
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, MAY 6, 1922 Interesting News From The West Indian Islands SS 358SSYSS Reason for Everything people otherwise the SO MANY PEOPLE ASK: wlab thotom How can MAGNUMS made entirely of IMPORTED TOBACCO have the appearance and smoke equal to any imported cigarette and sell at out in three month, 15c. for 20 cigarettes facts capacity as Pro ANSWER: HARD) TO BELIEVEBUT TRUE. BECAUSE THEY ARE MADE IN PANAMA and desk Company bas, we one edus JAMAICA bers and a copy of the resolution sions of the Empire. The objec is to be forwarded to. His Exis worthy. The association be cellency the Governor and tween these educational repre (From The Times) copy to Mr. Farquharson sentatives of the two colonia The Governor on Amalga in England for him to use his cannot but lead to a better up discretion to whether it preciation and understanding mation.
should be presented to the sec the qualities, outlook and generetary of State.
ral characteristics of the of the respective colonies, 300 Receives City Council Deputation. Centenarlan.
improved knowledge, topograpnical, social, and These visits repr sent the firs deputation from the City The Times Whiteball (St. steps towards unification, whic Council consisting of Mr. Laun Thomse) correspondent writes is the secret of strength and car celot; Sherwood, Chairman of the death of Mother Sarah only result from understanding Hon. Simpson, BE Thompson, one of the oldest res! which is the outcome of associa Dr. Penso and Nr. Bain dents of this district, on the 3rd, tion. We hope to see Alves along with Mr. Postor 107 years old. She berers of this oolony AVE taking part It Davis. Clerk, discussed fourth generation, and was bap similar visite at nod o disant dau, Governor lust Saturday the Hor tined by the late Rev. AP. Wat and, later, a West Indian Teach mitage Water Scheme, the ex non in 1875 at Prospect Baptist ers Educational Langue.
will bension of the seweragouyatem Church. The funeral service, sympathies and interests no les and the establishment of dis conducted by Mr. Burnett dofined than those of the Cana trict markets The Governor was largely attended. dian and English Leagues.
pade it quite clear in regard to Water Scheme, that the Arst step bo laicon would be the amal BARBADOS Dispute Batwoon Officers mation of the services of the of e CG. and the Mayor and Coun: all which in his opinion, could Tremendous Flow of case which evoked a great be carried oll.
doul of interest was decided by in fact during the present se the Judge of the Bridgetown sion of the Legislative Council.
His Excellency was agreeablo Under the headline Notes Petty Dabt Court on Thurshay to the establishment of district Comments the Herald says last, in which the President of We learn that sluce the report the Westbury branch ot markets, the first to be establithe shed at Brown Town in the ed big gush of oil from vells was sued by a fellow otticer vicinity of Windward Road and sunk by the British Union Oil the quondam Secretary, for false Bryden Street, Co. Lid, at Turners Hall, St. imp.
St. imprisonment and was muletec Andrew, oven still better signs in the sum of and costs Mr of rich deposits in that vicinity Corbin appeared for the plaintif Band Will Go To bave rewarded the enthusiastic Secretary and Nr. Williams to Toronto. 2011 wealous efforts of the opera: When he fenda beletroeidere Lovell tort. Some day last week. understand.
Happy Thought and Excellent dous flow of unusyall pressure missed the Secretary from office there was a tremen in his President disPlan.
which burst the pipes and ignor, his office but the refused to vaca e ed the confining energi of his ice and band over the One of the features of the top cock, and flowed and on book. The President had tle stop ad old lock removed from the desk of widely famous National Cana. in wonderful imitation spring perennial. So assertive by. the Secretary and in dian Exbibition, which will be the potatha which the books were The held in in August, will De a visit there of the band wol bas been forced to proceed wità on finding this had the been done broke open the our West India Regiment. It is purpiog the yield is quite satisfactory. Optim to continue his duties where upon a bappy thought to send Band of our line old Regiment is basing now replacad a feel the President Bive bim into to a centre such as this The lessness, the hope custody for breaking and enter we ing but he was released at the umque history of the LR learnt, unpacked some of their Police Station.
leads interest to such an and so does the fact that Canada ed for Trinidad and traasterred tion of contesting authority than event mechanical kit which was labell It seemed to be rather a qu9s.
and Jamaica, as parts of the it to various local stations at ot preserving the property of same Empire, have.
within re re, which operations had cent years, been drawing closely either temporarily or permanenbeen, the Association.
togetner. Tue visit will certain tly abandoned. We wish the by prove a stimulating one and Company and the Colony suceducational in the best Fatal Accident.
vel cess, sense to the men who represent the Regiment oz the occasion, and we can be confident that No Work In the Shipyard. Waterford Factory St. Michael sad accident occurred at they in their turn will leave on impression in Canada tbat Jamai Wednesday afternoon The Harbour has showed little which a lad na med Whittington.
last by a can produce guod musicians signs of activity of late, and aged 18 of white complexion and tha. tbe 1, R, is a regiment labour in more than one direc employed as factory, overseer to be proud of.
has prev iting conditions. The ship circumstances. It appears that lost First Amalgamation Then ment for a yards, which provide employ hind number of highly Faenda in bid with which he wa skilled mechanics and Improvement.
others, at one of the factory employees barren of for on some part cane crush This is the decision reached by quitós dengthy period. and. aber wing couchinery for her to be able result of pressure, been caught by cogs of a the Governor regardir King forced to reduce their staffs to a He tried to pull away the bag but ston. So he told the deputation minimum. Blackwood from the City Council which he wbo are the largest employers called the spindle caught Ltd. in doing so a part of the machine his received last Saturday, He has in this line, have, we understand body and by its revolving motion promised that an amalgamation made a big reduction in their hauled him within the machinery measure will be brought before list, over thirty men of a staff of by which he was crushed. Death the Legislative Council the sion.
seems definite seventy or eighty mechanics be was instantaneous enough Approving of the plan first class men who have served on Poursday by Mr.
ing rested. These include many An inquest was held at 30 a lo for an increased water with the firm into execu ion home velle not sean ction putting this and worked up to positions are parties touring acting di anda amalgama jury inquire circum.
tion is an accomplished fact. and shipbuilding departments. gedy. post mortem examina in the engineering stances attendant upon the traHis Excelency howuyer, promis The other shipyards are no less tion ed to sanction the establishment hard bit and are practically idle Mortimer Johnson Government of a district market at Brown We hope conditions will soon Bacteriologias Town, it the Kingston General improve in the Harbour for and after the evidence of Commissioners are ready too much depends upon the Colony witnesses had been taken a verab ad. Regarding amalgamation patronage in that quarter, Sir Leslie expressed the belief dict of accidentul death was rethat it could be carried through turned by the jury.
in three months. That seems to Infanticide.
us rather doubtful, considering Strike of Labourers.
the very controversial matter bound up with the scheme as the the dead body of a newly boro About midday on Saturday Governor has outlined it.
The Weekly Illustrated states female child was found floating that with regard to the strike of in the Caregage above the Cham. labourers which took place at Proposed Increase of In berian Bridgeser boy named Searles Factory, Christ Church Slyvan Sylvester noticed the it was understood that the arcome Tax.
object doating on the water and rangements made by the Mana on investigation found that it ger for carrying on the business Meeting Says No.
was the corpse of a child wrap with new hands worked satisfac ped in a piece of cloth. The mat. torily and the two policemen gent ter was reported to the Police to his assistance were not Ed very largely attended meet who took charge of the boơ y and ed.
ing of the Association, in the Associations to the Public mortuary on the room in Barry Street, on Tues. Reel. An autopsy was subse, Yachting News.
day evening, unanimously adopt quently made by Dr. Johnson ed an emphatic protest against who stated that the child was to murdered by the severing of its The Gleb of the 5th ulto states increase the Income Tax, on the windpipe. The police are looking that the recent inauguration ground that tion for the mother of the infant, Yacht Club in Barbados has met would be ur nat the tax payers with considerable support so at present pay a high rate, and Teachers Exchange Visits. ed at the time is now that the Easter regatta suggest direct taxation is already very assured.
high in so much that a number Good old salt who had given up of producers are forced to bor In the exchange of visits be the game is back in it with all row money to pay their taxes. tweep Trinidad and Demerara the old vigour, and the old names It was also decided to appoint teachers we see an e ort in these of the favourites of the past may a deputation to present this view parts to emulate the action of of the case to the elected mem. the teachers in the bigger divi(Continued on Page 3)
an tragic lashing bave been wheel That be importance performed stos and Pathologist by Dr.
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