
PAGF TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1922 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands Magnums QUALITY pala into 1890 KING BEE MAGNUMS Their QUALITY has wiped out price distinction in cigarettes or il any Juch from this town.
Extra Mild CIGARETTES Entirely Different ENTIRELY DIFFERENT 20 Cigarettes for 15c.
Save the Coupons Pay)
SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRY of Constable by of pension, JAMAICA tions of penalties and sums of Dr. George Strathairn, the money of whatever kind as have newly appointed Superintendin boretofore been carried to the Medical Officer of Health ba account known 16 The Con arrived here from Fiji vir Bill To Provide stabulary Force Reward Fund, England and has assumed his save and except.
duties The doctor will be Pensions for Con Fines Imposed upon Sub.
under the direct control of the Oncers Central Board of Health.
and Constables under Rules and Regulations made under the Alleged Suicide.
Text Of Law which has authority of Section of the Been Introduced In The General Rovenue, provided how. And Sudden Death in Principal Law, shall be Legislative Coumell, ever.
Foro Roward Fund, ad the Manchester, District Contables Find, crost.
ed by Section 11 of Lamb of abell be ugmented by granto (By Telegraph from our Corresposfrom General Revenue from me cont. Statute to be made Opore to time u may be determined by Mandeville, May Nowa tre as from the 1st the Governor in Privy Council. Nobbing in this La conreached here to day that a young October Last wined shall be deemed to apply leged to have committed suicide man named George Dixon is al to or affect any Sub Oficer Constablo who jot ned the Jens bz hanging himselt between the following to the bort of a Consta balery Porcen Priday night and Saturday morn Bulle entitled LAN tarther to after the leventh day of Warhold Mountain, some otles opling lot, at Henry Buller yard amend Law of 1887. entitied August one thousand ofgot hon Law to organu Constebo drod and ninety four il lary Foreo, in the matter of Bub Officer or Constablo aball Doomsed, who it is stated we Pensions, which the Government within three months attor the Date of Bt. Elizabeth, Camo bas introduced in the Legisla coming into operation of this to this parish some time ago, tivo cil: Law by nobico in writing to the land was omployed to Buller 48 This Law may be cited as Inspector Genoral of the said labourer at a small wage per the Police Pension and toward Force declare that he does not wook Pund Law, 1922, and shall be desire to come under opera Ho, it is alloged, asked his read as OBS with LAW of 1867 tion, and failure to give such entitled Law to organise notice shall be deemed to be and imploger to increase bid earn Constabulary Force hereinafter shall be taken a consent on his way to accede to the request.
inge, but Bullor could not seo called the such LAW in Principal Law and any his part to come under with or amend operation.
Dixon becamo dispondent and ing same. The Police Pension and complained to persons of his 4) From and after the Reward Fund Law 1910 (Law poor circumstances.
coming into operation of this of 1910) and the Police Pension Decensod it is alleged to have Law a sum equal to 3d. in every and Reward Fund Law 1914 retired to bed on Friday night 103. but not including any (Law of 1914) are hereby re at about 11 o clock. Early on fractional part of 108. shall be pealed.
deducted on each semi monthly Saturday morning it is alleged This Law shall not como that a son of Buller went out pay day for the until to boil his father coffee and pension, disability all of into operation unless and and the Governor notities by procla observed something from the pay Special Service and Good Com Potion published in the Jamaica from an orange tree in the yard.
is He his duct of Sub Officers and pleasure not to disallo the tened to the spot, when he dis Constables Force on the eleventh day of August one into operation on such day as Dixon.
or after same and thereafter it shall come covered the lifeless body thousand eight hundred and the Governor shall notify by the ninety four, or who may here: same or any other proclamation at once communicated with, and The police at Mandeville were and all such deductions shall be car.
district Constable Walker, of the ried to the credit of the Gene district took charge of the body, ral Revenue of the Colony, and News About the Later on Dr. George Hargreaves, the town, accom all moneys at any time hereafter Sub Oficor payable to any panied by Acting Corporal Public Service of Powell, went over to the place.
or or way of disability allowance or gratuity the Island. post mortem examination shall be paid out of General was performed on the body, Reyenne Tho deduction for after which it was interred.
said shall be inade as if this Deputy Inspector General years of age.
Deceased, it is said 28 Arst come in to operation on.
of October one thousand Hazlett Appointed to nine huodred and twenty. one Act as Head of Police and deductions the rate and Sudden Doath.
aforesaid commencing from the first day of October LOWER JUDICIARY.
one thousand nine hundred and Miss Susie McCarthy, of May.
lay, about miles from this twenty one to next Bemitown, died suddenly yesterday monthìy pay day after the com New Superintending Medl. afternoon at the home of Mr.
ing into operation of this Law James Blackwood of Hillside.
shall be made and thereafter la cal Officer of Health Takes Up Als Dutlos. staunch Methodist of this town, The deceased lady, who was the manner provided in this Law Provided nevertheless that any attended Divine service in the pension, disability allowance or gratu. y approved or granted in or Hazlett has been appointed to with Mr. and Mrs.
Deputy Inspector General morning. On her way home sbe went to spend the afternoor.
Constable who sball bave retired act as Inspector General of Sho complained of feeling badly.
from the Force on or after the Police during the leave of ab but before anything could be first of October one thousand sence granted to Colonel done for her, she passed nine hundred and twenty prior Clarke. Inspector Salliaway, to the coming into operation of InspecThe police and Dr. Hargreaves this law sball tor General in addition 100 bis were communicated with Be Computed or Allowed. duties as inspector in charge of The body was ordered to be the Depot.
burled as it is said deceased as if the deductions bad been Mr. William Scholefield, Clerk suđered from heart failure. made from the pay of soch Sub of the Courts for St. Ann, has large gathering assembled this Officrror Ci stable from the been appointed to act as atternoon at the Interment.
fica yol (ctober one thou tor that parish on the 8th and 11th sanine. wdred and twenty instant Po as secure to such suv Mr. Frank Cundall hoe been CASE OF MURDER Oficer or Constable to whom a appointed to act as a member of pension, disability allowance or the Jamaica Schools Commission gratuity has or would have been during the leave of absenue The Allegad Circumstances, grarted between such periods, granter to the Ven, Arcedeacon the benefits intended to be con Simms, ferred by this Law.
Mr, Hendriks has been port was recelved yesterday at Port Antonio, May ro(1) Al suns hereafter pay appointed to act as Depnty Clerk about pm of the murder of an abl by of such pensions, of the Courts for Kingston dur. East Indian at Terra Nova, near disioility allowances or gretui ing the leave of absence granted Fellowship. Sergt: Majur Bal.
ties shall be paid according to to Mr. Aarons, the rules relating to pensions, Mr. Reid, Clerk of the son on receipt of the news, lett ley and Detective A. Richard disability allowances or gratui. Courts for St. Elizabeth, has for the scene. The allegations s apprred and promulgated been appointed to act as Real are that Mangaroo (East Indian. re under the au dont Magistrate for Westmore thon. Section 24 of the Priu. land, while Mr. Southby with lived his wife Monica cipal oruch other will act as Clerk of the Court Coolie. and two children on the rules may berea be for St. Elizabeth.
property. At made from time to time.
about 12, mid day he was seen Mr. Conner Livingston chopping his wife to death in Governor in Privy Cu. abas been appointed to act as the hut in that behalf.
which they lived. No pensions, disability al. Valuation Commissioner during children of the accused, Supervisor of Revenue and Chuchline and Surache, both lowance or gratuity granted un the leave of absence granted to also brutally chopped to death, der this Law or under any regu Mr. Isaacs.
ions made thereunder shall continue to perform the duties all their cloths and belongings, He will also The bodies were covered with be assignable or tranferable or of Collector of Taxes, his sub in a shallow grave. Dr, liable to ed be attached, sequester sta position, or levied upon for or in reswas Mosely, present Randall has been when the bodies were unearthed pect of any debt or claim what granted leave of absence respect to his duties as a mem performed by him.
in and a post mortem examination All documents or any kind ber of the Board of Visitors of whatsoever. used under this Law Government Industrial Schools Sergt. Major Bailey, and the case The accused was arrested by shall be free of Stamp Duty, His Excellency the Governor will come on for hearing in due From and after the com has appointed Mr. Walker course.
ing into operation of this law, all to act as a member of the Kingsuch fines, penalties, proporston General Commissioners. Continued on Page 3)
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