p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1922 Panama Hardware General Reduction in their prices socks Coo0 20o IN the end of the last addi marched HORSE RACES High Class Hemstitching Reasonable Prices hear Evangelist tions Sunday, May o subteresting able a other WE o cisca. who Exciting Races. be Young er soou.
VIGOR TONIC Panama Federation of Labour EXCELSIOR THEATRE Main Store: Plaza Catedral May Day Celebration Branch: 125, Central Avenue TO NIGHT PRELIMINARY KO. KID MURRAY v3. KED BRIEN On Monday last (1st of the present month) the Panama Saturday, May 6th CURTAIN RAISER ANNOUNCE Federation of Labour, for the Young FRED FULTON first time Celebrated its official Labour Day, At pm, over Fights! Fights. Fights. Young EDDIE RYAV a thousand members of the Soldier GOODIN vs. Sol. JACK HOWARD various branches of the Unions operating in this city, assembled Camp Gilliard Corozal MONDAY at DeLessep Park, and formed Welter weight champions a procession passing along Cen.
tral Avenue to the Cathedral 12. Minute Rounds Continuation of the Park. The procession was led by Contractors and Builders will be SEMIFINAL the National Band while the wonderful serial Municipal Baad brought up the Soldier RIVERA vs. Young ZULU KID rear. Minute Rounds TERROR TRAIL greatly benefited by paying a visit On reaching the Park, a convention was held by the dele.
to these stores.
gates for the purpose of decorat Cocosos ESCOSS Socos SSSSS ing the early founders of unionism in this city. Several speeches were delivered in honour of the occasion, and at Bible Expositor.
address, procession was reorganized and to the hall of the Hj de Trabayo. At where Spor Excelsior Tomorrow Cabalero. Panamanian de(Sunday)
livered an oration, calling on all labouring men to unite so as to secure the necessary protection TO. MORROW It is expected that the Excelsior which labour ought to have Theatre will be crowded tomor row afternoon, and evening, to DONE AT The lovitation to the celebra were very friendly and who will give George Young, considerate, and it was extended two illustrated Bible Lectures; these lectures to all the labouring people resid are supposed to be very ing in Panama. The Federation At 00 Sharp At House No 6, At three o clock the Labour, showed a commend ot Bible be Spiritism and the Can 21st Januory Street, Guachapali confraternity in their Opposite the Market.
desire to have all classes rea living man talk with the dead?
Are the dead dead? and presented. This is a step in the FLORENCIA QUANG, right direction, and it similar questions that have paz JUAN is anuFRANCO PARK ed many for years will be thorProprietress ciputed that those who constitute this very powerful organization oighly elucidated. The theme tor the evening, seven can do much to bring about a will be, The Three Ways When better feeling of friendship were they opened up?
amo gst the Panamanian aud walks in them? and thea Will they West Indian labourers in this be closed? This may probably country.
be the last lecture MThe hest Tonic in the World It must not be forgotten, tbat will give ia this city as he the West Indians are strangers here, and are entitled to sowe splendid racing Card in which pects to sail for the West Indies culis duration and protection 1rom the citizens of this country, the redoubtable Chagres and other Mr. Young also desires it to be in the same measure as woulu known that Religious leaders and This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend be extended to Panamanians it Jamaican horses will meet EcuaBible expositors are specially ined in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, they were residing lu a British vited to these lectures. The Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up county, And it is well know Bible being his only authority, one by those who have travelled to dorian and Peruvian blood. should hear then judge; this will a run down constitution.
those islands that in Lo part ol avoid much of the unintentional It promotes digestion, improves the appethe civilized world are toe people misrepresentation indulged in muru hospitable to strangers tite, and gives tone and onergy to the whole system.
by some of the local preachers he than in the West Indies.
ADMISSION. 00 asserts. Mr. Young has evidently stirred the religious element of DOSE: One small Wine glass before each moal or bour is labour, and the this city, many of times a day.
its telling condition of the working man points are plainly Biblical; these throughout the world is the have created a profound impres.
same. 11 is a matter of right, sion on the minds of quite a few irrespective of class, creed.
people, nacionality or colour, that the All are welcome, Seats freelabouring people should be in no collection.
sympathy with each other. It is only by understanding the ESTABLISHED BY WOMEN FOR WOMEN CRICKET Exciting Race Meet needs of all and decoustrating Reading MacFaddens view kincly feeliug, that lavourable NO. TIVOLI JROAD, PANAMA CITY point on Need of a Great At Juan Franco conditions will be restored from Physician.
Standard Loses to Britanthe capitalists.
Also Dr. Frank Crane viewnic To morrow. It is wicked and one of the point on Go On by Mr.
propagauuist method of capital to make the Panamanian work DRESSMAKING Radios. Thiags to be rememSaudard Oval was the rene of an bered about money by Mr. ing mau believes that he is super.
exciting game of cricket list Sunday, What is expected to be a bril or to the West Indian; and in Palmer.
The only match in the Sporteann liant race meet will take place this belief and bosulity one Reading. Use of Money bv Mrs.
Lengue Competition was between the tomorrow at Juan Franco when toward the other, the parasite PLEATING Britannie and Standard. The weather ten of the imported horses will of labour sucks the blood out of Palmer.
Address by Mr. Neely on suewas ideal, and the wicket was in far contest for several purses put the unfortunate and miguided condition, so duu a ly the spectators up by the Panama Jockey Club Labouring people.
expected some tall scoring Britannie is being In the course of his address Mr AND It is boped that an intelligent race an interesting won the tone ord sent Standard to the make the Neely said association begets Greatness comes through wicae. and to the great surprise of the and satisfactory meet. repre view will be taken of the labour service. The club is sure to suce onlookers, bewed them down for the sentative of this paper was at situatia and that at the near mall ceed if the members continue to (Accordion, Knife, The only men Juan Franco yesterday and has future, the two people will be ecore of 58 runs labour show the same spirit as they are to reach double figures were, Forde 10 expressed the opinion, that the united in one strong Box Pleats)
showing at present.
presenti and Wells 10. Knights of Britannic was horses are going well in responsible for the small scoring of final exercises for the race.
The conduct of those who.
Mr. Noel Hawkins in a manner Standard A5 he captured wickets for Estrella did two bard rounds took part in the celebration was vibrant with humor told of the 19 runs, Aiter receso, Britannio went to of course, and is in the pink of excellent and all that could be Our Establishment inbenefits he has derived from his te bat, and it was thought that or form. Chancellor and Chagres desired. There was not one association with the club. He sures a perfection of bandiwould eulogised the work of have passed Standard canter over six Standard went for fur case of disorderly conduct, por esin the Direc the spectators longs, and at were the work which accentuates the tor, Mr. De Bourg; humorously of the two any arrest for druckeness.
doomed to. Brit Britannia last furlongs made latest styles so pleasing to stating that as an organizer, he is lost their fiet wickets for 38 runs, sprint showing that the old man manifested throughout the desecond only to the great Trotsky patrons.
of Russia.
was now thought that Standard would is in good form for the contest monstrations and this of itself for the The meeting was brought to a surely win the game, but Hurdle after with younger horses. Lord went is a credit to Panama close at 9:40 being dropped by Lewis rallied with the two furlongs twice at a very manner she conducts her social Holford, and say the score wiped off. good speed and he two is Britannie men made as a pomegranate. Cortez, Oh ANN THOMAS, Proprietress.
The residents here are double very e figures. Hurdle 21 and Holdford Pah, and First American bad glad to hear of the recent recuv19. Britannie made 85 for all. It pleasant canter, but did Rent Receipt Books in Span.
not ery of Cecil King employee worthy of note that this in the first time show anything like speeding as ish and English for sale at the that either of the two teams made love they were well under control, Workman Printery.
the Postal Dept. Ancon, who was than a century in a match this season. but to all appearances, they too aid up for the past three months Something New. Notes.
after having received the kind season; has scored a century in every Boy is out again and has promised see Estrella, Water Boy, and Oh inform the public those who have even Surrey bas finished her first half of the are in fine racing trim. Black The Musical Art Association begs to (Continued From Page 5)
attention of the Aacon Hospital Doctors. We wish Mr. King matebi played, and when the others have to spring surprise.
Pah in a six furlongs race. Es felt their blood stirred, and their nerves health, and we further trust to completed their half, Surrey will be two clear points ahead of her nearest com will be amongst the imported ing Water Boy ten pounds. it is the necessary instruments that form There will be seven races, four trella and Ob Pah will be allow tingle by melodious voices tinted with RED TANK hear of his return to the Postal Department where he was petitor.
horses. In the third race, expected that he ought to give a ployed for many years.
Game for To morrow. Chancellor, Lord, and As de goud account of himself in this first claw choir; that they have acquired MacFadden Health and Clovelly vs. Jamaica at Isthmian Park Oros, will meet in a six furlongs distance racing of the native their business, at which place they startCapital Friendly Society for transacting Educational Club.
carrying 115 pounds respectively. the fourth race, Glorita, bred horses, there will be some ed practice. Wednesday night last. We JUAN ILLUECA To Whom it May Concern Chagres, and Corteza will meet worse interesting contents will are plads to make use of all our best MacFadden Health and Educatio Attorney. at. Law for furlongs, and this is ex dark mueical are pected to be a very exciting raco be a puzzle to the betting public their Automs, Chorus Oritario: This is to certify that Brother orgibe turtites at the Pari mu as the owner horses and Clubhouse on Thursday April No. 44 Central Avenue General practice Wedges 27th, Mrs. Blanchard acted as Chales Underwood, ex Secrer tuel. There will be a flying performances from time to time wca Operas.
TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 tary, has been suspended from handicap race of two furlongs, are well known. On the whole, and Friday night at 30 m, sharp Lady President.
St. Joseph Friendly Society for when Lord, First American, and a very good programme is off and every other Sunday evenings at At this meeting several impor Practices in all Courts of the period of eighteen Years, fory As de Oros with struggle for the ered, and it is expected that LEACOCK, tant business were transacted, violating the rules of said society record handicap time of the quite a large crowd will be at after which the following literary Panama.
in various respecte.
Isthmus. The seventh race will Juan Franco tomorrow.
Musical Director. Box 946. program was rendered: English Spoken Fluently JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
The Woman Exchange De Bourg cess.
love the body.
be. wickets score, but end as ripe atfairs.
Only two of of em PADADA 370498 for


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