
TAE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 1922 PAGE TARPB Doctor TWEEDS SERGES LININGS Brown ute which is ratifying church who American Bazaar had the privito a Sergeant be Injured HSSSSSSS Rev. Mayhew IN OUR COLON STORE ONLY Bargains! Bargains. Bargains. Honour Conferred on a Barbadian by the Morris To ke room for new stock coming in shortly, we 60 TO THE PANAMA BARGAIN HOUSE Brown University.
have arranged When you wish a cheap, but docent Suit (complete. The Port of Spain Gazette of VERY LARGE REDUCTIONS IN the 12th, ulto says. We have bats, hose, collars, ties, and so forth.
very much pleasure in announcing that on Saturday last, Rev. Mayhew, D, the ener getic and zealous Superinten Also cheap Cots for the weary Traveller dent of the the Metropolitaa Church in this city receiv ed the very gratilying news of bis preferment to the degree of Address. MULLER BUILDING of Divinity by the Morris University of Atlanta, CALIDONIA This news news was formally an nounced at the AM Church in Woodford Street on Sunday, and the manifest joy and pleas: with It was received was indeed The conferring of this honour CALLE No upon Rev. Maybew, is the result of his ability, sal and thorough EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ness in the work of the PRIVATE ACADEMY which he has brought to such fruition in Trinidad as is indirectly one of the results of English Classes the recent visit to this colony of His Lordship Bishop Fountain. For Young Ladies 6 Suruck by Rev. Mayhew rare administrative ability and the AND FOR BOYS 7 marked progress wbich the Church had made under his Mon Tues. Thurs. Fridays, brief supervision His Lordshid COLON invited to take a trip to the Maybew United States there BARTON, 908 to get into personal contact with the governiog authorities of the Church. Some months after Rev, for the Mayhew letu West Indian News.
United stated that a woman was States where he had the seen and one each for classes BD walking along the Road. She at and In view of the number lege of preaching a sermon on a first rushed to one side of the of horses in the various classes (Continued From Page 2)
SURGICAL MEDICAL CLINIC special topic before the Faculty road and then of the Morris Brown University and kept on to the other and the support expected from egain be heard ringing in our at this till the the sister colonies the meeting Central Avenue No. 46 aars. new boat, built by Mrat bis irresistible delivery and chauffeur in attempting to avoid will be a good one.
Henry King for Mr. Bynoa and ect impressed the Faculty there and looking control of the wheel handling of his sub sa accident colloided Drs. DANIEL CHANIS AROSEMENA and to be known as Whitewings can be no doubt, for, sometime the car ran into the drain with FROM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY (ENGLAND)
was launched yesterday and after his return to the ST. LUCIA colony the aforementioned result By will be classed with the Gartist Rex. Mayhew was requested other the PRIVATE CONSULTING HOURS.
Enthusiasts are verv keen and write a thesis on some Theologi news reached the arima Con Death of Mr.
Dr. Chanis from to p. in.
mean to bring of bumper cal subject. This he did, select: stabulary and Parris meeting ing as his theme: The Creation learni Dr. Arosemena from to 11 a.
the chauffeur had As viewed by the eye of Faith. Learning that Martin.
The result of this effort is the cars and despatched a constable deserted his charge engaged There are free consulting hours every day in the French good news which forms the sub car TRINIDAD Pharmacy from 10 to 12 a, and from to p.
ject of the paragraph. B: roads leading to Arima. The says: in a car along each of the three The Voice of March 22nd respectively Mayhew leaves here on the 25th plan worked out successfully for instant for New York, and Mars was captured at Piaco. In It is with profound regret No Small pox in southencement of the Univer, woman and men were con vased phadema artin who for the past the the meantime we record the death, almost sudden, of Mr.
Trinidad wa the »might months sub capped and gowned. and will be the woman expired probably be a few Editor of this paper, for two minutes afterwards.
We er to bim our and Walcott were treated and months.
Wiltshire Mr. Martin who had been laid Suspicious Cases of Chicken heartiest on for nine weeks, with Pox Under Control. rted what appeared to be a swelling. which has been confered upon to serious were detained and on the shin bone was ordered to The Public is hereby notified that the removed to the Victoria Hospital last Friday the The Port of Sprin Gazette of It may also be mentioned that Colon. Hospital, Port of Spain for an operation which was suc.
SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO April 4th says: cessfully performed on Saturquite recentis Rer. Maybe wehind where they are no meaning. The day. Everything was progress.
distinction of are that might be ablaging med selected by the headquarters to manslaughter and hari ke dappear ing satisfactorily when at p.
charged engendered Has been Removed to 107 Central Avenue, Corner either inside or outside the colony prepare this year Easter pro before the Arima Magistrate on Monday when suddenly he gramme for the Missionary in due course, 16th Street West.
unfounded rumours. over certain developed heart troubles and of the prevalence to Port of Spain Church. The same partment of the MÉ.
passed an ho away within a quarter of (Upstairs Studebaker Automobile Depot. of a certain infectious disease, comprises we deem it advisable He was buried at Choc Ceme to publish aa. Operetta, entitled Tcium. FATAL RESULT OF PLAY The new premises are well equipped for turning out an authorised statement of the hant Easter which he has set tery the same afternoon woen real situation. On the the best class of work musical composition.
the huge concourse of people March the Health Authorities the Metropolitan Church on will be rendered at Child Crushed to Death followed him to his last were notified of the occurrence Easter afternoon resting place testitied to of two cases of eruptive fever, We have to thank Rev.
Mayhew at o clock love and respect with which be TWO MEN CHARGED WITH was regarded in the community PHOTOGRAPHS and thereupon the qnestione for an advance MANSLAUGHTER arose whether it was chicken boca His Career.
or alastrin (which is a pox AS Mr. Martin who was 52 years mild of of small pox) similar to forwarded us, cursory glance little excitement was old, was a Antigua and mi outbreak that occurredine mo at which, indicates a musical created on Saturday afternoon was the holder for a first class NEW YEAR GIFTS pidad some nineteen years ago? Settideity of the theme.
quite in harmony with last at Maraval on the fatal result Certificate from the Mico TrainIn conseqvence the two cases Rav.
Mayhew is a native of sters were engaged and in which 1890. He taught at the Wesley of a game in which two young ing College in that Colony since Remember your friends with your photograph this reported were isolated at the Barbados where he was a very five year. child, named an School at Freetown, Antigua Id year and they will remember you as long as vaccinated. The suspicion was all cts successful teacher of the Mora Fred Letrench lost his life. for a few years and came over to the the photograph lasts.
more acute, because of the Hill St. Michael (Ed Combined at Spooners From From information gathered it St. Lucia in 1894 and took charge during the of alastrin in in Jamaica would appear that two men, Leo. of th: Castries Anglican Juvenlast eighteen and Philip Herrera ile School. In 1896 he moved to and in Hayti and San Domino were playing with a cart which which Ansu La Fatal Accident At and Our Photographs are Permanent the same year was on of hill to and lowed to the town on tits Choise. In 1999 he removed to recently been at notified from to Roman Abadie, Have that long delayed photo which you promised Cuidad Bolivar, and from time to owu impetns for their heir enjoyment. Grenville, Grenada, where he time detected on vessels arriving careful search East Indian Woman Kini Thistle teid terveral times but took charge of the Wesleyan your friend so often Juntorluaately for ed. Four Men Injured.
bas been made throughout PortReturning back to St.
in repeating the trick the cart Lucia in 1904 he opened a private MADE TO DAY IN OUR NEW STUDIO present ran against a tive year the Premier only two more very chauffeur Charged with Man which was beside a concrete em at the same time editing the The coolest in the city where you are certain of the cases have been discovered.
it best attention.
amongst children at a certain Red Hill, Abadie, was the death.
Lance Corporal Brown, late Mark Zapherin. In 1906 school. The usual precautions of scene of a fatal accident on Eas. O, ia charge of the district he left for St. Kitts where he isolation were at once adopted, ter Monday afternoon at about made certain investigations and taught at the Sandy Point Wesand all contacts vaccinated. So far 5:30 o clock resulting in death to acting on information received leyan School. The same year be however, it is gratifying to know an East Indian woman Day and Night Photographs named charged Toussaint and Herrera was called to Dominica where he every indication points Bagghia and serious injury manslaughter towards chicken pox and away of edited the Free Press at the employees of Letrench They tu of the Tacarigua placed before the City Magi Accountant at Messrs. Garra were forme. SCRANTON PHOTO STUDIO all The story given is that four strate and each remanded for way 107 Central Avenue Corner 16th Street West. and of the situation, are being maintained men. James Foster. Joseph Whit. trial in 25 pounds sterling ball, for 150, which he carried op years In May 1921 he consented to the unlikely possibility of Walcott hired a car from Abald definite cases of ulastrin The Trinidad Guardian says come over to St. Lucia as Subulastrin being Razac (Nagir) of discovered, all for The Mid summer Meeting of Editor of this paper. His sucthe purpose of an have already been made for im. Manzanilla. Razac had no chaal held on Saturday and Monday tion is too outing to the Trinidad Turf Club will be cess in improving this publica well known mediate isolation of over 100 fraged at the time and Foster June and The provisional readers to need any comment.
patients, and in addition, large the service of a chauf. programme calls for eight race: Though of a very unassuming quantities of vacine ara in stock leur named Clophus Mars who un each day and the prizas are and quiet dispunition he made ready to hand. As we said before was at one time in the employ. fairly attractive. On the first many friends in St. Lucia. He fear as to the medical administra. Arima. The party journeyed in for and class animals and and we shall miss him very tion being alive to the real situa Ford Car 1821 to Manzanilla and one each for CE class ani. much.
tion, which in the circumstance all went well till their return to mals, On the second day there To his wife and daughter bere It pays.
should not be made the occasion Red Hill, in the vicinity of will be two ontings for the and his other relatives ia Autifor undue alarm.
Garden Bridge, where, it is class animals two for the (Continued on page 6)
Notice of Removal yesterday with the 24th of The in his Own same who the very Operetta, which he has leindig Wasce of the Tou eaint LA Raye has at St. Kitts.
child school that to with the of Tanapuna arrangements the to our Advertise in the Workman


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