
TRK Prerris hir PAGE POUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 1922, DRI ALBOA EST EER REWED Commercial Evening School pith, at 3p.
Typewriting, Spanish, Re Singing Contest THE WORKMAN To the Editor of The Workmax Panama.
Sir, Will you kindly enlighter Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies VALROND, at the office Central Avotion Correspondence on all matters me on this peculiar pbase of th.
the La Boca Singing Contest hue and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited.
be staged on the 16th of DEX do All copy for publication must be month PO Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, ad Miss Lucine of Colon, it is un RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOS must be accompanied by the name of Ore Year. 40 U8. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publier derstood will be a competitor in this contest. This lady one Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
lived in Pauama with her B001 Three 600.
we do not undertake to return and now resides in Colon with Obe 36c erejected orrespondence her parents. If it so bappal that she carries of the tirs The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS prize wbich of th se two cities could rightly claim her as their SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1922 successful daughter? made a ttbat Panam. will win the first Drz) as against Colon ZONE COMMISSARIES AND HOTELS hence this queriy, Yours faithfully, W, Raynolds o think this should be refer.
The latest question before the public involving local made the arbibration Committe interest is the hinted operation of the Canal Zone com ohe Executive which ought missaries by private individuals. Already the hotels have to be connected to these fac fallen into private hand and are catering to the public at tions (Pd. lower figures than the offcial operators offered during the Jast six years. Card of Thanks.
The meal ticket has been the constant worry of the canal employee since the United States entered the late Antigua Progressive Society.
war. Prices went upwards, and patrons of the hotels George Smith of Broadfound their boarding bills trying and perplexing; yet, way. Colon, takes this opportu3. The STEWERT there was a sort of adjustment to a circumstance that, nity of thanking all those who bv their attention and otherwise On ndiy the there will be at the time, did not seem to be controllable, however dis chowed thatr sy in pathy towards regular bu ior meeti e of the above agreeable and unsatisfactory it might have been.
his son, Smith, junio Whether the Canal Zone hotels will be operated on a during his 18 days illness which on Friday 12. b, at this moeting there more profitable scale now that they are run by private ture to his home in Vincent, Quinland and immediately prec d his depat. will be an important lesture by Mosere individu»Is is left to be seen, but of one thing there is Speciai mation is made Su juot Antiguans Abroad Sunday much discussion, and that is, the patrons receive more for of the members of the Colon My 14th will be Thanksgiving service their money than thry received in the past; and it is Wesleyan Church and choir.
CL:SSES IN believed that they get better service, too, under the nonadministrative system.
which came here sometime ago. What that Commission Shorthand, Etc.
What made the hotels on the Canal Zone so unsatis, said on the subject was what was generally thought by factory was the fact that the stereotype, red tape policy of residents here but which was locked in silence because of general management with orders and cumbersome regula. its official insignificance.
tions originating at the head office to away all executive There does not seem to be any definite knowledge as 51 16th TREET WEST sponto niety from the local managers who, very often, t) who will take over the commissary business. Certainly possessed brilliant ideas for the operation of a big eating the military department can Some of the big comm PANAMA CITY house but who were obliged to suppress them in deference cial agencies in Panama might do profitable business by a to the mandates of the boss who ordered otherwise.
try out on the proposition; or perhaps, some of the local There being nowhere else to eat, the employees were merchants might coalesce on the venture. If the canal forced to bow to the pestiferous nonsense and adopt them government are ready to throw in the sponge why should Baptist Church. Mm) ial Service at Friendly selves to the chronic annoyances that departmental not some keen sighted business men of Panama or Colon Capital Society, administration imposed upon them during all the years take a trial.
Colon, 11 am and 7:15 m, Pastor when the pe for improved conditions was never lost. What the business men can do with the commissary Thrift.
On Sunday evening at at the But no improvement came either in management or ser is exactly what the Panama Ca. al failed to do. Carry Chocillo, 11 am and 7:15 Pastor Friendly Capital Society Hall.
vie. and the result has been that the patro is continued to only those articles of clothing food and neral utility a very impressive and appreciasuliér great inconveniences, shouting their complaints that the porsooal taste, culinary genius ani domestic Corozal Road 11 am Dacoa Sic wart tory service was conducted necessities require taking in stock orders in proportion to 7:15 pm. Litos.
into unhearing ears.
Bless Memory of Pueblo Nuevo, 11 M Gali Ja kinin de cassed menor.
In private operation of the hotels the management is the size and purchasing ability of the community so that mr 7:15 VYearwad, l DE rot bothered by any over head regulations or orders. there might be quick turn over and no dead stock for Empire, 11 am 7:5 Mr. Brown deceased laty, Wats read by Everything conducive to the running of the business which non sales would be shunted on to the moving arcides Civa, D:4001 Fiel JE Bide аnd wаѕ vеrу Now Providena Dicon Broom. interestig the inner she begins ara ends with the ir dividual or individuals who are in the form of a iditional chakes in quadrating the general Gatua, Tauridiy Pastor Tarift. discharged t! Vad sonstiright on the spot and whose operative acumen plans for profits and losses of the business.
the satisfaction, convenience and comfort of their boarders The whole community would ike to see the disappearof her home, social and CHURCH SERVICE religious lite whose patronage they solicit.
ance of governmeat operate com nissaries throughout the in al sud Wis loving wife, In the past the hotels were run as if the pleasure and Canal Zone. They have had their day, their sinhas as al contenther, and a (American Epitel Curch)
reliste frial. The socie y in privilege were the patron who had to be proud of the long sex and their usefulness has been long served. It is wie she red has lost a meal, the time that something be done for the conveniencs of the St. Paul Church, Panama.
oppor unity of finding somewhere to buy earnest co varker and a mother an a. m, Holy Communion, extreme inconvenience, no withstanding Now, the plea public and not the gratification of the government, and it of this who cuneuder hr 10 a, tn, Litany infience; she sure and privilege are the proprietor who experiences a is believed that these stores run by private business men 10 m, Mving, benefactress of goodness and sentiment of satisfaction in seeing his business solicita would answer the desires of everybody.
It would mean better business for the stores in the 10:30 am. Holy Eucharist, and ser love.
tions answered by the presence of contented patrons.
The memorial address 30 Holy Baptism, was The commissaries, whose operation has always been republie with which competition would be on equal delivered by Mr. Johnson p. Sandy School far more unsatisfactory than thar of the hotels, are now grounds. It is felt sure that there would be a better business spirit between the operators of the Canal Zone stores 30 pm Caoral Evansong and ser 3rd: Cap. verse 12 The woman his subjects was taken frou Gan.
the subject of serious discussion on the Canal Zone and in and the merchants of the cities of Panama aad Colon, and Panama. The trust company policy that has character. it is also a certainty that the success of the Zone stores NIGHIENGALE. Vicar. all the good and bad traits in Toou gavest me. He explained ised the commissary business is the prime cause of its would not prejudice the interests of those in the cities of the life and character of women failure.
St. Alban s, Paraiso.
There is no method of selection so far as the the repub re.
and his exordium purchaser is concerned. The inflexible coupon book on 11 a. Matins and address. interesting The cash payment system would be another welcome pm Sunday School, the one hand, and the routine system of serving on the band and Mr. Blades choir 30 Evensong and address.
took part which added much to other, coupled with the disadvantage of having to accept change Coupon books are only valuable when the com what very often is not desired has rendered the Panama missary store nappeas to have the articles sous ut, or waen af, Nigu reNGale Priest in charge the brightness and solemuity of the occasion. Many addresses Canal mmissary the most lobster like institution known there is some favourable substi cute available. Täis doesn happen very often, and on that account the earnings of the Bible Truth Churches. were given suitable to the purin the world.
canal emplo do not go as far in domestic matters as San Miguel pose and all went away with The rumours afloat that the commissary operation will they intrinsicul coud. ten doltar coupon book might 5:30 am Mornine Prayer plasant recollections of the deceased.
pass out of official bar ds to be run by private individuals, only ocure six dollars worth of desired goo 1s; the re10 am Childr Service like the hotels, may be unfounded, but they sound good. mawing four dolia mght have tɔ go in unaecessary and 11:a in Preso ng Service Nothing is more desirable than to see the commissary undesirable commudi ies. This is waste, 30 Sunday School Palhetic Rumination.
7:30 am Gopal service.
stores managed by private business men, because it is When people are able to go the cornmissaries with krown that only men of business experience would ven hard money line at the Crisubil store, and not non trans.
Caiidonia 5:30 a Moring Prayer The lights in her eyes went out, ture to bid for the deal.
terable coupons, and make the same kind of selctions of 10. m, Childr Servi se.
And in them crept the night, The so called managers of the commissary chain pure ase as cut be done in all respectable communitie 11 am. Preaching Service The dimpled e dor of her swile stores, from stem to stern, have always been seventy five incre will be more public satis action and better bus ness 2:30 pm Sunday School Escaped me loging of my sight.
per cent inefficient and ninety per cent inexperienced. In advan ages acerving to the buyer and the seller alike.
7:30 Gosp. Service, The face, once kind and gentle BARCLAY Pastor in charge many cases, men who might have been better time checkers The service that can be rendered the public by capable Lust all its color and its charm, or gum chews were appointed to the manager desk at the and efficient clerks under the private operation of the comAnd in it. plsce reposing lay, commissary store to flounder and fluster at and with missaries would be far superior to anything in that lige Seventh Day Adventist Church bl sched, utflussing calm, everything and everybody from the telephone to the cod. that has been found under the present system. At present, 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA The mildner of her voice was gube fish barrel and from the clerk to the janitor. PULL as in the pa in the life of the Panama Canal commissar Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am, SabAnd curious cricks replaced the tone was frequently accountable for the appointment of a men ies the salusmaas obligation to please and satisfy ba School; 11 15. m, General Worship The carefree air of girlhood fare Gave place to misery and to care.
tal imbecile where a competent applicant failed to obtain grouchy managers and ad aere to sed price lists whether 30 m. Somnish Class: 30 passing consideration.
the articles sold and delivered were acceptable or not to a Young People Meeting; 30 As gaz on the pite us sight, Vespera.
Tran figured and in desperate plight The commissaries have always been less like stores take it or lose. it chien cele Sunday night 30 pm. Service All The world seem cruel and unjust, and more like custom houses where policemen, time Under the cbange which everybody looks for salesmen To tender creatures of the dust, inspectors and informers run through the coupon books, will recover their business courtesies and aim at pleasing The tortures of a life on earth scrutinize the metal checks, investigate the time slip and the public whose patronage would determine the success demand indentification of family ties and other affinities or failure of the stores. The quicker the commissaries fall WILKNSON Would krieve the heartder med to use When and untaught in order that the operation of the commissarits might be out of the hands of the Supply Department of the Panama How fearful and how grievaoua iis done with business like despatch and departmental Canal and the sooner private operation becomes establish CONTRACT( BUILDER taught, precision. Wow!
ed, the better will be the business outlook in the more First Class Workmanship The unmeti odical management of the Commissary satisfied will the general public on the Canal Zone be with Plans and Specifications Free Rent Recei at Book in SpanDivision of the Supply Department of the Panama Canal the improved store facilities in which mea can feel like 5th Strest Was House 99 Ish and English for sale at The was scathingly criticised by the Investigating Commission independent purchasers and not like obligated solicitors. P1, Box 4i1, Panama, WORKMAN Printery: Wirt Se si le a mn, mon.
was ver are welcome.


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