
THE WORK AAN, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1922, PAGE FIVE Atlantic Side News AT GAS od Member pre: vious to tb.
Broth and strenu during her be OUR AIM IS toda Her remains was Wanderers demon Canal! Zone Notes carries bowe lant last Tuesday prestige.
of dye to the a taree months.
400 heret th Decision than Cricket on the At fields and there ventilate their theories.
In Refutation. Entertainment lantic Side.
The match between Cornwall of Gatun and Westmore.
land of this city fell through on To the Editor of the Workman PARAISO CLUBHOUSE WANDERERS HANDS OUT Cornwall wanted to bst her own account of the same feelings.
Dear Sir. Please allow me pace in one of yonr valuable FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1922 CRUSHING DFFEAT TO ball and Westmoreland refused Within the reach of all Columns to make a reply to a VICTORIA to comply to her request, hence tatement publisbed in the Star The Isthmian League of BE there was no game. This is the Herald of April 22nd, 1922 ish West Indians will give spirit in which cricket is played If you buy a Gas Stove (By a Correspondent)
ended, volon Love Charity VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT on the Atlantic Side. Is nt it nemlent Socialy, and sign and Dance, we will make the The much talked of match be put an end to such time that tbe Lague should mockery tween the Warderers. Has cricket fallen into the band: GAS INSTALLATION FREE have been authorized by the Diors open at 30 m, Committee of Mangement of Come and spend an enjoyable aan ohampion team of the Atlantic this side If the Gas Installation is 29 said Society to state that th: side and Victoria the lead of wrong men on sening writer is. rejcha member irg team in the competition ore. There is certainly some weed already in the kitchen and that the entire publication that needs weeding out, and to this match, came off at we will furnish ng false as it is ridiculous.
tion hort illness with which she was the Victoria oval on Sunday the bope the ruling authorities will And 008: afflicted a month after she gave TWO BURNER GAS STOVE And SO referring to 30th. The interest centered in come to be rescue. am.
rs whose names he men birth to a child Mrs. Grazette this match was so great that ASPECTATOK.
Lioned in this arlicle, it is a well ber of the Christain Mission, and vas a devoted and ardent memFREE over six thousand people were known fact, that bad it not been ber of present to witness same. It was for their vigilance truly a game worth while seeing. Fidelity Lodge to Meet.
life time she took an OUR labour The bowling and fielding of the ictive Society part in all the activities in perbap elin obampions were a revelation to might not be connection with the religious in existence DOM We do of not all present Getting rid of the the Mission special summoned meeting care to go into an ninistrations Powerful Victoria combination of the Fidelity Lodge No, 29, Gas Stove In Every Kitchen long controversy, therefore fo The services were held always at combination that only two Independent United Order of the fóformation of the publicit per home generali we make this statement sorrowing friends and relatives followed by a large number of wechs previous made 174; runs Scottish Mechanics, will take for wickets against the Sus place on Tuesday, May 9th at the PANAMA COLON GAS CO. Thanking you for space, beg to the Gatun cemetery where the to remain, sfx C, C, one of the strongest St. Jame e Lodge Hall, Eghth PANAMA OFFICE. AT COLON OFFICE: Yours, ceremony was said by Elder team in the competition for the Screet and Hudson Lane, Colon; Burke. The deceased leaves a insig. iticant score of 26 roos in when business of vital impor Cathedral Plaza YOUR 93 Bolivar St. BURNHAM husband and three children to the first innings and, 18 in the cance will be transacted. Mem Secty. General nourn their loss.
second on a perfectly prepared bars are requested to attend Tel. 798 SERVICE TeL 364 wicket. Spencer and Reid the punctual at o clock. Scottish trundlero Mechanics of the sister lodges New Birth were simply unplayable, es are cordially welcomed to the pecially the former, who turned meeting.
couple. The bride trousseau Wanted his bails like a serpent from leg Born to Mr. and Mrs Ossavio a was a gown of Co a se, com a LA BOCA baby boy on Thursday 27th inst, to oft; and from off to leg, at will.
sah trimmed with orange blosmany were the congratulations Welsh and Allen captains of Com. West in Colon soms in which she was delight COLORED NURSE. LA BOCA LITERARY SO the successful delivery from friends and acquistances on the respective teams went on fully attired. large crowd Girl 12 to 14 years.
of the the ground at 12, 30 and tossed CIETY nother. Mr.
The High Commissioner of the assembl. to witness the tieing Ossavio the coin for the inning, Welsh Apply with him a pleasant smile as a won the toss and sent his oppor Association for the republic of Universal gro Improvement of the nuptial knot STAR HERALD AGEVOY One of the most enthusiastie moeting Mother and babe is doing well token of the pleasurable event.
nents to the wickets. Spencer Colon of the Society was held at the Club from the North and Leid from Panama, the Rev. EC West is She South were entrusu with Libarty Hall, and a large a tend with hold og series of meeting at JOHNATHAN RANKINE niebt.
Batles, il the attack Coleridge and ance gather every evening th worship of the Bsd Trinity, any, ro abent, while several vir. Egleston will be al Boca Bouland the Victoria first pair liten to his addresses. He is Deals With Rev. Trott at picture of which was published in the ones were made. This muuturou went out uphold the forceful speaker: in tructive, Bocas Diy Cleaner (Knaton Jamsios) in was due incip ly to the fact that th of their club. Spencer fi Mr Egleston the scretary members wanted to its issing of reh 13, 1922? put the temporary President Mr O, Gatun Clubhouse hus been trans over to Coldridge letted runs inspring, and have done a grat with su hority, this the first que maiden. In cal for the movement in both Reid bowled erred temporary to Bica, Coling who will be leaving with and only clergyman, ey worker in the vide Mr JO Collins who will be Spencer next over Coleridge of the terminal cities. Attaboy. To the Edi or of the Workman, was taken in the slip off the first Dear Sir. Io your issue of April Sune Ansican Church of whore pro. facily for the United Stes, his na iv home for a few months Vacation. Th on vacation for is published a conmunication over the press and popular ty Riv. c Pratt om Mr. E Waller will proram, woich is app oded ball Ailen filleo the take the vacancy Thanksgiving Service nity of Trot which puporte ba evine de les. made a single of the second the was made up mstly of voel rendition place of Mr. Egleston, and will to be a ply to one one from hid ball, Biulaid played in the Qualifyinz hins: the servant of the by mmbers who decided that continue the activities commencThe fannual thanksgiving ser wich appeared in the Workma or Trot: Cita biblical 1912 sweat strios of veal and insumir ed by him halos of ship, the score stod McC llius goes to of sledition on me cu som fo 20. After ten minutes play vice of the Independent Order ske befwe, plsss allow in the nee ethe United States bub bowlers found their length of Galil an Fishermen, S HTV spice to put is rejoinder quite awar) that before a pies of the music would be more appropriate any Church of Dazkınd this misis er is Trud extemporaneou and the whole team went down celebrated by the State District Any person why leprecbes: But never up Cricket Game Fell Through for the gi iticant score oi 26. Grand Lodge Nit and the letter in your issue of Mello last two por of intellet, Tratt ha pedhin nar the word Fir what PROGRAMME Warner who made 87 two wes subordinate lodges under their will note that th v Mr.
to puta suthority brity his servant of Lord to Vocal Solo, Mi Bulen On Sunday last the Cornwall C, previous was top score Af er frisdiction on Sunday, April mit denied, ratiempied Mr. R berts recess, Wint and Oseal 23rd at the Flower of the Ith stinge count in the indicant mard invito a care er en demnation up any jarneyed over to Culo for uite Wanderers were usual the Lod Hall, The Master of against him in the matter of has overen? la what vo ss of the chasers of Recitation, Mis or Ball ne purp ise of a contest with the can nie lacres 190ch 49 authori Shill our parting first pair to face the bowi Cirmonies Bo. James Small was elf ift to bres itin progress Nestmorelan cc. in the of and State Grad Ruler proformed Church under the new pries, ap vinted ty mposed to btly Apostles Frvr JW. Rno da Coldridge ing Clair Cup Competition, the clubs Bouland, Coldndge first over over the beautiful ritualistic cere in diesession to the exte or wie Dinmoy batted AD 19:22 vere captained by Messrs Cain Wint.
Wara lhe drople would cold was (11) Trout) w: Locum tenens.
10 nt netled runs. Boulard mony and Bro.
Mr Jump or Westmoreland and her bebis trivit pia, evad toon Gran people Pago Diet bi wled a maden to neal. 11 AR gave an in ring ser Mister Bayne and very much to a did:0B Lugintly reprove bado beat it won, taking his text. Follow me man ly that he had Rhesu Coldriage nexover Wint dron misunde standing in a Viel previous the tire ball for che neal thund will make you tishers of Con Lastaid. explica a slussard into the sun in the word Ye kas not what Collin rrangement about the ball to he are Way! Trott large thering of twee bee use in wine, the express washed of Recitation, fourth for MC MK 0x Bouland who haa men ised, and it being impossible to the site virus of Votal Solo, Me Red found a length was cowling numbers of the Order were in so it is said preface the tw) wo de come to some suitable arrange Viel silo, Mr Go Richards Chen proceeds to in rodes something patwon mr bolins than his pre beautituly puzzling both bats attendance.
ant the game was called off of St. Mary Church, altogether foreign to the question Vocal Solo Mr Tam wen, with the scule at he beat and referre to the cricket coun istu, and eade with a malicious outpur His dahip the Asian and La Boca Notes neal with a good one getting otar pries of the Church of Englant, th: ci ty to night at the u usl hour There will b: spcial meting of oil for a decision. The public of bitter wrath.
him easily om caught Reia filled 10 vas very much disappointed in 83 though the brain of to cheching set forth the vacancy with the score at appears Tuesday evening quite a concerning this toister should be submitted to a him in this and the preced and each and every mumbar urgentes sot seeing the game played. The Wint was next bowled with a larve action was unsportsmanlike and number of members ad one from Boaland.
Spencer attended the Society wett scientido ex minston the spirit shown in the West Ia: For what isa sa paragraph. Iin reply to diaboli reqsed to ba prost, est in slediction of the Rev.
his speaks and acts more contrary to c.
Singing Contest.
Trot 10 followed, after the score was ing at the Wesleyan Chirchen The Society has found it convenien grettably absent amongst cricket rethe taken to 17 be was sent back the meeting was opened precise own sayings. Wan Me Trout sally say to im, dil Paul to the members of the team who Llewelyn then followed had old himselt and Reid toolly at 30 Mr, K, Walters moaned because the membership of St. worthy High Priest Cuphas, God to publish brewith the names of th President Mary hala soul emite thou wall, three judges for the All Istbmion for purpose of score to to 40 before a separation Areerd the singing of the hiljainen dozan oid women, was paid subscription references to the bie race for me as lying n wat tə bu hold at the Clubhous playing the facchine.
be was told to Me, Tratt visit the metab 19 was made; the never under the aussions of the Society on the httle or no trouble and of the bats and prayers, the scriptures Woorder to brigh en the condition, but, ka be bad it until read the pubic. 16. ipetant Ms Liods Smart, Cristo who Death of Rose.
the whole side was out for 68 spoke on the subj cu turbulent the tioa uader reply La Dember 1920 this bu cz; S W. Iters, LB negative by Mr.
Gwying this the master said to ne that he did not so CZ and am not going to be Professor and their sup ligion to Barton, Pants to Everyway orters It is with sad regret the lle very interesting pipe o place to gossip. Waw is it why be Bishop gradeda loe to the City. RP. Miss Smis from the thought it a fluke that that Lindo death Stewart of limented Island of that the Ry. Trott to that the wh PN egui Outso chep. So laudies on the subject for boldly out in prin: epo king of an ind omity whe Nel 19 th Bus figure ing and is a ceatre of Mr Rose was received The and soc al circles on ased was a member of the the, again with the eveness, of tae Isthmus Lodge intention to bit up a big scoreening, and at the close of Dideal reading me waieb o curred bere oe biet explad why Di. 100 in the Atlatie side of the tbmus. Si Come address, the President in is acquird wonderful musical abilitu was co con plaining for some tine apa utchere, and get the cham a stirring and powerful appeal to. April 1917, o, artw ng at this por: Sopom ser 1918 er saved liveness i» De.
pions ou cheap but they reckon the members to live consistentsust ber 19207 In this connection su wyte, lo brairy or from hrastive home and loelly Shout no one thought the ead was American so members turae ed without their hust. Spen. so the teachings of the Bible, must say of tba ine dent to which tais Ma ca 192. Mr. Trot akd mit be bus also traveled to manya, ssat o chud Budbe tiene e for Europan Cits where she furthered as in large numbers and did on the Miss Simons presided at the winter refers that was not the evasive y rapled, No for Bje is. bor sturlies and gained additional know their last honours to Chir qui Crunds, 42 cate of in spot with they could ake was 18 runs in Pr. ucs. beause of felony, erime, or wou hare ex. 040 oerwa csavers si sus ledge in mu is and singing, I whoh sosequently puse barwosa u misde. nour. Now six years later their sec od attempt thus the is Prin ipal of the Care very impressive and those Marriage Ceremony wont test of that dry scab and have the But very so discovered that this Zoe Coloured School Bics an atten ied the funeral expressed champions have to one of their raw Bore of the execution of the miaster 810 to impose upon me Choir Mas. er at the Wesleyan Church their groela ioa of the attention prealeat 18 ck of the season 200 serious concern shown by ty an inning and 14 runs a thing At Colon Wesleyan Church Law in that particular case. Let me thu reading of one of the lessons at also at that plios.
that no club has ever done on on Saturday last, Mr. Elnan Doy, bo vever, to Rev. Trout that prison Maine aad Ever rison Mains and Evensong. So deliberately Professor Birton qualifications in the brethren the Atlantic side and great Clark was joined to Miss May and penal se tlements is the purishb. e me uupuacul in attendadea eater this connetion are generally known in credit must be given them for Rice in Holy Matrimony. Both ment for vagabonds. criminals, and webfyurea during het ging of the local circles and need not commented Mr. Barton Leaves For La Boca.
this performance.
parties are from the island of felons. But they are sent in exci e who open ng byna at sun service Me. Noel upon.
After the close of business at La regrettable to mention Barbados. The ceremony was are men of brain, power and influence was still then and is the Bucus on techist.
Lit me say hers, that regard the Clubhouse on the h no ware applica bear that M: Burton will ac The residents here regret to the mat in which cricket is performed by Rev. Sur. And if after 21 years in the ministry a Atlantic side, geon.
Mr. Rulus Clarke, Rov, Trot finds himself looted granting of a licence as layreader the tions for entry into the content will be ere are members of certs brother offthe bridesgroom was at Guabito, living in one room and must tonu ave and precious gife eo an considered all wh» expect to compete copa. Me. cleston to La Boca he teams who when they are dei Postman.
The bride principal charge of a missi on. house built by the ci at and bistorie a Church is the Church and have not yet filed beir applications. It is, however, hoped u will not be manly enough wadies in waiting were the Misses Uaited Fruit Company for the use of of Egland oa boow on ulayms, with the Cathouse Secretary will please will enjoy the change and the Rv. be governed accordingly, to Gatua very much invigorated admit their defeat to the superior Lonza and Manning Mr. Gras all re igiorus denominations where the Bes for one to work und Treti woula ve a shame, after a pleasant stay in La Buca en e kting qualities of their ham presided at the organ, and bumiliaApelicans have only one Sunday per ition and cisgrace; because among with the friends there who opponents but to some super the sweet blend of the voices of minth and one night weekly, there the many Toons cannot GATUN always so very kind.
natural power. am astonished the choir was all that could be prima facie evidence of him or regard him wiser ble failure, and when in exile a spect from am shocked to hear such dia desired.
After the ceremony bolical principles cor fessed in a the sup rior man stan psiat of intellectual attainment, Mr and Mrs Brooks of (By our Correspondent)
civiliz age. think we fol Church, the party repaired to Mr. Trott manifests spirit of and he is far too much of a dissout ng to low the game same just for the love of sub street and Broadway, where covetupusness in his insinuation to the site are here andet enda lebih mudah and Dled Mrs. Catherine Grazzette. heartfelt thanks to the many it should raise our voices against a splendid marriage made with Catholick Apustulick authority ieacher, spiritual pastor, and persons who sympathised, with such unboly pretentions. Since was given by the br de and bride Costa Rica, where he w» left to oseapy It is with deep regret that them in their late sad bereaveThe guests enjoyed for nine yers. How is it that during all meer.
their soa these men are so mean hearted groom.
as to yary these cricketing quali. thenselves immensely, and that period Me, Trott did not set up a Thsaking you Mr. Editor for sɔ much report the death of Mrs. Cathe men. by the loss of rine Ann Grazette, which William who got drowaed two from the regions of short, the many were the good wishes for sick while the progressive Barb din space, an, etc. event took place at Ancon Hospi weeks ago while going on a picthey future happiness and prosperity who went throw a layong was able in JOHN ATHAN RANKINE, region of Necromancy tal on Monday last, when the nic outing should migrate to some other expressed to the newly wedded fifteen months to raise a fine building to Bocas del Turo, People Warden deceased lady succumbed to a (Continued On Page 8)
Papi of ودار او V SE Recitation Mrs. Kiny. Rakia lu oor Cornwall due. Bicu.
os Bebop Hivin regard to dies in playing was an we cave had read advice in the in the words, pring.
gave a cum lace er near The or and Reid was and all orxan.
the ball brother The to the departo cerem say Iters is Was who Esile It is played on are is 29 retbe de at who fol to be my


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