
MAN PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1922, THE WORKMAN Memorial of Sympathy. 1. 20 800.
ALBOA EST EER REWED DI Col Sphez hote Der, as well Commercial Evening School to was will ask The change follow them. מי The following Memorial w13 Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica presented to Mr. D, Flax an WALROND, at the office Central Ave Hon. Correspondence on all matters old and respected resident of da sad corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. da this city, col sequent on the All copy for publication must be death of his wite which sad Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and event occurred ou the 25.
RATES OP SUBSCRIPTIO: muss be accompanied by the name of March last:Obe Year. 40 U8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Star of the Isthmus Lodge the Months Hon but as a mark of good faith.
No. 2166, Three we do not undertake to return Panama City.
250. erejected orrespondence, April 4th, 1922 To Bro. FLAX, e Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS Greeting SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 1922 At a meeting of the Joint Committee, representing all the branches of our Order, buldir making preparations for our arSANITATION, PANAMA RE Dual thanksgiving, we were da puted by said Committee. to CLAIMER.
draw up and present to you, on its beball, this Memorial sanent the death of your wife, sis:er Rosita Flax.
Since the year 1906 when the late Major General The Committee, dear Brother, desires lo tender you its heart Gorgas anti malaria squads broke the back bone of this felt sympathy and condolence terrible plague on the isthmus and swept yellow fever into for the sad occurrence, and eternal oblivion, so far as Panama is concerned, the popu mourns with you the loss of lation of this country has been enjoying excellent bealth, your loving and taithful life part.
and visitors from the four corners of the globe bave been had attained to such high, hou a who attracted here by the salubrious climate whose fame is ourable and responsible positions Intercolonial Cricket now wide spread over the earth.
in our Noble Order and who has Match Wanted.
The ISTEWART The name of Gorgas will live in every household, been so much endeared to the native and alien, as long as Papama remains on the map and high moral character members, by her Christian piely and as long as the canal continues to give passway to Luage, Church and Community.
in to the Edier of the Workomen, thousands of inter octanic vessels of passenger and com Such a life has not been lived Mr, Elitor. Please allow me mercial traffic. Index d, the word Gorgas is inseparable in vain. she has left her foot to suggest the following:space in your valuable columns from Isthmian sanitation; and many who had never set prints clear and distinct so that Jamaica and Barbados met oyes on the benign figure of medical fame speak of him in others seeing them, may be encouraged to press on in tenes of excusable familiarity, like some time ago in an intercolonial CLASSES IN manner and attain similar game on the Isthmian Park, The triumph of sanitation over malaria and yellow heights.
when Jamaic won, and fever is evidential. No monument created by human Blessed are the dead who dio team. Right here, therefore considered the better Shorthand. Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. genius and fashioned by the most dexterous manipula ion in the Lord for they rest from terenu could do justice to the memory of the man who changed their labours and their works do question, Canoe engagement the compatitors prove Panama from a charnel house to a paradise.
the better once and for all?
This itself is the greatest testimony of his scientific skill, and it May you be completely resign is Jamaica way of looking at it, will always remain to speak of his greatness.
51 16th STREET WEST ed to the will of the Supreme for they have expressed it, as Ruler, our God and Faber, and heir action pro. es same.
Panama must take care to preserve the sanitary health be consuled by the knowle Now will suggest that Trini PANAMA CITY vantages. No one questions the salubrity of the climate, to sustain and console you May bis grace prove sufficient dad and Demerara combined in with the reward Islands can thai would be preposterous; but there has arisen a ques your sad bereavement, and a good account of them tion which must give as much concern to the present you gotil He shall be leased to selves against Barbados. It is CHURCH SER VICE therefore popula ion as the primitive unsanitation gave to the leth re unite you both as we fondly F, dart, or some oth Lodge Notice to up person mian Canal Commission eighteen years ago.
trust be will in bis heavenly ot kingdom where there shall be ao team it possible, and then come (American Epitopal Chur eb)
note to get together such There has been much discussion relative to the meat more death, sorrow parting or across and sign articles with Mr ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No.
St. Paul Church, Panama.
8150 question of Panama during the past few weeks. At one pain. m, Holy Communion, time it appeared as though Panama would have to be Cuck of Surrey, who believe The meeting nights of this And again expressing the sin will be the skipper of the Barba10 m, Matias, satisfied with a problematically cle vendue for local con cere fealing o the Commitee in dus XI.
10:30 sm, Holy Euchariot, and lodge are the 1st and 3rd Mondays and the 3rd Thursday sumption in the line of slain meats, but it seems as though o half of joursul and children, would also suggest that this 30 Holy Baptiem, of each month. The next meeting We renkia, the clouds have cleared and that there need be po uneasimethod be kept up yearly, so p. an. Suaday School.
takes place on Monday May ness as to the healthfulness of the flesh to be sold in the Yours in the bonds of long as we West adians are on REYNOLDS, 30 Coral Grensong and mor 1st 33 sharp in the maskeis, in the future.
the Isthmus This will prove an Loyal Progress ball Parama BERNARD, incentive to young cricketers to All officers and members are Market inspection, and especially meat inspection is a NIGH PENGALB Vicar. requested to be on time.
such a PHILIP TAYLOR, try to make a place in serious matter It is far from being an unnecessary lam.
St. Alban s, Paralso.
routine. Upon it depends the health and life of the counThanking you in advance for 11 am, tine and address.
try wherever it is in vogue, and there is no civilized place Notice. the space granted, Mr. Editor, Per. Secretary, p. Sunday School, in terra firma where it is not practised. Certainly the remain yours for clean sport 30 Ev2000g and addres.
slaughtery is the spring of health or disease as pure or im. The public is hereby notified GEU, COULTHIRST. NIGH TENGALE Priest in charze Vote of Confidence pure carcases are allowed to enter the market for sale and that will not hold myself res ponsible for any debts or debts Bible Truth Churches.
contracted by my wife Marion San Miguel Rent Receipt Books In Span, To Mr. Lloyd George.
Perhaps, there are few people, except those of scien Murrell, as she is no longer 5:30 am. Morning Prayer tific pursuits, who have really given ihought to the im under my care and protection. Ish and English for sale at the 10 am Childr Service.
portance of food inspection, and it is kely that there are CHARLES MURRELL Workman Printery.
11:a. in Preach ng Service London, April, 1922. The bundreds who have dismissed it from their minds as 30 Sunday School.
House of Commons gave Mr.
7:30 Gospal servico.
being a relatively unimportant metter. Novices can be to clean his throat and expectorate several times voiding Lloyd George a vote of contiCalidonia dence on bis Genoa policy when excured for their lack of regard for a question of this the rheum on the floor of the restaurant in full view of the 5:30 am Morning Prayer was large enough to satiety any character, but the average man who has learnt the bless boarders. Enquiry elicited the information that it was 10 a. m, Childrin Service minister. The voting was 372 ings of cleanliness and has seen the ills of unsanitation not the first time, by a long shot, that this unsanitary 11 am, Preaching Service votos to 94 in his fayour; and ought to view the problem in its real aspect, act had been done. In some of the eating houses number 2:30 pm Sunday School must be remembered that most 7:30 Gospel Service.
Since the health of the community is of such transcen less cats and dogs go bumping under the heels and of those 94 members voted not dent importance it is unquestionable that the Municipality between the legs of patrons on their way in and out. This week will be a special against the central idea of the Genoa Conference bat in accorThen there are the tenement houses where from ten to welcomed at lave edilid ajan gelirtis dance with their anti Govern of should always be alert to ensure public safety and proUnited Evangelistic tection. It is a prime question and cannot be relegated twenty or more families live, very often using a common when the San Miguel mental party policy. Ove may to any other position on the daily agenda of public affairs. bath and a common water closet. To say the least of it, will be closed to the entire take it that this country is as of it is. week im days ago revealed the astonishing fact that through the a medical rep vet submitted to the Secretary of stucation Special speaker acte nightcore about a politicalit can over ube cordial inviation is extended to Quy pseudo vigilance of the meat inspectors several carc ses which is reported to have contained some blood curdling state, auro might have bern placed on vale, otherwise, were condemin. ments relative to the effects of the common bath and BARCLAY Pastor in chargo be contact they are important purpose its achievem ed as being uuwholesome and unfit for human consump water closet on the hearth and morals of the children in Tuese wili uava to ba bad work tion.
the public schols of the city. This is horrible.
Seventh Day Adventist Church abiruse, problems otoi This at once is convincing of the necessity for work of The local laundries scattered all over the city should 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA.
lization of tlaaccuatrog that sort. When people sit down to their meals they want also come in for a share of observation. The washings of to know that they are devouring wholesome food, and several families are plaed together in an unscientifically ba School; 11 15. n, General Worship of a real and Sabbath (3 sturday) 45 Sabcies, international transport af: the achievement that there is no risk in volved in consuming diseased flesh. arranged receptacle and undered at the same time. There sohool Spaniola To Save telopedia of he real sont less excitiug pace.
Who would feel composed on learning that the beef steak is often no proper equipmeat for the purpose, such as Young People Meeting; 30 o. papar buadlines og Ganja te startling news he ate this morning was cut from the carcase of a diseased would be found in a regularly established laundry where Vespers.
greater probably will be the cow that had been slaughtered yesterday afternoon? And sterilization in the dominant feature, and on this account Sunday night 30 Service All Conference success. In short, what guarantee as to the healthfulless of the flesh would disease is easily transmitted from one home to another.
the work done should be sound and not sensational. I, personal the public bave if there was no inapector of the carcases Most of the skin eruptions that are so common in the INVITATION ly, think one of the gains after they bad been slain. Certainly, a butcher would city are in a large measure attributable to the unscientific G:00a perhaps the main gain have to be superlatively scrupulous when he had to choose methods emple yed by the smail laundries he e, dhobi itch, will be the restoration of some between losing. 250 pounds of meat and ensuring the being one of the most common cases. The washing of memoral service will be held of on 30ub day of April, 1922as of the much needed confidence health of the public. It would not be a difficult matter for clothing worn by a clean individual mixed wan that of a for the repose of the culbe 1973, au the poll of the collaboration of all him to avoid selling it to his relatives and friends, but after person aff. icted with the itch may become charged with Imarlotte Posted of the old or the proche no while for Europe on that what would be bave to care? The resentment very microbes which in this way are transported from one ompared this life on Apriles prego de combinca. brother often exbibited when animals are condemned dues not family to another.
1921. The service will be conduct European natijns are all practic them all.
augur optimiscally for the meat trade should there be no Since the question of public health is now prominent aided by the well know a speaker anxieties and they should become ed by Mr. Joseph Blades, cally at one ia their dangers and meat inspector.
it is just as well that the Municipality look into all Mr. Johnson, and will take in their search fora means While on the subject of clean food it might be well to avenues of public interest und exhibit an alertness in every place at the Panama Capital of escape. If generosity call the attention of the authorities to the unsanitary con respect that will really safeguard the community. Clean Friendly Society Hall, 12 October coupled with common ditions prevailing in some of the icndas and restaurants meat and pure water are welcome desiderata, but if the Street, Guachapali, Panama, and the problems it is confront sens, of this city. In a certain restourant on Central Avenue public cannot escape the contamination of the wash tub commencement de me precisely. ing are dealt with broadly All frieods and well wishers once, while patrons were seated at the tables and consum or the common bath and would it not be a matter of cordially invited.
perous Europe from the ing their meals one of the proprietors was seen and heard straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel. GEO, JACKMAN. of bankruptcy and disruption.
16 or political wopic. It It noserves is curr are welcome.
of one is 18 abyss


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