p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1922 EXCELSIOR THEATRE upon Terror Trail Various Varied Assortment of STATIONERY ings ALWYAS BE HAD Then the take, Waite WORKMANIPRINTERY ness of any human nebne is reelly Lecturer Explains THE RESURRECTION OF THE CRICKET The Word of God RICH MAN IN HELL Britannic Jamaica Game Ends in Draw.
At National Theatre And IN THE Excelslor. EXCELSIOR THEATRE TO NIGHT Sargaant of Jamaica plays BellBECÀNING WEDNESDAY Nantly; Carrying his bat At the National Thestre, on Sunday, April 23, at p. through for 47, Saturday, April 22nd APRIL 26th Monday night last, Evangelist Gaorge Young, of Toronto, Cana EPISODES 10. II, and 12 of da, delivered his famous illus Evangelist Georke Young will The cricket match which was THE NEW UNIVERSAL SERIALA trated le bure Bible deliver anotber Illustrated Bible played last Sunday at the Stand THE LOST CITY Prophees entitled Millions Row Lecture of unusual interest en ard Oval between the Britaonic living will never die. The titled The Rich Man in Hell and the Jamaica C, ended lecturer in his argument explain Who is he? When will be got in a draw Britannic won the toss ed the meaning and outcome of ODP and decided to bat, an assed a MONDAY, APRIL 24th the world events according to The Lecture will be tally illos. score of 134 runs for the loss of prophecies of the Bible. trated, the Bible pictures and wickets. thanks to the batting EPISODES 13, 14 and 15 of Featuring The Well known The building was crowded Scrinture texts will be repro. of Graham, who was respoosinte with an appreciative and enco duc on the screen.
for 36 runs. Holford also batt wh listened with very much Tae Lecture is under th» aus well, showing a decided pre THE LOST CITY EILEN ZEDWIG interest as the Icturer flashed rices of the International Bible ferenc for Cain deliveries: he the scenes on th utents Association. Seats are made 18 and Joe Hill 15 ust out canvas explaining how misload FREE. No collection is taken, After recess Jamaica went to the ing the Courch was in the in wickets, opening with Sergesat terpretation of the Bible Some aad Van Horn. Sergeant started of the arguments laid down in superficial living.
in playing very ciutiously but support of the contentions held that will cause men to think, and br 18 before he was crught Something Van Horn ia dashing style played by Me. Young, ara very debat. angelist George Young dar Holdford bowling. After Van off truth that a large nu aber of ing the past week supolied the Horn had been dismissed the it must be sad We appre Daly batsman who made any the the facts are beyond coatralicciate his coming and hope that sho hion he will come again, some beautiful off drives, as well showing was sergeant, who made What we fail to understand in Among the things said by Mr. as some fine late cuts the present march progress, Young at the National Theatre 47 not out, and although he gave He made is, how is it that th: Churco we clip the following: has lost its grip on makind?
some chances. his play was on Mr.
How is it that the moral teachYoung said in part. The the whole good, and he is respond of the Bible, is not followed deliverance of the children of saved Jamaica.
great theme of the bible is the sible for the draw as his batting by the average christian? What is wrong in the teachings, that men from the power of sin and death by the establishment of Rotton Umpiring mankind instead of becoming Christ Kingdom The worst bit of umpiring we Of Every Description better are getting worse? What Step by step the evangeliet have ever seen, and probably that is it lacking our moral system; why the worla kind, first the creation then the was exhibited last Sunday, by traced God dealing with man, has been seen on the Isthmus has become unappreciative of the fall in Eden, then tha advent of Umpire Waite. It is true that CAN only hope to a sinful and on the son of God to be man reampires can and do make mis demned world!
It is time that all who preach work of selecting the hospel last Sunday seemed deliberate deemer and Baviour. but umpire mistakes AT THBthe Gospel get down to business Church frim Calvary own and dad the cause so that a thro have become more materialistic, with her Siviour in Glory, Then he would even have the courage remedy may be applied. Men through th centuries, when the and willful and were dark stains church will finally be united What would otherwise bave been a good game. We wonder it and very often we are told, that Christ and the Church in king to ump the Church has failed to accom dom, xlory and spirit power will Isthmus, as it was mitu diff culiy to umpire another game on the plish good for mankind. Toisia itself is an ultra radical view. Kradually establish the reign o. the crowd was restined from because the proof and genuine earth. Then death, sin and sor peace for the blessings of the beating him last Sunday, When passing drop in and inspect our varied organization, row will gradually end and the Games for lo morrow.
its existence in face of Stock of opposition and criticism. The Rev. 21:2 glory of God will till the earth. Yorkshire vs. Surrey at Stand Church lives in spite of what ard Oyal individuals and nations may think World conditions of the past Vincentian vs Clovelly at Isth of it.
seven years mark the comenco miaa Park.
But it may be argued that it ment of the signs which preceed the Church has lost its potency the gradual establishment of Race Meeting to accomplish the good for which Christ Kingdom, the great dis it was instituted, then those who tress and unrest which is mani (Continued From Page 1)
are responsible for its continua fest in many nations is is the begin tion, must undoubtedly find the ning of the great time of trouble Fourth Race necessary remedy to reinstitute mentioned in the bible which SABANAS HANDICAP ginal which marks the close of the the pure Gospeleosts original Gospel Age, which sterolible pent Man a God Furlonge Some personality who is greater cee ceeds the gradual establishment 120 lbs and more beneticent than him of the reiga of righteousness No. Cortez Glorita selt. Man cannot and will not under the invisible power of 115 lbs accept a God of vengeance, who the Christ of glory. Estrella 115 Its a Satan and Among the prophecies examinthen give 130 to the winner him unlimited power to cause ed were the scriptures dealing man to do wrong things, so that with the ending of the Gentile God will have the hat Times when the great wars and 900. Will pleasure of Fifth Race sending him to a conditory of tribulation would commence in everlasting misery This is a of JAMAICA HANDICAP rid culous idea, a a controsity of tortelling the running to and. Furlong a God, and we agree that man tro, and the increase of know No. Black Boy An Assortment that will meet your Taste.
will not accept anything below a ledge. tha gathering of the na God of love and mercy.
Bions; and the resultant time of Checkers But this is not all that is requir trouble, also the prophecies of Roxie ed to bring back man to God. Christ which foreshadow the Little Nell The heredity of a higher moral kingdom of peace were thrown conception of the eternal fitness upon the screen.
Catch Weights.
for the adverse circumstances as of things, is to our minds the The wonderful prophecies of 70 per cent of rool and 15. 00 quite a large number of persona Dr. Westthe only and At present obtained in this com were expecting that something valuable the third chapter of Joel fore to winner. 00 to second.
one of the would happen, 26 principle which will bring abou, telling bow in the great time of munity. The balance sheet is a better world This world can tribulation the world would prime favourite was not put in one which the members should (Continued from pige Steel proud, And Sixth Race show not continue to procreate the old prepare war assembling the train. It is said that Cricket that has was turn to low bite at Juan will attempt to deny such a right, been a Adam, and then expect to have armies of the earth in battle DE LA CERDA SWEEPSTAKES world free from the awful array. also tha seriptures of the Franco for the week and was in but we must keep in mind, that carelul manipulation of the Furlongs such consequences of sin. Environ eight of Isaiah foretelling the no condition. Sampeon was such achievements will only be funds to have shown large and 120 lbs complate failure, and made no attained by proper application No. Wampus Kat satisfactors an experimental establishment and ultimate fail.
ment is but feature of this great plan of ure of the League of Nations In Good Time 105 108 showing whatever. Long Shot tion of reason, and by such balance, in these days of suspon winning man back to sbowed God. were shown upon the May. Be very poor form, and was dreas principles will appeal to men ded prosperity.
People must be given the oppor.
105 lbs only a plaything for the and The testimony of the apostle It is well that the members of tunity to be bore under the new Paul in second Timothy, third 80 per cent of pool and 60. 00 mare Riras, the Universal Negro Improveregime given to the world by the fused religious conditions which Chapter foretelling the conto winner.
In the racing amongst the representative of this paper ment Association African. Jesus Christ, Ecuadorian bordes, fthe method was granted the courtesy of Communities League, assimilate We want from the Church an would prevail in the end of the Seventh Race will have to be stopped.
This reading a copy of the report pro and put into practice the vary higher conception of life. The age were briefly examined.
by 14 the Commissies THE PANAMA HANDICAP home must Sac does not hesitate to say that it is a were given by assist in teaching Transitory Perlod Ahead!
tory races seen at Juan Franco credit to the officers for the assi and thereby develop a standard that heredity of righteous living Furlongs Delphin and As de Oro were duous manner in which they have ot improved thritt and broadand the proper mating of prophecy of special interest No. Deltin (Espinosa)
beld over the entire course, and worked to bring about the suc.
beings is an absolute marking 1925 as the time when ute necessity mindedness Inglaterra (Espinosa) at the finish it was seen clearly It is an established fact, that peace would gradually begin to It is the siacere desire Lord (Vernacci Dies)
that much better could be done, cess of their branch of the because of the material benefits come to the earth was dealt with of coursa the race was given to organization. It would be un progress amongst the people, As. de Oros (Obarrio de la Pas) Lord.
of life, we are reasonable to expect better after but in the right direction, and in in a most unquestionable manconstantly mating in detail.
In 1925 the great Jubilee making the necessary allowance such a manner as will win the (Catch Weights)
ner, the lowest type of humanity, Cycle foretold by Jesus and The fifth race was the most applause and consideration of 80 per cent of pool and 60. 00 disappointing of all, Chagres and other races.
otherwise. latellectually and the Prophets will begin to have longs Water Boy made a desperEstrella faced the starter, and The resull of which, its fultilment, which will result to winner.
and inertia will not Christ is not born in us, We in the gradual establishment of up to now, it is a mystery to find ate attempt to get even assist the people, they must be are shaped in iniquity and con. Christ Kingdom when peace, Sanday Race Meeting at He simply could not go, aod it is log Doris Morton. The art to improve themselves; out what happened to Chagres his field and succeeded in passceived in sin.
life, and blessing will gradually to act intelligently, and to work horse made a gallant struggle There would be very small come to those who will be Juan Franco. the lowest time ever made by reach Glorita, and whea the with courage and datermination, consideration paid to hell and obedient to the this game and plucky horse is third furlong was reached, he will make for their progress and of Christ to secure the best things which its consequences il man would Kingdom. Isaiah 60 21, live righi and procreate the On Sunday last, at Juan Fran all bis performances Juan came in line with his Between now and 1925 is es race track, a very god pro Franco opponent, and this was the most beautiful prosperity.
generations after him under going to be a time of great gramme was arranged, but in In the sixth race, Water Boy, race seen at Juan Franco for favourable conditions in the all that were done to. and faced first.
Knowledge is what the world it is the solema duty of every make the meeting e success the starter. Doris Morton was judge box, Glorita won by the ROOMSITO LET needs. And this is is being kept man and woman to stand for the quite a great deal of justifiable heavily backed, with Glorita point of her nose in a well ridden rom the masses of the posle principles of justice, equity and dissatisfaction was exoressed, taking second place, after a long race.
The two leveres ut we Excel hteousness abatanias from and many ke aa dissappointmen delay at the starting post the Toe last race of six arloag CALLE No sior Chatre were decidedly a all forms of violence ander the suffered by the public, in the ar. horses were sent away, Water was taken by Ryxie, wao is al success as far as numbers are banner of the Prince of Peace. rangements of the various pur Boy leaving the post after the ways the dark horse. carae APPLY ON PREMISES concerned Many hundreds of If the people realized what ses.
other two horses bad about two from the back energetically ridpeople had to go away. Panama world conditions foresbadowed The first race was a surprise lengths on the lead. it was then den, and to passing the Jadge needs Very badly something that they would be loss trouble of to the turli tes when Checkers said that he was out of it; but box he had about three cluar Advertise in THE WORKwill hold a grip on our very present world conditions.
came bome an easy winner, but on reaching the first two fur length of Cricket.
MAN. It Pays Birth day Cards Menu Cards Wedding, Christening and Dance Cards.
will create a most Once there screen.
sense Man human among their ranks with ignorance laws more


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