
PAGF TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands What In Name?
the ab 8b MAGNUMS stand for QUALITY at a price most satisfying to It was from you MADE ENTIRELY OF IMPORTED TOBACCO April 15c. for 20 Cigarettes Together with a valuable cash coupon in each package The a Corinaldi and carried first meeting at JAMAICA are able to diract heads of The further hearing of the departments to do what they case was then adjourned to the like?
22nd inst, for the evidence of Sobers to be taken. Accused City Merchant Pass Is it or is it not a fact that the was remanded in custody, and es Away in Lon Company have lodgebase a Electric ofered bail in the sum of 50 a protest with the Secretary of State for don City the Colonies and Death of Dr. Edward this is wby the Government are consequently balais Gittens.
Cable Received Hera Yes holding up the Hermitage water scheme? This question should terday Announcing the be definitely answered by The Demise of Mr. Pinnock Government when the Lorisla regrets to record the death in tive Council resumes next week. Washing. DC. A. on the understand that the Electric 18th insti. of Dr. Edward Git The Gleaner regrets to state Company say that they will be tens, a young Barbadian, and that a cablogram was received able to supply increased power brother of Mr, Grabam Gittens here yesterday, announcing the but the Kingston General Com: well known land surveyor of death at bis London residenco missioners want the water and Industry Hall, Christ Church of Mr. R, Plnnock. the well by carrying out the Hermitage The sad intimation was received known city merchant and pro scheme they will be able to give by cablegram, and in the prietor of the London Store, the the people of Kingston and st. sonce of any prior news of the sad event taking place yosterday. Andrew an increased water sup. illness of the young medico.
only a few weeks ago ply and will be able to get the came as a shock to his relative that Mr. Pinnock sailed for Eng power that will pay for the and many friends in the colony, land on one of his frequent trips water undertaking. can hardly. It few days a cablegram was see what fear the Electric Com nounced his graduation from the onla Bronchiali pneu since the current would only be ver brilliant distinc but that hopes were used for street lighting as well tions among the prizes falling entertained for his recovery. as Government buildings. No to his talent being a valuable appears that the malady took a private persons would be sup surgery scholarship To bis serious turn, and despite skilled plied with carrent. It would be relatives and friends we extend medical attention, death super a shame if the Government were our deep condolence in their vened.
to allow the Hermitage schemo bereavement, Born sixty years ago, in this to be hung up through private island Mr. Pinnock entered com opposition. One has only to see mercial activities at an early age, the perched condition of things Postai Rates to America in the dry goods line, in which in St: Andrew to realiza how Increased.
he made a marked success. His necessary it is that people should establishment was with most have an adequate water supply.
The Herald states that as a other, destroyed by the earth.
result of the decision of the local quake started the business, and even Strongly Against legislature to increase the rates tually of pen аса Motion Store, which is rated as one of ny postage ceased at the end of the soundest commercial enter. 30 prises in King From and after the first day Street.
late Mr. Pinnock was of a For Recall of the Governor of May, 1922, the postage on the letters from Barbados to retiring disposition, and whilst he took no prominent part in Lucea. Aprill 22 At a meet be at the rate of two pence for United States of America will public, he was most charitably ing of the Citizens Association each ounce or any part of an in disposition, For some years he held last night. the followi:8 ounce and one penny for each was a member of the Church resolution was moved by Rey, additional ounce or part of an Committee of St.
Georges Dr. Veitch, was seconded ounce.
Church, and was also an ardent by Mr.
He is survived by a widow, a Riedlund that the Hanover The question of the re equip.
son and three daughters, a sister Citizens Association, several ment and improvement of the and other relatives to whom the nemberg of which are also Government Wireless Station Gleaner tendere its sincere con nembers of the Hanover Paro has been under consideration for dolence, chial Board, records its empha. some time, and there now seeins tic disapproval of the resolution a likelihood of something definite passed at the ting of being effected. In November Matters Come Un the Parochial Boards Associa last, the Governor in a message der Ken of Man tien recuesting to the House estimated the pur tary of State chase and erection of the ne.
the recall of cessary the Colonie apparatus on Street.
Governor, Sir Leslie Probyn. but new estimate This association not notes that placed before the House at its Resolution Asking That of the island, only of the fourteen Parochial Boards last meeting now fixes six were required sum at 500, just half His Excellency the Gov. represented at the meeting at the mount previously estim iternor Be Recalled by which the resolution was passed, ed. The required for the and there is not evidence that purpose is in band entails no Downing Street the people sentiment were strain on the Treasury, and as voiced by the supporters of the the purpose of expenditure is of yalue to the community we see NEW WATER SCHEME. This association regards the no reason for further delay. The Sono reasons assigned for the recall estimate is made up as fol.
An Incident which it is requested as most trivial, and lows. Transmitter 000; PowSald Took Place at are of opinion that the alleged er Plant 350; and mast 150.
lowered dignity in the proce The power plant will consist of a Knutsford Park Meeting. dure of the Legislative Council motor generator driven off the is due to circumstances beyond Electric Company mains, and (By the Man on the Street)
His Excellency control.
an accumulator battery of 110 The resolution passed by the be forwarded to That a copy of the resolution volts 160 Amphere Hour capa the Colonial city The apparatus to be Parochial Board e Association at Secretary, to be transmitted, it installed is guaranteed to haver their inaugural meeting ask necessary to the secretary of 500 miles daylight radius under the Secretary of States for the State for the Colonies.
normal conditions. The radius of Colonies to recall the Governor the present apparatus is about has cause quite sensation and 150 miles daylight.
it remains t) be seen what action Mr. Winston Churchill will take BARBADOS in the matter, The fact is that TRINIDAD there is revulsion feel ing to the administration of feel. Man With Two Leslie Probyn and this due to his increasing taxation policy, Wives.
Tragedy in DunIt is a great pity that such drastic step has had to be taken donald Street.
by representatives of the people Remanded in Court.
but the Governor has himMan Felled With Iron Bar.
self alone to blame for what has George Benjamin Green is in occurred. have good esaon the custody of the Police await CHAUFFEUR CHARGED WITH to believe that His Es llency ing his turn to answer a charge will leave the island on holiday of marrying Delcina Cadogan MURDER.
towards the autumn and it is his first wife Ayis Adina Green extremely unlikely that he will being still alive. The case was Edward George, chauffeur, of return to be colony: called for hearing before Mr. Mr, Patrick Nanes Garage in It is to be hoped that the days Boyce Police Magistrate Dundonald Street, now stands of petticoat governmen will District Sgt. Jones of the charged with the murder of a soon be over in this colony he Datective Department prose well known carpenter named elected members have mar it cuted; Mr. Sargeant, Solici. Aubrey Morris whose skull he quite clear that they are not tor appeart for defendant. is alledged to have fractured going to tolerate it. Yet it will The evidence wes of a formal with a bar of iron a little before be surprising to many of them nature.
mid day on Easter Monday, to know what is happening in John Bowen, of Sherman St The story given is that Morris connection with filling a vacancy Lucy stated that on the 30th and hls wife occupied rooms of that now exists in Public Ser October 1905 he attended ac an appartment at 15 Dundonald vice. am told that a certain cused wedding with his first Street and in a room at the back lady actually went to a head of wife whose maiden name was of the premises lived one Agnes department and commanded Subers at the Parish Church. Ford, a friend of the accused him to put the names of certain and affixed his name to the with whom he had been quarofficers unconnected with the marriage register as witness, relling for a good while Morris department on the list of those Oscar Haynes, of the wife it is stated, intervened and eligible for promotion. have no Roebuck Street Moravian Church Morris by way of quieting the thing in the world to say against testitied to have married ac disorder, remonstrated the officers in question. They cusad to Cadogan wife number George about bis conduct, are both capable men; but what two by special license on the Words followed freely and in are we coming to when ladies on 25th of January last at the the course of the dispute the account of their social position Mission House in Country Road. Continued on Paje, 3)
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