.
pective yours.
The morning session of the atm reach high positions per cent foreign. But the war CADOGAN, et al.
upon to held up British trade, and the 28 William McAdoo of New York make important interpretations per cent in Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric Colon, April 12th, 1922, cent, Lights, Šteam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig.
Box 895, Cristobal O, while approving the move of our laws and pass upon a legal come est portavour had by 1919 be ment for better legal educational questions of which they have an goods, which only filled a megre erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed Canal Zone, standards and the two year per cent of the total. Nicecollege provision of the Bar The resolution further provid teen hundred and twenty, water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc.
Association recommendation, ed that We feel that law ever with only six months under We must Buy her for our Service NOTICE explained that unfortunately, schools should not be operated preference, saw this 16 per was unable myself to enjoy a as commercial enterprises, and cent. lifted to 36 per cent. Brit college education.
that the compensation of any ish the credit margin for foreign TO ADVERTISERS AT COLON Dee of New York and officer or member of its teaching goods ranking from 68 to 28 WE NEED 60, 000:MORE Josiah Marvel of Delaware ex. staff should not depend on the per cent.
pressed opposition to the plans number of students or on the Flour, which this island must On and after March 1st of the Bar Association, and fees received, MONEY import and demands in large Ellis of Florida introduced Attorney General Daugherty in quantities, once came almost Advertisers at Colon whose resolution, which was defeated, an address tonight declared that entirely from the United States. You may subscribe some of this by purchasing Ad. at present appear in the providing that the respective the enemies of law and order Even before the begining of pre some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound WORKMAN will make all reState bar associations be em are more active than ever before ference, however Canadian flour each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound mit tances to the Office and powered to establish their own in sowing the poisons of lawless bad been coming in, and now each and become part owner.
all intending advertisers will regulations and quelifications for ness and unsound and experi with one shilling a bag prefer admission to the bar, mental theories of ence, it is assumed that threeplease communicate direct of Government.
DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW They have, he added, a small fourths of the foreign trade in Unfit Men on Bench with the WORKMAN Printery the Assertion that there are men and like wise their orators scatAmerican press flour will shift Box 74 Panama City or Write to the now holding legal offices, and tering and propagating their Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zone.
even sitting on the bench in the vicious theories of government WILKINSON By order, United States who have no con and casting unjustifiable ception of the basic principles tions on men holding CONTRACTCR BUILDER 37 ORANGE ST, KINGSTON, JAMAICA MANAGEMENT of English law, was made by office with the intent to under. First Class Workmanship George W, Wickersham. These mine the confidence of the peo Plans and Specifications Free Ne Rent heceipt Books in Spanmen are called upon to interpret ple in them. These forces be the laws, the former Attorney declared, must be met an com.
15th Street West House 99 ish and English for sale at the General said, adding; shudder bated, Box 411, Panama, Advertise in The WORKMAN. It Pays Workman Printery.
out delay.
ried on rising vote 16 8.
39 than immigrant How quickly and effectly THIS 600 TONS STEAMER to who are atmosphere, how West Indian Steamship Company Ltd.
reflec public


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