
MAY 6; 1922 PAGE SEVEN 156 like em!
deranged afflicted with per cent o They Satisfy Chesterfield Book Binding!
Welby seau District, tright in thes of the case, as told Book Binding Department 11р SAVES Interesting West Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND (Chinned Prom Pror 6)
WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL cial or professional. The num ber of black persons to each white was 56 3, the ratio being INDICATIONS highest in Carralacou and in the rural district of Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold Anaemia Following Fevers will be found to be either Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia blind, dent and dumb, mentally or An excelent vehics for adminis ering lodides, Bromide. leprosy. The Roman Catholic and Salicylate. Summer Complaint religion has the greatest num Bow: ber of adherents, numbering Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climate, all seasons 59 72 of the Year.
the whole, Anglicans Only the choicest cming next with 83 You have tried the Rest Turkish and finest Nearly a third of the population American tobaccos Why not Use the Best are given as illiterate, but this duly large proportion ha: been are used in Chesterswelled by the inclusion of FOR SALE BY field cigarettes.
children between five and nine years old, a large number ISAAC JUTTING, 111 BOLIVAR STEET, COLON.
whom in the ordinary cours cannot read or write.
WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY Dos Moines la DOMINICA Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans Fatal Motor Car Accident.
CIGARETTES Magistrate Solomon Killed of finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended (From Guardian March 30th. The citizens of Roseau were starsled early this morning by Why throw away your old, but no the painful news of the sudden ath of Mr. Arthur Salomon, Magistrate for the doubt interesting, books when you who was killed LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
a motor car accident can have them neatly bound at which took place the night previous, between the hours of and 10, under the Pointe Michel THE WORKMAN cliff. In fact the news bad reached Roseau very soon Wood after the occurrence The facts of the Link with LIFEBUOY Golden Opportunity us by the first young man to be on the spot to vise assistance, is ti whilst at Lubiere on his tiat whilst at for Health Sake.
Pointe Michel a motor y to FOR SALE CENTRAL AVENUE him going in the si direction in which were An up to date house containing sessis e Noble, the col. Engin and No. G Street hectare of land, Securely fenced beer, and On.
his reaching with barbed wire and well plant below the crid, he found the car the almond tree tree ed with sugar cane, bananas overturned and resting on the also suitable Mesh wire en: hay side of the road, witbroodry country for nearly two score retiring, returned a verdict of. papaya. closure for poultry, Situated at byapparently years.
In preparing the public for Hatto Pintado, Las Sabanas. 15 qu te dazed. Mr. Noble called blow of minutes walk from Tramway. bio to give a help to push the the suspension the DEATH FROM SHARK BITE car, but he, knowing the two of Guardian of the 6ta April puts it Price Reasonable.
not possibly do that thus:Demerara Fisherman Fatal offered to run to Pointe Michel for assistance, and to report the Closing for Five Weeks.
matter at the Police Station There will be no publication there. The Corporal in charge of the Dominica Guardian for the The death of Ranvaammy. instantly telephoned the next four or five weeks, as Mr. fisherman occurred at Rose Hall dant to the Fort and got men Steber does not feel it either Village, Demerara on Friday to scene. 00 prudent or safe to entrust bis 17th instant under tragic circum: arriving there the rescue office to the staff at his present stances YOUTH and happiness are linked pa ty found Mr. Noble lying on disposal. 1s somewhat up with health. Link up with Daceased with four other comthe ground near by. who com unfortunate, but it is absolute by panions were engaged in fishing Lifebuoy for health and for the plained of one of his legs being one of those cases where better drawing a seine of the mua children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proInjured.
The car was then lifted cannot be done. He asks for flat at Pin, Port Mourant when motes health happy, smiling health; so much as to allow the men to sympathy and kind forbearance he was severely bitten by a shack it protects the children from the extricata the body of the dead of his subscribers, advertisers on the left foot and disabled. He is a reputable dangers of contagious diseases.
Magistrate. It was painful and the readios public en gener was rescued by his companions Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects We are hoping that some oc sight. car was quickly des al, even those who delight in and bleeding profusely, was con as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where casion will bring you to our from Boseauarto take reading the paper without pay veyed to the estate hospital. It Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap Gown Mr. Noble, and Mr. for it store shortly. And when you corpse was taken in is alleged that he was retused will safeguard the children. keep them admittance there and had to be healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them do come be assured that it will stretcher to his town residence tacen to Mr. Permaul.
using it before school, after play, before meals. be a pleasure for us to serve in Grandby Street. The accident Revenue and Expenditure chemist of Rose Hall Village, you, and that our pleasure in has created a deep impression of who rendered first aid and sent for the of the District.
serving you will make your visit sadness in Roseau.
Mr. Solomon was a native of Treasurer financial Within an hour afterwards the to our store even more enjoy the Island of St. Helena, and a statement of the Repenue and injured man succumbed.
able for yourself.
barris e: at law. For several Expenditure of the Presidency FULLER years bu was Clerk of Courts in for the nine months of the fino one of the Districts of MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
of Jamaica.
cial year which ended on ST. VINCENT JEWELLER came to. Dominica, of last 122 CENTRAL AVENUE up the duties of Magistrate and the per pour pounds sterling for The St. Vincent Sentry of 17th Coroner for the Roseau District. the period previous the net de ultime says: Mr. Redelyde time Analyotiy of the Roseau Town Board and of which Customs figured at 507 Barbadse. arrived here yester held several honorary appoint pounds sterling. The total Exe das. He is present to give evi.
mnts, among others an official penditure was 45, 823 pounds dence for the Crown in ne mur. mber the Legislative sterling as against 41, 967 pounds der Rex vs. Rosa During the time he sterling. The net increase Was was adj urned at the last session Herbert, which acted Chief Magistrate of An. 3, 855 pounds. The excess of The Court will be opened on tgu, and for a short while hile liabilities was 1, 297. 1914. Monday next when among Attorney General of the Colony others this case will be heard, He was an able and fearless Professor Hall is accompanied by dispenser of Justice, a man of DEMERARA bis wife and they are staying sound judgment and great abiliat the Hotel Pembroke.
1y. An out and out democrat in of friends in Dominica, and he Death Sentence on Blind ROOMS TO LET will be missed by many.
CALLE No An Unadviodable Circum The Demerara Chronicle restance, ports the passing of the death APPLY ON PREMISES sentence by His Honour Berkley acting, Chief Justice.
We regret to learn that our on Mahonar, and axed, blind and esteemed West Indian confere decrepit looking East Indian the Dominica Guardian has been for the JUAN ILLUECA obliged to suspend publication wife Motee, who had lived with murder of for a short period owing to fail him for 20 years. His defence Attorney. at. Law ing health of its Editor Propriet she was killed by accident, No. 44 Central Avenue or Mr. Halton Steber, is a for thelit waking from his sleep he Good Assortment a short while tor rest and reca auld komething sites foot touch his TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 be perating We sincerely hope wife he caught a blower and Practices in all Courts of. that the short respite will a cutlass near the bed. and Panama.
EE TO SELECT FROM AT THE so benefit our corageous brother struck, be heard no noise but quill, that he will return to his felt the wind blowing which English Spoken Fluently deska new man endowed with proved to him that there had renewed strength and vigour to been some one in the house as continue the good work the the door was shut on going to Ish and English for sale at the Reut Receipt Books In SpanDominica Guardian bas been bed. The prosecution proving doing la the defence of his otherwise the jury, without WORKMN Printery.
LIFE them could EVELRY BARGADS acci to go the This is Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more than soap, it pernicide and a sure disiafectant.
The LIFEBUOY SOAP tbe 31st He LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND VSA as a seven or eight years ago, to take 42997. paungives the receipts at and gainst 83, 798 sterlingas of Coucil JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND ab DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards ard Pall Cards who is was, WORKMAN PRINTERY

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