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THE GENOA BANKING CONFERENCE AN APPALLING DISASTER IN SOLONIKA CITY, SERBIA TROUBLES CLAIMS NEGRO EDITOR CAUSE OF DISTURBANCE Hun noon the hesh heart of on which the mostly its poet, killed, without could be out to day, the 1s who to Seems on Verge of Rup Again Brewing Up In City ture But Lloyd George of Havana Cuba.
Enormous Munition Dumps Blow News of the Genoa Conference Telegraph teste de dat) to The latest issue of the Havana Whites Object to His Dancing up and Hundreds Killed Includ during the present week has hand following with White Woman fat a Ball been very disappointing. It Rumours to the effect that ing Children and Soldiers. would almost appears as if the Upmann Bank, at Amaguro Advocate of Social Equality.
settlement is very far from No. 1, suspended payment this the reach of practical statemen morning, remained unconfirmed late Direct West India Cable and Bulgarians, fled in panic to who is the most optimistic state ang and efforts to communicate of Sir Sidney Olivier of England Eastman Liberator ship, and Mr. Lloyd George up to the hour of going to press.
The bank did Claude McKay, Negro protege Members of the staf of Mas April 20. states that advices wardo Salonika and Prilep. Four doubtful as to whether the con with the officials of the firm wobo meno discovered by the exo friends who attended the Libera despatch from Athens dated, in all directions, principally to man in Europe, seems at from Salonika to day report hundred car loads of amunition ference will accomplish the proved fruitless.
Governor as Negro tor ball at Bryant Hall, Sixth great loss of lives as a result of and high explosives stored near valuable results for which it was kine explosion of war material poet, of over of Police Capa Other banks opened as usual ceptional ability, and who has day night, were angry yesterday Constable or Constab of ex Avenue, near 21st Street, Satur atowed 200 metres from the Salonika railway station.
dreds of children were buried Sabin exploded on very serious situation, and tends and odcials of the organizations alleged to have a e 459 Yes toon virtually the der to prompt the question; should refused to comments on the re a terrible mix up at a recent bal 40th Street Station in breaking city. the conference break up with. ported suspension by the Up given by the Liberator Magazine the adair up. It was stated the.
in the ruins of a church One halt of the city population sbelis fell and it was believed was rendered homeless a fine lout any understanding as to how mann Company, merely stating of New York.
The the peace of the world is to be that, being holiday, the bank protests will be made to 1, 800 soldiers were buried in the victims were children maintained; what effect its was not obliged to open ruins of their barracks which and soldiers. church in which failure will have on the rebuild. doors.
The Liberator is a radical paper Mayor and Police Commissioner.
published in the interest of were demolished, the advice the children were worshipping ing of Europe, and the future. states collapsed under the detonation, commercial prosperity and hap. this atternoon brought the vague its editors, being the only Negro tive of The World that the query at the Upmann Bank Socialism, and McKay is one of Liberator toid a representa while the barracks in which piness of its peop?
Hundres Killed. 800 soldiers were baving lunch response that it was understood on the Staf the other editors are white.
police interference was caused This is a were destroyed very serious and the banks had suspended pay because Claude McKay, Negro Belgrade, April 20. Several which At the ball there were can ment, but that no information white who is one of the editors of bundred people Immediately after the explo grave question, were given guests, and it is alleged that the publication, danced with in various scarely be answered about 1, 000 wounded, and 30. 000 sion fire broke out The rumour gained circulation Claude McKay delighted himself Miss Crystal Esstman. He said city. The panic one being apprehensive of a explosion of war material stores stricken tahabitants fled to the state of war, and this is what through the town early in the in dancing with one of the white that Captain Howard objected made homeless as result of the parts of the women, to with nearby woods and at Monastir, according to reports from which they watch white mountains nations are desirous of avoiding, positive information, the reports Howard objected. Claude Mc women.
from that Southern Serbian City France remains in an uncompro were insistent.
Kay is an advocate of social The persons who arranged e disaster thus taking homes burn.
mising attitude. Russia is Late inquiry at the office of equality, and it is alleged that he the ball, he said, will consult on the proportions of one of the All telegraphic and telephonic dictatorial beggar, whose popu. Upmann Co, tobacco mer delights to be in the company of counsel to day They will ask greatest catastrophies of the communications from Monastir lation are dying of starvation chants, brought confirmation of white ladies.
the Mayor and Police CommisThe damage it with the outside world was out and are unable to assist them the reported closing of the bank is reported. WXi the has the We are very sorry to note the stoner, he said if a man of Negro millions of dollars. The explo ter reached Belyrave from refo of a crazy tiger caught in a cage, get in touch with high officials this kind tend to show the im another citizsa under the law.
sion blew up all the dumps in goes who managed to reach Pri: vrying to dety its captors. Ger the company. Employees in possibility of Negroes ever gain. They are also concerned over the which was gathered all the amu. lep, 30 miles to the north west of Monastirvergetul la realidade unreliable, crafty, re tne ottice stated that the reporting social recognition among the baavy financial loss they suffer, mles in the Near East. The po lief units were immediately or seeking every way possible to was true, but could give no fur whites. Such Negroes to ther information.
pulation of Monastir Chinese guest, who gave his preach the idea of Social equality which is ganized and started for Monas 800 out of the responsibility of may as well throw up their bands name as Tom Lee Tien, who was comprised of Serbians, Turks, tir.
Versalles Treaty, so that she Million Dollar Inherited health ces pertenece of McKay, who arrested on a charge or worms has, for some time, been pursed derly conduct outside the hall will the necessary by Poor Man by waite philanthropists as an National Air Ser Empty Your Brain o equipa Russia in the case of exeptional Negro genius.
was discharged yesterday in immediate trouble in Europe, vices to Australia. to Stay Young. In other words, Russia is a What would you do it on a fine lae following is a report from Jefferson Market Court for the lack of evidence. Vew York catspaw. Germany is not truly morning you find yourself the sole the New York World of World To Stay Young is the Advice used to reinstate in Europe the amount of 1, 000, 000 How republican, and Russia will be and undisputed heir to the nitty occurrence: London correspondence of French Scientist.
Government of the Hohen zole would you receive the glad news?
ing over British airships to the period of perfect repose every and how would you sa naboat LADIES INDUSTRIAL WORKROOM briefleras.
spending or investing it?
It can be seen from the attiDisposal Tw Die po has been made to the Air day has been effective in treat: tude of Germany and Russia, confront a young man and the These are the problems that Minister to form a company with ing high blood pressure and that fears It is reported that the Ladies Here is an for da in capital of 12, 000, 000 pounds other physical and mental dis groundless, and that there is way be one bo ure ineltbor. caduatrine Hork roomber tabiat el men and girls to life themorders sterling to operate by airavi Special Cable to the Mail and Empire sympathy to her. There is bau con pictures to be screened at is proving itself a very useful thing which will assist them to to are to be seen in THE MILLIONMay 1st by a nuraber of Pan selves up to a way of latest Herbert Rawlin amenians ladies and gentlemea respectability. To do someIndia. The money, it is under Paris, sted, has already been found your brain. The learned French fails and that is for the 1922 Empty one thing to do it the center for thọ EX SELSIOR TABATRE to entity to the com muity There heads above The company, which is backed Academy of Medicine endorsed to strike Garman immediately worrow, Sunday, at the usual are at present forty adults and the water. something that hours and at the usual prices. girls who have taken advantage will keep them from living a by a world famous engineering this method of without mercy for if Arm, purposes certain conditions ful health and vigour, after Pro she is given any further oppor.
of the opportunity offered by life of shame and its evil conGovernment guarantees tessor Guenoit, one of the promi tunity. it may be very much to the management to earn a sequences; of the Academy the world regret.
DateatJ. Brown in Panama respectable living on Very competent and qualifiad airships capable of carrying faculty, ative system. If this institution 100 lengthy Germany, and the world will have passengers and 10 tons of report demonstrating the hun.
undefeated receives the support which it Modistas are at the head of mails at a cruising speed of 65 dreds of cures of various mala Garmany trouble will brew all merits fro. the public, there the dressmaking department, miles per hour will be built by dies it has effected.
the Tais warning We regret very much to state is no reason why it will not Ladies wh, have been trained Vickers, on the model of the The sounded, with regret, but at that Mr. Brown, of the become a commendable means at the Normal Institute, with craft: now being built for vibes declared by De. Forudenoit bore prosent there seems no other Chemical Hall is an inmate at ue assisting unemployed women shume amount of culture about Spanish South American Service. have been particularly effective entailing untold sumering and atta if. another world war, nad. who These would carry passenger to in treatment of Mr. Brown had an people It is a noble and philantrophic consideration. It is hoped, that with decency and and left his Drug Store Indlich in bi da pess than the first sure, heart trouble. liver disea distress is to boil averted. So antac krene horme, from then teilenit must be admitted that West Indian is brain as well go to it once. the class present time he had taken to such a place has been a long felt invitation extended. and in doing by P, and liners: ders. The remedy consists of fare It is proposed at first to operate spending from ten his bed, where on the advice they will be patient and a bi weekly service to India, minutes of each day in perfect fifteen Canada Changes Flag Design Drs. Lowe, Fyffe, and Fair lace were young girls can be wait for success, They will and alternate repose. Every muscle in the afterwards an honest make them selves pleasant with on Government Ships. weather, taught the virtue of he was sent to Panama Hospital, wbere day service to India and a week body shonld be completely reWhere the dignity of the other workers. that the etness of will Dɔctors the sweetness of of endeavour ly extension to Australia, Geri laxed. The brain must not be the clinic are paying labour bring time of transport permitted to function during dated April 28, states that the We have been informed that dence to those who are willing to so that nothing in this venture An Ottawa cable, despatch careful attention to his condition the regioner om eiland internance about a proper bring comfort and indepen with very pleasant relatioaship, understanding existing times. The upresently cease thinking.
be cut to one third of the this period, one must, absolute Government has passed resten sligos aprovement. We sincere. eat bread from the sweat of may give cause for regret to any Mr. Brown has shown some for tions whereby the new Canadian for According to Dr. Guenoit. iths Coat of Arms replaces the ly hope that the Doctors will be their brow. Hitherto, the con of the parties who are endeavour carrying out short voyages over latter phase of the treatment shield at present in use on the successful in their treatment ditions of young women here ing to bring about an understand Europe. It is a bold and charac will prove impossible for more Canadian red ensign and the and that our popular druggist have been appalling. Very few ing among the two peoples.
teristic British enterprise the than a minute at a time at first, blue ensign flows on the ships will once more grace Centra persons seems to have ever given The class of English instrucdevelopment of which will be but with practice one should be of the navy and those in the Avenue with his pleasant and moments consideration as to watched with keen interest in able to empty the brain the severe mental strain, worry tions to the Panamanians held com Canadian Government services. businesslike appearance, and apprehension under which its first session on Friday night, every part of the civilized world. pletely for fully ten minutes at a The change goes into effect as stretch from April 26th, but use of flags Concert In Ald of Charity. out a daily living, the women and young girls eke (last night) quite a number of young ladies attended and receiwill prove to bearing the old shields is perVery many have had to earn the commercial language of this ved their first instructions in Another Negro Priest for be worth more than eight hours mitted up to March 31st. 1924.
the French Congo. sleep, and is the secret of many British Consulate Notices by the Panama Capital Friendly trying circumstances, and it is ledge of English, it is anticipated Grand Concert will be given their daily meal under very city. With an acquired know.
old men youth and the unbe.
lievable energy of many millionTuesday May 16th, only a matter of pride that that there will be no misunder 192. lety.
at their hall 22nd Street larger numbers are not found standing in the workings of the Paris, March 30 1922. The aires, Tae Aciog British Consul al Guachapali. commencing at in the line of the Sjup Kitcaen.
Belgian papers announce tbat British Consulate Notice.
Colon would be glad of intor ma p. Come and hear the White There are some who have become den institution, Msgr, Huys Bishop of the white tion as to the present where and Blue Choral Union of Chor the house to house drudge, but Fathers in the Belgian Congo one Henry Evertz, WLO is has just ordained a young Negro would be Iglad of information as is stated to have a lived in the folder tate their best and other these unfortunate persons have of asking the public to support local.
never been at any time given a the venture by sending your by the name of Joseph Farugui. to the present whereabouts of Isthmus in March 1913, and was Admission: Adults 250. Chil. decent salary which would keep linen to the laundry and your This is the sixth Negro who has Paul Joseph, a native of Domini last heard of in July 1916 when aren 15c, soul and body together without dressmaking to the Millinery entered that order. Southern ca, whose last address is given as his address was given as La Boca Morris, Director. The en depending on other ditasteful Department where you will get Messenger, April 20, 1922. Cristobal.
Commissary, Canal Zone. tire proceeds will go to Charity means of assistance.
the best of satisfaction March keep their and 68 Do not miss it.
the cooper: and If these are forthcoming new nent membmitted With an peace time 400 other last week 85 blood pres the of lace labour.
and they erally the be and training new crews

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