
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 1922 London Correspondence.
West Indian News.
THE IDEAL PHARMACY Drugs Patent Medicines Perfumes, Soaps etc. etc.
NO SUBSTITUTES USED which were were known LO that time stores have in ink Rabot yield in year Indeed to the year Du ulay 10 miluntil 1917.
ORDER BOOKS For Friendly Societies Kept in Stock at the WORKMAN PRINTERY illion Jar.
grieve to (Continued from page 3)
gua and the United States we BRITISH FINANCES vender our deep aod heartfelt No 1, 29th Street East, Calidonia Cuatro Bympathy, Mr. Martin was well known (BY LEONARD REID. OPPOSITE THE IRON GATE)
to the Editor of this paper durLondon, April. 1922. The EXPENDITURE.
ing his residence in the jelaod British financial year 1921 22 Actually of St. Lucia, by wbom his death ended last Friday, March 31st, Estimate Spent.
is greatly rexretted aed who and the Treasury, according to Supply Services 774, 851 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 719, 307 also join with the Voice in tencustom, issued that night Debt Charge dering sympathy to bis bereaved 345, 000 332, 294 statement of the year revenue family and relatives. EXW. show an income a Total ineluding gurpredling 45 other Item 1, 146, 123 1, 079, 187 Death of Mr.
million When the Budget for the year The surplus of 45 millions Raveneau was introduced, surplus revenue it will be seen was only made of 176 million poured in the War Assets which in a thorougbsterling possible by the sale of surplus The same paper also records was nominally the death of Mr. Clery Honoré Lauales but accouat was not would have ben transferred to not ty sound system of bookkeeping tahen of certain Rave eau who died at his resi.
Capital to be dene Mundshade at a, Account and not be approaching, the extent of 01 Monday th 20. inst, at the Without this item which revenue.
could not be forseen there is no surp no surplus but a deficit ripe age of yeh2 was born Per me venean, taiaty It was millions. Since the end at 125 at of the War sales of surplus officially Suufriere in 1840. was the expected that a surplus Only the purest and most genuine Drugs combrought of about 70 milllion pounds ster!
first of a family of 18 of whom less than might be looked for. This 720 millions to the Exchequer, are yet alive. Becoming fa:herhoing so, and when it is momen, and receipts from this soliste but there is little more to sell pounded by a reliable Pharmacist of over 1288 at an early age, he undertook the management ot the 12 ered 40 years experience family estate Devignean and covered by the accounts were a will become a rapidly diminishwas the sole supporter of the period of unprecedented and un ing quantity.
broken depression in trade and family for many years. After his On the revenue side there are WILLIAM de SOUSA, Proprietor marriage with Miss Angelina St.
industry the achievement of a number of striking figures.
Omer, the results of which wis surplus of 45 million pounds Customs and Excise yield to family of 6, he went to maoage sterling is a result which is far gather 324 millions, or slightly koos Cosessssssss Estate then the less unsatisfactory than might more than the estimateproperty of Mr. Dulile Du have been looked for. truly remarkable for the first three quarters ot of very bad trade; while income After the collapse of the sugar be tax and super tax also did well in prospect, and the position was bringing in 390 million pounds industry be went to the Panama Canal works in 1844 but after an only changed by the very sterling, or only 11 millions absence of ten months returned beavy revenue collections of the pounds sterling less than estiat the special request of Mrs.
past few montns, and by the mate. Thus these sources of and continued the fact that certain savings have revenue which are the permanent management of his estates until been effected which have to some back bone of the Budget, togeth.
1836 when he was transferred to considerable extent counter er yielded, 723 million pounds Troumassés Estate where he balanced the large supplemen official forecast by only sterling, and fell short of the remained until tary grants for unemployment lions. Othe other hand Excass For 42 years he was a faithDne: ful employee of the DuBoulay and other purposes, which ow Profits Duties have fallen short family and from the day he was ing largely to the economic situr of the Estimate by no less than suddenly and 898 without any tion were scattered over the For this the depression in trade Hlion pounds sterling. apparent reason, discharge by the late Mr. Em manual DaBuis almost entirely responsible, lay, he started to and was never again his old selt.
main figures in the year results on which duties are payable almost enti ely vanquished but Accustomed to leading an active are as follows: large amounts bave bad open air life; be slowly pined be re funded by the Treasurer under away aod finally took to his bed REVENUE (000 omitte early in Morch.
its agreement. Corporation profits tax have also yielded a dis: Mr. Raveneau during his long Actual residence at Trou massés made appointingly small return, for Estimate Receiple which again the state of trade Death of Mr. Cumthe Rum manufactured where Custome 126, 800 130, 052 and industryre side a most popularly desirable and his is responsible ponsible, on berbach the EVERY bospitality was lavish and weli HOUSEWIFE Excise, saving of 196, 200 194, 291 331 known as all wno had occasioned made on the supply Services, illion pounds sterling was Property and InShould be prepared for the accidents that happen in the houseto pass that way can testify.
398, 887 while thanks to the cos service cular pays the following tribute 410, 500 Но hold. Cuts, burns, sprains. bruises, are quickly relieved by that old, leaves a widow, six childThe West Indian Committee Cir.
of oft tried, standard remedy.
ren and numerous other relaExcess Profite money rates the Debt tires to mourn their loss to all Duty 120, 000 30, 452 required over 124 million pounds noted West Indian sterling less than had been anti cricketer:Dr. TICHENOR ANTISEPTIC of whom we extend our sincere Corporation Procipated sympathy.
fite Tox.
17, 516 The floating debt at the end of died in the Colonial Hospital, at Mr Cumberbatch, who Cooling, soothing, relief giving application. Don be without The deceased gentleman was it. Will relieve dobie itch. Keep it on hand all the time.
Post Office 60, 000 56, 400 the financial year stands at the father of Mr. Edward Raven. pleasant mouth wash. specifie cure for cramps and stomach 10294 million pounds sterling, Port of Spain, from pneumonia, eau at present employed in the Sales of Surplus troubles.
Municipal Eogineering Depart.
Stores, 170, 806 reduction of 2451 million pounds on February 15th, will be regret 158. 500 ment of the Panama Canal, and sterling in in the twelve months. ted by all West Indian sports.
This reduction however is almost men. Cumberbatch Buy a bottle of your druggist.
good Mr. Taylor Raveneau, who for entirely due to a change in the all round cricketer, who found many years carried on a liquor business in the city of Colon, Totat ineludform debt by the scale of place as a bowler in the West but lett a few years ago for the years, reasury Bonds, for the Indian cricket eleven which source)
United States.
1, 216 50 1, 124, 880 total debt shows no reduction. toured England under the captaincy of Mr. Gardiner To both these young men and Austin in 1906 He played in 17 other members of the family The Pruce Made by Sinn smash the hopes of negotiation matches, and was placed tentu WORKMAN tenders sincere conand to provide the wholesome in the atting averages. with dolence in their bereavement.
Fein and Free reprisals, by raids into Ulster, 18 39, and fifth in bowling with De Valera, misguided zealot, bas 27, 48 Following a choral service State become the main peril to Ire at All Saints Church, conducted GRENADA lands peace.
by the Rev. Stokeley Doorly, Chairman of the Bonanza Cricket Committee, this peace pact between the Govern British Expedition well known West Indian cricket Grenada British er was laid to rest at ment of North and the Lapey Population.
Ireland, achieved in London under the mediatory influence to Mt. Everest of representatives of all the local West Indian cricket clubs.
of Mr, Winston Churchill, is is 255 ft. 9ins. long and 27 ft. ins.
Under the above caption The development toward a Cumberbatch was a colored West India Committee Circular Ireland of tremendous signific.
The fact that tremendous Barbadian who had left bis beam. She has two decks. tween states that out of Grenada total ance. united Ireland has. physical privations have to be native home for Trinidad Many population of 66, 302, 99 always been the nominal aim of undergone and grave risks run years ago. Ed, W)
decks ft. high.
citizenSinn Fein; though the outcome with every remote chances of ship, acquired in one form or of Mr. de Valera policy of success makes the British exthe other. Of the 66 aliens, 19 er. couraging force and extrempedition to the summit of Mount Notice.
Her speed is 17 knots. She has Wireless, Electric are Americans, 15 French and ism can be seen in the radius Everest all the more wonderful.
Lights, Steam windlass, Steam steering gear, Refrig: 11 are Venezuelans, the of murders and ruined home The ascent of the actual majority of the last named residing in erating machine Evaporator and Distiller, Feed steads along the borderland tain will begin early next month.
Carriacou. These facts appear between Ulster and the South, it was discovered last year that The public is bereby notified water heater, Sounding machine, Running water, etc. from the census returned comWar in Ireland has been very a way existed to the summit, that will not bold myselt resnear in the past few weeks, but even assuming that the ponsible for any debts or debts We must Buy her for our Service piled by Mr, Garraway last year Eaglish is the vernacular of should De Velera throw the terrific gales that swept the contracted by my wife Marion the people, only 01 per cent.
Provincial Government from the Himalayan heights are ayoided, Murrell, as she is no longer of whom saddle it would be almost cer the main problem will still re under my care and protection.
speaks. patoia, the WE NEED 60, 000:MORE prohibition of which in the tain, though they are sound main to be solved. That problem CHARLES MURRELL.
Primary Schools bas caused its eventuality will be avoided. The live in such a rarefied atmosresource this MONEY gradual extinction. Ninety four ale Valerist conception persons are returned as speak.
de or phere as exists on the upper ing Hindu about half of the national freedom leads them to slopes of the world mountain. TO ADVERTISERS AT COLON You may subscribe some of this by purchasing number shown as having born and burning of news. It is very doubtful it it will be some of our 40, 000 Preference shares at One Pound in India. About one fourth of officers as in the case of possible to make camp at 25, 000 paper each or our 10, 000 Ordinary shares at One Pound the population is directly enthe Freeman Journal and the feet, and at such a height fatigue On and after March 1st unlimited use of bombs and is so rapid and cute that it re Advertisers at Colon whose in gaged each and become part owner.
cultivating the soil. Of the agricultural labourers the revolvers. No amount of border quires a tremendous effort to proportion of females to DO NOT STOP TO THINK. THE TIME IS NOW males warfare could have won what carry even the minimum of Ad. at present appear in the is as 132 to 100, N) fewer than the agreement signed in London clothing which the intense cola WORKMAN will make all re10, 646, or a or a sixth of the antire Joint boards of necessitates. Progress at such a mit tances to the Office and Write to the pɔpulation, are tabulated Catholics and Protestants are height is estimated to be at a all intending advertisers will proprietors of land.
established in the Protestants maximum of forty metres an the strength of the peasant uwe is gained tur the what it will be at 28, 000 or please communicate direct proprietorship system in Grenaceful solution of the bound 29, 000 feet it is possi oss with the WORKMAN Printery 37 ORANGE ST. KINGSTON, JAMAICA ada, and it is probable that the ary question, and by a wise ble at all remains to be dis Box 74 Panama City or above figure by no means ex clause the possibllity of union is covered. The odds are heavily. Box 1102 Ancon, Canal Zoue.
hausts the number of actual put in the forefront. All this was against the party; they knew landowners, many having chosen acheived, Wonderful to relate, that whea they started; but the By order, to dominate themselves under while the de Valera sympathis credit will be all the greater if their other occupations, commer rs were doing their best to they should manage to succeed.
MANAGEMENT Advertise in The WORKMAN. lt Pays (Continued On Page 7)
come Tax.
to 30, 000 Was a ing other Cup THIS 600 TONS STEAMER Sa united cent, are of the British per moun smashing bas won.
88 showing West Indian Steamship Company. td. 11 hours progress


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