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PRICE Cts. Cy.
Sensational Trial of a Solicitor PANAMA BANK CO OPERATIVE SENTENCED TO GALLOWS HOSPITAL ATTENDANT DEPOSITORS ASSOCIATION FOR POISONING HIS WIFE WIFE Requested to call for For Women and Young MURDERS WEST INDIAN ing the box, work longer of to the as the limited for with a will and Girls in Same to Court.
of Panama.
Major Rowse Armstrong PromiColoured American says Islanders We have been to nent Welsh Solicitor Convicted that those deposito raise the rise olan way. Labout ce Theron Vaunt Claim of Superiority Over Panama Banking Company who rial to May celebre Of Murder.
have their claims made out at tion organia:d by the Panama the American Foreigo Barking Natives of Pederation of Labour, an in SOUGHT TO GET HER PROPERTY SO THAT HE at the latter bank and set their women and young wird in this CHARLES BRUNSON, ABOUT TO BE DISCHARGED: Corporation; are requested to call itution has been established of assisting COULD MARRY ANOTHER WOMAN.
claims which must be taken in eilty to earn a respectable living. SHOT JAMES DORSETT JOHN CHIPPANDALE.
to the Third Circuit Court by The building is situated at Num.
each depositor in person.
London, April 12. Major Herbert Rowes Armstrong a leading ber 16 Avenue B, adjoining the The Manager of the American Notary Otice going south.
Solicitor and citizen of the little Welsh town of Hey, was to der Foreign Banking Corporation New York, April 12 (New Amsterdam Naws) There is a found guilty and sentenced to death for poisoning his wife with in sympathy with the depositors In this institution dressmak strong clean feeling and a boasted claim of superiority on the part arsenic, after one of the most sensational trials in this country in of the west Indian over the American coloured man, according to and hatmaking and a laundry He also was charge with attempting to poison Tying to assist and we have been installed to be oporal in the kitchen at Lincoln Hospital. Eust 141st Street and Southern story told the police by Charles Brunson an assistant employee ny years tate them under Oswald Matiu a rival Solicitor.
out quite nu ver of claitosed on behalf of the inmates of Boulevard The prosecutio susgested that Armstrong killed his wife for depositors free of charg: the organization. There is to be after getting her to change her will with leaving all her property stamp papar nela led and was no diviction in regards to Last Tuesday, Brunson shot and killed James Dorsett and to him, and in order to be free to marry another woman to whom ever willing to save to them nationality nor colour. All those severely wounded John Chippandale, two West Indians also en.
he proposed after his wile death. The latter point formed an trouble of presenting the claims, who become members will ployed in the kitchen of the hospital. It is also alleged that Intriguing mystery as the identity of the attractive woman in but it has since developed that participate in the distribution Brunson had been discharged by Chippendale who was the chef question way unknown to the public, ber name being suppressed the Judget be presented in rats to the amount of the cook, it is said, had just told a hospital official that he coult no dge has requested that of the financial earnings when she appeared in the witness claims must use Brunson, and as the officer left the kitchen a heated arsenic poisoning, but suggested the case was either suicide of tot Attorno al ters given. Tobin West Indian, who umem. couldn help it, it didn shoot first they would have killed me The defence admitted Mrs. Armstrong might have died of person except where the power accomplished. The management argument followed which resulted in the fatal shooting.
respectable of the incident Brunson alleged to said: has stopped claimed Armstrong bought the arsenic for killing weeds. kolog further, and therefore all pathe opportunities offered, so there was hope that Chippendale would recover.
bank from ployed should take advantage Dr. Deutsch of the hospital pronounced Dorsett doad, but believed gruesome phase of the prosecution was the description of those depositors whove made out by ter relationship be this bank that better Dorsett and Chippendale, he said are from the the West how Armstrong by repeated doses of arsenic brought his wite to beer should After her par come and such a condition she bad to be sent to an asylum.
tween the Panamanian people Indies. And a West Indian hates an American Negro.
get sama and the West Indians may be And tial recovery he got her back home and renewed the poisoning take it Third Circuit Court They ve been playin some mighty mean tricks upon without with the tatal result, the fostered; and that gradually slightest delay they wiỉ learn to respect each me and gave them fair warning that they had better be careful.
time Did you tell them you had a gun? he was asked.
It was charged that Armstrong invited Martin to his home presenting these other.
for tea and gave him hot biscuits with arsenic spread under the claims expires on the 15th of The building has been kindly But they we after me. No, tunson admitted, didn t: but gave them hints.
butter, West Indian will make it hot for an this present month (May. This action by the American Panama Government, given for the purpose by the Ame ican Nugco whenever he can.
Foreign Banking Corporation view to drminish the growth of nex lay Magistrate Simpson held the prisoner without bail for When Brunson was arrainged in the Morrisania Court the Hilton Howell Fully Exonerated.
should be greatly appreciated prostitution and hardships in by West Indians and others this city. To those who are not exa vipation.
Decision of Lower Court Confirmed by supreme Court especially so when it is known acquainted with the Spanish did instructions will be business with this bank to any given as a Night in three Lodge Dedication. Alberto Harris The Supreme Court of Judicature of this Republic has confirm. appreciable consideration. times per week while the Ened the opinion of the Superior Judge and the Prosecuting Attorglish instructions will Sentanced to Nine Years ney in the case of the murder of Dr. Guy Lord. The Court has Fire Brigade Memorial by Mr, B, Wynter, who has Imposing Ceremony by imparted to the Panamaninos ordered that the security be returned and the case removed from Jumps Bail.
the criminal calender of the Republic; that there was no evidence Celebrations.
been engaged for the purpose. Grand Officers of Order.
to connect Howell with the person or persons who committed the The appeal is made for the Alberto Harris, former Treas.
best and most respectable oleYesterday Eight urer of the Colon Municipal Anniversary of ment of our West Indian women Sunday last will be long reCouncil, who was under trial on British Finances Vote of Confidence bers mem. and girls, who will be able to membered by the officers and the charge of embezzling about the Panama Fire fuster a true spirit of comrad. members of the Past most 14, 000 Cy, from the MuniBrigade who sacrificed their ship and respect for each other Noble Shows in Government Govarnors lives to prevent what might Chamber cipal Treasurer has, we had amongst those mayot the OO.
been a conflagration in oid fellow; informed by one of our Colon take part in this opportunity, in this city. Thededication ser. correspondents, jumped his bail It is right that honour should be in on in this city anticipated that each vice was bely in their chambers and fled to Colombia on the Surplus of 50, 000, 000. Dle Hards Dealt Crush paid to the memory of those and every one will do thor which was beautifully decorated Metapan of the United Fruit brave men who died, that others best to make London April. It is ing Blow.
this an ideal for the purpose.
might live. It was a splendid act The days of Company, bound for Cartagena act place for women and girls. Great Brita, Panama, and the and Barranquilla of gailantry and heroism when Children will be taught also the United States news that when the national financial year closed on March were displayed Harris was at large under a reached to the 31st the Treasury statement that the Chancello lof enormous majority of 278 the conscious of the dangers to several operations which will be prominently in the decoration. 000 Cy bui! posted for London, April, 1922. By the they reac to which carried on in the premises.
showed At pm sister Gitteas, him by Mr. Julio Arjona of move in the right Chief Grand Government has secured the they were exposing themselves, This the Exchequer had not ouls confidence of the House of Com. Among the burning embers; Sul girection and the public should mambers. to order called the Palama City.
1018 balanced his Budget but had and declared bio mons in the policy of internatioc. at a place where a large amount do all in their power to assist The Harris ftrial has been a secure a surplus of ceremony opened. Bro, 50, 000, 000 pounds sterling for al appeasement which the Prize of chemical explosive was stored doe the supreme penalty: become an unqualified success. Mister of Ceremonies for the used by the defense to prɔve the 80 that it shall Wilkinson was introduced as bones wearisome one in which all the reduction of debt, In vier Genoa Conterence. This result grateful and loving people in making to the establishment and formed with dignity and to the finally was condemned to nine represent at the sorts of stratagems have been the their lives, and a Send your laundry and dress of the coal dispute, the other benod evening, which duties he per innocence of the defendant, who heavy liabilities which were small discontented section of ile memory of those who suffered in this way assist our womea e tire satisfaction of all crushing blow abnormal, and unforeseeable and small teparty. which seele appeared at the monument and and girls who are willing to earn took part in this very impressive 2nd Circuit Judze of Colog a few Conservative who years of panal servitude by the the shrinkage in the volume destruction of the Coalition honour.
Mendez ade, this is a remarkable and the abstitution of a purelyBoulz. Dr.
the Pro days ago. Panama Journal achievement which augars well Conservative fessor at the National Institute Administracion. was the officiat orator, and well menced working.
At the opening of the instituThe dedication ceremony was for the nation financial pros: That tion ten young girls bave these performed by Sis Florence.
extreme Conserva pects in the coming year. It is Smith, Grand Scribe Notice to Correspondents did he expressed himself as by fact also which will add great tives, popularly called and she in a of wbat is expected of those in the efficient almost untranslatable term ly to Brush. prestige wben at the Die Bards. are more Vocal service of the nation, and the and Contributors.
discharged the duties Genoa Conference Mr. Lloyd in George presses upon the debtor than powerful in the counsels ot eternal vigilance of those who Panama Charity Organiza mitted to her care are the guardians of life and the State was proved not The management of this paper Europe the imperative only which made all hearts felt glad tion.
av property.
days of restoring in knowing that there were con desires that all communications necessity their on this occasion, but a few nected to this magnificent for publication be typewritten or finances to solvent basis as a later when they put forward a resolution The public will be kind enough branch of Oddfellowship in this it hand written must be clear Parliament expres in preliminary to economic reconStruction and to any assistance Government.
They again sutsing lack of confidence in the St. Paul Churchman to accept this as an important city. Bro. Batson. gave an and legible to facilitate publicareminder of the Concert that is able and forceful address on the tion. This notice is Club.
occasioned that may be offered by the more in to come o at Geddes Hall at principles of the Order and the by several letters and other copy prosperous countries. No for tered an overwhelming division lobbies, and the de. next Thursday May 11th good for which it stands, and is hand written not legible and eign statesman will now be able There will be a regular meet whether raid or shine. in aid of always ready to accomplish on which often delay publication.
to retort that Great Britain is bate produced aa onthusiastic preaching what she dues not Goveromort, am de noastration in favour of the ing of this Club on Monday the above organization. behalf of its members.
confident night, May 8th, commencing at The proposers are expecting a cod. p.
Several other addresses were herself practice.
Lodge Notice.
full attendance which will serve given for the good and welfare will now be a drama.
tie break up of the Coalition, out The principal item on the pro as au index of public sympathy of the Order, and at the close oi British Consulate Notice that political events in this coua gram will be a debate the subject and appreciation.
the ceremony, refreshments It is desired through this try will take course being which is better for the Intending contributors to the were served, bringing to a close a medium to notify members of British Vice Consul in and that the will Tbe Government surplus West Indians population programme, will greatly facili very enjoyable and pleasanı eve toe Ever Green Lodge, No. 10241, the city of Panama would like to dissolve Parliament at a moment on the Isthmus: Repatriation or tate the management by send ning.
GUO 0, that the meeting ing in their items up to Monday nights have been changed, and know of the whereabouts of suitable to the national interest Colonization.
Jonnie Jones and Samuel Jones and not upon an issue forced All members are requested to morning inst. for special Advertise in The Work commencing this month will be who are requested to call at the upon them by disappoiated poli attend. and friends are also reasons, We anticipate a pleasas follows: 1st Saturday an ticians.
ffice of the Vice Consul, invited ant and profitable evening.
man. it pays. 3rd Friday of each month, WAS the the of are who is good is a Ruler, Sitha venture, yesterday total the of com the very com manner nations of defeat mat there will normal


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