
PAGE SEVEN THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 22; 1922 QILI whilst of all Greated ITF all CICARETTES Quality Blend Georgetown unit more scrap Satisfy They Book Binding!
Chesterfield of Book Binding Department SAVES LIFE ateresting West Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND (Candled From Page 3)
and Secondary Education and WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL for the Internal and Island Scholarships, was adopted with INDICATIONS out word of disapproval; and some of the Councillors Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant contended that reduction Cold 10 on salaries of certain public Anaemia Following Fevers oficers was adviseable, the Eu Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia cation vote including 10 per cent increase on the salaries of An excelent vehice for adminisering lodides, Bromi 1: teachers of Elementary Schools and Salicylates. Summer Complaint and Bow was carried unanimously. This Irregularities among Children. All ages, ail climate!
praise worthy appreciation of all seasons of the Year.
Educational facilities for classes was also evidenced in the You have tried the Rest increased ased grant in aid of the Carnegie Why not Use the Best Pree Library, as well as the continuence of the contri butions in aid of the Library FOR SALE BY and at Barrocallie.
The desirability of better and more schoolrooms being erected ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COLON.
est quality possible in cigarettes. They in several parts of of the colony has contain the finest cigarette tobaccos in the also not escaped Government WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY world rich aromatic Turkish and mellow attention. In order to aid any Des Moins la golden American tobaccos. And only the Religions Denomination or any Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans choicest and most expensive grades of these other body wedertaking the com mendable work of building new fine tobaccos are used in Chesterfields blended in just the right proportions to bring schools and repairing or extendof the school building out all their goodness and richness and flavor.
now standing, clause has been added to the Customs Duties Unend ment) Ordinance, 1922. etc. to include in the Sct edule oi Exemptions from Import Daty Articles imported or purchased locally for the use, furnishing, construction and repair school buildings, on the signed duclara Why throw away your old, but no tion on the head of tbe denominawon to which, such school buildCIGARETTES ings belong; provided that such doubt interesting, books when you of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended erucles are the produce or ma nu facture of the British Empire can have them neatly bound at and are or have been accompLIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co. Origio. The Sentry.
nied by the proper Certificate of THE WORKMAN TRINIDAD Link up with LIFEBUOY SA Golden Opportunity Solicitor Struck Off for Health Sake.
FOR SALE the Rolls.
CENTRAL AVENUE Anup to date hou se containing three apartments, located on one frivy Council Decides Aand No. G Street hectare of land. Securely fenced with barbed wire and well plant gainst Him ed with sugar cane, banan 9, pnaltain, papaya, pineapple, etc. Some weeks ago. Justice Dean also suitable Mesh wire en of Trinidad delivering judgment on an alarm being raised many DEMERARA closure for poultry, Situated at in a case in which Mr. Iles persons in the neighbourhood Hatto Pintado, Las Sabanas, 15 a Solicitor figured as a witness rau to give assistance. There minutes walk from Tramway. made use of the following re being a telephone on the same The Government of Britisb Price Reasonable, wasks: premises, the Exchange was Guiana have reduced the salaries must add that think it my notidied immediately and the of Public officers who are in duty la view of certain facts that Brigade station in turn, mean receipt of over 100 by 25 per have come to light in the course while those who were early on ceot. It is said that the Civil of this case, pointing to the com. the sceno worked hard with Servants afected by the mission of crimes by certain buckets of water and a attempt ton bave fully realized that usder present conditions the persons to direct the Registrar was also also made to brake color those facts to the notice down the kitchen (asving it be colony could not acord to conYOUTH and happiness are linked of the Hon. Insrector General of ing out of the question) In order tinue the rate of temporary Constabulary with a view to turto prevent the damos spreading would feel the loss of taa smallincrease, although many of theme up with health. Link up with Sher enquiries being made and to the house. When the Brigade est amount.
Lifebuoy for health and for the steps being made possibly to arrived including Commandant children sake. Lifebuoy Soap prothose persons to justice. 1 Dasent and Lieut. Monseque, the motes health happy, smiling health; shall slo the Registrar to to te DOMINICA it protects the children from the boing to the notice of His Hon batehen wert practically demolish ed our she Chief justice the facts directed to the house. The Gold Colns Dived From dangers of contagious diseases.
We are hoping that some which have transpired in Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfecte toe dames bad leaped over to the the role casion will bring you to our case and which in my opinion back gallery and the tive Harbour.
as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where he Since several days ago anumLitebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Sonp store shortly. And when you readerelle ble han fot for continuo balustrade of which had to will safeguard the children keep them to exercise honourable prodo come be assured that it doen om dit te thotiche area bile su: ripped away. The root on this be of boys bave been diving in healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them side had begun to take fire, but of the using it before school, after play, before meals.
be a pleasure for us to serve preme Court.
preme you, and that our pleasure in Port of Spain Gazette hose and beyond this side being success. These are supposed to It was quickly put out by the gold coins, several of them with HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH serving you will make your visit erent badly charred, the buuse surfers be part of a a chest containing to our store even more enjoy. Sabsequent to this Mr.
Iles ed no further damago, It was 10. 000 alle for yourself.
was brought before the Full saved by disconnecting the guese, cold coins which it is now Court, constituted by Their Hon covered pathway leading to the over board whilst being removed alleged very many years ago fell FULLER. from MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
fred Lacle Smith, arrived on the scene early and Sisters into a boat to be taken JEWELLER Mussell, LL. B, Puisne Judge Serge. Major Davis was also ashore. Being somewhat and Dean, 2nd present, in charge of a number couraged by the luck of the boys 122 CENTRAL AVENUE to show cause why of be should not be strnck off the are was caught by burning em ple of his staf essayed their own It is Engineer conRolls, and Gaston Johnston, bers c. and Mr. CT. kitchen by the cook The Souch diving operations of the young bers unknowingly left in the after stopping the Worrell, represented Mr. Iles. ern School of Commerce is sters, but after fruitless efforts, Mr. lles who made apphication for leave which contained householdding with the aid of a marine glasses tur boot, they had to give to go to the Privy Council. At ditore any typewriters and game. Dominici Gurdian valuable. none the Privy Council suit the pellent was represented by şir Sir which is ndosuredi izvedbo uit opget Viscount Lascelies of Royis with the of every description John Simon instructed by Insurance Company of which Sir Charles Rassell, solicitor. Messrs. Tennants Estates Limit al Blood.
The matter came on for bearing ed are the local agents for 300 Reports say that Princess and judgemont which was reserv pounds sterling, a sum far below Mary husband, Lord Lascelles DONE WITH NEATNESS AND ed was eventually delivered is related to balf the peerage; in couple days ago with the afore its actual value fact by tracing the genealogical mentioned result tree sufficiently far back it can DESPATCH be proved that the Princess and Fire in St. James Agricultural Credit Soclety Lord Lascelles are shininga second cousins, or something of this kind. Viscount Lascelles is a Street The West India Committee Cir cousin of the late Duchess of cular states that the rapid deve Buccleuch. his mother and the Kitohen Completely Dos societies in Trinidad and Tobago Bradford, having beea brother lopment of Agricultured credit Duchess father, the late Lord troyed, is shown by an encouraging ac and sister, and Lord Dalkeitb, a count of these useful institutions cousin once removed, married by Mr. WG Freeman, as hteo At about o clock yesterday the mate Friendly Societies of all your care le monde relater, morning fire broke out in the in that Colony, Beginning with sir Frank Lascelles. His Good Assortment premises in St. James Street of only one in 1916, their number brother, only Captain Edward Mr. Scott, which complete. had risen two years later to six, Lascelles, chose for his bride EIKTO SELECT FROM AT THE 13 destroyed the kitchen, wood: of which file were are o Tobago: Mr. Balfour a neice, Joan daughen structure 12 feet, Last year no fewer ter Frances and attacked the southern side shan 31, with a membership of sister of the late Duke of Acgyli.
of the house, but was fortuuate 1, 930, and a loan account of 185, and through this union, Lord Ly subdued before much damage 147. Of the 21 credit societies in Lascelles hus family connection was done. member of the the larger islands, 20 are under with his wife great aunt, family woke up to find the the auspices of the Ste. Madelein Princess Louise, Dachess of kitchen enveloped in Names and Sugar Company, Argyll.
LEWELRY RARGANOS reduce to bring bring direct FEBUOY SOAP is more than soap. it is reputable Nermicide and sure diale lectant to the entire the vicinity USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE of date IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
in Purtaupwards of LIFEBUOY SOAP 1st LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND enand a 88 luck JOB PRNTING up the a Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Gards a given WORKMAN PRINTERY


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