
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 13 1922, Impromtu Concert THE WORKMAN At Geddes Hall Was a Musical Success.
rers DI ALBOA EST EER REWED was fessional the mand of Commercial Evening School of mon.
Shorthand, Typewriting, Spanish, Etc. Vocalist, it is a lost mon we to AU St, in a and 3rd known in Publisbed on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies Lovers of good music who a: WALBROND, at the office Central Avoton. Correspondence on all matters tended the impromtu concert at and corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. Geddes Hall on Thursday eve de All copy for publication must be ning last, certainly enjoyed one Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and of the most classical music renRATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the name of ditions beard in this city by Oce Year. 40 U8. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publica colored folks for quite long 20 Bix Months Hon but as a mark of good faith. time. Dr. Connel was Three we do not undertake to return asked to take the chair, and with 250.
few words tha Ope erejected orrespondence.
chairman proceeded to the well arranged The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS program, The first item on the program a piano solo by Mrs. Parera, SATURDAY, MAY 13. 1922 whose artistic interpretation from one of the classical Masters was performed in a highly pro THE INNOCENT RELEASED maaner. Glee Chorus by Mrs. Anderson and her well ind trained choir followed, ou so song was a soul stirring interprelation of American Negro Four months ago, this date when the late Dr. Guy melody. piano solo by Mrs.
piece Lord, Surgeon Dentist of this city was cruelly assasinated, McLean was a rare his co partner in the Central Avenue clinic, Hilton Howell, musical fantasy in which comwas arrested and placed under investigation as suspected pianist demonstrated her the Instrument, of being the principal or an accessory in the black deed bringing out all the volumen that sniffed out the life of one of the most promising pro sound and harmony fessional members of the West Indian community. Among the recitations the first was delivered by Miss Paton, certain section of the Police Department, through whose elocution was as perfect CHURCH SERVICE its agent, Captain Solis, is said to have decided upon as could be desired. Dr. (American Episcopal Church)
the arrest of Howell on advice and information received Lowe, who was introduced as St. Paul Church, Panama.
The STEWART at Headquarters from certain individuals of the West In Jobony Walker going strong sm Holy Communion, dian colody who professed to have had good grounds for gave quite a leogthy and interpreted example of proper 10 am, Litany their suspicions that Howell was connected with the sav. youthful training. It was 10:30 am, Holy Eucharist, and verage deed, and, accordingly, that section of the police wonderful demonstration which worked on the case easily concluded that they had memory for a busy physician. Holy Baptism, 3p. Sunday School, caught the right man, thereby suspended all efforts in Mr. Phillips, in his interpretation of John Gilpin brought 30 Evensong and sermon.
overy other direction.
out some excellent points in the NIGH PENGALE, Vicar. CLASSES IN But general public opinion was, from the very first, art of elocution. not heard cominsistent on the belief that Howell was innocent, and monly among local reciters, He at the St. Alban s, Paraiso.
despite antipathetical expressions on the part of hostile brought down the house climax Miss.
Lamb in her 11 am, Matins and address, propagandists who misled the police and threw them off pm Sunday School, their track, the majority of sensible people all over the song was the personification of a cul cultured 30 Evensoor and address Isthmus maintained that the wrong man was being held, this community that a young AF, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge take 51 16th STREET WEST and that the case was being thrown intola hopeless mud lady of her ability do not more interest in the musical ac St. Peter Church La Boca.
dle by his detention, tivities in this city 6, 30 Hly Comunion PANAMA CITY To all who has studied the case from an impartial Rev. Tylerbest, in his usual Litany and Eucharist service at 11.
viewpoint it appeared clear that the circumstances sur cool and homely manner sang a p. Sunday School, rounding the death of the murdered dentist were of the very beautiful song which 30 Choral Evensong and ser.
nature that tended to exonorate rather than incriminate well received and enjoyed. And the one who bad been accused, Howell and the deceased mental song from Mrs. Anderforget, that tine SentiJ. MULCARE. Rector.
Lodge Notice.
San Miguel Bible Truth had been partners in the dental clinic for over a year with son, which went home the Election for Church Committee Men ISLE OF SPRING LODGE No Church Activities.
the former contributing all equipments and making all soul of all those who were pre immediately after evening drvice.
sweet melodious communicanis in good standing at 8150 arrangements for the operation of the office. The deceased sent. The The meeting nights of this To morrow, Sunday May the 14th, is took into the business a small bag of instruments and a voice of the lady filled the hail Peter are requested to be present, manner not heard before by lodge are the 1st most Sunday schools diploma under which the clinic was run.
any songstress who took part in St. Barnabas Church, Empire Mondays and the 3rd Thursday mother day and at 11. the The business was lucrative and both partners were that place.
of each month. The next meeting Pastor of the above church. will speak Placed in a balance an equi a well spent evening, and it was The concert on the whole was satisfied with their success.
110m. Morning Prayer and address. takes place on Monday May directly in socordance with mothers.
Suaday Salool at pm.
15th at 30 sharp in the At 30 pm. Mr. Walters, of poise would have been maintained between the juridic a distinct loss to those who did a 30 Evensong and address, Loyal Progress hell Parama the Wesleyan Methodist Church, who certificate which guaranteed legal sanction and the not show their appreciation by St. Bartholomew Church, All officers and members are have had so muc to do with mothers mechanical contrivances without which everything else attending. Music and intellecturequested to be on time.
as well as children in his line of work, Las Cascadas al culture In fact, the men were inter achunter were would bave been useless will speak on the same subject. Ali the supreme 11 am. Morning Prayer and address, WM. MAYNARD, moibers and friends are asked to make dependent and their vivid consciousness of that fact kept eupbunism of the evening. 30 pm. Sunday School, program, and the audience went Per. Secretary. it possible to hear both of these them on the best business terms.
delighted with the manner pm Evening Prayer and address speakers.
It is also to be mentioned that a branch office was they were entertained; and will MULCARE, Price in charge.
Seventh Day Adventist Church On Monday night, the 15th there 68 ANCON AVE, PANAMA, will be public meeting, when an operated at La ca, Canal Zone, by these partners who certainly return again whenever the Panama Charity Organization underwent some expense in the matter of equipment. put on another concert.
Baptist Church.
Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm. Sab gramme arranged, for this OCORROR time in anticipated. The proThis business was also making progressive strides and was Coloa, 11 a. and 7:15 pm, Pastor 30 Spanish Class; 30 all. It is styled as THE MOTHER OF bath School; 11. 15 sm, General Worship promises to be one of great delight to Thrift, attended to, on alternate days, by Howell and the Day.
3;45 p, m, Lodge Service, Young People Meeting; 30 o. YOUR HEART. And am sure that deceased.
To morrow May 14th being Chorillo, 11 am, and 7:15 Deacon Vespers.
everyone bas motbers of our It can readily be seen, therefore, that Howell had too the day of Thanksgiving for all Smith Sunday night 730 pm. Service All heart. This saures a good attendanon to much at stake to have been the perpetrator of the crime the branches af the 0. F, Corozal Road, 11 a. Mr. Gallimoro are welcome, this service. There will be a frue will Same will which some indisputable wortbless informants tried to lay in America.
take 7:15 Mr. Yearwood, Bible Truth Churches. walk up collection in the aid of the Empire, 11 a. Pastor Witt at bis door. An act of that kind would bave been like place to morrow in the spacious San Miguel Christian Endeavour Society.
burning the bridge under his feet, and therefore ridding Committee (namely )the auditorium selected by the Joint p, m, Missionary Address 7:15 Mr. Rev. Tylerbest 5:30 am. Morning Prayer The President and his staf bas made himself of the only means of a livelihood by which his hall Chapter No. 14 Gauchapali Pueblo Nuevo, 11 am. Descon Lin.
10 a. Children Service.
Arrangements for a lecture AFRICA 11: a, tn. Preaching Service large and increasing family was maintained.
Which will take place on Tuesday night Procession ton.
will leave King 30 m, Sunday Scbool.
the 16th. The choir of this who 7:15 Me, T, Gray.
The fact that the police have found no clue by which George Vth lodge room 24th Street Guachapal at 7:30 pm. Gospel Service.
in acquainted with quite good number Cativa, Deacon Poster, the guilty party or parties might have been brought to all members of the 6 Now Providence Descon Broom.
Calldonia of Alnica sngs will display the vocal justice is regrettable and disappointing. But after nearly are asked to assemble at the Gatun, Touraday Pastor Thrift.
5:30 am Morning Prayer talents in the Alrican language that three months incarceration Hilton Howell, whom the above mentioned lodge room on 10 a. m, Children Service.
night, Тbe entire publio are invited to 11 am, Preaching Service this lecture, including members of the Superior and the Supreme Courts found innocent, has time. Non members of the Or 2:30 Sunday School LA, and all the interen die heen exculpated and released. The community feels satis der will be cordially welcomed Adaertise in The WorkAfrica and its ellio man It Pays.
7:30 pm, Gospel Service.
SMEMBER fied that the off. cials of the high courts of the land have to our service. BARCLAY Pastor in charg. MUST BE DELIVERED TO US. IT APRICA IS OUR TUME, AND IT given out a finding consonant with the overwhelming conViction as to Howell innocence.
If even the ex friends of Howell wore a brass plate LOOK OUTI GET READYI SHALL OBTAIN IT WE WE 18 PROMISE. AND During the first few weeks of Howell detention the over their faces they would hardly be able to generate ENERGETIC AND 1RUE. Come and For what. you naturally enjoy yourselves with us in our C, publie became restless over what was generally known to enough shamelessness or bypocrisy to approach him with be the biggest blunder. The concentration of suspicion the pretence of honorable and dignified men. They must ask. Well, for BIG PINK Carolo, and the lop sidedness of procedure in one particular direc always feel a sense of cheapness in themselves in their TEA to be given at the LA BOJA CLUBHOUSE the of tion was a favorable deflection from the real perpetrators attitude towards one who had always treated them with June 14. b, 1922 by all the or In The Trapics who were given every possible opportunity to bid adieu to unalloyed generosity and unscrupulous hospitality.
ganizations of St. Peter church the scene of their crime.
Howell has been released. His innocence bas been La Boca, Unity is strength, and when the tropie moon is shining Through the strange and ridiculous conduct of several announced to the world. The decision of the Superior when our live wire With the gentle breeste singing, combit to entertain the public. Troen passion atir beneath the stoic bine individuals after Howell arrest, who had fraternized with Judge has been upheld by the Judge of the Supreme Court it goes without saying that sphinx like face him in the most social intimacy prior to the death of Lord, of Panama. The general public and community are satis thing ia doing. Hence our num And deep emotion his hardened the affair took an in lar dive from which this vacuous fied. If the soulless few are still inclined to condemn erous friends are asked to LOOK bosom bunch will, probably, aver emerge. In a twinkle and Howell they will have to be watched, both by Howell our, and GET READY. Music without rhyme or reason, the phlegm of vengeance, by this himself, as well as by the limbs of the law; for their attractive refreshmeat stalls, Under the tropic starlighetent spelb and all sorts of Sports in galore, The magie wand of romance bid you clique, was emitted against Howelle a who happen stated expressions cannot but be regarded as containing Keep the date in mind, and well, get ed to have been born in the same island, and, it is stated, sinister suggestions of a disquieting character.
your ticket on time.
When the sandman wends his weary way Cupid is a welcome guest you say.
unmuffled anathemas were pronounced against all who The propaganda waged against Howell during his expressed the conviction of and belief in his innocence.
The sandy ses beach with its brioy foam incarceration should have been forbidden by the voice of Sentenced to Death, The bardy ses Wall bedrock comb.
The silent trees beside the rockbound It is, however, gratifying to know that the majority conscience. Howell was no stranger to those who tried to of the decent and intelligent people from other islands be connect him with the crime, and, moreover, they affected cable despatch from London Bring sweet reflections of the day lieved in Howell innocence from the very beginning of an interest in another, whom most of them, previously, states that Henry Jocobia, a 19 year old hotel pantry boy, was the case. These have displayed a saneness of judgment had decried in terms of scathing ridicule.
found guilty to day by the Cen. The gaudy sunset panoramic view.
and soundness of principle characteristic of culture and It is hoped that the police will not abate their vigi tral Criminal Court for the mur.
The mildene of the flowers in the refinement, and their views of the case have been sus lance in trying to unravel what is the most sensational der of Lady Alice White, widow downy dew tained and confirmed by the legal authorities who worked mystery of recent times in Panama. Murder will out! of Sir Edmund White, former Bring back to mind the pleasant times of the County the evidence thread bare before making their final de and even if the bloody Lands bave already disappeared time Council on March 14th. He was we spent When thru the land we went on ples cisions.
will reveal the causes and actors in the horrible tragedy. sentenced to death.
gure bent.
away enjoyable every one of 200 pm some om rade, shore before


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