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May be Future Queen of England.
Agreement Signed By The Soviet On The Isthmus To Have Their Minister of Trade And Commerce Grievances Placed Before At Genoa.
The King Of England. Direct West India cable The shell combine has arranged despatch from London dated to apply the agreement almost The communication published throughout the Island to give May 2, states that gantic immediately to Caspian below was received by Mr, the people an opportunity industrial agreement was signed fields, taking charge of the pipe Wynter in the mail which signing the Petition and sub on Sunday at Genoa by repre line from Baku to Batum, and arrived from Jamaica, and is scribing to the Fund above me sentatives of the Russian Soviet also to develop the vast potenwe the result of a public meeting tioned.
Government and the shell grouptial fields in the Uralek ProTheatre in Kingston, Jamaica. Seconded by JOSEPI HALL was Moved by BAIN ALVES of British Oil Companies tele vinces.
due graphs the Genoa correspondent Leonid Krassin, Soviet Minis.
during last week There is an of the Evening Neurs.
ter of Trade and Commerce, Resolution passed unanimously West honour to all apare on the Isthmus Under the SMITH he signed the agreement, agreement at the writes, the shell group will con Hotel de Genoa, the decision to Bocas del and kica Chairman of Meeting.
trol all sales and under certain sign being reached, says the to come forward as men conditions all productions of oil despatch, only after the Rusmake their grievances heard at the foot of the throne of the in every part of Russia for an sians on several occasions bad Kingston The concession played off the various groups LADY MARY CAMBRIDGE agreed period.
British King, who is alway will ing to listen to the righteous May 8th 1922 may be renewed by mutual against one another to obtain The Prince of Wales is to marry an English This meeting demands of his subjects:citizens better offers for the privileges consent.
girl, his first cousin, Lady Mary Cambridge, accordassembled at the Ward Theatre, involving millions of pounds Fifty per cent of the nett worth of output from oil fields ing to unofficial cable reports. The engagement is Kingston Kingston, on 8th May 1922 here.
profits will be allotted to the woich next to those of by protests against the Legislathe May 8th 1922 to be announced, it is said, as soon as the Prince Soviet Government, and the United States are the most returns from the Far East. He is now in Japan.
At a public meeting of citizens tive Council voting any Funds assembled at the Ward Theatre for the purposes of defraying from the Revenues of this other fifty per cent to the shell proflic in the world.
Colony The engagement of the second son of King George group It is more than possible, adds Kirgston, under the auspices of for and Queen Mary, the Duke of York, to the Lady The working of the oil fields the correspondent, that difficult the Jamaica Representative Gov day expences of any Deputation Rachel Cavendish is to be announced at the same ernment Association on Monday wa appointed by that body to will be administered by the complications may result over wait on the night 8th May 1922 Be it here Secretary of State British Companies under the the working of important areas time, rumour has it.
provisions of the Russian jurid. in which the Standard Oil Comby resolved that this meeting for the Colonies and further endorses all the actions of the that the appointment and dical code, and the proviso that pany had concess! ons prior to Hon. Smith as Presidente selection of any Deputation no more than 50 per cent of the the Soviet nationalization of the Patition for workers shall be foreigners. fields.
of the Jamaica Representative to present any Government Association and a in the ConetiKING OF COMMISSION approved of the station should be made by the Mother Evening a Genoa Conference being represented to His people themselves who are willENGLAND FOR BOCAS ty the King praying for some ing to defray any such expenses Moved by SOULETTE Success.
Closed change in the Political Constitution the Colony and that the Seconded by NELSON To Visit Battlefields of Late Will Study Roads Problem Hon. Smith (as Chairman) Resolution passed unanimously Mother Evening held at Mr. Lloyd George Starts President of the Jamaica Repre European War: and Docking Facilities. SMITH, the Christian Mission Hall by sentative Government AssociaFor England.
the Sunday School Deparement Chairman of Meeting.
tion and His Worship the Mayor It is with pleasure we are able of Kingston No selfishness nor personal on Tuesday last, 16th inst, was decidedly a success. On the Direct West India Cable to report, that a very important vice Chairman of the Jamaica Jaggrandizament should prevent The worst has happened and from London dated April 24 Commission has been sent to Representative Government As any West Indian associating platform were Revs. James the die is cast. The Genoa con says It was learned that the Burke, George and other representatives of the without accomplishing any George Tylerbost, ference closed its last session King on his forthcoming tour of Bocas for the purpose of study sociation associated with hinself with this movement, IL roads problem of that British war centres during the proteine cada pronjunction the West Indian Council ter at Panas delegate from Panama na mtoto Esq. Secretary of the it is found possible to send the Sunday School Worla.
the principal objects for which State visit to Belgium, will be the roads, this Commission will ma and Chairman of the Panama Wynter will do his best to make The sure mining was one of plea it was assembled. The with pain. Many civiliz world stand agbast by inspect all there were whose thoughts like the failure of the most civilized and Haig and Sir Fabian Ware. for the improvement sot bossible Branch of the Jamaica Reprekaown throughout England the of West Indians Associa By His Majesty desire, city sentative there of the abroad, distant hills carrier pigeons flew back to the continent in the world to achieve will be no elaborata ceremonies especially the streets which are ſtion and the Secretary of of times, when what would have made the fuof during the visit to the cemetries, water and docking facilities.
repair. also the Jamaica Representative Govern. public meeting will be called they sat at mother knee, while ture of the nations worth while The King will also visit certain ment Association be appointed on Monday evening at the others thought of the promise living for.
The Commission is a very com. a Deputation to proceed to Eng. Standard Oval, and all West In.
made to mother.
French and Belgium cemetries petent one and consists of Dr. land for the purpose of present dians of prominence are requestIt cannot be disputed, Time and space are alike, this is the first time in the his. to Great Britain Allies.
that and deposit wreaths as a tribute Rafael Neira, Don Juan Guizado, ing and supporting the Petition. ed to be present; the members His inadequate to paint a fac simile, tory of the nations that Great Majesty will review British ex: of the Panama Fire De Be it further resolved that this of the Panama Branch of the but in passing we must not Britain has shown such a partment, Robert West, Road meeting hereby pledges in com Jamaica Representative Govforget to mention a solo by the cere desire to propose bru sin service men now employed in Inspector, Major for Panama Island to subscribe funds to summond to attend in full num.
waite, Health Og Henry Gold mon with other parts of the ment Association are hereby s Tylerbest, by Miss tions which may be po considered the devastated areas, Ceciline Onis the Baptist repre as almost city, James Bowdry, Road defray the costs of the Depnta bers. All those whose names as almost humiliating to the Mrs. Smith La Empire. She has done DRUID RALLY Superintendent, and Harry tion, to and from England and were sent to Jamaica. The mentation for her son in the thing possible Holden. Stenographer.
that public meetings be held meeting will be started at p.
save Europe, liscend saloon, and Mrs.
This Commission will inspect ter Tell mother ll be there, and if the Genoa conference is a failure, there is absolutely noth Grand Rally Represent all the co:ditions which stand in Mrs. Barrow Sails.
which for the hostile political par: ing Colours. will be staged by need of improvement and will Public Works On Exposialmost broke the Pastor ing hart. Napoleon and the En. Isans in England to fall back on the Friendship Lodge No. 2349, on its return report to the Pre tion Roads Started.
glish sailor, recited by Miss and charge Mr. Lloyd George Lodge room, Druid Hall 20th up at an early date the improveroa Order of Druids at their sident, for the purpose of taking il an Crag well and Rock in with having contributed in any Street Central, on Saturday May ments.
Among the second class pasthe CradleMilroy to in sailed on the Province, Bocas we way to its failure.
Francois were rendered with done more than any one living 20th 1922. popular band of was once a very flourishing and During the present week, the Venezuela on Sunday last for majestic simplicity, the effect statesman could be credited with music will be in attendance, Ad thriving community. It has road leading to the Exposition Barbados I, was Mrs.
been better Barrow, wife of Mr. Joseph being badly hit by the Panama grounds was the scenes of bury Barrow. Mrs. Barrow Banana Disease, and as a result labour, as the preliminary work nected with the Plymouth Breth No doubt he has accomplished mission Free.
is con more than any other living or the Province is the Battle Mother rendered by able to do. It is impossible at all. The progress of education; ments as have been stated the Sabanas Road is befulde labon. voyage and a safe return.
The pathico Belo Inste before dead Prime Minister has been the doors of her universities to condition. With such improve that road with the newly built remand will be greatly missed: We all wish a sciences. from the eyes of any in the estimate the value of the morale be credited to her a liberality place will again take up renewed ers were swinging the pick and can. dresses by leading and philan or pe for gain adhatarehehe Carpines in dealing with subject races. prosperity to fortell various shovelthe Bocas gives a revenue of thropic minds, the benediction opinions hela 5the different and other nationalities.
Died be West Indian labourers were very was pronounced, and thus ended statesmen of Europe and the be found men of all nationalities monthly to the National revenue, and fun, and they were working In all parts of the world can tween 16, 000 to 18 000 C, no. iceable as they were all song one of the most pleasant even other countries represented at Charles Osbourne a member ings in Christian history.
the conference. of all shades of colour of all and any amount spent in its with all their might while the of Court Pacific No. 9751.
languages of all religion, who improvement will be money well superintendent of the works AOF. and also a member of LECTURE tried England has to save have been educated in an En spent and for which the popula. stood watching without having Division No. 17, LA, died on Court Mizpah No 9198, Europe it she cannot do it then glish University; and who look tion will be very grateful isolated as is, any trouble with the men under May 18th 1922, at Ancon Hospihis control by nature in being an island; she reminiscences of the days they tal, and will be buried from Past Noble Fathers Conclave Members are asked to be The man holes at the several Ancon Morgue today (20th inst. GU.
mina ed that the regular month. zelf from being destroyed in the lebentonithat revered spot crossings were being lowered at p. m, ly lecture meeting takes place zenith of ber civilization a civi: As to what may be and the road put in shape to be Osbourne above lization which it has taken over a plished at the Hague, is at pres financial in tomorrow night at The regular meeting of the mentioned Court Room, thousand years to build up. We ent somewhat doubetal. It Pris, Canelove wniek was to handed over to the contractor, both organizations. Friends and Conway. hate to think of any thing which however, sincerely hoped that have been held on Sunday, May so toat an early start of the Brothers are asked to attend.
Bros. Jerome Senior will be the princi: would bring about the destruc something may be done benefi 14th 1922, having been postponed concrete works be made next pal lecturer assisted by an able tion of this Empire, which has cial to the future peace and on account of the Annual week. The city is badly in need phalanx of other P, s. accomplished for the prosperity of the world; for this Thanksgiving, the members are of some work of the kind, so as Navarro who is very muchacBusiness begins at 30 agencies of civilization, than any we pray; and it is our earnest hereby notified that the Conclave to assist in keeping the hungry customed to deal with West sharp: Do not miss this rare other living nation. She was wish to Almighty God, that will meet on Sunday, May 21st wolf from the doors of many Indian labourers will when he opportunity. Visiting brethren the first nation, irrespective of something will come out of the 1922 instead. All are asked to be who are unemployed. We sin comes to start the work, take are welcome.
class, creed, or colour to open proposed conference.
cerely hope that Mr. Juan them into consideration, head Rev.
sentative, every RE that in a of accomwas the more


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