
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MAY 13; 1922 PAGE SEVEN is Laterald sons to watch bis bis cocoa boucan that in telep They Satisfy injuries.
Chesterfield SAVES and well Interesting West Indian News WATERBURY COMPOUND (Continned Prom Pane 6)
WITH CREOSOTE AND GUAIACOL great deal. We are informed that with the closing down of the Yaws Hospital, there are many INDICATIONS neglected cases all over the island. The old Yaws Hospital Coughs La Grippe Reconstructant Cold that unsightly seen at the Anaemia entrance of the inner harbour Following Fevers Bronchitis General Tonic and Pneumonia should not be reopened, but if it true there are cases which An excelent vehice for adminis ering lodides, Bromide deserves institutional treatment and Salicylates. Summer Complaint and Bowel some place should be found for Irregularities among Children. All ages, all climate.
the purpose, all seasons of the Year.
OU certainly can taste the From St Andrew comes You have Tried the Rest report of the death of Mr.
Why not Use the Best Greogry Noel, son of the late We use the best Turkish and Noel. We extend sympathy American tobaccos we can buy with his relatives.
FOR SALE BY. for quality.
And then these fine tobaccos serious case, surrounded by are blended in just the right proallegations of systematic cocoastealing is reported from St.
WATERBURY CHEMICAL COMPANY portions to bring out all their Patrick We gather the conse Dos Molnos la, goodness and flavor.
quent on Information received, Des Moines, New York, Toronto, New Orleans No other cigarette can have Mr. Ruggless Ferguson set per such quality, because the Chestercau field blend can be copied.
In the small bours of the morning caught. It is said Try them.
endeavour to secure the raider, or in the raider to his Mr Ferguson sustained Book Binding!
ola: trusted employee of Mr. Ferguson has been arrested in connection with the matter.
wcome that die reguson wii Why throw away your old, but no pull through speedily.
CIGARETTES doubt interesting, books when you We are quite sure that Grena.
dians of all classes will sympaof finest Turkish and American tobaccos blended can have them neatly bound at thing deeply with Mr.
Berkeley, on his great LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co. loss sustained by the death of bis son, Frank Berkeley, which THE WORKMAN was reported from Trinidad yestereay. Mr. Frank Berkeley was ailing for sometime and Link Golden Opportunity Book Binding Department with LIFEBUOY went to Trinidad for a change up and treatment.
for Health Sake.
FOR SALE CENTRAL AVENUE We understand that Mr. Ira An up to date house containing Bain was the winner of the three apartments; located on one Grammar and Spelling Competi and No. G Street hectare of land, Securely fenced tion of St. George Branch of with barbed wire plant the Grenada Literary League, with also suitable Mesh wire en later. The que pnaltain, papaya. pineapple, etc. Full particulars will be given questions were set by ST. LUCIA deputation of the Castries Town Board waited on His Hon.
closure for poultry, Situated at Mr. McCowan. We hear that Hatto Pintado, Las Sabanas, 15 there were some humourous minutes walk from Tramway. answers given to questions. Ta Death of Mr. Epiphane Carnegie Library.
our the acting Administrator on Friday in connection with the Price Reasonable.
the question Say in the word We under what a man is to be called who Joseph stand that the deputation exdraws much pay and does little pressed it willingness to hand work, one junior member We have to record the death of over the lot of land to the GovEWELRY BARGAINS Governor.
Most Mr, Epiphane Joseph at the age or ernment for the purpose of members wrote the proper word ord of 31 years which took place on putting the Library provided sinecure Another member wrote Crown Colony Government, the 23rd ulto, due to a fractured the town accounts at the Trea.
Sum of in answer to the questioera poster ter skull caused by a fall from his ury were within the horse last 500 His Honour was sympaYOUTH and happiness are linked the term applicable to govern Mr. Joseph was one of those thetic and promised to forward up with health. Link up with ment of the few.
of our countrymen who joined their proposals it put in witing Lifebuoy for health and for the the first detatchment of St.
children sake. Lifebuoy Soap proLucians who to the ST. VINCENT Once upon a time the Govern. front during the great motes health happy, smiling health; it protects the children from the ment used to send to the Press, left hero July 1917 and after and even to the District Boards, ards, serving in France, Belgtum, and Mr. Farnell, AROS. dangers of contagious diseases.
We are hoping that some oc drafts of Bills to be submitted Italy, returned home in May has been appointed Re Lifebuoy Soap has a twofold use it disinfects casion will bring you to our the Legislative Council for 1910 baviog attained to the rank search Chemist to carry on the as it cleanses; disease germs cannot live where on 101 Litebuoy Soap has been used. Lifebuoy Soap and as will safeguard the children keep them the left good days West healthy as well as clean. Insist upon them do come be assured that it will we have found those of food faith. 8th Battalion Bill to regulate met dies Regiment. Hitish West Indies under the direction of Sir Sir Francis Watts and Pro.
using it before school, after play, before meals. be a pleasure for us to serverar holding o. laads by Aliens honour of presenting His woyal College of deputed, of you, and that our pleasure in and Companies under Alien Con Highness the Priace the science and and Technolo HOME WASH YOUR HANDS AND FACE WITH serving you will make your visit trol was passed at the last meet with kindly IT BATHE WITH IT SHAMPOO WITH IT.
consented to our store even more enjoy ing of the Council. The Press address during the Prince out here and Soldiers, to act. Mr. Farnell will soon be will investigate able for yourself.
knew nothing about it save see visit to this Island, He had just sugar problems in the laborator.
ing the title among Bills for first obtained an appointment on FULLER reading. Our opinion is that a Agricultural Star of Nigeria also on the plantations and facies of the Agricultural College, MORE THAN SOAP, YET COSTS NO MORE.
JEWELLER good Bili was brought forward and expected to leave for that tories. We offer a hearty wel.
in bad it me. There was no need Colony early this month. come to Mr. Farnell to these 122 CENTRAL AVENUE for burry. Grenada should be the To bis many relatives we lands of perpetual summar.
last plac in the West Indies to extend our sympathy. St Vincent Times.
lay own restrictions against American capital. Where Ise is from We think the irritung 10: Hinance Inter Island Competition.
DOMINICA will defeat attempts a building up the tourist resort in Grenada Early next month a team of St. Taxes on Horses and to which many looked forward Mary College Boys are to cross with increasing hopes. We won to St. Vincent to try conclusions Donkeys.
der whether such a Bill is being with the St. Vincent Grammar introduced in the Bahamas and School Boys in Cricket, Football The Dominica Guardian is res.
in Bermuda. and athletics in general. From ponsible for the following: our exchanges we learn that the An Ordinance is to be intro Bt. Vincent boys are in full duced in the Legislative Council DONE WITH NEATNESS AND Says the Wesi indian of Grendaa training and that a week or two of Antigua it is The Legislative Council, ago the school team won a foot intended to tax horses and throwing to the winds all ex ball match played against re donkeys; the first 103 and DESPATCH perience, wisdom, and fact, has presentative team from King donkeys ás. each year. Another estimated revenue to be collect ston. The contest between the Ordinance imposes a ticket duty able in Granade for 1922 at two schools promises to be very of 53, on every ticket issued to 113, 812 while in proposed keen, Last Wednesday the Col. passengers who are going to any that Government 8, 659 in lege representative XI played place outside of the colony. But excess of that amivuut, namely ani we the second time defeat that not all, for a country 122 471 pounds sterling. We en en lastries team at Cricket, which boasts of a surplus which admire the modesty in budget. In wirst they won the it seems, the Government does ince ing for deficit of fully three narrow margin of four runs but not know how to dispose of umes that amount at the end of in the second match they won For a next Ordinance sseks the yeae. This is going to be by forty. This shows marked impose a tax of 10 shilling: the case so long, as the high improvement and if they keep in year on bachelors between the cost of Government stands good form the contest ought to ages of 21 and 60. Look out yo Good Assortment Grenada is being bled white ow. be very excitior.
bachelors of Dominica, where iog to called upon to pay We think this move a splendid the Government is in such need whatever it cannot afford. one as it will impjove the rela of cash to balance its credit.
TO SELECT FROM AT THE Our contemporary further tions of the islands besides states. It is a serious penalty giving the boys a larger insight ROOMS TO LET for a small colony like this to pay Possibly in the near future we oven 45, 000 pounds sterling as may see Grenada joining in, and salaries for Government Oificers later, teams from the Wind ward CALLE No out of a normal revenue of Islands competing with Barba dos and Trinidad.
APPLY ON PREMISES 190. 000, LIFE answered: went Remember LIFEBUOY SOAP is more Wa.
than soap is a reputable germicide and asure disin fectant he was the one USE LIFEBUOY SOAP FOR CLEANING THE Ry who have LIFEBUOY SOAP LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED. PORT SUNLIGHT. ENGLAND JOB PRINTING of every description whereby Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards by the lit to being WORKMAN PRINTERY


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